The Band Geek


189K 7.1K 494


Band Practice- Edited
The Found Mate
Operation Ethan
Love This Feeling
Now I Know
Meeting The Parents
All Night
Summer's Turn
I'm Not Cute
Football Game
I Love You
Getting Started
Screams From My Mouth
Endings and Secrets

Clique- Edited

12.4K 391 20

The blaring sound of my alarm wakes me up. Groaning I roll over off my bed. I walk like the dead to my closet. Putting on my yellow skinny jeans and black t-shirt. Putting on my black vans I walk down stairs into the kitchen grabbing my backpack. There's a note on the counter. Picking it up I read it.


We have gone to work, there's breakfast in the microwave.

Love Jennie and John

I go to the microwave opening it to see bacon, eggs, and hash browns. Sitting at the table, I start to eat. After eating I wash my plate then go to my car. Driving to school I park.

The school is a clique. You have the jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, goths, and stoners. I'm with the nerds, but I don't have any friends in this school. The town seems to make me the town's outcast. It doesn't bother me. I don't need friends. All I need to do is pass this year then it's off to Juilliard, if I get accepted.

I walk through the parking lot to the school's entrance. Getting to my locker I open it getting my things.

As I'm walking to first period I hear a 'go long' before I'm thrown to the ground. My things spreading everywhere. Pain fills my stomach, chest, and knees. Groaning I sit up. Turning my head I see the school's quarterback Andrew Garcia. He's standing there with shock on his face, just looking at me. Weird.

I stand up, grabbing my things. I glare at him. "Thanks asshole."

I stomp away to my English class. What kind of asshole runs over somebody. Dickhead.

Gosh I hate people. I sit in my sit at the back of the class by the windows. People start to come into the class. They look at me doing so. What is it with people? Why are they staring?

I turn away looking out the window. I see the birds fly around the trees, singing. They are so free. I wish I was a bird. I could go anywhere I wanted. Go where ever the wind takes me. I'll be free.

"Morning class!" Mrs. Pellot's voice brings me from my thoughts. I turn to her to see she is stating at me too. I shift in my seat uncomfortable. I don't like attention, kind of silly, since I'm a drum major. But music is my life. With music I'm not me. I'm someone else. I'm important. I have to keep the beat or else the band dies. That's why I love being drum major. I'm important.

"So the answer Mr. Williams." Mrs. Pellot gets my attention. Looking at the board I see the powerpoint as a sentence with a blank with words at the bottom.

"Indifferent." I say before looking back out the window. The bell rings causing all the students to rush putting there things up. I do the same.

Running out the classroom I run into Andrew. Oh how I wanted to rip him a new one! But I don't say anything just glare. Hurt fills his eyes, confusion fills me. What's his problem?

I sidestep him, continuing on my way to my calculus. Today is going to be a long day.

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