Team Trinidad-Tobago or Team USA?

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Garrett passed the puck down the ice to his sister, who sailed it in her possession. Dekeing a player, she stopped as a player passed her and went forward. Seeing Guy Germaine up by the net, she passed it over to him and he shot it towards the net. Watching it enter, Team USA gathered together once again as they hit the six point mark at the end of the second period.

Gathering together as a team by boards, some stood on the ice, and some stood inside the box. Garrett chugged half the bottle of water and passed it over to his sister, who drank the rest. Elliott still had a full bottle of water that they could have.

Coach Bombay nodded at the beautiful work from his players, especially since this was the first time they had all gathered together and played as one. Before, the Ducks had lost against the new recruits, and now together, they were dominating the ice with a five to one lead. "Good job team, we're doing great." He cheered his tired players on. "Line change. Banks, Garrett, Elliott, Portman, and Fulton, you're on."

"The power line?" Elliott questioned to her brother. He nods with a shrug, unsure of why he had put them all on together. During the first period, Portman and Fulton went on and destroyed the other team just on their own. They knocked down each player with their shoulders no problem.

As the time ran out for having their small break between the periods, the players skated out on the ice. Bombay stood with a hand below his chin as he watched these kids on the ice. Never have these five played together before on the ice. He wanted to see how they worked with differences. It may have been a power line, but he wanted to see if it would work out or if he needed to work more with them.

Banks took center, Elliott took left, Garrett took right, and the Bash Brothers, as they say, took defense. Standing in their starting positions, Banks gulped and looked at the player in front of him. He was too confident, and if Banks won the face off, that would surely burst that confident bubble by a sheer maximum.

The puck drops and Banks fought for it, passing it to his right where Garrett took it. Skating by the boards, he headed for the enemy zone with his two other players. Fulton and Portman skated around the blue line, watching and defending in case Trinidad-Tobago stole the puck from the other three.

Bombay watched closely, leaning against the boards with his hands pressed firmly on the tops of the boards, he called for Garrett to stop skating by the boards and pass it out to one of the boys behind him.

Garrett turned swiftly, kicking the puck out, barely getting it two feet away as he was slammed back first into the boards. Getting mad, he pushed the kid off him and skated out of the way. Banks got himself open and the puck was passed over to Elliott, who skated away from the middle of the ice.

Banks tapped the ice with his puck, indicating he was open and ready for the shot. Elliott passed it to him, but it got intercepted by a Trinidad-Tobago player. Portman and Fulton skated back, crossing paths, as they watched. The single player skated up to the net, ready to shoot, but fell as Garrett came from behind, hitting the puck away.

Portman took the puck and passed it over to Fulton. The three forwards headed to the other side. Fulton went to pass it to Banks when Elliott had cut and grabbed the puck. passing it quickly over to her brother, he skated from his right side to left side. Elliott made her way to the right. The two skating and getting ready to cross and take their rebound shot, Adam grew a little frustrated and upset because the twins weren't doing anything but playing with one another.

Adam was center, got the puck cut off by Elliott from the left and didn't get his shot. That's approximately three times he could've scored and didn't get the change to. Bombay sighed, unsure if the twins were purposely doing it or had something else in mind. They didn't seem the ones to be show boaters at all, but currently they were puck hoggers and Bombay didn't like it.

With Garrett on the left side, he hit it towards the boards, where it came at the right angle around the back of the night. Coming towards Elliott, she lifted her stick and brought it down, shooting it towards the nut. Scoring, in the same spot as usual, she smiled and skated over to her brother. The other three skated over, Fulton and Banks frustrated with the twins while Portman cheered them on for their great playing.

"Elliott! Garrett!" He called. The twins looked up at their Coach, who nodded for them to come to the bench. Already standing, Guy and Charlie waited for the twins to approach the boards so they could jump over and get into the game.

As they came to the boards, the other two left and they entered. Neither of them knew why they were getting off the ice. What'd they do wrong? Garrett brought his helmet up above his head and grabbed Ellie's water, drinking some and then she snatched it from him, drinking a little.

Watching, the twins didn't play the rest of the game. They had their fair share of ice time, everyone played the same amount. Some played at the beginning and end, some played the entire second and third, some played first and second, some played third and first, but either way, they all got to play.

In the locker room, everyone was changing after their victory. Bombay stepped out of his office, calling the half undressed twins to his office. Some spoke, and others stayed quiet, wondering why he was bringing them in. As they walked in to his office, a little upset and grumpy, Bombay spoke up to the rest. "All right, get back to getting undressed." He pointed out to several of them.

Turning, he shut the door and the twins had stood in front of his desk quietly, their hands in front of them, their hair a mess and sweaty. Garrett had shoulder pads, hockey socks, shin pads, and hockey pants on still. Elliott stood in her shin pads, hockey socks, and hockey pants. The two grew curious, unsure of what they did wrong to be there. Garrett was a little upset, this would be the first time he's talked to his dad face to face in five years.

Before moving across country with their mother, Garrett had cried out for his father to keep him there, even if his father wasn't around, but he didn't win. Bombay took his seat and folded his hands together on his desk. He nods for them to take a seat.

Garrett takes in a deep breath, clearly audible, and stares down at his feet. Elliott looked around at the promotion boards, medals, Team attire, and certificates that sat around on shelves or pinned on the walls.

He sighed and looked at them from his comfortable office chair. "Look, I understand how awkward it is for you two being here, especially with me around."

Garrett turned quickly upon hearing those words. "No, you don't. It's way more than you think it is." He retorted with an attitude of grumpiness.

Elliott kept her peace, not staring at their Coach, former father, but at her feet. "I'll give you the short and simply of it. You two need to pass the puck. Fulton went to pass it to Banks, and Elliott, you came in and took that. Amazing goal, but that was Banks's shot. If he needed, he would've called and passed it."

Elliott grew defensive. "What?!" She called. "No, the kid behind Banks was going to steal it either way. I simply took it seeing an opportunity to make a goal." She crossed her arms. "Would you rather Banks fail you and have the other team score? Or us intercept it and take that shot?" She asked him, her brother nodding as well.

"All right, I'll let you go on that one, but everyone other time, you never passed to Fulton and Banks, only between the two of you and Portman. Why?" He asked, standing up as he unzipped his Team USA Coach Letterman jacket, in which Miss MacKay has a matching one as well.

The two got quiet and Ellie had no reply. Already mad at her father, this day was getting worst for both her and her brother. "We're not trying to do anything wrong. You made it wrong when you left us. Now," Garrett spoke, approaching the desk and setting his hands firmly on the edge. Bombay looked sternly at Garrett. "We have no reason not to pass, we simply were in our zone, forgetting they were even there."

Garrett stood up and walked to the door, setting his hand on the handle, but waited to turn it since Elliott had one more thing to say. "Why should we trust your hockey team? You can't even be there for us. Your team is practically like you, aren't they? Portman isn't one of your sappy Ducks quaking along and relying on each duckling for his help." She spat, turning and whipping her hair around her shoulders, she followed her brother out and walked back to their spots on the bench. Not being next to one another, they were upset. 

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