The Vicious 2: Alien Invasion

By The_Thunderbird

49 0 0

Months after their first adventure, The Vicious, now separated, face a world-changing event: an alien invasio... More

Blue Army
Brand New World
Spy job
Trapped by Tyrone
Ice Cream Golem
Alien Invasion
Imminent Conflict
Thank You Frosty
Peace Keeper Speech
What is going on?
History of the House
Hey Tails!
Moving on
Omen of Deluge
The Initiative
Alien Conference
Finding Runner

Meeting friends

2 0 0
By The_Thunderbird

"A chamber to contact another world?"



So that's how peace looks like?

I suppose so...

After all we went through, I finally managed to destroy my father's threatening legacy by killing his last follower. There was nothing else to do.

Even though I don't know much about the evil spirit that killed him, me and the others were sure they are sealed away, along with the Tyronnist's weapons and the dark masters', after all, the House Master could not allow those kind of weapons in our world.

So I came back to the life I had before, eating a lot, playing computer games, and hanging out with the crew. Jerry decided to move on to my place, he is a cool dude, although it is annoying as hell when he decides to randomly throw parties at my place.

And Ethan, he found a place for himself and apparently got back to medicine career, at least that was what I thought. One day all of it changed though.

He came to my place on an early morning, I was still sleeping 'cause I played on the computer all night long, and Jerry was hungover.

*Doorbell rings.

Viktor: Crap... come on Jerry, I'm trying to sleep here!

Jerry: It is not me! I'm... Heey Ethan! What a cool surprise.

I looked at the clock and it was 6:30 in the morning. Even though I wanted so bad to sleep I went downstairs to see how Ethan was doing.

Ethan: Hey guys, sorry for showing up this early.

Jerry: Ha! No problem man, you're part of the family, how is my favorite psycho?

Ethan: I've been doing fine, the reason I'm here is because last night so much weird stuff was going on...

Viktor: What was it?

Ethan: I'll tell you, I mean... I'll show you, look?

Jerry: Oh! That is shiny! That's cool!

Viktor: What's up with the orb, I cannot read this thing.

He showed us his orb but I didn't understand a thing. He explained:

Ethan: This is the Big Brother Orb, it is supposed to track portals based on electric pulses. The main thing is, when there's a portal, it shows the pulse and the dimensional barrier break. Now look, there aren't any pulses showing up but...

Viktor: What are these black dots?

Ethan: That's what I meant! See, I'm not crazy!

Jerry: Yeah... but that means...

Ethan: These should be broken barriers. But they got no electric nature, it is impossible. Doesn't make any sense.

Viktor: Did you talk to Mr. Maybe?

Ethan: Yes, he said the orb should be broken, it happened before when he messed with time machines.

Jerry: Time machines? That's so cool!

Ethan: So... In order to fix the orb, I'm going to the Shadow, you guys in?

Jerry: No! No way I'm going to that place again!

Viktor: Huh... Sorry Ethan, I hate to disappoint you but... I'm not really into this kind of... adventure...

Ethan: Yeah... I understand, I'm going to call Susanna, maybe she'd like to join.

Jerry: Did you get to these portal places?

Ethan: I did, the one in this town is near the power plant, but there's nothing there. Not even a sign.

Viktor: It shouldn't be a problem then.

Ethan: Yes, I hope so...

Later Susanna agreed to help him... But this portal stuff got into my mind...


*Phone rings

Viktor: Hello.

Daniel: Viktor! It's Daniel!

Viktor: Daniel, my friend how are you? I heard you're back at being an agent!

Daniel: Yes, working for the country! Listen, I called to ask you: why don't we just get together and have a cup of tea? Tell Jerry to come too!

After some months without even seen each other, we went to Daniel's place, and had some good old talk.


Elvira: This tastes soooo good, I could have 20 of these.

Jerry: Challenge accepted!

We spent the afternoon at Daniel's flat, located in the military village. Elvira got there too, after she got out of work.

Daniel: So... There's been something I wanted to tell you...

Elvira: Yes?

Daniel: I've been having some visions, you know, my memories didn't come back as I expected them to come, and...

Viktor: Right man, just don't force it too much ok?

Daniel: All that source thing...

Elvira: I know what you mean, everyone of us are curious about the Source.

Jerry: And the core! And that curse that killed Mr. Mason!

Daniel: I promise you, I will find out what happened, I've been studying and reading some books.

Then he showed a book about Silver and Gold mythology.

Elvira: Gold empire predicted the end of the world too!

Jerry: That was supposed to have already happened! Too bad they suck!

Viktor: Come on guys... these are only conspiracy books...

Daniel: Most are, I managed to get those books from the old castle, where I lived with Sasha, I wanna find things about old zeta.

Elvira: Oh, look here, the book that frostelec Agamenon wrote.

Jerry: "The Holy Inside"... Seems more like the evil inside.

Daniel: Yes, it's that chamber Sasha built in the castle.

That book was written in the Source, researched by the Stealers Institute.

Viktor: It was such a big coincidence finding that guy there, if it wasn't for us...

Daniel: Yeah, I already read that book, but it's kinda lame...

I picked the book in my hands, on its back got those words written:

"Communicating is a vital thing, without it, there wouldn't even be a society.

But imagine if it was possible to communicate with other dimensions...

The Stealers Institute's experiments discovered a way to make pure-mana travel quickly through the realms.

Could it be possible to contact someone?

We found out that it is not only possible to contact others, but tell them to come HERE."

I thought the chamber was a portal to the Source...

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