Checkmate - RATED R

By Love_Bri94

2.1M 74.5K 59.8K

She wasn't what he was used to....he had finally met his match. More

Before It Ends❤️
Decision Day


22.6K 949 1.2K
By Love_Bri94

Chapter Thirtyfour
Chris Brown
Sunday Evening

*bang bang bang*

My fist hit Mya's front door over and over. This is my third time here and she's been trying to fake like she ain't. I can't call her or text her cause she mad about that petty shit that happened Friday. She blocked me on everything and of course the blogs had to post about that shit, her page private again so I can't lurk. This shit is stupid.

*bang bang bang*

"Mya!" I yelled. She better come open this door.

Just as I was about to knock again the front door pulled open and I came face to face with Mariah. "Are you trying to be up on the blogs and the world call you crazy for knocking on my sisters door like a psycho?"

"Man where Mya?"

"Not here."

"Her car is here Mariah, can I come in?"

"Sorry no."

"Oh my god....MYA COME HERE!"

"Seriously Chris she's not here."

"Where she at then?"

"She's working and doesn't want to be bothered. Just give her some time alone."

"Why?! She acting like I cheated on her, this shit ain't even necessary."

"Chris stop! If you walked in a party and saw her twerking on somebody you'd flip out, I'm sure your reaction would've been worse than Mya's. Niggas kill me."

"Whatever man."

"Haven't you learned your lesson with Mya yet? She ain't them bitches you used to Chris."

"Ima head up to her store, have a nice night Mariah." I walked to my car.

"Chris just give her some space. Forcing her to deal with you isn't going to make things better, you should know that from experience."

I laughed. "Bye Mariah."

So she must've been at her store. Leaving her truck home was a way to make me think she was there.

Pulling in the back parking lot, I grabbed the set of keys I had then climbed out. I went to the back door and unlocked it. Music was blasting, my music at that. I walked to the front and she was leaning on the counter, browsing through the computer. Walking up behind her, I wrapped my arms around her waist causing her gasp and push me away.

"Oh my fucking gosh Chris! What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I've missed you. Why you got me blocked?"

"How did you get in here? Do you have your own set of keys?!"

"You can't keep answering my question with a question baby."

"You can leave, there's an answer for you."

"I'm really not understanding what you so mad for! I was just dancing. You acting like you caught me fucking."

"I'm not about to have this conversation. If you don't understand why I'm so upset, I'll help you understand."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"


"Look Mya, whatever you're mad about, I'm sorry. Okay?"

She looked at me and laughed. "Christopher, leave...please."

"Why? I said I was sorry."

"But I thought you didn't do anything?"

Exhaling I ran my hands over my face. "You just got to be difficult."

"It's so fucking crazy to me how when shit happens because of you, you become blind and deaf to everything. You are full of shit Chris but right now I don't have time to deal with you, my store opens tomorrow and I'm going to focus on that."

"So just forgive me so we can move on and you can focus on your store."

Mya started at me for a while before smiling. "You know what, I forgive you Christopher."

"For real?"

"Yup....everything is allllllll good."

My eyes squinted. "I don't like the way you said that."

"What you mean? I didn't say it any kind of way."

"Mya, if you about to be on some petty shit let me know cause I don't have time to deal with it. I apologized, I'm not sure what much more for me."

"Chris I said I forgive you, now can you leave so that I can finish up and head home."

"How you getting home?"

"Mariah is coming back to get me."

"Let me take you, I ain't got nothing to do. I was hoping we can chill tonight since you've been ignoring me the last few days."

"I don't know how long I'll be here and I don't want you sitting around. I'll be fine."

"Something tells me you just don't want me around."

"Just sit down and shut up Chris, damn."

I smiled then went to grab a chair and sat it next to her. Leaning back I stared at her ass and bit down on my lip before smacking it over and over. She eventually pushed my arm.

"Would you stop?!" She yelled.

"Who told you to wear these tight ass shorts outside?"

"I did."

"You getting thicker Mya."

"Is that a bad thing? I know you like em tiny."

Rolling my eyes. "No it's not a bad thing, it just means your man is taking good care of you."

She laughed. "Yeah when you're not stressing me out."

"I don't stress you out, if anything you stress me out. You see I'm still skinny as hell."

"Whatever, I'm the best you ever had. I make sure you eat, sleep, get a nut off damn near everyday. You'd be miserable without me."

"You might be right."

