Your Brother's Got A Big Mouth...

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The next day, Team USA stood outside in the field by the arena, stretching together as a team. Garrett and Elliott sat on the outside in the grass, they had different plans of stretching than the rest of their team. Their team stood on their feet, bent over to the right as they reached for their foot and held it for a good five seconds. In the grass, the twins did the splits, their legs on either side of them as Elliott leaned forward, sticking her nose to the ground while doing the splits.

"You're crazy, Ellie." Garrett told her, shaking his head.

"No, I'm flexible, you're crazy." She replied, holding that position for a little.

Garrett looked up at their team. "And hold, two, three-" Portman started.

"Coach isn't here, why do we have to be?" Connie interrupted him as they switched feet.

"We have a game tonight. We have to work out." Portman answered, making a very important point. They've had a good night's rest and now they're ready to practice before their game, which is something they need.

Goldberg sighed and stood up. "I say mutiny. Who's with me?"

"Dwayne stood up stretching. "Goldberg, I'm too tired to mutiny."

Julie rolled her eyes, sitting up a bit as she placed her hands on her knees. "Come on guys, it's not like we couldn't use the conditioning."

"Speak for yourself, Babe." Portman spat, standing up as well. The others stood up as well from their crouched over position and had let their feet go. Adam stood up, a little upset with Portman's comment towards Julie.

"Her name's Julie, not Babe." Adam corrected, approached Portman. Who pushed Adam back and Garrett tapped his sister's shoulder, getting excited as he wanted this to bigger and to a fight.

"Don't tell me how to talk, Rich Boy!" Portman spat again, pointing to Adam.

"Hey, Portman, chill." Fulton tried saying, cutting between the two, but Portman had pushed Adam back. Fulton put himself between the two, holding Portman back as everyone got engaged into this fight.

Garrett had continued tapping his sister's shoulder. "Garrett!" She called frustrated. "Stop!"

"Sorry." He spoke, dropping his hand the twins had set their hands on the ground, lifting their bodies off the crowd and placing their legs into the vertical splits, watching their team still. "Wow, what has our team become?"

"A bunch of ragged animals." Ellie replied, speaking what she thought.

In the middle of Team USA fighting and holding Portman back, a boy rolled in through the gates on security, somehow passing the security. "Yo, Team USA, what're you gonna do today? A million jumping jacks?" The boy laughed, holding his stomach as he approached the edge of the grass. The twins had turned their heads, looking in that direction as the rest of the team had let one another go after the argument.

Portman shook his head. "This kid's crazy. Forget about him. Look, Fulton!" Portman called, turning back around and poking his gloved finger on Fulton's white shirt.

"Hey, chill!" Someone called.

Jesse pushed his way out of the group, causing the twins to turn back to him, looking at Jesse and then back at the other boy. "Hey, Man, I'm gettin' sick an' tired of you." Jesse called, annoyed of this kid, who has in fact been at almost every one of their games.

"I'm gettin' sick of seeing the USA represented by a bunch of whining babies." The boy on roller skates spat.

Garrett angrily placed his hands on the ground and pushed himself off the ground. "Excuse me?" He hollered, walking over to the guy by Jesse pulled him back, holding his shoulder and arm.

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