Checkmate - RATED R

By Love_Bri94

2.1M 75.5K 61K

She wasn't what he was used to....he had finally met his match. More

Before It Ends❤️
Decision Day


22.9K 907 919
By Love_Bri94

Chapter Thirtythree
Mya Anderson
Mya's House - The Next Day, 8:30AM

Chris pulled up in front of my house and parked. He had meetings today and I had a lot to do now that my building is up and running. I didn't want to leave Chris though.

Pouting I sunk down in my seat. This man really has me spoiled and has my head gone.

"What's wrong boo?" He asked while pinching my chin.

"I don't want you to go. I've been under you for two whole weeks and I'm missing you already and we're still in the car."

He smiled. "I just got a few meetings, when I'm done you can come back to my crib."

"Yeah....I have a lot to do too so hopefully I'm not too tired. But even if I am I'm going to drive my sleepy ass over to you." Leaning over I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm not gonna hold you up, text me when you can."

"I will." He kissed me. "I love you baby."

"I love you too baby."

We kissed a few more times then I climbed out the car. Once I got inside the house, I heard his Lamborghini pull off. I couldn't wait to drive mine today.

Waking further in the house I sighed. I could hear talking coming from the kitchen so I didn't bother to go in there. I've been dreading facing Kayla and Syren after that trip. I've been trying to stay peaceful, things have been going great besides that little situation yesterday but Chris knows he has nothing to worry about.

Once I got in my room, I went into my closet and found something to put on for today. I needed my hair done bad. Chris literally begged me to keep wearing my natural hair but it's just too much to maintain. I don't have that stringy hair that he's used to, I can't just wash and go.

After my shower, I slipped on my clothes

Then did my hair and make up. I was in the middle of putting on my lip gloss when Syren came into the bathroom.

"Well hello stranger." She said.

I looked over at her and gave a toothless grin. "Hi."

"I haven't heard from you in two weeks. What's up with that?"

"Wasn't nothing to talk about. Only conversation we needed to have was you telling me that you have Chris's money."

Syren laughed. "Are you still mad about that? He's not even this upset."

"I don't give a fuck what he is. That was bold as hell. He showed me the texts when he told you and Eva not to even come to Costa Rica because he wanted that moment just for us but you came anyway. My own best friend came up with the idea then used my boyfriends money to pay for it. That's stealing Syren."

"Trust me he'll make that back in a day. Mya you are so hostile lately and that shit is annoying."

"Bitch WHAT?!" I looked at her like she was insane. "I'm hostile because the people I brought here to help me have done everything but that. Syren put yourself in my shoes. What if I just used somebody you were dating money, would you be okay with that?"

"But it ain't your money Mya so why you tripping?! Chris ain't mad so bitch lighten up!"

"ARE YOU SERIO— get out....and I don't just mean out of the bathroom, get out of my house." I got up from my seat and rushed downstairs. "If you're not here to help me with my store, you gotta get the fuck out! Vacation is over, I'm tired of footing the bills for you grown ass niggas. Either go back home, find somewhere to stay or do what I asked y'all to come do. And if you leave and I see you at MY NIGGA crib, I'm dragging you out his house."

Kayla laughed. "Bitch that ain't yo crib."

"She think cause she fucking that nigga she run him. It's a matter of time before he go back to who he really is." Syren said

My eyes damn near fell out my head. "Wooooow. Y'all really gotta go. Syren you supposed to be my best fucking friend but you get around my sister and you always switch up. And Kayla we was better than this, what the fuck is your problem?!"

"Jealousy." Mariah said, making me damn near break my neck because I didn't expect her to be on my side.

"Jealous of what?" Kayla said.

"Come on now Kayla, everybody knows you want Mya's life."

My mind just instantly went back to my mom and Brian.

"I'm not jealous of Mya. She has nothing for me to jealous of."

Mariah laughed. "A successful business, she's fucking a successful nigga and it's not the hit it and quit it you're used to, she's in a relationship with the biggest R&B singer while you're fucking his friend after your older sister didn't want have a lot of reasons to be mad. And Syren, I'm really shocked at you sis. Your loyalty is to Mya, not Kayla. Her fake ass used to talk so much shit about you to Asia but now that y'all in LA you two are the best of friends huh?"

