Secretary, ⁿᶜᵗ 127

By 00_Baejin_05

637K 22.8K 22K

"You'll be our Secretary from this day." ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ When a girl was doing a good job in work until the... More

s u n d a y : ceo mark lee
m o n d a y : ceo nakamoto yuta
m o n d a y : Irregular Office
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w e d n e s d a y : kim jungwoo
t h u r s d a y : dong sicheng
f r i d a y : lee donghyuck
s a t u r d a y : day-off
s u n d a y : ceo jung jaehyun
m o n d a y : ceo seo johnny
t u e s d a y : ceo kim doyoung
w e d n e s d a y : ceo lee taeyong
t h u r s d a y : ceo kim jungwoo
f r i d a y ¦ ceo lee donghyuck
s a t u r d a y ¦ ceo jung jaehyun
s u n d a y ¦ ceo mark lee
m o n d a y ¦ ceo kim doyoung
t u e s d a y ¦ ceo moon taeil
s u n d a y ¦ ceo dong sicheng
m o n d a y : ceo nakamoto yuta
t u e s d a y : ceo seo johnny
w e d n e s d a y : ceo lee taeyong
t h u r s d a y : ceo seo johnny
f r i d a y : ceo kim jungwoo
s a t u r d a y : traveling
s a t u r d a y : traveling pt. 2
m o n d a y : disney resort pt 1
m o n d a y : disney resort pt.2
t u e s d a y : disney resort pt. 3
w e d n e s d a y : disney resort pt.4
w e d - t h u r s d a y : osaka pt.1
t h u r s d a y : osaka pt.2
t h u r s d a y : osaka pt.3
t h u r s d a y : osaka pt.4
f r i d a y : waiting for you
s a t u r d a y : dong sicheng
s a t u r d a y : moon taeil
s a t u r d a y : seo johnny
s a t u r d a y : kim doyoung
s a t u r d a y : kim jungwoo
s a t u r d a y : lee donghyuck
s a t - s u n d a y : mark lee
s a t u r d a y : jung jaehyun
s a t u r d a y : nakamoto yuta
s a t u r d a y : lee taeyong
s p e c i a l : jung jaehyun
s p e c i a l : kim doyoung
s p e c i a l : mark lee
s p e c i a l : nakamoto yuta

s u n d a y : nakamoto yuta

12.3K 428 434
By 00_Baejin_05

Hwara wakes up due to the knocking on her door. She yawned and brush her hair before putting on the hood of her hoodie to hide her swollen face.

She then opened the door and saw Yuta sweetly smiling there.

"Hey.. it's 8 am..?" She tilted her head and Yuta chuckled, seeing her face that just woke up.

"I want to ask if you want to go out with me today?" He asked then she widely opening the door, seeing Yuta's whole look.

Looking all boyfriend material by just wearing black ripped jeans, a white polo and leather jacket. He also has a silver necklace on and his hair is perfectly styled.

"Where will we go?" She asked but Yuta only smiled.

"We'll see.. do you wanna go or not? If you do, I'll wait for you in an hour." He said then she nodded.

"I'll see you then?" She smiled then he nodded before she closes the door. She takes a quick bath and changes into her clothes that she and Hyuck bought yesterday.

Luckily, she had time to wash them and dry them before wearing them. She put on a little makeup before heading to Yuta's room.

She knocked on the door and it was Jaehyun who opened it. She immediately blushed when she saw him shirtless and Jaehyun blushed when he saw the girl in front of him.

"I-is Yuta there?" She asked then Jaehyun nodded, letting her inside their room.

Hwara tried to avoid looking at the shirtless Jaehyun before seeing Yuta fixing his stuff on his bed. He looked at her before smiling.

"You're early. I said in an hour but here you are, forty minutes early." He said, making her chuckle. She sits on his bed and saw him going through Polaroid pictures.

"Is that your family?" She asked and Yuta nodded, showing her one picture.

"Wah..." She noticed two girls and Yuta was between them.


"Yeah.. this is my older sister and my younger sister." He smiled, widely. Hwara noticed the smile on his face and decided to ask him more about his family.

Yuta gladly accepted and starts talking about his family for the remaining time they have. His wide and adorable smile making her heart soft and beat fast.

Jaehyun looks at the two and just stare at them, feeling jealous. He sighed.

'At this moment, everyone will start asking her. We don't have schedules anymore. It's just a race at this point.' He thought and lie down on his bed, still shirtless. He licks his lips, glancing at her.

Yuta starts to fix his stuff and Hwara looked at Jaehyun who was staring at her. He brushed his hair with his hand before winking at her.

She blushed once again and Yuta stands up, smiling at her. He then reaches his hand out to her.

"Let's go then." Hwara nodded and held his hand before they both exited the room.

"Where are we going?" Hwara asked for the second time this morning and Yuta chuckled.

"I'll just say the first place then. In this weather, going to parks first is the best choice." He said then she tilted her head.

"First? So, there will be more? Can you just tell me?" She pouted but Yuta only shakes his head.

