Disaster Road: Yandere BTS x...

By lilieset

60.8K 1.6K 1.2K

BTS on yet another world tour, who knew? Well, it wasn't just for that. They have trouble with what you call... More

1: Surpise
2: Meeting them
3: Story Time
4: Concert Runaway
5: Information
6: Stalker Texts
7: Photos & Visits
8: Disaster Date
9: Explain
10: Jimin's Punishment vs Jin's Kink
11: New Home
12: Make over
13: Envy & Pain
BTS Merch
Temporary Hold
Good News

14: Caught Red Handed

1.7K 46 16
By lilieset

"So, what is this about talking to Raine again?"

I gulp as I am now trapped in Hoseok's arms, with a tight grip at that. He didn't even bother losing grip, which made matters worse.


The look on his face was super scary. It was what kept me from speaking. His eyes that are usually sparkling and full of joy were dull and serious, a shadow smearing across his face. "You what?"

I cleared my throat, finally gaining the nerve to speak. "I-i meant in a rhetorical way... L-like in my prayers..."

Hoseok scoffed and thankfully released my arm, which now had a slight mark on it. "You shouldn't be thinking of him at all, but I'll let it slide."

I sighed in relief as I know walked behind him. That was way too close for my liking. If he pressed on, I would've probably broke.

Standing at the entrance of the place were the six of them, appearing to be equally croaned between annoyed, pissed and worried.

Taehyung was the first to notice me and ran over. Grabbing my face, he leaned his face close, noses touching as he stared into my eyes. "Don't you dare run away from us like that again, got it? You had us worried."

Before I could respond, he was pulled away by a serious looking Jimin. "Don't touch her like that yet unless she wants to be." Jealousy iced his tone. "Besides, if anything she would choose me." He claimed in a smooth, deep tone as he grabbed my face. "Because you'd let me love you, right?"

My heart was racing from this moment but it was interrupted by all the boys arguing. I rolled my eyes, suddenly annoyed. I shoved by all of them. "I am being argued over by a bunch of children. Are we going home or not?"

They all immediately brightened up at seeing my mention of it as home. They ran over and we walked to the van together.

The ride home was actually pleasant. We all teased each other and made jokes and passed off roasts, Yoongi winning by a mile long but he passed it off and complimented mine claming I deserved to win. It made me laugh and I noticed all of them "secretly" admire that, even Namjoon, who was driving.

We arrived at the dorm about fourty minutes later and my eyes were covered yet again, being told it was so I don't know the code to escape. Well, the moment of warmth was over for me now.

Once we got inside, I went to the room I was sharing and locked the door. No way was I going to let someone walk in while I was changing. I changed into comfortable shorts and a large hoodie from the owner of the bedroom and walked out, pulling my hair up into a messy ponytail and went bare foot.

I walk out to see four boys wrestling on the floor, one of them holding the remote to the television in the air. The three not fighting were in the mini kitchen off to the side, just watching with grins on their faces.

"Um, okay then."

They all untangle themselves at the sound of my voice. The four boys that were fighting were kookie, Tae, Jimin and Joon. They were giving me innocent looks with their beady eyes, which only made me laugh. "Dorks."

Jungkook pouted and crossed his arms. "I wanted to watch my favorite show!" They all started arguing again and I rolled my eyes and strolled over taking the remote and sat down on the seat crossing my legs as I changed it to the drama channel where one of my favorite was on.

They all gave each other mischievous glances before jumping on the couch, attacking me as we were all in a pile now, which only made me laugh more.

After a few minutes, we were all off each other and bunched up on the one couch with me in the middle. Tae took the nerve to wrap his arm around me as he sat to my left and Jimin's head was on my shoulder. Hoseok was next to Tae, Joon next to Jimin. The three others were on the floor sticking their legs under the coffee table as we all settled on the drama channel because they wanted me to be more happy here. I completed because, hey, perks am I right?


It was about an hour later as the show marathon came to end. Empty snack packages were scattered here and there. Both Tae's and Jimin's head was in my lap, crumbs were on the boys on the floor and there was a slight snore heard.

