Out Of The Ordinary

By ThatNerdyChickx

2.7K 238 172

(Sequel to "From Simple To Strange") She was gone, kidnapped for four months without knowing where she was a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Question/Survey Thingy!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Finale!)

Chapter 12

97 7 20
By ThatNerdyChickx

Sorry it took so long..... but I'm happy 'cause I got the first 3 books in the Heros fo Olympus series and I'm happy... Oh, and hope you like!

I was snapped out of my trance by a laugh to my right, and then the unknown man cracked a grin and busted out laughing as well. So I was with two guys laughing for no reason at all… Great. I don’t know if this is a good thing or not.

"Um…” I trailed off. By now, Cap’ had started walking over to the freaky killer guy and was… shaking his hand?

I watched as they both smiled and did some version of a man-hug while I was just left in utter befuddlement.

“Kade,” said Cap’ with a grin.

“Mar- Cap’…” ‘Kade’ replied with a smirk. He almost dropped Cap’s name but of course he stopped himself.

“Um, guys?” They snapped their heads in my direction. “Mind telling me, oh, I don’t know, why the heck there’s a freaky killer and you’re shaking his hand?” And of course since there wasn’t a straight response, they just laughed. And here I was thinking that men were always so serious. Guess I should’ve learned that lesson with Luke.

“Kiera,” Cap’ chuckled, walking over to me. “This is my friend I was telling you about earlier, the one you’ll be staying with while you’re here.”

“You didn’t tell me he was some freaky mass-murderer!” I hissed at him, causing yet another burst of laughter. “Shut up!”

“I’m not a mass murderer, sweetheart. I’m just plain old me.” Kade reached his hand out. First mistake.

Smiling lightly, I also reached out, but instead of shaking his hand like a normal person would, I slapped him in the face, leaving a shocked expression.

I kept up my candy sweet smile as I said, “Don’t call me sweetheart.” He just smiled; a genuine, non-jerkish smile. Maybe this wouldn’t be too bad…

*     *     *

“Okay, and you like fighting? Sexy…” Kade smirked at me again as we walked down the forest trail. I just rolled my eyebrows, now used to his constant remarks and chatter.

“Uh huh, and I also roll around naked in money, how’s that for sexy?” I deadpanned, glancing at him for a second before continuing my walk to wherever.

“Wow, hun. You sure do bring sexy to a whole new level.”

We both laughed at that before a question arose in my mind. By now we were about thirty minutes away from ‘civilisation’, heading into the forest. Why, though, I didn’t know.

"Um, question…” We slowed down our walk. Kade looked at me, his black hair shimmering against the sun that glistened down on us.

“Uh, how did you guys get here?” I asked. “I mean, my kingdom has this whole backstory and stuff… what about you guys? There’s gotta be something.”

Scratching the back of his neck, Kade paused for a second and I couldn’t help but look into his mind. Just a quick glance, though. Anything else would be bad…

But when I did take a peek, all I could see were black, swirling lines of what looked like smoke, and anything that could be heard were screams. Raw, horrifying screams that made me want to run away.

So I pulled out, trying to comprehend what the heck just happened. What had happened to Kade? While I was in his head, I couldn’t grasp a single thing that I could use and obviously he wasn’t about to tell me that horror story inside his head.

“Well… they say that this place was founded by rouge Feary from another dimension. That’s really it.” Kade finished his sentence and I could tell that that was all he knew. Not saying that he had been lied to… but there was more to the story than that.

I didn’t say anything as our feet crunched on gravel and the silence was almost… pleasant. It was a nice change from my own kingdom but I still missed it. Hopefully Alex and Luke were at least making an effort to find me. But in my head, I was secretly making speculations on what Kade just said.

Could the rouge Feary be from our dimension? I mean, it was possible, wasn’t it? They could’ve just left, stolen some books from the castle. There had to be something on making a portal to an unused dimension. From there… I didn’t even want to know what that person did.

Although this place didn’t seem evil and hell-bent on killing everyone, its citizens seeming nice and all, I still had to be on my guard. But I suppose that could wait for a minute. Kade seemed nice enough.

“Ah, finally.” Grinning, Kade suddenly left my side and took a running jump at the ladder to my left. I stopped abruptly, looking above to where he was trying get to. To be honest, it looked like a mess of brown and bright green so I could only assume it was a treehouse. But the only question was why Kade would have one. Why would he even want  one?

“Hey, K, c’mon!” Kade called from above me. Looking up, I saw he was hanging onto the ladder by just one hand, the other reached out to me. With a smile, I gripped his hand as he pulled me up in his attempt at being ‘chivalrous’. It was sweet, but seriously. I’m pretty sure I could get up a ladder on my own.

            With each step, Kade’s grip on my hand tightened and his pace quickened, so now he was almost dragging me up the ladder.

