Plane Ride Home

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Walking downstairs the next morning with two suitcases and two hockey bags, she was tired and dropped the bags on the floor. Stepping out from the pile of luggage, a teammate walked over to her, setting his stuff in the pile of bags going back to Minneapolis, while everyone else seemed to have their own little piles. She had hers by the Minneapolis bags as well, but her and her brother were going back to Boulder City to collect some other things before heading back to Minneapolis for good.

"You're coming back?" He asked her, sitting on his suitcase.

She bit her lip with a head shrug to the right, that matched her right shoulder's shrug. Her brother was at her dad's office talking with him about his injuries and then what's going to be happening next. "I don't know, you're obviously going back." She remarked, she knew the answer, but waited.

"You know, it hasn't been easy keeping your little secret? I've been dying to tell someone and it's hard knowing Coach has kids, and it's you and Rhett." He said in disbelief with a bit of frustration.

She crossed her arms. "Yeah well, I'm sure everyone's on to us since we said our hometown is Minneapolis."

He pushed himself off the suitcase and approached. "But it is, ain't it?" He asked.

She nodded, not wanting to admit it. "Yeah, we moved five and a half years ago." She explained and turned on her heels, heading outside she was a little cold and heard people running down the stairs laughing, which she knew was her teammates. "How come this interests you so much? It's not a big deal."

"Not a big whoop?" He commented, leaning against the wall of building as they were in the hot sun now. "It is, your dad, our Coach, dated my mother back when I was in Peewees. We didn't know he had kids, he rode around in limos like he had no wife or kids, or responsibilities."

She didn't know what to say. "People don't have to say everything. Come on, tell me something that no one else knows about you." She urged, wanting him to say something true.

"What, no." He spoke. Knitting her brows, she went to call him chicken when he gave in and spoke up. "Fine...My mother married this new guy and everyone knows that I like him, but to be honest, I hate him a lot and would rather him leave."

"So, you'd rather my dad?"

"Yeah, well, not as my father or anything, but he's better, yes." He admitted.

"Hey!" Someone called, the two turned, bumping into one another. Dean popped out from inside and smirked, calling some of the others over. Ellie didn't say a word, but Charlie sighed and rolled his eyes, knowing they'd say something about the two, some stupid remark. "Lookee here, we've got Caldwell and Conway." He smirked.

"So?" Ken asked, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"So?" He retorted. "We can make up all the crap we want and everyone would believe us."

"Have fun." They said and walked inside.

Portman became gobsmacked, as he looked side to side, and then ran inside after them. Ellie did the same herself and headed inside to go see Coach and her brother. Charlie stood outside a little while longer, pondering why he didn't ask her if she was literally coming back to Minneapolis or not.

"Hey, Coach."

"You're in a happy mood, Elliott." He smiled to her with a nod as joined the others in the lobby. Garrett walked slowly behind him, not wanting to because he thought it was a little suspicious, but knew that the word had to get out sooner or later. Coach Bombay gave a speech to all his players, thanking them for making this the best team he's had that year, which was the only team he had that year, if we may explain. He told the players to make sure they had everything because they weren't getting them back, he also explained that photos of the team and self portraits of themselves would be handed out by mail in a few weeks.

After that, he directed everyone to their taxis and explained that certain flights would be leaving within forty minutes of arriving while others had to wait a few hours. On the plane, Elliott got to chose who she got to sit with and had decided on sitting with Garrett, but he explained that Coach was going to be with him up in the front because of his injury and in case he threw up, which he had done before leaving the dorm building about three hours ago.

In the end, Ellie ended up sitting alone in her row at the middle of the plane. The others close by, scattered in the middle and back, she lied back against the window after putting the arm rest up and setting her feet across the second chair. The third chair lied wide open with her bag. Behind and across from her seat sat Charlie and Adam, who seemed to be asleep. Behind them was Guy and Connie. Further back in the same row on either side of the aisle sat Jesse and Fulton, and then Averman and Goldberg.

Yawning, she closed her eyes and pressed the button on the chair, listening to the movie that was playing on the TV screen in her seat. Not too appealed to it, she gazed out the window here or there, until someone had walked by and noticed her. "He-hey!" Jesse smiled. "So, you decided on staying with us hot Ducks?" He winked.

She opened her eyes after hearing him. "Hey, Jesse." She spoke.

He was taken back a bit. "Did you not hear what I said?"

"No, I did, but I ignored it."

"Oh, so, why are you here?" He asked curiously.

"Charlie didn't say?" He shook his head and looked back at Charlie, who was asleep, but really he had his eyes closed with headphones on as he listened to a tape. He hadn't payed attention to Jesse and Ellie's exchange. "Well, we've got relatives back in Minneapolis, so we're going back."

"Oh, maybe you could drop by the court sometime, play some hoops or hockey?" He asked.

"Sure, if Garrett's all right by then and we're not gone." He nodded, firing hand guns at her and then left. Standing up quickly, her headphones fell on the floor as she jogged up to the front seats, which had quite a bit of room. Garrett was asleep with a neck pillow on to support his neck better so he wasn't so scrunched up, and headphones on as he had fallen asleep watching the same boring movie Ellie attempted watching.

"Hey, Elliott, what can I do for ya?" Coach Bombay asked, looking up at her as he set his sports magazine down on his lap. Next to him, sat the bucket in which Garrett could use to throw up. he had a blanket over top of him, his shoes off, he wasn't drooling which surprised her, and his head was facing the overhead bins as he slept.

"Well, some of the others are on to us, seeing that we're coming back to Minneapolis and not Boulder City."

There was a change of plans, she was supposed to go to Boulder City, but as soon as Garrett had thrown up, it got changed and they were going back with Bombay early. They would go back in a week to gather their stuff, thank their good friend, and clean up their mother's house so it could be sold. "You can tell them all you want, I didn't because one of you would throw a fit." He spoke. "So, tell them, it's the truth, isn't it? Why be ashamed of having an awesome dad?"

"One, you're not awesome and two, I wouldn't be ashamed of my well known father." He laughed and lied back in seat.

"Do you have practices or games coming up with the Ducks? A meeting or something?" She asked, hoping he'd say 'yes'.

"No, I have no idea what they or I am doing. Hockey season is over and the Ducks were simply a peewee team, but I don't know if I can coach them now that they're older." He explained.

"Well, tell Charlie then, he'll tell the others. Or Averman, he's got a big mouth."

"Head on back to your seat, Kid." Gordon said, finishing their conversation with a chuckle. Across from him, Miss MacKay was reading as Jan was asleep against the window with a neck pillow as well.

She sighed and turned, heading back to her seat. Getting there, she noticed that Charlie was awake and had looked up at her with his head against the seat. He looked back at the screen, not listening to it, but watching it with his headphones plugged into the jack of his Walkman. She took her seat and pulled her headphones off the floor, setting them on her head as she got comfortable for the rest of the flight to Minneapolis, or crap town.

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