A Levaithan's Vengence (Male...

By Paladin_Riolu

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What if there was a third tribe of shape shifters in the world, ones that previously lived in Valla but left... More

Meeting A Princess
A Learning Lady
Tribal Comings
Trapped Forest
Sea of Blood (And Ice)
A Broken City
The Grand Port Battle
Death of a Sage
A Nohrian Genocide
An Unspeakable Land
The Ruins of a Settlement
Dragonless Village
Late Halloween Special
The Castle
Set To Rest
The Death of (Another) Queen
Murdering Mothers
Maze of a Father's Making
The Puppet King

Prophecy Forthcoming

1.2K 21 15
By Paladin_Riolu

Hey guys, it's Kitsune Knight here and as you guessed it, we have yet another chapter for you all to enjoy! I know it's been a hot minute since I put one out, and if your wondering about the other books, don't worry, I'll make a new chapter for them soon enough. So don't worry there, alright? But yeah, let's just get this thing underway, shall we?

Corrin, Azura, Selena, Sakura, Camilla, Felecia, Hinoka, Selkie, Velouria, Kagero, Lilith
(You can request more)


I started to wake up, and with that, my eyes fluttered open. Upon opening them, I remember that I'm in the place I had built so I have something to resemble a home, something that I wouldn't feel as homesick with. A way for me to feel, at peace I guess.

After getting out of my bed, I then stretched and did a usual routine, which... well just basics grooming and care really, I then heard a knock at my door. So I then head towards the door and open it, and I wasn't expecting Felecia to be standing there, though she seems a bit distressed.

F:"W-wait, this is YOUR place, (Y/N)?!"

(Y/N):"Yeah, why do you ask?"

F:"Well...everyone has been talking about the new building that just showed up out of nowhere... But how did you get this thing built? I thought that only those with Royal Blood could do it?"

(Y/N):"Yeah, your not wrong, I got my blood as a gift I guess you could say. But not too important, just know that I can use Dragon Veins is all. But besides that, is there anything you needed?"

F:"O-oh yeah! Lady Corrin has been trying to find you and... I may of fallen and broke some plates a few minutes ago..." 

(Y/N):"More plates? Well, I can see why you have that expression at least. But alright, where is she at though? Surely not still in her home, right?"

F:"No, she's not there, she's waiting for you so we can all set out!"

(Y/N):"I see, means I must of slept in, my apologies for that. Let's go head out to meet up with them so we can continue with our little...quest we have."

F:"Right this way!" She then started walking forward, and I followed her towards where everyone else was. Corrin looked at me and seemingly sighed in relief.

"Where even were you?"

(Y/N):"At this new building, it's where I live... I used a Dragon Vein to build it, but not important, shall we head on out then? I think we have a rather important destination, do we not?"

"No, your not wrong there... But why are you in such a rush? It's almost as if your trying to push this thing along..." I shake my head then.

(Y/N):"No, I'm not trying to push us along, just saying that our window of time is closing, so we have to move fast, do we not?"

"No, your right there. Alright, come on everyone, let's get a move on!" With that, we set on out to Izumo from the Astral Plains.

-A Smol Walking Scene Later-

We had soon arrived at Izumo, nearing the central palace where the Archduke should be dwelling, though... Why am I getting a bad feeling about this though? As if there's a trap in store, but I pray that I'm wrong about this feeling.

"So that's Izumo's central palace. There's something...calming about it."

A:"Yes. Izumo has long been known as the kingdom of the gods. It only makes sense that the center of its power would radiate peace. While all the other kingdoms quarrel, it maintains a neutral stance. I'm glad we made it here safely. Let's go find the archduke." With that, we then approached the main palace, and when we arrived there, it seems that someone was expecting us as well, and...well, they look lively to say the least.

???:"I am Archduke Izana, first heir to the divine bloodline, descendant of the gods... keeper of prophecies, and winner of best hair...five or six times? I forget. It's so nice to finally meet you! I imagine your journey here was quite difficult. Time to kick back and relax! Izumo is a wonderful place. You could stay here forever!"

H-he's really informal, I mean... I know I ain't the best at being formal and all, but man... he's a different level entirely. Like...he can't be the Archduke, can he?

"Th-thank you very much for such a warm greeting..."

