Obsession Of A Psychopath

By jazzybella15

393K 11.4K 3.1K

A cold sweat ran down my face as he aimed the gun at my temple and stared at me with a psycho grin. "Hunter w... More

Author's note
Chapter 1:The king
Chapter 2: Tainted
Chapter 3:Friend
Chapter 4: Movie
Chapter 5: Business
Chapter 6: Brother
Chapter7: New York
Chapter 8: The Date
Chapter 9:vixen
Chapter 10: steam
Chapter 11:Dark Trail
Chapter 12: Beating
Chapter 13: lesson
Chapter 14: Tea
Chapter 15: kiss
Chapter 16: Moring kiss
Chapter 17: His room
Chapter 18: escaping
Chapter 19: escaped
Chapter 20: Back Home
Chapter 21: Good night
Chapter 22: midnight drive
Chapter 23: Old times
Chapter 24: Secret admirer
Chapter 25: Skinned
Chapter 26: Anniversary
Chapter 27: Bevis
Chapter 28: Tractor
Chapter 29: Bullets
Chapter 30: Silver platter
Chapter 32: Memory lane
Chapter 33: Brandon
Chapter 34: Payback
Chapter 35: Dinner
Chapter 36: Mom
Chapter 37: poster
Chapter 38:Bar
Chapter 39: Pacifier
Chapter 40: Sick day
Chapter 41: Darma
Chapter 42: Weak
Chapter 43: Shares
Chapter 44:Mall
Chapter 45: Childhood
Chapter 46: Mafia
Chapter 47: Beach house
Chapter 48: Romantic Night
Chapter 49: Crush
Chapter 50: Curse
Chapter 51: father trouble
Chapter 52: Expelled
Chapter 53: Mr Plummer
Chapter 54: Suicide
Chapter 55: Couple
Chapter 56: dress up
Chapter 57: The party
Chapter 58: Mid-night swim
Chapter 59: FBI
Chapter 60: hospital
Chapter 61: jealousy
Chapter 62: Nightmare
Chapter 63: special vist
Chapter 64: Pilots
Chapter 65: Monthasry
Chapter 66: Drinks
Chapter 67: Nina
Chapter 68: Surprise
Chapter 69: Kira
Chapter 70: House guest
Chapter 71: Aced finales
Chapter 72: Breakfast special
Chapter 73: Engaged
Chapter 74: Congratulations
Chapter 75: misunderstandings
Chapter 76: Explanation
Chapter 77: breakfast fight
Chapter 78: waiters
Chapter 79: interview
Chapter 80: Danger
Chapter 81: Blue
Chapter 82: Evidence
Chapter 83: house arrest
Chapter 84: Bait
Chapter 85: Research

Chapter 31:A vist

4.8K 142 32
By jazzybella15

OK so I had been  two weeks since hunter was discharged from the hospital, almost a month of us being a couple.

It was so far so good, he was so sweet to me doing anything possible to keep me smiling and happy. We would make out almost all the time we are found in the same room.

For example at the particular moment,Hunter made me sit on his laps and well we began making out.

The kiss started getting to intense so I pulled away before I lost control.

"What's wrong my beloved" he inquired. I shook my head and got off his legs.

"Nothing really" I replied with a sigh.

I was actually thinking about my family and friends, I still hadn't contacted them,I knew my dad and sister were probably worried out of their wits because I disappeared without a trace.

It's not that Hunter was stopping me or anything, its just that I didn't know how to explain everything to them. How was i to explain that I had been kidnapped . I couldn't find any excuses to justify my absence.

Hunter rose from his seat, walked up to me and wrapped his big muscular arms around my waist from behind; he placed a kiss on my forehead and said nothing for a while.

"Is it your mother" he asked after a minute or so.

"No. Not really, I'm just thinking of a way to explain my absence for the few weeks. I'm sure my dad,sister and friends are extremely worried about me" I explained. He huffed out some air still holding me tight.