“Oh my gosh, Kade!” I laughed, pulling his hand a bit. “You gotta slow down! You’re practically dragging me!”

“Oh, I’m sure you can keep up princess! Gotta earn that title here!”

“Yeah, yeah…” I muttered, pulling myself up the last rung, looking inside.

Perched on a table in the right corner, there sat Kade with a grin on his face. “How d’you like?” he asked smugly. Chuckling, I just glanced around the room instead of responding.

But I did like. With a bookcase, a desk, a couch, chair, and even a mini-fridge, I was just tempted to shove Kade out the window and claim this place as mine.

“Eh,” I said nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders as if it wasn’t that big a deal. Kade just stared at me, his brown eyes wide. “I have a way better hang out in my own kingdom.”

“Sure, sure…” Kade said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Even I had to agree, though. This place totally rocked.

“So, princess…” Kade started up again as I walked over to the bookcase, running my hand over the withered spines.

“Don’t call me that,” I warned half-heartedly, intent on reading the title. Gosh, Shakespeare, J.D Salinger, Dickens? This guy sure did know his stuff.

“Well, too bad for you,” Kade hopped down, padding over to me. “’Cause I’m gonna call you that from now on, unless you tell me a story.”

 There was a suggestive tone in his voice that made the back of my neck tingle a bit. Should I really be trusting this guy? Yes, he was a friend of the person who saved me, but I did just get here. Even Kade himself didn’t have a reason to trust me.

But hey, why not go along with it.

“Sure, what kinda story?” Turning on my heel, I ducked to his left, making headway for the orange chair. What can I say, it looked comfy.

With a sigh of contentment, I watched as Kade went to his mini-fridge and grabbed something, chucking it at me. Why do people always underestimate me and my skills? Of course I caught it, not to brag or anything, and the look on his face was pretty funny.

Cracking open the can of soda, I took a sip of the bubbly liquid, letting it sooth my throat.

“Any kind, really. Tell me about you and your world.” In response to Kade’s request, I began to speak.

“Well, I’m not exactly sure how you guys got here, but my dimension… came to be, I guess you could say, but some stupid experiment.” I scoffed. Saying it aloud just made it seem even more fake. Where the heck were we, in some stupid, cheesy novel?

“And…?” Kade prodded, nudging my arm. I just smirked, sighing. I felt my eyelids drop a bit and my head was pounding. Was being in this dimension affected me? Not wanting to raise any suspicion, I continued on. How could you not, looking at Kade’s expression? It was a like a mix of an over-eager puppy and a kid that’s just spent the whole day eating candy.

“Anyways, this guy was a scientist, right?” Kade nodded, his gaze locked on mine. “Well, one day he decided, ‘Hey, let’s do some tests on my son and see how that works out…’”

And that is how I spent most of the afternoon, recounting everything that Alex had told me, except much more vividly.

*     *     *

In the end, I just told Kade everything, even though it probably wasn’t the smartest idea. Things like my powers and all that jazz, and everything I knew about the kingdom and its people, which was a lot.

“Wow,” he finally said, brown eyes wide in amazement. Chuckling, I nodded. “And all of this… it actually happened?”

“Yeah, sometimes I can’t even believe it myself…” After my reply, we both sat there in silence, listening to the chatter of birds nearby. I had to say, this was a pretty cool place. Of course, not as totally awesome as my own, but pretty close.

“So… all these people, they’re all real? Like, not some made up thing?” Kade questioned innocently. I blanched at that.

“What, you think I would make up something like this?” Kade just shrugged and turned his head, but failing to hide the smirk on his face.


“No, of course not! They are actual people, living in an actual place.”

“What, I’m just being realistic here…”

“They do exist, it’s- ugg, never mind,” I muttered half-heartedly, crossing my arms at Kade’s laughter,

“Okay then… tell me about Alex.” When I spared a glance towards Kade, I saw the ever-growing smirk on his face widen and I felt my cheeks redden.

Turning my face to the ground, I muttered, “Nothing.”

“Oh, yeah, that sounded so convincing. Such a great actress.” I quickly lunged towards him, shoving his arm so that he crashed to the floor. I simply laughed but his comment did make me think.

Why did he question me about Alex? Did I show some sort of preference to him over everyone else in my story?

Was it because maybe, just maybe, I… liked him? And if I did, was that really such a bad thing? Sure, I could reject- that would really suck- but c’mon! I’m the most powerful feary out there and I’ve even killed people, it wouldn’t be nearly as bad to just be rejected.

Why not just ask? Maybe, just maybe, Alex felt the same way. Of course, luck was never on my side.


I know, the end is really cheesy, but I don't know how to make it better, lol. Um, yeah... That's really it. Oh, and that contest I told you guys about a little while ago? I won it! Awesomeness...

Also, I changed up the indenting so there is none... is it better? Worse?




-Fan me!

I love you all 'cause you're all.... amazing! :P

-Me x

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