Izana:"Oh, it's nothing! You know, I'm really glad you came! I rarely have company. I'm so excited, I hardly feel like myself!"

Hayato:"I don't understand... Why is he being so informal? Is this how all major leaders of the world are meant to behave?

S:"No, they don't normally act this way. He's just...a special case." That would explain a lot.

"Pardon me, Archduke - we actually came here to ask you some questions."

Izana:"Oh? What about? Ask away, my friends! If you've got any good gossip to share, I'd be ever so pleased to listen!"

"We were wondering if you could share what you know about the Seal of Flames."

Izana:"Huh? The Seal of Flames? That sounds pretty boring to me... I don't bother remembering dull things."

"I...see. Just when I thought we were going to catch a break, too."

Izana:"Hey now, don't look so disappointed! I've prepared a feast for you inside! You should eat, drink, and be happy while there is still time to do so!"

A:"Wai. Are you sure you don't know anything about the Seal of Flames? The fate of the world may hang in the balance."

Izana:"Grrr... I said I've never heard of it!" Then Gunter took a few steps forward, and pointed his finger as he started to speak to him.

G:"Of course you haven't, you imposter."

Izana:"What? You're calling me an imposter? After I've prepared a feast for you all?"

G:"Don't be coy with me. It's plain to see you're hiding behind a magic illusion. Reveal yourself!"

Izana:"Ah! Gunter, you're no fun at all!" Then Izana disappeared and some...creepy looking little man was standing there, his fingernails need trimming, he ain't a Leviathan so...yeah...

???:"Eeheehee! It's been a while, hasn't it?"

G:"Zola - I knew it was you behind that magic!"

A:"Gunter, who is this?"

G:"This cretin is a Nohrian mage. He specializes in illusions and deception."

"But...then where is the real archduke?!"

Zola:"I'm afraid it's off to jail for him - the clink, the slammer, the cooler! Oooh, cooler! That reminds me - it's time to make use of King Garon's ice bomb! Everyone, fire! ...Hehe, fire the ice bomb..." Then some Nohrian soldiers came running out before they let it rip, leaving the entire town courtyard we were standing in covered in ice.

"Get ready, everyone!" With that, we got ready for battle then, Corrin looked at me and then Felecia. Seems she wants us to have each others back for this battle, fine with me. Then we set out for the fight ahead of us, removing ice to reveal enemies so we can slowly make our way to defeat them all so we could claim victory.

F:"Well, at least it's nice and cold though, right?"

(Y/N):"Yeah, it ain't to my liking, but from what I've heard, your from the Ice Tribe...that would explain why you enjoy the cold so much though. I personally liked the Wind Tribe's place more, it's a lot warmer and it was almost like a desert."

F:"Geez, I guess you wouldn't like Nohr too much, it's almost always dark up there and it's a rather cold as well..."

(Y/N):"Well, let me rephrase that, my kind doesn't like the cold but we can live in it, we also can see in the dark as well, it's rather useful actually. But yeah, warmer climates are just better in my own opinion."

F:"Well okay, but...shouldn't we be more focused on the fighters trying to chop us up?!" I looked at her as she dodged a swing of an axe as I then looked at the one who faced me, as if they're trying to figure out what I am. I just walked towards them with my blade out, they seem to be a bit intimidated by me.

(Y/N):"You act as if you've never seen something quite like me before, and that's a good thing as I'm the last thing you'll ever see." I then dashed at him and swung the blade, he caught it with his axe and started to stumble back, I took this moment to leap at him, pushing him to the ground as I sunk my blade into his gut before starting to twist it. I watched as agony on his face turned to intense pain before his eyes quickly lost their light as the life left his body. I then stood up to turn to Felecia who seems to still be struggling with her own fighter.

I then went over to assist by coming up from behind said fight and using my claws, stabbed him through his throat before pulling my claws out of him, I did hear Felecia screech in horror though, maybe that was a bit much... especially seeing that his head just started to roll away from his body then.

F:"(Y/N)! Y-you did that?! T-that's horrible, you just... you just!"

(Y/N):"That was a bit too much, huh? My bad... forgot that none of you have really seen a Leviathan go all out...and as you can tell, we don't like to hold back. But...my apologies if that made it a bit sick, I'll try to not do that as often, alright?"

F:"Wait, where's the one you were...oh, there he is...and...that's a lot of blood." I rubbed my head after I sheathed my blade. 