"I don't like you looking so worried my love, tell me want you want and I'll make it happen" he stated.

"I just needed to see my family" I replied truthfully.

Before he could reply, the door bursts one and in came Zack. He had a couple of men following him as they held up the sliver platter.

"As promised, breakfast on a sliver platter"Zack announced after instructing the men to place the platter on the floor.

There on the platter laid the familiar figure of Bevis tied up. His hands and legs were tied together.

" kill him hunter, he deserves this"Hunter muttered under his breath.  "You'll pay for making my queen suffer"

Hunter was now untangled from me and was now standing right next to the platter.

"This should be fun. Take him to the basement" Hunter ordered then turning to me.

"Go finish him off hunter. I'll entertain her while you're gone" Zack sated giving me the 'you better agree' look.

"Uh yes love,I actually wanted to go see my parents. Zack will be with me so you don't have to worry" I assured. He grabbed me by the waist and gave me a long passionate kiss.

"Make sure you contact me so I know you're safe" he ordered after he pulled away.

"I won't let anything happen to her, no one will steal her from you" Zack said then whispered something in Hunter's ear which made him clench his fits.

"You best be going. Zack take care of her,nothing bad should happen to her"he warned in a dangerous low tone.

"Come on Amanda" Zack said staring at hunter like they were having a silent conversation.

"See you" I said. I kissed him again then Zack and I were off.

"OK so where to" he asked driving aimlessly.

"My parents house" I stated which made butterflies erupt in the pit of my stomach.

He turned the car around and started heading in the direction of my parents house. I borrowed Zack's phone and texted my friends telling them to meet me at my parents.

"You look nervous what's wrong" Zack asked placing a hand on mine.

"I don't know what I'm going to tell them. How do I explain my disappearance, They'll ask me a billion questions which I don't think I'll be able to lie about" I confessed ranking my brain for ideas.

"Don't worry, I'll take Care of everything for you. I'll create an alibi all you need to do is obliged by it" he offered which made me grin.

"Tell me" I exclamation excited.

"Simple. Your boyfriend surprised you with a surprise trip to new York. You can formulate other lies and will help you out when you're stuck" he proclaimed.

"You're the best Zack, I love you " forgetting he was driving the care, I wrapped my hands around him.

"I love you too but your going to get us killed if you don't get let me go" he stated which made me let go.

"Sorry" I apologized with fits of giggles.

"I wish Hunter was here, he would have died with jealousy right now" he joked laughing at the thought.

"Can I ask you a question"

"You just did"

"Another one"


"What made Hunter like this. I know he wasn't born like that"

"I think hunter should be the one to tell you-"

"You know that would never happen. Zack I want to understand, I want to know his surfing" I pleaded.


"Please,I have so many questions in my head which I know only you can answer. You know him inside out, you two are inseparable. Please Zack" I continued pleading.

"Fine, after the visit to your parents I'll tell you everything you need to know"he seemed rather irritated by my persistence.

" I'm sorry for putting you in an awkward spot "I apologized  as he parked the car in front of my parents house.

" don't apologize,you're bound to know all this someday anyway. Hunter has been through a lot more than you can imagine and I'm aware that you can't understand him till you know what hell he's passed through "he noted. He turned to me then gave me a smile.

He walked out of the car and walked to the other door then opened it for me. He offered a hand which I gladly took.

"Thank you" I said getting out of the car.

"Just being a gentleman. Do I look too formal" he asked. I chuckled.

He was putting on a white t-shirts which was covered by a black jacket,he wore a pair of blue jeans and some vans. The suit he wore complimented his muscular structure.

"Your look screams rich in capital letters" I said my thoughts out loud.

"Good enough" he shrugged  putting his hand around my shoulders as we walked to the door.

When we got to the door, I took a deep breath the knocked. After a few seconds,the door opened reviling one of the house hold stuff.

"Amanda" she exclaimed.

"How have you been" I greeted.

