Sad & Happy [RusAme]

By venturesomeScout

59.6K 2.4K 2.6K

Ukraine wants to join the EU, but Russia doesn't want that. This leads to some family issues. Sadly, school l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 11

3.8K 196 172
By venturesomeScout

The last lesson of the day for Russia was English, to be more specific, Grammar. Needless to say, it was really boring. The teacher was G9. Just like the other teachers, like UN and NATO, he is considered to be a international organization. He is a quite young teacher, since he has been born 1965 and has been adopted by the UN. Everyone just kind of forgot he existed in 2012 after Yugoslavia broke contact with him. Apparently G9 decided to become a teacher afterwards. Russia didn't really care.

The tall country grabbed for the old novel in his bag and sighed heavily as he realized the cover had a wrinkle. He probably threw it too forcefully in his bag as NATO yelled at him for having it out during chemistry class. At least no paper ripped out of the book. He opened it and quietly read during the lesson.

G9 asked Russia once if he could put the book away, but his voice was too quiet and even cracked while doing so. The eastern country made up a lie about the book being a grammar book. The teacher let it slip. He was too afraid of Russia to speak up and continued his lesson. Russia wasn't sure how to feel about that. The fact that not just students, but also teachers were afraid of him kind of hurt. Well, at least he could read this book in peace.

The bell rang and Russia didn't want to stop the book just yet. Soviet has scribbled super awkward poems into the book and the description of his crush just screamed "I'm Third Reich." Russia gawked at it like he has seen the end of the world. Of course he knew there has been a romantic interest between these two, but this is just ridiculous. "Russia?" G9 asked, he moved over to Russia's desk.

"W-was the grammar book good?" He stuttered and Russia blinked at him. He knew that G9 recognized that this wasn't a grammar book. Of course it isn't if the title said "Red at heart" in big capital letters. Russia knew he should be nice to him. He was still young after all, but he was just so pissed today. So he clapped the book together and just left. G9 blinked in confusion, but didn't ran after him.

"Russia!" America dashed over to him from the room across him. "We should go home together and-" He stopped talking as he eyed the red book in Russia's hands. "What's that?" The taller country quickly put the book in his backpack and shrugged. "Just a grammar book." America knew that was a lie, but he didn't ask about it again. "So?" Russia just kind of looked at the wall, staring past America."So what?"

America sighed and grabbed for Russia's elbow. "Can I come to your house?" Now he got Russia's attention and he stared down at him. "What? Why?" America looked at him with an annoyed expression. "Stop playing stupid. This is how I will built our friendship, alright?" Russia rolled his eyes. "There's nothing interesting at my home. We should go to yours if you want to spend your free time not so horribly."

Now it was America's turn to look uncomfortable. "About that... My Dad kind of hates you." Russia didn't look surprised at all. "A lot of people hate me, what's the big deal?" The smaller country groaned in frustration. "Jeez, can I just PLEASE come to your fucking house?" He asked and Russia had to let out a small giggle. He let it die down quickly and then he answered: "Okay, sure. Whatever." He actually wanted to read the book, but apparently if you have a blackmailing friend this is the kind of free time you get assigned to.

Russia actually would love to have a real friend, but this thing that America started just doesn't seem right. He didn't believe that America just blackmailed him to be his friend, because that would make him either absolutely stupid or absolutely desperate for a friend. And let's be honest, America has a lot of friends... Right?

While they walked down the corridor, they spotted Japan with South Korea again. America accidentally made eye contact, but quickly looked away before it could turn into something awkward. "Come on." The western country said with an smile and took Russia's hand into his own. He speed up and Russia stumbled after him with a confused look. He stared down at his hands. It looked like they were holding hands. Like a couple.

As he looked back to Japan there was no doubt that she was jealous. Russia turned his head back forwards in embarrassment, just to spot Ukraine standing next to the exit with Germany and Poland. The three stared intensely at the two taller countries. Russia thought this would be a perfect example of what you would call a drilling glare. With a swift movement he let go off America's hand and opened the door. "After you."