"That can ruin the fun. It will be a surprise." He winked then the elevator door opened. They made their way to the lobby, exiting the hotel but someone else was able to see them.

The young CEO watch them leave the hotel as his hand became a fist and sighed. He stands up from his chair and heads back to his hotel room.

Hwara wowed when she saw the river. She runs to the railings and smiles at the view. Yuta followed behind her and she admired the view.

"You're right. Visiting the park at this time is the best." She said, smiling widely at Yuta. Yuta just chuckled and caressed her hair.

The two starts to walk around the park. Hwara admiring the flowers they pass by and saying hi to kids who wave at her.

Yuta just focused on Hwara. He has been smiling ever since Hwara accepted this morning and Yuta is now the brightest guy in the world.

Being in his home country with his own secretary who is the girl he happens to like means a lot for him and he wants to treasure this moment.

"Are you hungry? We can eat first before we continue to explore." Yuta said then Hwara smiled softly, nodding.

Yuta guided her to a restaurant nearby and he pulls out the chair for her to sit down before he sits down.

A waiter then gave them menus but before he left, he checked Hwara out, biting his lips and Yuta noticed it.

"Excuse me, can I get tissue?" Yuta asked in Japanese then smiled. The waiter snapped out of his thoughts before nodding to him and went to get tissue.

Hwara looked at Yuta, confused by what he just said.

"I just asked for tissue but that guy was obviously checking you out.. I don't blame him though." Yuta said, checking the menu.

"Why?" She asked but Yuta only looked at her eyes before smirking.

"Because you're really hot." He said then she blushed, covering her face with the menu.

Yuta just chuckled at her and continue to check the menu before the waiter came back with the tissue Yuta asked for.

"Here you go, sir." He said in Japanese and Yuta thanked him too. Hwara was left confused as the waiter just winked at her before leaving.

"See what I mean?" Yuta asked, glaring at the waiter that starts to ask other customers. Hwara just chuckled and nodded.

"But that doesn't mean that I'm hot," Hwara said, putting the menu down and called over a waitress that's near them.

"Well, beautiful then," Yuta said as the waitress came to their table and Yuta noticed the help look on her face before chuckling.

Hwara told Yuta her orders and Yuta ordered it for them. The waitress then winked at Yuta too before leaving and Hwara laughed.

"Seems like it's the same situation for you too." She said but he just rolled his eyes and smiled.

Yuta paid for their meal and exited the restaurant, seeing Hwara giving a flower to a little girl. The little girl then kissed her cheek before saying bye and run back to her parents.

Hwara waves bye, watching the girl talking about the flower she gave her to her parents.

"You're popular with kids," Yuta said, walking to her side but she only shakes her head.

"Well.. I did go to an orphanage with Doyoung and I made this one young boy named Kyikyeong open up to me.

He's around 7 maybe... he's really nice and sweet too." Hwara said, continue to look at the flowers and once again, back to square one, Yuta just focuses on her the whole time.

"By the way, where we are going next? It's already afternoon." She said, stopping her tracks and Yuta smiled widely.

"We're going to play!!"

Hwara's eyes widened when they were in an amusement park. Yuta grabbed her hand before buying tickets for both of them and entered the park.

"This is so cool. What is this park called? You dragged me before I could even see the name." Hwara pouted and Yuta chuckled.

"It's called Yomiuri Land. Come on, let's play already." Yuta said, dragging her around, riding rides.

Hwara saw the look on Yuta's face before smiling and going with him.

"Let's ride that," Yuta said, pointing at a roller coaster. Hwara stared at it before gulping, having a little fear of heights. She didn't say anything and just rode it with Yuta.

When they got into the ride, Hwara immediately gripped on his arm, catching Yuta's attention.

"Are you scared?" He asked but she only shakes her head and he notices her sweating.

"N-no.." She said, stuttering but Yuta only laughed and leaned her hand closer to his lips before kissing it.

"I'm with you so, no need to be afraid." He said then the ride starts to move. Hwara immediately held his hand tighter. The ride started off slow, of course.

It starts to climb the tower. Hwara looked at her side, seeing how high up they are now.

"No.." She shuts her eyes, feeling the cart about to drop.

"Noo!!" She shouted with other people while the cart is dropping. Yuta laughs and leans her hand to his lips again.

Hwara closed her mouth, enduring to shout even more since she might actually lose her voice. She just keeps her eyes shut.

After more seconds, the ride ended and Hwara leaned back, feeling a roller coaster of emotions. Yuta laughs at her state and Hwara stands up but almost tripped.

Yuta caught her before he starts to laugh again. They exited the ride and they decided to sit down. Yuta buying a drink for both of them.

"That was scary.." She said, burying her face in her arms that's on the table. Yuta chuckled and placed the drinks on the table.

"You should've told me to have a fear of heights." Yuta opened the can of soda before giving it to her.

"Just a little fear." She thanked him, drinking the soda.

"Try to control it cause we're going to Disneyland and DisneySea with the boys tomorrow." He said then Hwara almost choked on her drink.

She looks at Yuta and he noticed the stars in her eyes.

"reALLY!? I LOVE DISNEY~" She shouted but not too too loud. Yuta just chuckled at nodded at her questions.