"I should be asking you, your family have been worried sick. The police have been searching everywhere for you" she explained searching my face for any sigh of a wound.

"I'm fine don't worry.... Is everyone here" I asked as she stepped aside allowing us to enter.

"Living room,even your friends are Here" she explained and I nodded taking a deep breath.

"I'm right here for you" Zack comforted rubbing my back.

We walked to the living room and as explained, everyone was there with a worried look on their faces.

Blue was crying and mandie was trying to comfort her, Talia was standing with Martin and Luke near the fireplace and they all looked really depressed.

Dad was seated with mom laying on his chest sniffing from time to time. It seemed she had been crying for a while now because she looked terrible, not like the controlling mom I knew.

And last but not the least Richard my sweet brother was pacing up and down the room looking really angry and worried.

They hadn't seen me and Zack standing on the door way yet. The room was pretty big so i could have stood there for a long time and no one would have noticed.

"Where is she, did you say you received a text" Richard asked running a hand in his already messy hair, folding the sleeves of his White Buttoned up shirt of his grey suit.

"I don't know,the message said to come here. She said she'd explain" martin replied.

"Text, it was a fucking text. What if it was just a prank, we can't just sit here while Amanda is still missing" Richard boomed.

"Richard" I called making everyone turn to me.

"Amanda" Richard was the first to run up to me and engulf me in a bone crashing hug.

Second was blue who broke down in my arms, dad followed then my friends and last my Mom.

She hugged me so lovely which surprised me, the only time she hugged me like that was when I was a little girl and I got scared of the dark or when I was upset.

It felt so strange now but so comforting at the same time. When she pulled away, she wiped away her tears.

"Where have you been, we've been looking for you for almost a month" she scolded.

"Young lady you made us so worried so you better have a good explanation" dad shouted which made me flinch slightly.

Dad was never the one to raise his voice at me like that. He was always calm but hearing him like that,I don't know what happened. I froze on the spot.

"Answer me. You made everyone worry" he shouted and the comforting support of Zack towering over me behind was the only thing keeping me on my feet.

I'm guessing he sensed this so he walked closer behind me and placed his hands on my arms helping me keep my balance.

"And who is this man" dad shouted again.

"Mr miller I'm Zack Adams. I'm sorry for the confusion caused but Amanda was in new York for the past few weeks" Zack spoke on my behalf.

"New York!!?, you went to new York for three weeks without informing us" Mom was now the one shouting.

"Actually it isn't her fault-" Zack was cut off when dad raised his hand.

"We're talking to our daughter, I'd appreciate if you minded your own business and leave my house-" seeing how hard Zack was trying to keep his cool,I wrapped a hand around his muscular  arm.

"Zack isn't leaving,it's not his fault dad. If you ask Zack to leave I'll be forced to leave with him" I warned which made dad even more angry.

"Who is this man to you that you dared leave your family to be with"dad barked.

" he is a very close friend of mine but he's not the reason why I went to new York "it literally took all the courage left in my body not to shutter.

" her boyfriend surprised her with a trip to new York. Amanda had no idea,she just woke up and found he had taken her to new York "Zack lied.

" boyfriend "everyone exclaimed.

" yes, Zack's best friend is my boyfriend and this isn't sudden. We had a thing in Los Angeles but then had misunderstandings and separated but now we're back together "i said all in one goal.

" wait is it that guy you had a crush on......what's his name- Hunter "Richard asked and I gave him a Broad smile.

" daddy,mommy sorry for making you worry"I said giving daddy the 'please I really need a hug' look.

"I'm just happy my princess is home" he said pulling me in another hug.


"So how was it"blue teased.

" how was what "I asked.

Dad was helping out Mom prepare lunch for us,leaving the rest to tease me and get more information about my boyfriend.

" don't be dumb. How was your first night with him "blue asked making me choke on my saliva. Zack who was seated next to me chuckled.