"Thanks." America walked outside, but Russia didn't immediately follow him. Instead he turned to his sister. "Are you coming home today?" He asked and pointed at Germany and Poland. Her constant sleepovers annoyed him. She crossed her arms. "Why are you asking?" Her brother huffed. "Am I not allowed to ask my sister that?" Her left eye was still a bit blue from the day Russia had let his fist end up in her face during soccer. "To be fair." Poland started.

"This is the most broken family in history." All of the 3 heads turned to Poland's direction. Even Ukraine was surprised at his choice of words. Russia gave him a intense glare and Poland took a step back. "She can answer on her own, you know? The fuck you know anyway Poland?" Russia spit out the name of the other country. America stared into the corridor while standing in front of the door. He wasn't sure if he should get involved or not.

"I don't know if you forgot, but I was under your Dad's dominion more than once and that for quite a long time! I know what it is like to starve! Just like your sister! She had it even worse, but you still like him, because you were his favorite! Maybe because you are just like him!" America gulped. Not this again. "I..." Russia's voice broke, but he got himself together. "I'm not gonna apologize for missing my Dad, okay?" He was visibly angry and Germany stepped in front of Poland as if to protect him. This is only made him angrier. "Are you kidding me?" He hated it when he was portrayed like the villain. He was always had to play the role of the villain.

He clenched his hands together. Poland didn't stop his little rant there. "You want Crimea back from Ukraine, right? Doesn't this make you just as greedy for power as him? You fucking asshole." Russia widened his eyes. It's not like that. Poland got it wrong. It's just... It's just... Russia couldn't think of a comeback. At this point Russia wasn't even sure anymore if he maybe really was the villain here.

Germany placed a hand on Poland's shoulders. "Calm down... We don't want to start a war with Russia. You are right with what you say, but you know the rule: The bigger your army, the better your army. The truth doesn't matter if you are under ground. You know what he's like."

America spotted NATO walking towards them. The teacher would ask what happened. He began sweating as he saw Russia's fists trembling. He would probably punch Poland if he would say one more thing. Ukraine wasn't sure want to do. She loved her friends, but this was...

America grabbed for Russia's hand before it would be too late. He dragged him outside and just ran until there were out of sight. Russia resisted at first, but then followed the smaller country. They ran for at least 10 minutes straight and suddenly just stopped in front of a big tree.

"Fuck." Russia said out of breath before rubbing his hands over his eyes. "Are you okay?" America asked and gently grabbed for Russia's wrists to remove the hands from his face. His sleeves dropped at the movement and America was able to see Russia's arms covered with badly placed sticking plasters. Some cuts were still visible, because the sticking plasters wouldn't cover them properly. "Wow, you are bad at this." America blurted out.

Russia immediately reacted to that and forcefully pulled his arms away to pull the sleeves back up. "Shut up, America." The smaller country gulped. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that..." There was silence between them. America eyed Russia more precisely. He didn't look angry anymore, just sad and tired.

"I don't think you are like your father." America finally said and Russia looked at him in surprise. He didn't know what to say. They stared at each other for another whole minute, before Russia spoke up. "America. Be honest with me, why do you want to be my friend so badly that you would blackmail me into it?" He asked the question slowly. He had been thinking about it ever since it had happened. He liked the idea of having a friend, but this whole thing sounded... scary. Yes, especially America telling everyone he self harmed was a scary thought. He didn't want to accept that feeling of being afraid of something so much, so he just had turned it into anger, but it didn't make the whole thing any better.

America opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Instead tears came out of his eyes. "Jeez." Russia walked over to America and tried to wipe them away. "Why are you crying now?" He asked with a sad smile. He wasn't mad at America for crying. The western country's cheeks heated up. "It's just... I'm really lonely and I feel like you understand that feeling actually quite a lot." He was embarrassed about opening up like this, so everything came out with a stutter.

He gently removed Russia's hands from his cheeks and them wiped his tears away on his own. "You know I never really cut myself, but sometimes I will just hit my head against the wall..." He said carefully. Russia listened to him without interrupting. Tears were building up in America's eyes again. "I know it sounds stupid-" "No." Russia quickly said. "Hey, it's okay. If you are stupid, I'm stupid too." America giggled like crazy. "I can't believe I just told you that." Russia smiled. "Me neither."

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