(Y/N):"Yeah...it could of been worse though, I mean...imagine if there were more of them, you might of seen some worse things there."

F:"I hope I never do see it!" I chuckle at that as I motion to her to help with catching up to the rest of the group who seems to be chasing down Zola. When we arrived there with them all, we saw that they had Zola cornered against a wall.

"We've won. You can't escape now, Zola. Tell us where the archduke is!"

Zola:"HA! You really think it'd be that easy? What a naïve little girl you are. I always have an escape plan!"

"What are you-?!" I then saw as he grabbed Sakura then from Corrin's side, that ain't good!

Zola:"Ho! Look at me and my adorable hostage!"


"Sakura! Let her go, Zola! Are you really going to stoop this low? Do the honorable thing!"

Zola:"Pfft to your honor! I'd rather win than be honorable! After all, the winner is the one who writes the history books! Now, put down your weapons! If you don't the girl-" Then trees proceeded to slam into Zola...what is this supposed to be, Nature trying to weed out the weak? "GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?!" Then he died.

"It can't be... That magic..." Then some Human on a horse came strolling up like he owned the place... I feel like he needs a tomato...and I see he has a book with a tree, so he's our tree wizard.

???:"You were the lowest of the low, Zola... Hiding behind hostages - you disgraced the entire Nohrian army." Then Corrin came running up to the Tree Mage.

"I knew it! I knew it was you, Leo! Thank you for saving Sakura!" Tree Mage Leo seems to not want to talk to her, maybe...was he one of the people who claimed her to be a traitor?

"Leo... Will you join us? We could use your aid in the battle ahead. I don't plan to fight with Nohr; I've learned of a dire truth..."

Leo:"What are you talking about?"

"After I refused to side with Hoshido or Nohr, I learned that King Garon... He is being manipulated by someone."

Leo:"What? How do you know this?"

"Listen carefully. He didn't want to start this war with Hoshido. He's being controlled by our real enemy - someone hiding behind the scenes. This invisible foe is who we should really be after!"

Leo:"I see. Well then, tell me who is pulling the strings. Name the manipulator!"

"I'm sorry, Leo... I can't say who it is."

Leo:"Unsurprising. I don't know why I wasted time listening to your ramblings."

"Leo, please! Wait! I can't say anything now, but-"

Leo:"You're a traitor. I don't want to hear your excuses."

"What? You still don't believe that I have the best intentions?"

Leo:"Let me make this as clear as I can... You have abandoned our family, and I have extended you the same courtesy. I no longer think of you as my sister. Got it? I only came here to clean up that vile mage. You and I will settle our differences some other time." He then summoned more trees and blew some doors to pieces.



"Don't worry, Azura, I'm fine. I don't think he was aiming at me. The door to that banquet hall has seen better days, though..."

Leo:"Go on, Corrin. The real archduke should be inside. Along with the pathetic Hoshidan prince, Takumi."

"What? Do you mean-" Then Tree Mage Leo started trotting off. "Wait! Leo! ...Leo..."

S:"Corrin! Tha banquet hall is filled with people! They've all been tied up!"

"You can't be serious!" With that, we started freeing people from their bindings. Soon, we found the real archduke and then more conversation went underway.

Izana:"You're here! You're here! You've finally come to rescue me! Thank you so much! You really saved my life! I'm absolutely starving! My tummy has been rumbling for hours now!"

"Are you truly the archduke of Izumo?"

Izana:"Why yes! That's me! Archduke Izana, first heir to the divine bloodline, descen-"

"Sorry, Archduke, but we've kind of already heard this..."

Izana:"Even the hair part?"



S:"H-he's even more informal than the imposter..."

Izana:"Ah! The fair Princess Sakura! I believe your brother is around here somewhere. He was left in a situation similar to my own. I can only imagine how hungry he is now..."

S:"Takumi is really here?" Then some guy with a bow came walking up to us then. "Takumi! I'm so glad to see you're safe!"

Takumi (T):"Sakura? And...Corrin and Azura. What are you all doing here?"

S:"Well...I decided that I would fight alongside Corrin."

T:"What? Sakura, you've turned against Hoshido as well? Ryoma is going to be devastated..."

