Torn between a vampire and a...

By Ibaekpercentjams

3.8K 198 15

Having to choose between the one you chose and the one your heart desired. Is it really that much of a choice... More

accidental meeting
love at first sight
the meeting
sister connection
lyla's past
surprise surprise
blast from the bast
chapter 8
back in time
Morning voices and cabbage rolls!!!
Father Pancakes!

meat covered tofu roll

111 7 0
By Ibaekpercentjams

ash's POV:

All night i was looking at her sleeping face. she looks so peaceful. she was beautiful. Just like my elizabeth.

that reminds me, I'm going to ask about her tomorrow.

The things that's really bothering me the most is why do they look alike and the way i feel when I see her looking at me.

I mean, she's been here for days and I've been with her ever since.

She makes everything look so easy and fun. She makes everything so bright and reachable.

She makes everything happy. She makes me happy. 

I haven't felt happiness in a long time. Not since elizabeth died. 

She was the love of my life. She was my everything.

Everytime we are together, we would talk about the future. about making our own family and being good parents to our kids and other things.

Everytime she would look at me, she always have this smile on her fae that i can't help but smile with her.

But everything changed when we met christopher. At first, we thought he was our friend. 

He sheltred us, fed us and practically did everything for us. Whenever we said that we would repay him somehow, he said we didn't have to. 

One day, I heard him talking to his brother. He said that the ritual is complete because he has two sacrifices now.

I wondered about that but I just shrugged it off knowing that he would never harm us. But I was wrong. I was dead wrong.

A week after our stay at his place, he told us to go to the place near the river and he would meet us here.

Little did I know that was the end for us. I didn't think that going there might end our lives. I didn't know. We didn't know. 

After a while of waiting, he showed up with his brother. His brother came to us and examined us. He extened his hand to me and gave me vial. 

He told me to drink it. I looked at christopher seeking for assurance that it is safe to drink it cause i trust him. 

He nodded and i drank it.

The liquid didn't taste like anything but the reaction quickly started. 

My eyes blurred and my body was on fire. The bad kind of fire. It felt like somebody was toturing me and I just wanted to die. 

It hurts so much that my throat dried up and my bones cracked. I thought that I was going to a much painful experience but after that one last bone crack I collapsed.

When I woke up everything became clearer. Everything became brighter. Everything magnififed and everything was really beautiful.

I looked around looking for the most beautiful person in the world but she is  nowhere to be found. I searched for hours and ended going home to christopher.

When I reached the door, a strong urge came unto me and I was hungry. I was craving for something but I don't know what it is. 

As I opned the door and got closer, My pulsed raced and my hunger went to overdrive and I knew at that time that I jkust had to go get it.

And I did just that. I went for it not looking at it. I didn't know how it happened but my body reacted on its own.

My vision became blood red and the smell became more dominant. Like its the only thing I could smell. 

I tried to contain the craving but my body betrayed me. 

The next thing I know is that I was nipping at someone's neck and I drankf rom it. My insides went crazy as blood rushed from the neck to my mouth. 

It felt so good that I did not feel the need to stop. After a while of nipping more, I felt the person go limp in my arms and I have to let it go.

After my vision cleared up, I was devastated at the sight before me. In front of me layed elizabeth lifeless. Like blood was drained form her system. She was pale as a ghost.

I realized soon after that it was me. I was the that killed her. I was the one that drained the life out of the girl I love.

I knelt down beside her and cried. I know crying would not help but seein gyou rlover lying there lifeless is not the most pleasurable sight to see.

After days and days of grieving something inside me clicked. I felt my heart stopped beating. I ran away from christopher and I just wandered the streets.

When I got hungry I killed people until it quenched my thirst but nothing could. 

One I went back, I was lost. I didn't know what to do and what I was. I didn't know why it happened to me. 

I didn't know how to live my life. If I have one. I didn't know how to cntrol this undeniable hunger and the cravings for blood.

I sat down on the ground and held my face in my hands. I felt my thoughts drift away to the olden days. Back where eveything was simple.

I remembered the day when my father told me about the supernatural world. He told me about the bodark and strigoi. 

My father originated from romania and they have myths and legends about them. He would tell me about it but I never believed in such thing.

My father got so deep into telling the story that he didn't notice I was confused about it. I was just confused about the names but about what they are, I got it loud and clear.

I asked my father if they have simplier names. Ones that i can remember. I may not believe in it but my father seems to enjoy this.

And everytime I showed my interest in it, My father"s eyes would light up. 

I loved seeing my family happy. I would do anything for them just to make them happy. 

He told me that sometimes, they were called vampires and werewolves.

He also told me that werewolves are shape shifters. They can turn to a wolf and back to their hman forms as they please.

Werewolves are known for their temper. They can be very aggresive when provoked. But they are very loyal when it comes to their friends and family.

They don't mean harm to any human but centuries ago they were hunted down to extinction and eventually got wiped out on the face of the earth.

While vampires on the other hand, They were dangerous.

They were ruthless creatures that killed people without having seconds thoughts about it.

Vampires are known for their good looks and charming eyes and well built bodies. They tend to walk in daylight but some dies.

I was told hat they would hunt their prey at night and charm them and evetually kill them. All of their victims are drained of blood. Blood trickled from their necks to the ground. 

Sometimes vampires leave as is to let others know that they have crossed their territory. 

I snapped my open. Vampires. They have fangs. They are strong and fast.

They drain humans for their blood. They feed on human blood. 

