Bombay's Twins

By Hotpinkmonkey02

36.6K 568 36

"Hi. You two boys didn't seem to get the chance to be introduced. I'm Connie Moreau, by the way." She smiled... More

Elliott and Garrett
The Reckless and the Tiredless
Ducks and Newbies
Warming Up To One Another
Newbies Getting to Know Each Other
More Practice
To LA We Go!
Team Trinidad-Tobago or Team USA?
Team USA and an Interview
The Dorms
Learning to Work Together
Five Players, One Sub
Class and Rodeo Drive
Garrett and the Boys
Team Iceland or Team USA?
Captain Blood...
A Drowsy Team
Missing Caldwell
Your Brother's Got A Big Mouth...
Team Germany or Team USA?
Fire in a Barrel
I'd Like To Help
Bombay's Office
Team Russia or Team USA?
Sandy Beach Talk
The Lobby and a Book
Two Posts and Crossbar
The Finals-Iceland or USA?
Shoot Out
Plane Ride Home
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Team Italy or Team USA?

1K 14 1
By Hotpinkmonkey02

"It's been all Team USA tonight. They lead Italy six to nothing. They've really dominated this game." The announcer spoke. Smiles erupted from the USA bench as they grew proud of their numerous goals and domination of this game. Ready for their second win, smiles continued being plastered on faces.

The twins sat on the bench side by side, watching as an Italian player came down the ice, he crossed the line and shot. Glove save by Goldberg and the Italian player rounded the net, slowing down with a disappointed smug as he completely the tour of the net. Goldberg spoke up, asking if the player had more than that within him.

Goldberg turned around, taking his helmet off as he had set it on top of the net with his stick and gloves. "Hey, man, there was nothing with that shot. How about a real shot? Hey, paisan, meatballs slowing you down? Uh, how do you say in Italiano 'wussy'?"

That Italian player had came at Goldberg, shoving him back twice against the net until a ref had quickly seen it and told them to break it up. "Break it up. Break it up."

Elliott laughed from the bench, nudging her brother's shoulder. "Look, he's taller than Goldberg."

"Isn't everyone taller than Goldberg?" Garrett asked, looking down at his sister, who was leaned forward using her knees to rest her arms as she watched.

"He's like second shortest. I'm sure Ken is smaller."

"Goldberg!" Coach called, not upset with him, but gave him a slight warning with how he had to put up with someone.

"What'd I say?" Goldberg asked, shaking his head as if he didn't know what he did wrong.

The twins turned when someone in the stands had yelled. "Hey, look!" He pointed, the twins shook their heads in sync and looked over at their team. Portman came up behind a player by the boards who had the puck and crushed him. He fell and Portman had almost fell, but regained his balance. Connie came in swiped the puck, passing it out to Fulton, where the others got out of the way and he took his power shot. Scoring as the goalie fell and shook his head in disappointment.

After scoring, Coach changed it up a little bit. The twins went out with Charlie, Dwayne, and Jesse. The five gathered around center ice, waiting to start. Charlie approached center and Adam sat on the bench watching, even though this wasn't the power line, he was a little upset from the previous practice and how the twins seemed to work better with Charlie than him. The twins aren't bad at hockey or anything, they simply seem to forget sometimes that there's more people than just the two of them on the ice.

Charlie looked side to side, making sure his wings were ready. When both of the twins were crouched down in position, he noticed the player by Elliott sliding forward a little on his skates while the one next to Garrett was planted in the ice. When the puck drops, Charlie won it and sent it over to Garrett, who backed up a bit and passed it back to Dwayne who called out. The three approached Italy's side, ready for the puck if they needed.

Today, the twins hadn't and weren't going to pull their cross over play since they didn't need it. Italy wasn't going to win today, and though they felt bad, they knew they could save it for a day when they really do need it.

Ellie approached the blue line, skating around trying to get the other player away from her. Charlie received the pass from Dwayne as Jesse knocked over a player and fell down as well, since that player had taken him down as well. Charlie quickly passes puck to Elliott, who brings it up but gets knocked over. Losing the puck, Italy took it and started for Team USA's zone. With hollers from the bench, Ellie stood up on her skates and scrambled down the ice quickly. Luis had some fast speed, but Garrett and Elliott weren't far behind him.

Garrett caught up with the runaway, who shot and missed. Garrett retrieved the puck and rounded the net, Goldberg cheering him on as he stood up and watched. Garrett shot the puck over to Jesse, who soared down the ice, passing it off to Ellie. Ellie looked up, the puck in hand, and skated alongside the boards. Keeping her eyes up, she saw Charlie down by the net a few feet ahead of her. He didn't even have to cheer for her to see him. She passed it over to him and he stopped, lifting his stick and shot, scoring.

Elliott and the other three boys approached Charlie as they gathered together and cheered. Team USA's bench cheered loudly, hugging one another as they jumped. "We did it!" Garrett cheered.

"Hell yeah, we did."Jesse called.

"Let's do it again." Charlie smiled. Elliott smiled as well, seeing his smile and the others smiled and cheered. Together, they returned to center ice to finish off the period and bring home the win.

After winning, everyone was in the locker room on their feet, cheering and yelling at their victory. With a 2-0 lead, they were advancing to their third game with two shots left in the Games. Up next, they'll be playing against Team Iceland, the hard favorite, who've already guaranteed themselves victory.

Gordon Bombay had left, declaring he had interviews and photo shoots to be at. Team USA finished up getting dressed quickly. The twins decided on leaving together and right behind them was a few of their teammates, who trailed behind talking lightly about who knows what. On their way up, the twins turned and headed for the stairs. Behind, someone called them and they turned, stopping abruptly, hitting one another's arms.

Charlie Conway ran up to the twins with a smile. Holding his bag over his shoulder, he spoke up, looking at the two. Diverting his eyes back and forth between the two. "That was amazing playing today. You guys were awesome."

"Couldn't of done it without you, Man." Garrett spoke, giving Charlie a fist pump, who returned the same gesture.

The two looked down at Elliott and Garrett nudged his sister's arm. "Oh, thanks. You played really well too. Amazing goal." She answered.

Charlie nodded, thanking the two again. He walked up with them since he was already at the stairs and with them. Ellie kept quiet, not really knowing most of her male teammates. Garrett and Charlie talked all the way up the stairs about the twins' gaming system. Garrett looked down at his sister. "Ellie, later you should give us the System." He tells her.

"No way, it's already hooked up in my dorm. I play with Connie and Julie, you can't have it." She contradicted.

"But it's ours, not yours." He told her.

She shrugged. "Then come to our dorm and play." She said, turning down the hall and walked ahead of them. She stopped at her dorm as the two boys continued walking down the hall. She entered and shut the door. Knowing class was going to start now, she grabbed her bag and got her book and pencils. Grabbing her books, The Outsiders, To Kill A Mockingbird, and Lord of the Flies, off the bedside table, she set them in her bag. Searching for her glasses, she sighed and pulled back some loose strands of hair.

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