She starts to squeal in joy and Yuta just sighed, watching her like a father enjoying his puppy play around with a toy.

"Come on. Finish your drink so we can continue playing." He said then Hwara nodded.

"By the way, where are we going after this?" She asked then Yuta just smirked.

"We're going on top of the country!"

Hwara wowed at the tower in front of them.

"What's in here exactly?" She asked then Yuta smiled, dragging her to a ticket booth.

Yuta starts to speak in Japanese which Hwara doesn't understand once again. She looked around, accidentally being pushed by tons of people. She held onto Yuta's sleeve.

Yuta just smiled at her and wrap an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him.

"You have an adorable girlfriend." The lady from the cashier said in Japanese and Yuta laughed.

"Thank you." The lady then gave him tickets. Yuta thanked her before they get to enter the tower.

"What did she say?" Hwara asked but Yuta just shakes his head and pecked her cheeks.

"You don't need to know. Where do you wanna go first?" Yuta stopped then Hwara was finally able to look around, surprised by how big the place is.

"If we go upstairs, there's an aquarium there. If we go that way, through the shops, there's another upstairs.

There will be a postal museum and a planetarium." Yuta said, pointing at directions as Hwara pouted, thinking of where to go.

"Let's go to the museum first then the planetarium and the aquarium. Then we can go to the top of the world." She said, pointing at the same direction Yuta pointed at.

The two pass by shops, entering some that catch their eyes.

"Yuta, come here~" She called the boy who's checking some hair clips out. He walked towards her and she put on cat ears on him.

"Wah~ you look so adorable." She says then Yuta grabbed a halo headband and put it on her.

"I saw an angel." He joked, making Hwara laugh before she removed the headband on him and tried on another one.

Yuta put on a devil headband on her and pinched his cheeks.

"Has an angelic face but an actual devil in bed-" He stopped before he noticed her eyes widen at his words.

She then blushed and they both look away.

"I can't confirm that.. can't I?" She asked, blushing then Yuta blushed as well.

"I mean.. if you dealt become my girlfriend then we can both confirm it," Yuta said, pulling her waist close to him.

"Oh my God.. stay away from me, Satan." She said, returning the headband and walk away from him. He just laughed.

They exited the shop and continue to walk to the museum, trying to not get distracted by the other shops.

They made it to the museum and she wowed. Seeing hundreds of stamps from the past was interesting for her to see.

"Yuta, what does this say?" Hwara asked, pointing at the information on the wall before Yuta starts to read it in his head first.

He then starts to read it out loud but in Korea for her to understand. His hands in his pocket as she also checked out the other stamps as well and what they used to deliver the postcards.

The two continue to look around but didn't stay long and head to their next place which is the planetarium.

There was an entry for them to get it and the hall was already dark, filled with lights that look like stars.

They entered the main area and Hwara felt her jaw drop.

"So pretty~," She said, looking up as Yuta took her to a spot where they can sit down.

Hwara lay her back down on the crescent moon shaped chairs and stare at the ceiling where it actually feels like they're stargazing on actual stars.

Yuta leans down beside her and rests his head on her shoulder, looking at the sky as well.

"I wish we can stay like this forever," Yuta said then Hwara hummed.

"I'm so glad I took you on a date today," Yuta said then she chuckled, nodding.

Yuta sits up and looked around, noticing that they're the only ones in the whole place.

Yuta leaned closer to her, connecting their lips and Hwara's eyes widened at his sudden action. Yuta interlocked their hands before deepening the kiss.

Hwara didn't kiss back at first but when Yuta held her hand tighter, she did. She closed her eyes, letting herself melt into the kiss.

Yuta broke the kiss and smirked at her. She only blushed and looked away, sitting up.

"Let's go to the aquarium and head to the observation deck."

Yuta watch Hwara enjoy the aquarium, giggling like a little girl with other kids too.

He then got a message and it was from Taeyong.

CEO-TY-nim: be home by 8. We're gonna eat in a restaurant.

Yuta checks the clock and it was 5 and the sun was about to set too. He waited for 30 more minutes before calling Hwara.

"Let's go. The sun is about to set. We can come back here later before we leave." He said then she nodded

Yuta held her hand before they head to the elevator and went to the second observation room which is the highest floor in the tower.

They get off the elevator and Hwara saw the sunset and silently wowed. She looked down and saw the city. The breathtaking view of Tokyo surprising her.

She felt knots in her stomach, scared to look down for long until Yuta held her hand.

They watch the sun set and the lights in the place lit up. The purple lights making the two feel relaxed. Hwara rests her head on his shoulder and Yuta kisses her hand again.

They watch the city turn on all the lights, looking like stars showing themselves one by one.

Hwara closes her eyes, feeling really comfortable with Yuta.

Yuta then pecked her lips before kissing her forehead.

"I enjoyed today.." He muttered then she chuckled and nodded.

"I did too."

2652 words... wowwowowowow...

And all for Yuta only.

I also did a  lot of research and I had to go back and forth from Google to wattpad 😂🤣😅

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