"No I am right."

"Yeah yeah. You excited for tomorrow?"

"Very....I know it's probably going to be crazy in here because people might think they'll see you."

"You mind if I stop in? I told you this place will be heavily secured and the hating hoes that messed this up the first time can't even come anywhere near this building."

"Chris that'll cause so much chaos."

"Everything will be under control and don't announce it, I'ma just sneak in here."

"I guess. It will bring me more money."

" I'll be here around like 12 I got a quick meeting about this tour."

"Speaking of tour when is it supposed to pop off."

"I leave October 15th."

Her head quickly turned to me. "Chris that's in like three weeks!"

"I know baby, it's not that long...only 10 dates. I'll be back December 2nd. I'm coming home for thanksgiving."

"I'll be in Miami for thanksgiving."

"Damn really?"

"Yes Chris, that's where my family is."

"You should fly them here. Whatever it costs just let me know...maybe I'll send the jet. I know your dad is going to cook up some shit and I gotta try it."

"He most definitely is."

"Right so fly them out."

"I'll try Chris." Her demeanor had changed and I know it's because of me leaving.

"Baby, I know you're nervous about me going on tour. I'm not going to do anything."

"Whatever, I'm sure you'll be doing a lot of harmless flirting."

"Man, I'm not about to do this shit with you. Mya I'm a fucking R&B superstar, I go on tour that's apart of my job I don't know why you acting brand new. I'm not about to go over seas and fuck these hoes. If I wanted to cheat on you I wouldn't wait to go on tour, I'd do that shit here."

"Okay you can really get the fuck out now. BYE!"

"No problem. How the fuck we supposed to be in a relationship and you can't even trust me?! Why you with me Mya?! I haven't did nothing since we got together and don't bring up some bitches dancing on me, I got female dancers you wanna trip about them too? Stop being so damn insecure cause you don't have a reason to be."

"Whatever Chris, you can go!"

"You know I'm right and that's why ain't got shit to say."

"Chris it wasn't just bitches dancing on you! Your fans send me everything and I saw what you were doing. Rubbing on bitches, hugging on them, calling these hoes beautiful and sexy, and it always the girls that only want one fucking thing from you! Switch roles for a second Chris! Imagine me in another nigga face. You'd flip out and be so done with me! But you want me to just forgive you?!"

"It ain't that deep Mya! You always complaining and acting insecure! I'm sick of this shit!"


"No problem." I stood up and made sure I had all my stuff. Mya just stared at me. "I'm gone."

She didn't say anything. I walked out the back, slamming the door. Of course paparazzi found me. They yelling questions but I ain't trying to hear that shit. I quickly got in my car, started it and pulled off.

It's always some bullshit with Mya and I don't have time for it.

I'm straight!

Mya Anderson
Mya's Fashions (LA Location) - Grand Opening, 2:48PM

It is fucking crazy in here! I did not expect this at all. I've had to take so many breaks just to cry and thank god.....and Chris but whatever.

A lot of things are sold out so fast, thankfully I hired an amazing team, they switched everything out for something different. People wanted to take pictures with me. I was hesitant at first because I was all natural today, and had on anything, clothes wise but I didn't want to come off as rude or bougie. 

Mariah came and helped which was dope. Still haven't heard an apology from Syren or Kayla. I don't know where they are and I don't care.I'm cutting all toxic people out my life, I don't care who you are anymore.

"Mya." One of my sales associates Reagan called.


"You have a visitor in the back." She smiled then walked away.

Exhaling, I closed my eyes. This place is about to get worse. "I'll be back." I told my cashier then headed to the back. "What are you doing here?" I asked Chris.

"Just wanted to come support like I said I would." He had three bodyguards with him.

"Alright." I need to mentally prepare for what could happen when people see him. After our conversation last night, I thought he'd be the least of my worries today. I was so pissed I archived all of our pictures on Instagram, deleted his number but re-added it. In my mind, we're not together right now.

I led him to the front with his bodyguards on each side of us. When we got to the register, I stood close to the counter and he stood very close behind me.

"Wow look at this Mya. Congratulations." He said.

I looked up at him. "Thanks.

"Oh my goodness." A girl said. "Am I tripping?" She asked her friend while pointing at Chris making us both laugh.

"Chris Brown!" The friend started freaking out. "Oh my god, oh my god! Can I get a picture pleeeease?!"

She caught everybody else's attention and now it was a crowd around the register. Chris moved from behind me and walked around to the front.