S:"No, I h-haven't! Neither has Corrin. No one here has, actually. None of us plan to fight against Hoshido. Corrin says there is something much worse than Nohr's aggression going on. She can't explain, but I trust her. Takumi, p-please - trust her too!" He seemed to be thinking then, or so I think at least...he isn't saying anything.


T:"Hmph... You'll have to excuse me if I don't find this flimsy explanation acceptable. Sakura may believe in your story - I don't."

"I see..."

Izana:"Nonononono! Ahhh, this won't do! This won't do at all! You've got it all wrong, Prince Takumi!"

T:"What are you talking about?"

Izana:"I'm not going to go into all the little details, but basically - join Corrin. That's what the gods are telling me! Just got some prophetic stuff from them!"

T:"Huh? Something prophetic?! I can't believe that important prophecies just...happen all of a sudden like that."

Izana:"Hey, who's the keeper of prophecies here, you or me? They come as they come. Would you really ignore directions sent down from the gods?"

T:"You know, you say that, but... How can I choose to side with someone who won't side with her homeland? Of course I'm grateful they saved us, but... I just can't trust Corrin."

Izana:"Jeez, you're one tough nut to crack. What am I supposed to do with you? I don't like breaking out the big bows, but if a little extra prophesizing is needed... Well, Prince Takumi, that's just what you'll get!" We then watched as he went to a ball and then started speaking then. "Everything is not yet seen... The truth is far and hidden low. The one upon the water's surface, he who knows all is the true foe... Whew. There ya go. The gods really want to speak to you, Prince Takumi. Princess Corrin is not your enemy."

T:"Then who is? What was Sakura saying a moment ago... That Corrin knows something about our supposed enemy?"

"Yes. I can't explain it all now, but what Archduke Izana says is true. We came to Izumo hoping to find a way to defeat our mysterious enemy."

Izana:"Oh, that's right. You were going to ask me about the Seal of Flames. I'm sorry, but I don't know a thing about it."

"How could you possibly know what we were going to ask about?!"

Izana:"Premonitions! Prophecies! Haven't you been paying attention? Even though I can't help you with the Seal of Flames... My family does have a saying that's been passed down for generations. We will show he who shuns the light and dark another way. So, there you have it!"

A:"What does that mean? Is Corrin the one who shuns the light and the dark?"

Izana:"I think so! Thus, I need to show you a new path. If you'll excuse me, I'll go hold a little ceremony and ask an ancient god for help."

"Uhhh...right now?"

Izana:"Yep! Fortune favors the bold! Strike while the iron's hot! Carpe whatever! I want to get this little ceremony over with, in any case. Ancient gods aren't exactly easy on the eyes."

A:"I hope he returns with some sort of helpful clue to all this..."

"I'm sure things will work out. Let's have faint and wait here for him." We then had to wait a little bit then before he finally returned to us all then, looking a bit grim though.

Izana:"S-sorry to have...kept you waiting."

"Archduke, what's wrong?! You look exhausted!"

Izana:"I had a chat...with an ancient god... But even I don't understand it... It's so short, too... Go meet the dragon." Dragon? Could he mean...the Rainbow Sage? He's a dragon...an old one as well, so...it might be possible that's who he means though.

"A dragon?"

Izana:"I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually... I really hope you do, too. After all, I think I may - owww ow ow... Yup, definitely gave my life for the message." He then collapsed to the ground then, this...well, I... I don't even know, he's just...dying like that, that's not a good way to go either. I mean, he told us four words and...that's going to kill him?!

"What! You're dying? How did this happen?!"

Izana:"Well, the ceremony I performed always requires something in return. Every message has a price, and the cost of this one was my life. I'd really like it if a bard wrote a nice song about my noble sacrifice... Oh, Prince Takumi... I know I asked before, but... Make sure you help out Corrin, OK?"


Izana:"What, you're still not willing? I'm dying here, and you're still unsure? Listen, if you don't... I'll come back as a ghost and haunt you. All the time. Boo."


Izana:"Well, I said what I needed to say... Bye...bye..."

"Why didn't he tell us this would cost him his life? Why..." Sakura was crying a bit and I walked to her side and rubbed her back, trying to comfort her, and...it does seem to work a little bit.

S:"Oh, Izana..."

G:"Giving up his life for the good of everyone. He was an admirable man."

"I'm so sorry... This is all my fault. If I hadn't picked this path, the archduke wouldn't have died like this... I didn't realize the cost of my goal, as right as I believe it to be..."

