Happy Falls in Love with a R...

By SummerCheng37

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Prologue: Happy is happy?
Chapter 1 Happy Goes Missing?
Chapter 2 What is Fairy Tail?
Chapter 3 Did Someone Say Fish?
Chapter 4 Melinda and Happy Meet?
Chapter 5 Happy Must Leave?
Chapter 6 Happy and Melinda's Adventure?
Chapter 7 Disagreement: Melinda Stays at the Guild or Goes with Happy?
Chapter 8 Allison Breaks Down?
Chapter 10 Time to Kick Some Monsters and Giants Butts!
Chapter 11 The Fork in the Road & Other Such Business?
Chapter 12 Melinda Speaks Again?
Chapter 13 Well, if that Doesn't Beat All?
Chapter 14 The Bright Yellow Light?
Chapter 15 The Tall Stranger?
Chapter 16 The Moles Retreat For Good!
Chapter 17 Another New Arrival?
Chapter 18 Melinda's Birthday?
Chapter 19 A Portal Opens?
Chapter 20 Never a Dull Moment in Fairy Tail
Chapter 21 He, Has to Go As Soon As Possible!
Chapter 22 Whoa, Where Did They Go?
Chapter 23 A Sad Farwell
Chapter 24 Melinda and Happy

Chapter 9 The White Door?

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By SummerCheng37

          In the previous chapter we left off with Nastu, Lucy, Ezra, Happy and Melinda on the other side to the long tunnel.  Then, they ate a snack, pretzels and saw this small white door. The group has no idea what awaits them on the other side!

       In the current chapter, everyone takes a close look at the door.  Not only is it tiny, and solid white, but it has silver trim around its edges.  There is vines that cover it so that the only part that sticks out from the foilage is the door knob.  It is just the thing to cause them to shake their heads in confusion.   No one seems to have a clue what should be done now?  So, they stay put for the moment.

      Then,out of the blew as if  he was in trance and suddenly snaps out of it, Natsu turns to the others and says, "Hmm, what do you think?   Should I go through it on my knees, or should we try to go through it all at once?"        

        "Hmmfth, since I am the leader in charge of this slightly unstable party of five,I should definitely go in first!"  Ezra remarks.

     "What?  Who says you the one in charge?"  Natsu remarks.

      Happy rolls his eyes. He clears his throat and blurts out, "The boss says so that is who!"

      "Just whose side are you on anyway?"  Natsu says.  He pretends to show offense to the fact that Happy stands up for what Ezra tells them.

       "I am not on anyone side in particular."  Happy states.

      "Good, grief!  Boys,  how about we just let Ezra go first and follow her like people with some good listening skills?  Now, on with it!" Lucy remarks.

      Ezra smirks,nods her head to acknowledge Lucy's help, sits on her knees, opens the door, pushes some vines aside,  and walks through to the other side. The others soon follow her actions until one by one they find themselves next to her once more.  As the last one comes out they close the door.  

      Now what? is the first thing on  everyone's mind as they are unsure what course of action to take next.  It turns out they did not have to wait for long.  

      No sooner does the door close then a short  robot approaches them.  

       The robot takes the shape of a  5 ft 2 in tall  man. It has short little stubs for legs and arms.  It is solid silver, or so it seems.  It has a bright light on its forehead, a funny stick held in one hand and the other is empty.  This particular  one happens to be second generation of  its kind with the capacity to tread water, swim, put out fires, repair things, dance, sing, learn other languages, and give out directions.  These are just a few of the abilities it has due to the time ,and money well put into its creation by the very man who by no doubt is a millionaire, or perhaps even billionaire by the looks of it.  It goes by the name G2H-788  which is short for  Generation 2  Household robot  number 788 as he is the 788th successful one of his kind.  

      "Hello, my name is  G2H-788 , but you may call me 788 for short.  Also, please state your business!"  The mechanical being states.

        "Hi, I am Ezra Scarlet, this here is Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Happy, and Melinda.  We come here to  speak to your boss."  Ezra replies.

        "Okay, Miss Scarlet, and friends come right this way!"  G2H-788 "aka 788"   says.  He takes them all down a long corridor that  leads them into an office.  He smiles, shakes hands with Natsu, high five's  Ezra, then Lucy, and leaves.

        "Talk about a strange little fellow,huh?"  Lucy remarks, with more of statement than an actual question though some might think otherwise.   She smiles at Natsu.

        Silence takes over the room as they wait.  The wait continues for over two hours!  Whoever the boss of the robot is not very punctual  now are they?   is the thoughts on all their  minds.   

         The  man of the place enters in a wheel chair as he has one leg that has amputation done to it just below the knee.  The other leg is its usual typical size just like any other leg.  He is not very big,nor is very small.    He just somewhere in the middle as far  as  his weight goes, and he is tall for his age.  He appears to be in a  good mood though for  someone who spends their days and nights in the confinement to a electronic chair.  

       "Great, splendid!  Glad you all could make it to my home!  Do make yourselves feel welcome!" The man says.

       "I was under the impression this visit was of the upmost importance."  Ezra says. She is one for getting straight to the point. She always thinks, why not? It makes things go more smoothly this way.  She at least likes to think so anyway.

       "Oh, but it is my friend."  The man says.

       "Then, do tell us what is it you would have us do for you?  Our boss did not tell us since you insist it remain anonymous  to him."  Natsu is the one to speak up this time.

       "Yes, please sir!  Do tell!"  Lucy says kindly.

      "All in good time,my friends!  All in good time!" He says.

       "Meow!"  Melinda says.

      "Wait, you brought a feline with you?"   The man remarks, as if it just dawns on him that Melinda's presence is known.

     "Why yes, in fact we brought two.  Only one is a flying cat who can speak as plain as you and I, while the other is a domestic house cat who only  meows from time to time."  Lucy says.

    " Well, that is a fine thing for  you to do indeed!  The task I have for you is rather dangerous.  Not just anyone can handle it."  The man remarks.

     "If anyone can handle  it,  me and my team can,sir!"  Ezra responds.

    "Hmm, well perhaps, but what about the regular cat who does not speak? What of her?"  The man sneers.

     "Hey, you take that back!  She will be fine she will help just as the others, you will see!  She will!"  Happy remarks.  He is non to happy that someone would  say such rude things about Melinda.  

      "Oh, yeah!  How exactly do you plan for her to aid you with this? "  The man ask.

     "Oh, you need not worry about those details at all."  Lucy says.

     "Haha, it seems you make up your minds to soon when it concerns your innocent little furry friend here. However, since you insist she come along, I have no other choice than to wish you all  good luck."  The man says with a bit of a sarcasm.   

      Lucy puts her hands on her hips, and points at him as if to say, get on with it, will ya?

         "I need you to clear my village of all the monsters, and giants that are in the shadows, thank you can do that for me?"  The man smirks.

       "Sure, we do!  Right gang?"  Ezra smirks in return.

       "Yes, Miss Ezra!" Everyone says at once, except for Melinda who just m-e-ow's  as her usual custom.

        to be continued in Chapter 10  Time to Kick Some Monster's and Giants  Butts!  

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