My eyes grew. Mariah spilling tea tuhday! I see who ain't trying to get kicked out.

"Are you about to go up to the store?" Mariah asked me.

"Yeah I am, but not until these two leave."

"So you're really going to kick us out?" Syren asked. "Mya I didn't mean any harm by what I said, I just don't like how you've been acting lately."

"I've barely been around you so I don't even know what that means. I'm sure Kayla put all those ill feelings in your mind. But it's cool. Thanks for coming to LA ladies, but you can go now."

"You've changed Mya, but something is blinding you from seeing it." Kayla said.

"Bye girl." I said while waving her off.

Shaking their heads, they walked away.

Sighing I leaned against the counter. "Thanks Mariah."

"No problem, I know we're not the closest but they have been tripping lately and I had to say something. Mommy called me too. I was supposed to talk to Kayla alone but this happened. The whole trip situation, I apologize on my behalf. From my understanding you knew we were coming."

"Yeah, Brian had lunch with me while I was in Miami and he pulled the wool from over my eyes. Then mommy sealed the deal. I can't lie and say I'm not hurt."

"She's your sister and you guys were close. I get it."

"Yeah....once they leave we can go."

"Okay cool....nice truck by the way."

"Thank you." A big smile peeled across my face.

"You really like him huh?"

"I do.....I really do Mariah."

" damn cute. Make me nieces and nephews please."

"Oh my gosh if another person asks me for a baby. And speaking of nieces and nephews where are mine?"

She sighed. "Back in Florida Of course. I don't want to sound selfish but sometimes I just need a moment to myself. For the longest I didn't even attempt to do that because I didn't want to be labeled as a bad mom but Mya I couldn't take it anymore. My so called husband got to live his life while I suffered you know. Whenever you do have kids even if it's not with Chris, make sure that both parents are giving 100% not just the mother and sadly most times that's exactly how it is. I'm buying a plane ticket tomorrow to head back though. As much as I want my freedom I miss my babies."

"You should bring them here! I'll pay for all of you to fly. I'll fly back with you so that you won't have to do that alone. We can take the kids to six flags or Disney...maybe both. I hate that I'm not active in their lives Mariah."

"You have enough on your plate."

"I know but I'll make time for my niece and nephew. Pleeeeeease Mariah!"

" when they start irking your nerve don't kick us out like you did those two upstairs."

I laughed. "Don't worry. Speaking of those two let's see if their gone so we can go."

"When everything deescalates, you and Kayla need to talk Mya."

"I can't talk to her, it'll turn into a fight."

"Well it needs to happen. Be adults for once."

"I'll think about it."

"Naw ain't no think. You will do it or I'm telling mommy and daddy."

"Ugh, snitch." I rolled my eyes. "I'll talk to her."

"Good, now let's go."


Tossing my phone into my lap, I sighed after calling Chris for the 12th time. It's almost 1 in the morning and I haven't heard from him. Shit like that is nerve wrecking because he doesn't normally do this.

After sending another text message and not getting a response, I just said forget it. Laying in bed I got more comfortable and focused on TV. Just as soon as my eyes started closing, my phone dinged. Quickly, I grabbed it and hit the lock button, only to be faced with a notification from Instagram.

Rolling my eyes, I opened it.

It was DM from one of Chris's fan pages. Shockingly, I haven't had any issues with Team Breezy like I thought I would. I mean there are a few delusional haters but so far so good.

Opening the message, it was a bunch of videos from someone's instastory. Exhaling, I opened each one and the more I watched, the more pissed off I became.

"What up nigga!" A girl yelled, putting her phone in Chris face.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled.

I checked the time stamp and this was from 30 minutes ago. I quickly DM'd the page back and asked if they knew where the party was......of course they did.

Jumping out of bed, I ran into my closet and just slipped on a dress and my Louis Vuitton sneakers. After that I rushed to Mariah's room. "Aye get up and get dressed." I told her.

She was almost knocked out. "Why Mya?"

"We gotta go somewhere. Come on."

"Where girl?! It's late and I'm sleepy."