"Blue!I think you have been spending too much time with mandie"I tried avoiding the topic.

" what. What have I done. Just answer "mandie pressed making me sallow hard.

" we haven't been together yet" I quietly said.

"What are you waiting for" mandie asked making Zack burst out laughing.

"Hey don't ask such personal questions just let her be" Richard saved me from answering.

Zack's phone rang for the sixth time. He looked at the phone then signed.

"Excuse me"he excused himself then walked to the corner and answered.

"Please tell me he's single" Talia pleaded which made me chuckle.

"Amanda, that guy is beyond handsome, he is fucking hot. And that speaks volume on how your boyfriend must look"mandie teased.

"I'm not really sure if he's in any serious relationship right now he's a busy man" I replied not wanting to tell them about his womanizing ways.

"Why is your boyfriend not here" blue asked.

"He's isn't feeling well. When he gets better,I'll introduce him" I lied. How could I tell them he was  home torturing a man to death.

"Zack seems pretty angry. Is he talking to his boss or something"Martin spoke up.

" from the looks of it,he wants to break his phone"Luke joked.

"Better tell him to calm down or he might lose his job" blue said which made me laugh.

"If you don't stop calling my phone, I'll shove it down your throat and don't you dare bother hunter. Tell Sarah to handle everything" Zack boomed annoyed then hang up.

He walked back to us, apologized for his outrage then sat down next to me again. I turned to him giving him a assuring smile which he responded to with a slight nod.

"Wow man, you've got guts talking like that to your boss" Richard said earning a light chuckle.

"That wasn't my employer but my employee"Zack stated.

" you have your own company "Dad asked entering the room with his wife.

They brought snacks with them and put them all on the table.

" yes. Hunter and i own H&Z"he earned awe looks when he said that.

"And you're how old"Martin asked.

" twenty four"he proudly said.

"Wow you're really young and have such a huge company" dad remarked.

Before he could reply, his phone began ringing again. He looked at the caller ID then passed it over to me.

"Excuse me" I said looking at who was calling.

I walked out the house then answered.

"Beloved" was how I was greeted.

"Done already" I asked. He lightly chuckled.

"Not yet. I just miss you a lot" he confessed.

"Don't worry, I'll be back in your arms very soon" I said realizing I also missed having him around.

"You sound low, what happened"

"Just missing my superman"

"I want you right now. I'll come pick you up"

"No it's fine. We'll be a while Mom wants us to stay for dinner and I sort of told them you are not feeling well"

"I don't care, I just want to be with you this minute"

"Don't be difficult. I'll be there soon"

"I just want you by my side right now"

"I'll be there my love don't worry"

"I love you beloved"

"I love you too"

"Say it again"

"I love you Hunter, I love you with everything I got" I confessed and I heard a sigh on the other side.

"Make sure you get here soon" he spoke then the line went dead.

I made my way back inside and found my sister, Talia and mandie practically drooling over Zack as he continued flirting with them.

My brother,Luke and Martin were laughing and talking together with my parents.

I looked over at mom, she seemed in a better mood than I found her. I knew by the following day she would turn back to maleficent again.

The same thing happened when I came back home with Richard, she treated me like royalty the first day she saw me but alas that only lasted a day. She went back to her controlling ways the following day.

"Zack I think we should be on our way" I announced making everyone turn to me.

"Baby girl you just got here" dad said looking at me.

"I know dad but hunter isn't feeling too well, he's all alone at home" I lied.

After a while trying to convince them they finally agreed to let me go after assuring them I would visit the following day. When they asked for Hunter's home address Zack helped me out by saying he would give it to them next time.

We said our goodbyes and parted ways.

"You ready" Zack asked when we were in the car.

"More than ready" I confidentially replied.

He drove in silence till we got to his pent house. He took me to what seemed like a in house movie cinema and made me sit where he thought I could get the best view.

"I want you to watch a video after that I'll explain a few things" his face looked so sorrowful when he uttered the sentence.