It went from him taking a picture with her to a line out of my building. I focused on ringing people up until somebody wanted me in the picture too.

After a while we had to end the meet and greet going on in my men's section it was blocking people from shopping.

"He just brought in so much money." Mariah said.

"Good." I smiled.

Once he finished up the last few pictures I thought he would stick around but he just gave me a small smile before disappearing to the back.

"Wanna go spend some time with him? I can finish up, we're about to close anyway." Tina, one of my other sales associates said.

"I'm fine. I'll start cleaning up so it won't be all night."


I went and started straightening up the store. The sound of a roaring engine filled my ears. I turned and saw Chris's bright ass Lamborghini going by.

Shaking my head I focused on cleaning up. Well tried to focus on that. Am I really insecure? Am I over doing it with what happened at Justin's party?

It's just always something...


Exhaling, I plopped down on the couch by the dressing room. Three hours later and my store looked brand new again. I just wanted to climb in my bed and go to sleep.

I don't plan on being as hands on with this store like I was in Miami. I'll probably work here two days out the week. I want to be able to work on my next move. I can't do that stuck behind the register. I was very particular when picking my employees. There is no room for slacking. There is Reagan, Tina, Ronnie, India, Brittany and Nessa. They're all cool so we should be good.

"Okay so you want good news of bad news first?" Mariah asked.

"I didn't expect to have bad news but lay it on me."

"At least 500 dollars worth of things were stolen."

"That's not shocking to me at all. It was crazy in here, that was the perfect opportunity."

"Yeah well the good news is you made TRIPLE of what your set goal was."

"Are you serious?!"

"Yes Mya! That is dope as hell and perfect especially with what happened."

"Yes! That is amazing."

"We have to go celebrate."

"I don't know about all that. I'm tired and I haven't ate."

"Well let's go to the strip club. You know they got the best food. It's Monday we can hit up AOD. I think they got a special guest tonight."

"Ugh! I know you're not going to let up so I guess we can go. I'll go tell the girls then we can go get dressed."

"Well it's six and we not heading to the club no time soon. You can get a quick nap in."

"Yeah." I got up. "I'll meet you at the car."


I went and told the girls we were going out to celebrate and they were all for it. Then I headed out to the car and made my way home.


After a quick nap I got up and got up myself together. My hair still wasn't done so I just put it in a low ponytail. I was wearing a hat anyway. Once that and my make up was done I got dressed.

After checking my outfit for the 100th time due to me noticing the weight Chris was talking about the other day, I made my way downstairs.

Mariah was sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone.

"Ready." I said.

"Ooo, you look cute. That skirt is bomb."

"Thank you."

We headed out to my car and made our way to AOD.

The ride was quiet until Mariah spoke up. "Have you thought about staying in LA permanently?"

"After today it looks like it might happen. I love Miami, don't get me wrong but LA is cool even after all the bad shit that happened but that's over."

"Yeah. That's how I feel. I'm over Florida. I need something new."

"Mmhm." I looked over at Mariah. "You okay?"

"'s just that uh, my divorce was finalized today."

"Divorce?! Mariah I thought everything was okay?"

"It hasn't been okay for a while. The kids are with mom and dad until I fly back tomorrow. But I don't want to stay in Florida."

"Bring them here. I told you that you could. My house has more than enough room."

"Mya those two monsters will drive you crazy and will definitely be the birth control you need."

"Well definitely bring them! I'll fly with you tomorrow."

"You sure?"

"Positive. It's summer break let my babies live their best lives on the west coast. You can manage my store so that'll be money. I can help you like I did Asia. I had the wrong sister in charge."

"We all could've told you that."

"Well I'm glad she showed her snake ways before the store opened. If you want the job it's yours."

"Of course I'll do it."

"Perfect. I'll let the girls know you'll be taking Kayla's place. I know I was always been the bratty little sister and annoying as hell but thank you Mariah for having my back. Sometimes you be tripping too but not as much as others."

"I know my attitude isn't the best at times and it's only because of the stuff I've been going through. I mean that's not a good excuse but it was the reason. And no matter what I'll never switch up on you. You're my little sister, I'll have your back especially when I know somebody is doing you wrong."

"Thank you and I always got you. No matter what."

"Love you kid."

"Love you too."


AOD is paaaaacked! After a hectic day at the store this is the last thing I wanted to be around. But they have good food so I won't complain.

