I Broke into a Vampire's Mans...

By AlicelookingOut

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When Eleanor breaks into an old victorian mansion, she excepts to find ghosts and antiques, but instead she f... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen: Part One

Chapter Three

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By AlicelookingOut

Chapter Three: The January Excperiences

The first passage was written very neatly.

January 17, 1939

I have not seen the boy since that day. Needless to say I've been looking for him. He does not show up. And I have given up on looking for him. Mrs. Gregory was released from the hospital. I think this is terrible and probably was done by her husband paying enough money for him to get her out of this place and keep the nurses silent. She shouldn't  be out in the real world, she should be under a nurses care. She will be back. I wonder if I shouldn't be out in the real world. And that's why the nun's have made me a nurse here. Except I have no loving parents or husband to bail me out of this horrible hospital, surronded by death.

January 20, 1939

I SAW HIM. I saw the boy he was standing outside the  hospital smoking a ciggarette. He had just walked out of Mick O'Leary's smoke shop. I knew it was him, because nobody in the world could be as handsome and walk the same way he does. He is magical, the way he moves and leans. I want to meet him. And I do not want to meet him I'm afraid of him. But watching him is an escape out of this world. He makes me dream and wonder and think about who he could possibly be and what he does. He dresses like a gangster, like Al Capone. Al Capone currently a prisionar at Alcatraz. This hospital is like my own Alcatraz. I'm an isolated prisoner.

Alcatraz? That is intense. I thought to myself after reading these two passages. I

felt bad for her. I didn't know what it felt like to be trapped. I could imagine though.

And the description of alcatraz made it seem ten times more intense. I looked up at

the clock it was almost two AM but I didn't have school on tuesday because monday

tuesday and wednesday were our fall break.

January 21, 1939

Today I was sitting at the front desk and he came in. I felt my head beat fast as he walked up to the desk.  He was handsome. His hair was curled up at the top, the typical way most of the boys wore their hair. In his other hand he was holding a fedora. He had it clenced in his hand. He stopped at the front desk and placed his hat on the desk. He smiled and began to sign his name in on the visitor list. "Excuse me sir. Are you looking for a patient." He smiled, only one side of his mouth curving up, he had a handsome crooked smile. I felt a bit weak looking at him. He was so good looking. He bit his bottom lip he un buttoned his suit jacket and reached in his pocket pulling out a letter. He told me the envolope was adressed from his father to the director of the hospital. I nodded and he handed me the envelope. He thanked me and started to walk out of the lobby. But before he could get out another young nurse ran up to him and hugged him. My heart sunk in my chest. My few days of escape were over.

January 24, 1939

Nothing much has happened here. Same thing that happens in a hospital. People die, people are diagnosed, people are born, people break their bones and hope to get them fixed. And nurses sit idly by doing what they can, and for those of us nurses who are here because it's either become a nun or a nurse because you have no parents who will give you a life, we just sit and wait until we ourseleves are checked in the hospital and wait to die. Sometimes when I close my eyes, I see my name, HELEN REEDS engraved on a headstone.

January 27, 1939

Mrs. Gregory is back. Who saw that coming?

That was the last passage in the Journal for January.

My eyes started feeling tired. I laid the journal on the table. Ruthie was spralled out

on my bed taking up all of it. I shook my head and lay down on my couch. I didn't

bother to change into my pajamas. I was too tired. I yawned and pulled my down

throw over it. It wasn't as comfortable as the bed I had been asleep on before. My

eyes shot open as I thought of that. Had it happened or had I been dreaming?

I woke up the next day. Ruthie was already awake. I smelled coffee and the way

Border's smells when I woke up. I stood streached and slowly pulled my legs out

of bed.  I cracked my back and yawned. I am a terrible person in the mourning. I

walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I combed my

hair out nearly ripped out half of it as I finnished. I left my room and found Ruthie on

the couch watching Spongebob Squarepants. She turned her head around to look

at me.

"Your mum made breakfast."

She pointed at the counter and I found a plate waiting for me. Eggs, Bacon,

potatoes and fruit. YUMMY. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I sat on the

bar in the kitchen and watched tv from there.

"Hey Ruthie?" I asked.


She said not even bothering to make eye contact with me.

"What happened last night?"

I asked.

She turned around and looked at me with a very confused look on her face.

"What do you mean what happened last night?"

She asked.

"Just that."

I said back.

"Well you broke into the old mansion on the hill, you haven't told me about anything that happened while you were in there. And I fell asleep, we came back to your house and I fell asleep again. And that is the extent of my knowledge from last night."

She said.

Ruthie sighed and turned around to look at me finally.

"What did happen last night?"

She asked.

I thought about Charlie. And the room with the fire place and the comfoting bed.

And the room with the old film. I got the chills and shook it off.


I said.

Ruthie looked at me skeptically.

"Well how was the mansion?"

She asked.

I looked to the left and then looked back at Ruthie.

"Um, exactly how you would excpect it to be."

I said.


She said.

I started eating. I pushed around a potatoe on the plate and finally ate it. I thought

about last night and I got butterflies. Thinking about Charlie. I couldn't wait to see

him again.

But I would have to sit through two more days of school.

Thursday came and was long and trechourous. I stood outside of the building

leaning against my car reading an article in seveneteen. I love the trama stories.

They are hilarious, and sometimes I feel like these things have happened to me.

I heard the warning bell ring and I put my copy of seventeen back into my bag.

I headed towards the  building and stopped. I looked up towards the east where

the mansion was. It looked more inviting then ever. I looked back at the school

building, and for a moment I felt like jumping back into my car and driving to see

Charlie, but he probably wasn't home. I turned around and walked to

the school. I was greeted by giggling cheerleaders in the lobby, and the music

students packing up their guitars. While one spoke loudly about his bad ass

fall break and all the hot chicks that came to his show. I rolled my eyes and

finally got to my first period class. English. English was pretty bearable, but today

we had a socratic seminar. I hate those. I waited out the day until lunch. Then

things started to get interesting...


Comment please and tell me what you think <3.

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