I giggled quietly and gently slid the boys heads off my lap and tip toed around them. I smiled at the scene. I may not like being here against my will, but I had to admit it was adorable. So I took out the disposable camera I found earlier in the drawer and snapped a photo.

I put the camera up and yawned,stretching. A bit of skin showed on my abdomen as I reached my arms up.

I walked to the room I shared with someone, having yet to figure out who, and pulled down my hair. I yawn again and took off my hoodie I was wearing and searched for a large shirt to wear so I wouldn't be too cold nor hot.

"Hmm, nice view. You should walk around like this more often.~"

I yelp and spin around, my eyes meeting Hoseok's. I quickly cover my chest with the shirt that was now in my hands. Hoseok only walked over and took the shirt out of my hands. "That's my shirt." He threw it to the side and took another step to me, closing the space between us. "And don't you dare hide from me again." He growled to me.

To say I was surprised was an understatement. What the heck happened to the soft sunshine Hobi I always loved? It's like he's a whole different person behind behind the scenes.


His hand slammed to beside my shoulder enclosing me to the wall behind me and my heart pounded as he stared deep into my (e/c) eyes. "Don't protest, (Y/N). Do you really think I believed your pathetic excuse earlier? I only acted like I did so eventually I could get you all to myself just to punish you."

I was about to open my mouth to protest again when suddenly aoft lips were on mine and my eyes widened. I pressed my hands to his chest shoving into it, trying any way to get him to move away. When that didn't work, I decided a women's best weapon when she didn't have a weapon: her knee.

Just as it was about to meet his groin, I felt a hand there and Hoseok was away from me, the hand belonging to his as he had a smirk on his face. "I saw that coming."

Fear suddenly dipped through me and I quickly kicked his hand and ran for the door only a few feet away when I was tackled to the floor. My arms were now pinned above my head and his knee between my legs.

My heart raced as he stared down at me, his hair now messy. "It didn't have to be this way, (Y/N), but you make it so hard to resist you. You didn't even look to make sure no one was looking when you stretched and showed that soft skin of yours.~"

The next thing I know, I feel soft lips on my neck which caused me to gasp in return. I twist my wrists in his grasp but he only grips tighter as he pressed on. A moan escapes when I feel a kiss against my skin on my lower neck and I feel him smirk. "So I found your soft spot, ne?~ Just accept your punishment, (N/n).~"

I felt him suddenly sucking my skin when suddenly the door burst open and a tall Namjoon stood there glaring down at us. "If I didn't know better, you were taking advantage of (Y/N) without telling any of us?"

Hoseok was suddenly ripped off of me and punched straight across the face, causing him to stumble back in surprise. It didn't cause but a simple red mark.

"Luckily the others were asleep or worse would have been done to you. Leave, now, before I do something else."

After Hoseok left in grumbled,  a hand helped me up and I smiled at Namjoon, a bit shaky after that event. "You alright?" I nod, but notice his eyes trailing to my neck.

I gasp, remembering the sucking part and ran to the bathroom staring into the mirror. There. on my neck, was a mark. A hickey.

Red rushed to my cheeks and I did everything I could to remove it, up to cold water, yet it was no use. The hickey just wouldn't go away.

I turn to look hopelessly at Namjoon who stood in the doorway. He uncrossed his arms and sighed walking over and wrapped his arms around me, causing me to relax into the warmth of his arms. "Normally I'm not that good at real affection... But you're a different case for me. Just relax. I'll take care of Hoseok." He mumbled to me and I nod.


I lay in bed (which was actually Namjoon's because he wanted me to be safe) and stare up at the ceiling left in my thoughts. I couldn't sleep thanks to the events of the evening, but I also wanted to be left alone so I pretend to sleep.

After about an hour of being trapped in my thoughts, I was finally lolled to the thought of sleep.

My last thoughts before being welcomed to darkness were: I have to get out of here.

~ 🌈 ~

Word count: 1666 (didn't even realize 😂)

Hey so I know it's been awhile and I know I promised more chapters but my creative mind just wouldn't burst.

Then suddenly I felt inspiration when I came upon an edited deeper version bts song on YouTube.

So here you go. While my creative juices were still working I managed to make this up.

It's longer, too~

✌Mel signing out

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