Fire in a Barrel

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Garrett walked out with wet hair after his shower and walked with Elliott back to the dorm building across the street. He wasn't ecstatic about Bombay being back, in fact, he would've like to keep Miss MacKay, who knew nothing about hockey, as their coach. He didn't mind her, because she kept her word and was there when needed to be. She didn't run off when they needed help, she did her best with the little knowledge she had and helped out the team. Garrett like that in a person, and Miss MacKay seemed to be the better candidate right now, according to Garrett.

"Come on, Rhett, we can go talk to him." Elliott begged her brother.

He shook his head. "No, I said I'd believe him when I see it, and now, my believe level is below zero." He explained.

Behind them, some of the boys walked quietly, eavesdropping on the twins' conversation. The twins didn't know they were there and nor did they hear them walking or know they were listening. They had continued talking among one another.

"Oh come on, you're so stubborn, just like he is."

"Yeah well, at least I can be trusted. He can't."

Ellie sighed and they turned they stopped. The boys behind them stopped quickly and pushed one another behind a wall, hiding from them. Ellie looked up and down the hall, not seeing anyone they knew and she spoke up.

"What would mom say?" She asked. "Huh?"

Garrett scoffed and ran a hand through his hair. "Mom?" He questioned. "She's dead and once the Games are over, we're stuck in that crap town of Minnesota with him after."

Some of the boys who were listening grew offended of what they had called their town, which they called home. Jesse wanted to get up and pound the living life out of his teammate, but Averman and Fulton held him down as Charlie shook his head. The four stayed quiet.

Elliott crossed her arms, upset with her brother's remark of bringing the fact that their mother is dead. "It may be a crap town, but we had a life there. You had a life there. Remember dad's red sports car? The friends? The Hawks team is there, get a spot on their team." She told them.

"They must've lived in Minneapolis or near Edina." Fulton stated to the three behind the wall.

Averman nodded. "It's not like people to randomly know about the Hawks back home." He agreed, backing up Fulton.

"Shh, just listen." Charlie spoke. "Listen to what they're saying. They've got no mother and they're talking about a father." Charlie was getting somewhere, but the other three didn't quite understand it. Jesse leaned out from the small wall a little bit and spotted the two, seeing Garrett becoming frustrated.

"The Hawks? The Ducks are better than they are, besides, Bombay coaches that team. Bombay does this and that now, he never used to before."

"I know, I remember." Ellie stated. "I used to live there just as much as you did."

"He hasn't changed. He'll still be that guy that used to sit at a lawyer's office and didn't care about any-"

Elliott had cut her brother off. "The Ducks say otherwise, look where they are. Do you not realize that he has changed, if he hadn't, those Ducks wouldn't be here? He wouldn't be here and we wouldn't see him."

"Dad's a suck up and those Ducks had fallen head over skates for him. I don't trust him, they can trust him as they want, but I'm not."

Elliott and Garrett had quieted down, hearing something. Jesse had fallen against the wall, causing a sound, but lucky him, some of the other players were walking out of their locker room. Once Portman passed by with Dwayne, Luis, Guy, and Julie, he cocked a brow at them. The four stood up and walked with them, pretending they didn't hear anything.

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