10 Freaky Girls by 21 Savage and Metro Boomin played through the club. I sipped on my Patron ANEJO and vibed to the music. The last thing I needed was to be drunk but that's what I'm about to be.

"In Bikini Bottom I'm with Sandy, Moesha keep on drinking all the Brandy." I rapped into Mariah's camera. "Keisha eat the molly like its candy. Body slam a nigga like I'm Randy."

There was a tap on my shoulder, making me turn around. And when I saw who it was my heart skipped a beat. Oh this is is perfect.


"Tremaine." I smiled.

He pulled me in his arms and hugged me tight. His cologne made your knees wobble. "How you doing beautiful?"

"I'm great how you are you?"

"I'm cool."

"That's good...congratulations on the baby. Noah is so handsome."

"Thank you. I'm waiting on you and Breezy to give him somebody to play with."

I laughed before taking a sip from my bottle. "We good."

"One day though, right."

"Yeah sure."

He laughed. "You look beautiful tonight."

"Thank you, you look handsome as always."

He smiled. "You mind if I chill with you?"

"No I don't...the more the merrier."



My Type was on by Saweetie and I was definitely shaking this ass. I drink a half pint of patron so I was feeling myself. No I wasn't going to do anything crazy like fuck Trey but what's wrong with a little harmless flirting and dancing right?

Mariah recorded me of course as my ass moved in circles and Trey watched in awe. "THATS MY TYPE NIGGA THATS MY TYPE!" She yelled before laughing.

I stood up and and blew a kiss in the camera.

"This shit about to be all over the blogs." Mariah whispered to me.

"I'm just dancing."

"Tit for tat isn't cute Mya."

"Don't lecture to me in a club."

She shook her head. "I see a big mess in your future."

I shrugged. "Shit is already a mess."

"Come on, let's go home."

"Somebody is in mommy mode."

"Sure is, let's go." She grabbed my things.

"You leaving beautiful?" Trey asked.

"Yeah, my sister is tired. It was nice seeing you."

"Nice seeing you two." He winked and I smiled.

Mariah basically dragged me out the club. "You must wanna be single?" She asked while getting in the car. "That's one of his best friends Mya."

"I know that Mariah you act like I was all over him."

"But you were obviously flirting. I know this is because of that shit Chris did."

"Chris said it's nothing wrong with harmless flirting."

"Oh did he?"


"Well conversation over, I'm glad you had fun tonight. He's going to spazz when he sees these videos though."

I just relaxed in my seat. "Wake me up when we get home."

"Y'all a mess."

The Next Afternoon - 12:19PM

Sitting up I rubbed my throbbing head. Why did my stupid ass drink all of that?!

I knew I'd be throwing up soon.

Exhaling I grabbed my phone and it was OFF THE CHAIN! I unlocked it and went to see the damage.

All the blogs had a picture of me and Trey talking. His hands were still on my waist and mine were on his arms.

theshaderoom Chris Brown's boo #MyaAnderson was partying with Trey Songz last. They look pretty cozy 👀

balleralert #MyaAnderson and #TreySongz spotted at AOD last night. Mya you seem reaaal comfortable boo🤔

hollywoodunlocked Did #MyaAnderson smash the homie?! She was spotted looking real in love with #TreySongz. Chris was just at her store taking pictures with fans. What happened?!

gossipinthecity Mya and Trey have history. I don't know if Chris knows but they've hooked up multiple times in Miami a few years ago. 🤷🏽‍♀️ there's some tea you don't have to pay for 😉

Oh my god!

I went to my business page and went to Chris's page because I couldn't find him on mine, meaning IM BLOCKED. He had new instastories. I quickly clicked it.


The fact that I did the same shit he was doing but he wants to call me a hoe?! Niggas are terrible.

I closed out of Instagram and went to my text messages. He was the top of my list of course.


It's over, It ain't shit to say
Nothin you can explain, that shit foul
What point was you trying to prove Mya?!

haven't pulled up and smacked the shit
outta you bitch!

Once a hoe always a hoe!
Stupid bitch!

We done! Hope you can afford that note on that
truck. Should make you give every dime I ever
spent back!
You really ain't shit dawg! I can't believe this.

You really tried to play ME?!

I got something for you bitch!

Don't call me don't text me, don't come to my



Dish it but can't take it , wow!
I didn't do anything but you want be done, that's cool

Have a nice life Chris.

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