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes as I realized I was a monster. I was a vampire. A ruthless vampire that kills humans.

More tears fell as I realized that I was the one that killed elizabeth.  I was the one that killed my lover.

I roamed around for days fighting the urge to kill and feed. After the fifth day, I passed a group of hikers. 

I hid behind the trees. One of them were cooking and she accidentally cut herself.

As the blood trickled from her hand, As the smell infiltrated my nose, I became hungry. I felt the need to feed more than I've ever felt before.

I tried to control myself but its ard when you haven't fed for 5 days. I waited for her friends to go back in or do something. 

When I saw her alone I took the opportunity and went for her. tilted her head to side to get a good bite.

As my mouth came closer to her neck, the hunger I felt grew more and more. I bared my fangs and bit her neck.

She screamed in pain but that only made the hunger grow. It felt like every time I hurt someone or feed on someone, the hunger grows and I liked it more if they struggle.

I felt her go limp and I let her go. She dropped to floor looking lifeless. 

" I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I repeated over and over again. 

I took off and decided to leave the country. I didn't have any money so I just hitched rides here and there.

I didn't know where I was going. Truth is, I didn't have anywhere to go. 

I slept from one place to another until I found this little town in the outskirts of the city.

I settled for that town. It was small compared to before but the people here are nice and I felt that I can be safe here.

I don't really know why, But ever since I left I felt that it wasn't safe to be alone.

I heard noises. I looked at the direction from where it was coming. I saw her toss and turn in her sleep. 

I didn't mind. After a few minutes, I snapped out of my trance as I heard an ear splitting scream. 

I didn't know her name but I need to wake her up. I screamed at her, I pinched her, I did everything humanly possible to wake her up but none of it worked.

I thought about something. Maybe a kiss? I thought it was ridiculous but its still worth a shot.

I remember her blabber about true loves kiss and the mushy stuff like that.

I went to the side of the bed and sat there. I caressed her cheeks gently. I took in her features and adored her face.

No. I shouldn't do this. Not now.

I leaned in and kissed her and I felt things I 've never felt before. It was like electricity running through my body making me shiver.

I looked at her and her fluttered open. Tears streaming down her face.

" He was there. He tried to do it again. I don't want to ever feel that pain again " She said more to someone else than me.

I hugged and she clinged to me like her life depended on it. I draw soothing circles on her back just to make her relax but none of it worked.

I was just testing out a theory. I bit my wrist and placed it near her mouth. 

She looked at me first then drank my blood and she calmed down. Looks like it's true.

Before, they said that only pure blooded vampires can only calm down after drinking blood. 

Pure blooded vampires are people born as vampires. They have a stronger bloodlust than vampires like me but they have great control for it.

Now there was another legend. Actually there were lots. There was one about a hybrid, a royal blood and the pure blood. 

They said that a hybrid is more dangerous that vampires like me. In the supernatural world, There are ranks of dangerousness. They have symbols that accompany it.

The most dangerous out of it all are the potentia race. They are the most powerful out of all of us because they are the mixture of three. 

They are hybrids and pure bloods and at the same time a royal blood. This kind of vampires are rare cause you have to be a descendant of a royal hybrid  and a pure or the other way around.

Their symbols looks like an inverted L with a spiral going down. They said that the potentia vampires are capable of killing people with even just a touch.

next in line are the royal and pure blood vampires or simply the pures and the royals. the royals symbol looks like a star with wings and a crown on top. 

The pure bloods symbol looks like an infinity symbol but the center is not connected ( its really hard to explain so just look at the photo :)  if you watched true blood then you probably know :) ------------->).

Then there are special vampires like me. We have powers and are stronger than the plain ones but  not as half as much as strong as the potentia but strong enough to take on the royals and pure bloods.

 The only difference between us and the royals and pures are the fact that they have more powers than us.

We have the same symbol as the royals and pures but ours have a sword pointing downwards in the center.

The potentia vampires have all kinds of powers so its really a bad idea to get on their bad side.

Then the last on the list are the plain ones. The ones that are turned but didn't have any powers. They are considered human to the supernatural world.

You can also identify them by their physical appearance but I left before I heard them say it. 

I snapped out of my thoughts and searched for her symbol. Usually they are at the side of the pelvic bone or at the colar bone.

Only the higher ranks have their symbol hidden. 

I searched at all the places I thought of the mark would appear but it wasn't there. 

She's a higher ranking vampire than me. There are only three choices left but I doubt that she's a potentia. 

Those types of vampires are really rare and from what I heard, The only vampires who are potentias are the descendants of lord michael 1. 

He was the very first potentia that walked the earth. Her wife olivia is a pure royal blood. Legends says that their descendants are more powerful than potentias and maybe the only family that can carry the potentia line.

I gave up searching and just settled for asking her tomorrow.

She looked fast asleep so I tried to get out of bed but she held me in place and rolled from the bed to my lap giving me a full view of her back. 

Well not really a full view but the part that doesn't have clothes on. Which is pretty much almost half of it cause she's still wearing the dress I bought her.

I sweeoed her hair from the side and that's where I saw it. 

The symbol that I'm looking for. She was a descendant fo the most powerful family. 

She was a potentia but there was something off about her symbol. If you look close enough, you could see a small cresent moon in the center of the spiral. 

It was barely visible to my eyes so i doubt that its visible to human eyes.

So that's why I felt intimidated by her. 

I sighed. I guess I have to still ask her. 

I closed my eyes and layed down hoping that sleep would claim me and soon enough i drifted off to sleep.

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