Team USA and an Interview

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Getting ready to head downstairs for the team interview downstairs, Garrett was in the girls' dorm with his sister. Sitting on the end of her bed, perched up against the foot board and a pillow, his feet seat next to his sister. She was leaning against the headboard with her feet next to her brother's. The two on the top bunk, might've not been the smartest idea, but they weren't going to go downstairs to the lobby and talk to one another. They're walls that have ears down there. For all they know, some of their teammates could be eavesdropping on their conversation from the other side of the door, waiting to grab their jackets inside the room.

Garrett sighed and brushed his hair back out of his face. "I can't believe we're not in the same room. I can't have the System with everyone in my room." He sighed from being tired and annoyed.

His sister nodded in agreement. "I can set it up here, but I doubt the girls would want you here every night or time we've got off days." She answered.

Garrett nodded and leaned back, bringing a hand behind his head. He tilted his head down a little, looking at his sister. "We should go to an arcade sometime." He smiled.

"Yep, but what about Coach Ducky?" She asked.

He shrugged. "I don't know...Screw 'im?"

The two were mad at him, they didn't mind that he explained to them about their passing only between one another and Portman, they were mad that he was here. That their father was actually here, playing the sport he used to hate to the core. Not he's on a international level, just below the NHL, and he's here coaching the USA hockey team in order to lead them to Gold. The twins were mad, not all of a sudden he likes this sport? Whenever Garrett used to ask him to play, he'd always say no. Ever since the day Garrett sat outside in the cold waiting for his father to come home from work, he's lost all faith and trust in father. The man he used to call 'dad'.

The dorm room door opened harshly and Connie ran in with Julie on her tail.The twins turned around quickly, scared out of their mind from the sound of the door opening. "Sorry, we didn't know you were here." Connie spoke.

"It's all right." Elliott started. "We were just leaving for the interview anyways." She finished. She got off the bed and hit her brother's arm. "Come on, Rhett." She told him. He slid off the other side and followed her out the door, sending a friendly smile to the girls.

They were a little upset with the twins' playing earlier that day, but they were really friendly and nice friends outside of competition. Julie couldn't believe that such talented kids like them had a hard time of passing the puck off to teammates, causing them not trouble, but frustrated for the rest of the team. They never got the puck stolen or a rebound, they simply got awarded with a little hatred from the rest of the team. Guess Bombay's kids aren't the perfect angels most would seek them as, little does the team that they're truly his kids.

The twins walked side by side downstairs in matching uniforms, arms moved forward and back in motion. Their feet moved at the same pace, same foot stepped forward. They truly were siblings, but twins at that. Approaching the area where the rest of the team was, Garrett walked over to a few of the boys, getting involved with their conversation.

Elliott didn't really want much to do with them. She didn't know the names of the players from her dad's Ducks team. She's heard last names, but it was harder to identify each one when they were all boys, one girl. Fulton, Goldberg, and Jesse where the three that knew the names of no problem, because they stood out. Fulton was tall and stalk. Jesse had the curly brown hair and a big mouth. Goldberg never stopped complaining about exercise, he was also the other goaltender, who was male.

Coach Bombay led his team over to the big field where the interview was going to be. He had a clear mind after his small talk with the Caldwell twins, who seemed to hate him. They didn't know that Bombay had changed in the last two years. He didn't know that they found it so hard with the passing of their mother and now forced to move in with their father so suddenly. He didn't know and couldn't know because they won't say anything.

Standing on the podium with their team, the guy introduced the team to the reporters and TV watchers. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Team USA hockey. And the man chosen to lead them to gold, Gordon Bombay."

Garrett scoffed at his name, earning a few stares from his male teammates who adored Coach Bombay. He looked away at someone in the crowd, pretending to not notice that he saw their stares. Elliott grew curious when they invited some bear out on stage to take photos with them. Before she had enough  time to react, someone had pulled her in by the shoulder and she now became a member of the group photo. Standing by Luis's side, she brought her arm around his shoulders since he had brought her in, but she didn't smile like Luis did, she had a plain expression.

After the bear got off stage, there was a question for center man, Coach Bombay, but before that one was asked, another one was popped up randomly for the entire team. "Team USA, how doe sit feel competing on an international level here in Los Angeles?"

The kids had all shouted something different, relating to how awesome and cool it was. "Coach Bombay, the Vikings from Iceland are the heavy favorite. Their Coach has already guaranteed victory. How are you gonna handle them?"

Bombay pondered quickly, and just as fast as he thought, he came up with an answer. "Um...Hard work. I think our team is ready to go up against the best in the world. We're not worried about 'em. Iceland may be tough, but uh, we're Team USA, and we're goin' all the way."

"Yeah! Coach Bombay!" A few of the teammates had cheered. Standing next to Luis, Elliott simply clapped her hands so it didn't look like there was tension between her and the Coach. Or that it didn't look like she didn't want to be here.

"Thank you very much. Thank you, everybody." Bombay waved, stepping off stage with his team in tow. The team walked by Iceland's Coach, who spoke up, and they had all stopped. Garrett was in his own thoughts, kicking the ground beneath him as someone in front of him had accidentally bumped in front of him. Elliott was watching, not having a thing to say as she bit her lip.

Walking away after the harsh comments and seeing their huge team, Connie walked up next to Ellie, who simply smiled to the girl. "So, what're you doing later?" She asked.

Elliott shrugged. "I don't know, probably something with Garrett."

She nodded. "Oh, well, Julie and I were going to go for shakes later, if you wanted to come."

Elliott didn't really know what to say. She didn't feel super accepted here, but it wasn't by them. It was simply a feeling and she wasn't doing much of an effort to talk with others from the team. Hanging out with Garrett can't simply be something she does everyday all day.

"I'll come." She answered. 

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