We did have a crazy day. After meeting with my team for my store, which took hours because I had to show them all the new security stuff and explain new procedures due to my last fiasco, we went shopping and out to eat. I decided to open officially on Monday, I can't wait.

"Mariah just ride with me, I'll buy more food."

Groaning she got out of bed and grabbed something to slip on. After that we headed to my car and made our way to the address I was given.

"What's going on Mya?" Mariah asked.

"Oh nothing."

"You're headed to Beverly Hills, Who you know out here?"


"What did Chris do?"

"I just wanted to pull up on him since he couldn't answer any of my calls and make sure he's okay."

"Oh boy...any woman that mentions pulling up is about to go crazy. Good thing I wore my gym-shoes."

We pulled up to this huge mansion that was swarmed with cars.

"This house looks familiar." Mariah said.

"'s diddy's. Chris old ass loves to hang out with his sons." Climbing out I headed up the driveway while shooting a text. After standing outside for a while somebody called my name. I turned around and smiled. "Hey Justin."

Me and Justin Combs have been good friends for a long time. NO I DID NOT FUCK HIM before you ask. He dated Saweetie and me and her are cool, we always hang when she is in Miami. Besides he's short as hell, don't wont that. And besides I'd rather fuck Quincy.

"Wassup Mya! I asked Breezy where you was at, he said you didn't want to come." Justin said.

"Oh did he?"

He stared at me. "Uh saw something you didn't like huh?"

I smiled. "Where is he?"

"Backyard, brace yourself. And don't snatch nobody up man, we all about love around here."

"Oh okay, this is my sister Mariah by the way."

"Hello." Mariah waved.

"Hey beautiful, how are you?" Justin asked.

"I'm good and you?"

"I'm wonderful, let's head inside ladies." He led us inside, then I made my way to the backyard.

When I got outside I glanced around until I spotted his tall dumb ass. Two girl shook their ass, his favorite type of girl might I add while he stood behind them dancing. I had to take a few deep breaths as I made my way over there. I stood next to them and watched him enjoy. 

"Ayyye shake that shit for this single motherfucka." I yelled.

Chris quickly turned and looked at me. "Oh shit!" He stepped back. "Mya, what you doing here?"

"This why you can't answer your phone?"

"I was working."

"This is work?"

He just groaned.

I heard the two bums he was dancing on laughing. I looked over at them. "It ain't shit for me to smack the shit out of both of y'all."

"Man don't embarrass me with that mess you be on Mya." Chris said.

Ugh, I wanna kill this nigga. "Embarrass you?! Oh okay. You know what continue dancing behind these flat board ass bitches. I'm straight." Turning around I headed back in the house. I could hear him following me and I'm not sure why he's even doing that.

As soon as I saw Mariah, I grabbed her hand and just trailed her along with me.

"What happened Mya?" Mariah asked.

"Niggas ain't shit, is what happened."

I was about get in my car when he pulled me back. "You tripping for no fucking reason Mya! I'm just dancing, that's it!" Chris yelled.

"Nigga I've been calling you for fucking hours and I know you saw that shit, but instead of you calling me back I gotta get videos sent to me of you calling bitches beautiful and you flirting." I said while stepping closer to his face.

"What's wrong with harmless flirting? You tripping man."

"I'm not tripping cause that shit can lead into something else. Do you want me out here harmlessly flirting? NO! So don't come to me with that bullshit. I'm not about to play these games with you Chris."

"Man ain't nobody playing games, you just always like to turn nothing into something. I was just dancing, quit complaining."

"Okay, whatever you say Chris." I started getting in my car.

"We Good right?"

I flipped him off and slammed the door.

He can harmlessly flirt.....okay, say no more.

theshaderoom Trouble in paradise? 🤔 #chrisbrown and his girlfriend recorded having an argument. She doesn't seem happy. Chris what you do?!!!!

balleralert Things not looking too good for #chrisbrown and his girlfriend. She seems feisty, run Chris!!

hollywoodunlocked We saw this coming. Looks like #chrisbrown and #MyaAnderson are hitting a rough patch. Word on the street is he was being extra friendly with a bunch of women. Leave while you can Mya. 

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