The Finals-Iceland or USA?

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In the new locker room, everyone was walking around, getting ready, and talking as they were ready for their game against Team Iceland in the finals. The day was smooth and now it was just going to get rough as the players were to step foot on the ice and fight for victory though the sport of hockey. The twins were no longer near one another for lockers, but had been split up on either side of the locker room. Beside Luis, Ellie got dressed quietly as Garrett laughed with Ken and Averman.

Turning slightly, Ellie heard the door open and noticed Adam walk in with a smile. "Coach." He called and walked in wearing civvies with his Team USA jacket on over his shirt. Holding his bag and stick, he stopped in front of Bombay. "I woke up and the pain was gone." He told him, turning his wrist side to side without a sign of pain.

Everyone cheered, seeing that Adam could play and now help. Coach Bombay spoke up with a sad tone. "Adam, I'm sorry, but we've got a full roster.

Jesse had turned to look at Charlie, and then the two looked at Russ Tyler, who bowed his head and went to pull his jersey off, when Charlie stopped him. Placing his hand on Russ's chest. "He can have my spot." Charlie shook his head and walked over to his coach and teammate.

All the players had stood up from their spots, watching the exchange as Adam and Gordon looked at Charlie. "It's what I can do for the team." He spoke, looking up at Adam, and then turned to face his Coach. He looked back at Adam. "Let me do it." He nodded, assuring his friend and teammate that he was willing to do this and that he was all right with it.

Adam looked down, a small smile on his face, and brought a hand to Charlie's shoulder, rubbing it. "Thank you."

"Well, Charlie," Gordon started, setting his hand on Charlie's other shoulder as Adam lowered his and watched. "I'll need you on the bench, coaching right there next to me."

Garrett smiled, seeing how amazing the bonds were on this team. He really started to see how much more of a coach Charlie was becoming each day and that he was better off that way, but he was still an amazing player. Garrett was proud of his teammates and lucky to be there with them, he was lucky to have Elliott and have the opportunity to fly to LA and compete in the games, his sister and father by his side.

Halfway through the game, Team USA wasn't doing so well, with one-four lost so far, they was growing frustrated, but the very few knew they had hope and could accomplish this.Charlie watched the plays and little mistakes of his teammates, seeing most of them getting tired and pulling little stunts here or there. With two at penalty, Charlie rolled his eyes and hugged the clipboard to his chest.

Charlie spoke to Coach quickly and didn't know what else to do, seeing his teammates sliding and falling all over the ice, he had to think of something quick. "We need to be put Rhett and Ellie out, they could save us."

"Who?" He asked, looking at Charlie for a moment, and then turned back as he groaned upon seeing Guy get flipped by an Iceland player.

"Elliott and Garrett, we gotta put 'em on."

Coach shook his head. "They're tired, we need to save them until third period. We can get through the next three minutes and break time without them."

"But, Coach."

"Charlie, I know we need to, but if we put them out now, they could get hurt."

"All right." Charlie sighed, standing next to him.

When the buzzer went off three minutes later, both teams skated off the ice for their small break. The two coaches shook their heads and followed their players back inside. Miss MacKay sighed, seeing the penalty Dwayne got for roping a boy, for the Bash Brothers hitting the heads of the Iceland players and making a scene with the crowds. Coach Bombay was quite upset with how they were playing.

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