T:"You must keep believing in it. Don't waste his sacrifice."


T:"Listen. I'm going to help you accomplish your mission. I'll fight with you. After all, it was the archduke's dying wish. So, I'm coming along...Sister."

"Thank you, Takumi. I won't let you down!"

???:"Well, if Lord Takumi is going, I guess we'll have to go too!"

???:"Yup! I'd sooner die than be separated from Lord Takumi."

"And you are?"

???:"The name's Hinata! I'm one of Lord Takumi's retainers. I'm skilled with a katana - if I do say so myself. You'll like having me in a fight!"

???:"My name is Oboro. Like Hinata, I am a retainer to Lord Takumi, If at all possible, I'd rather not interact with the Nohrians. But if we are to be allies, then I will do my best to cooperate... For Lord Takumi's sake."

"All right... We're glad to have you with us. That's three more valuable allies... Thank you, Archduke Izana. This is all thanks to you. I promise to never forget the sacrifice you have made for us." With that, we set on out and of course...headed to the Astral Plains to rest for a bit.

I started walking towards my home when I noticed that I was being followed by that Oboro character, so I decided to turn around and face her.

(Y/N):"I'm not a Nohrian, so I have no idea why your even looking at me or giving me that face." I just look at her, this supposed scary looking face just makes me cringe, but...that's probably due to what I am, I ain't Human after all.

Oboro:"Wait, your not a Nohrian? Then what the hell are you?"

(Y/N):"Now that's just plain rude... I'm a shape shifter, though different than the others that live in Nohr and Hoshido, I'm a Leviathan..."

Oboro:"A...what now? I've never heard of that."

(Y/N):"Well that's no surprise, we stay away from everyone, be they Human or otherwise. So why don't you take your terrible fashion choice and go somewhere else, I wish to be alone in my home." I realized right there and then, that I messed up, she then yelled at me and tried to hit me with the blade of her Naginata, so with a simple slash, I removed that iron tip so now it's nothing but a stick.

Oboro:"Don't you EVER talk about my profession like that! I'll make clothes that make YOU seem like garbage! Now, let me take your measurements so I can prove that I can make fashionable clothing, otherwise I'm going to murder you in your sleep!"

(Y/N):"All this because I called your fashion garbage? Jeez, fine, do what you will, I just want to read my books in peace..." She walked up to me and proceeded to take measurements before walking off, so with a sigh, I headed back to my home where I walked in and sat on a seat, picking up the book I was reading earlier. Luckily I was able to get some newer ones with more up to date history in Izumo on our way.

I soon heard someone almost kick my door in, which caused me to look up to see Oboro coming in with a bunch of clothing supplies. She made herself at home on a table of mine.

(Y/N):"What in the gods' names are you doing here?"

Oboro:"I have to be sure that I get everything right with how odd you look, so I'm coming here to work on it, though this is a nice place you have here."

(Y/N):"Umm...thanks? But...fine, whatever, make yourself at home, and next time...don't try to kick the door in, I don't ever lock it as I don't have anything valuable here. I mean, besides my sword really... Which only my kind can use properly as well, so even that's useless." But it seems as she's in her own little world as she's just cutting away and doing more fabric-working. I rolled my eyes as I went back to reading, and slowly starting to doze off.


Hey guys, it's Kitsune Knight here and yeah, here you guys go with another chapter, and I apologize that I haven't written another chapter for the Son of Chrobin story as of yet, I have to get back into Awakening. I just... I dunno, it's just that it's battle system is absolutely broken with later game... So it makes it hard to really enjoy it to the fullest, mostly because you only ever need two units... -.- But yeah, I hope you all have enjoyed this chapter as this is Kitsune Knight, signing out!

Corrin, Azura, Selena, Sakura, Camilla, Felecia, Hinoka, Selkie, Velouria, Kagero, Lilith
(You can request more)

Last Note Edit!!!

I'm doing a bit of a vote here for y'all to decide on! The Leviathan Class is going to have a Promotion, and that's going to be to a Sea Sage which will let them use Tomes/Scrolls as well. I decided to not add staves though simply because that would make said class a powerhouse, but it the voting is more so about a weapon.

If he should have a personal Tome.

If he shouldn't have a personal Tome.

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