The entire place was dark and deserted as Zack sat besides me. A few moments later there was a footage on the huge screen in front.

The video started with a doctor who looked like in his mid forties dragging a woman in her late thirties. She was screaming trying to get away from the doctor she he dragged her through a eerie looking hospital.

"Justin please don't do this, think of our son" she pleaded. She was thrown onto a metal bed.

"Justin please" she screamed as Justin cuffed her hands to the bed post.

"Hillary stop being so dramatic, you knew what was coming when you decided to ran away" Justin shouted in her face.

"Where is my son Justin. Bring my son to me" she shouted yanking at the handcuffs.

"He's right there" he stated pointing to a mirror.

There were spectators in the room watching the woman scream her lungs out.

Justin pressed a button and the mirror revealed hunter on the other side making my breath quicken.

He was all beaten up,he had third degree burns all over his body and had serious cut covering his bloody body. He was chained to the wall his head hanging low as his hair hide his badly beaten up face.

When his Mom saw the state her son was in she continued crying and yanking at the chains pleading with her husband to let their son go.

I on the other side was shedding tears,unable to do anything but watch. I stared at the younger Hunter.

When he heard his mother,his head snapped to the one transparent mirror and he too started yanking on the chain.

"Mom are you alright" Hunter asked.

"Hunter I'm sorry, this is all my fault. I couldn't save you" she cried.

"And neither will he be able to save you" Justin interrupted.

"Justin you son of a bitch let my mother go" Hunter boomed. His dad laughed.

"Your grandma really was a bitch. Stop me if you can hunter" he dared him as he walked to the woman.

"Justin" hunter roared. He yanked desperately at the chains.

Justin walked to his wife then started violating her. He humiliated her, he degraded her; he striped her stark naked and raped him in front not only of their son but in front of a whole room filled with doctors.

If that wasn't enough, each one of those dirty doctors each took turns raping her. Hunter continued trying to escape the chains to save his mother.

In a most desperate attempt, he finally freed himself and ran to the mirror. He punched the mirror each time with a heavy blow. His hand started bleeding,the people the other side were laughing at him.

With one last punch the glass shattered to a million pieces scaring everyone in the room. Hunter started running to his mother who was laying limp in the metal bed.

Before he even got to her, his father pressed a button. I watched as hunter fell to the ground screaming as he got electrified.

He had a metal band thing around his head, I'm guessing it was meant for shook therapy. The doctor continued pressing the  button as he watches his son suffer.

"Hold him" he finally yet go of the button. A few men came and held hunter up.

"You can't save her" Justin boomed punching hunter in the stomach.

He walked to his wife. Besides the bed was a table filled with sharp looking metal instruments.

"Let's experiment a bit" he said grabbing what looked like a pizza cutter.

He duck taped her mouth then began cutting.

I closed my eyes not wanting to see anymore. All I could hear were Hunter's screams and I broke down and started crying historically. He had cut her in half

I'd watched a lot of horror movies but not one of them could prepare me for what I had seen that day.

"Turn it off, turn it off I don't want to see anymore" I shouted placing my hands over my ears and shutting my eyes tight. "I can't take it anymore" I cried.

I felt Zack wrap a hand around my shoulders. The screen was now off. He held me close as I cried.

"I'm so sorry for making you watch that but you had to see it for yourself" he cooed running his hand in my hair.

When I calmed down he finally started explaining.

He told me everything from when Hunter was born till date, everything that ever happened to him.

For the first time I understood him, I felt his pain and the suffering he was going through which he so carefully hide from everyone.

I saw hunter not as a cold blooded murderous psycho lunatic but as a man who had gone through so much inhuman torture and agony and was still strong enough to overcome it all.

I saw him not as the man who killed but as a man who wanted revenge for the injustice he had to suffer.

I understood his entire being.

I'm back

Explanation on what Zack actually told Amanda will be in the next chapter.

Peace ✌

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