Checkmate - RATED R

By Love_Bri94

2.1M 74.5K 59.8K

She wasn't what he was used to....he had finally met his match. More

Before It Ends❀️
Decision Day


25.2K 918 753
By Love_Bri94

Chapter Thirtytwo
Chris Brown
Los Angeles, California - 7:19am

Back home and honestly, I'm not too excited about it. It's back to the hectic schedule, me not getting a minute to breathe without somebody in my space, the unnecessary bullshit that seems to always go on lately. Only good thing is I get to see my princess today.

Mya has been quiet since we boarded the jet. I know she ain't feeling Cali at the moment. I'm hoping that all changes, because I know if it doesn't she'll be back in Miami for good in December.

We were now in the back seat of the truck. I glanced at the scenery as we passed by. Mya was fast asleep, her head in my lap. It's like after this trip we've grown closer. I guess us chilling most of the time did that. We got a chance to talk, she didn't have her guard up. She kept a smile on her face. I loved it.

Now it's time to put an even bigger smile on her face.

Pulling up in front of her last birthday gift, well one of them, I gently shook her to wake her up.

It took a minute but her lashes finally started fluttering. They fully opened, then she looked up at me.

"Wake up baby." I said before kissing her cheek.

"Are we home?" She started sitting up.

"Not yet."

When she looked out the window, she frowned. "Why are we here?"

"Come on." Climbing out the car, I reached my hand out for her to grab. She hesitantly took it then got out. I walked over to the door and unlocked the gate and lifted it, then unlocked her stores door. The windows and everything were covered in paper so nobody could see what was going on inside. "Close your eyes."


"Just do it."

She sighed then did what I told her. I stood behind her and held onto her waist and helped her walk inside.

"Okaaaaaay, open." I said.

Before she did that, tears fell down her face. I was nervous, I didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad one. Her eyes slowly opened and she looked around then she started crying more. "Christopher."

"You like it?" I bit down on my lip, impatiently waiting for her answer.

"I love it." Her arms wrapped around my neck. "Thank you so much."

"Everything is brand new, top of the line security systems, the windows are plexiglass, can't nobody break that. Cameras everywhere. It's hidden so nobody will see. Brand new equipment, and merchandise. You can open tomorrow if you want to."

"Baby you didn't have to do this but I appreciate it soooo much." She put her hands over her chest while tears just flowed.

"Come here boo...stop crying."

"I can't, I've been stressing so much over this and I was getting ready to take the extra money from the Miami store to start everything. Thank you so much.

"You're welcome...I owe you this honestly. People I knew set you back. I should've stood up for you, protected you but I kept making stupid excuses. You deserve this and so much more."

"And you deserve head, and so much more."

I laughed. "I'll take it all."

She smiled while wrapping her arms around my neck. I wrapped mine around her waist and pulled her close to me. "I'm so in love with you it makes no sense."

My smile was so big I thought my cheeks would rip. "Are you?"

"Yes're so amazing. You treat me so good! It's just an amazing feeling."

"A woman that asks for nothing gets everything."

"Ooooooo, listen to you dropping gems! My man can sing, his dick big, he spoils me and he drop quotes and shit oooooowww."

I chuckled. "Silly.....I love you so much."

"I love you more."

We kissed.

"Alright, let's get out of here, you got one more gift."


"Last one, I promise."

"Last one, for real. I'm good until Christmas."

"Alright, let's go." I grabbed her hand then led her outside. Once she got in the truck I went and set the alarm and locked up then got in the car. "I'll send you all the security info. Opening day I'm hiring guards for you, can't have no nonsense pop off. And shit might get crazy because you deal with me."


"Woooow, look who's not putting up a fight."

"After that, how can I?"

I nodded.

The rest of the ride we just talked and laughed. Moments like this is what I cherish the most. I haven't had a girl that I can do this with in a long time.

15 minutes later we pulled up in front of her house and she let out this high pitched scream causing everybody to cover their ears. Once the car fully stopped she jumped out and ran over to her last present.

Climbing out the car, I laughed as she laid on the hood of her new car.

"What the fuuuuuck?! Is this really mine?" She asked.

"Yup and I don't think I have to ask if you like it."

"No you don't have to ask! Oh my goodness. It's beautiful."

"I don't even got a Lamborghini truck yet...that's how you know I really love your ass."

"This really put the icing on the cake. You are the beeeeeest! Ahhhhhhhhh." She pulled out her phone. "Take my picture." She handed me her phone then sat up on the hood, her arms stretched wide and a cute big smile on her face.

I snapped a few pictures then gave it back. "There you go."

"Ugh! Best birthday hands down. Started off rocky but got so much better after that."

"Yeah, these last two weeks have been pretty dope."

"Let's keep these good times going, please."

"Don't worry Mya, they will."

" lets go in the house and I can thank you for all of my gifts."

"As much as I want to, I can't. Ro will be at my crib in two hours. I gotta make sure everything is still in one piece."

"Awww, I wanna see RoRo."

"Well come on."

"Let's go."


Sitting in the living room, I watched as Royalty and Mya played dolls. It looked like Mya was having more fun than Ro. But seeing her like this gave me confidence.

I'm not bullshitting when I mention kids to her. I know it might be too soon right now but I really hope she carries my second child.

"Daddy me and Mya are hungry!" Royalty yelled. "We want hot dogs!"

Mya's eyes budged causing me to laugh. "What about chicken and pizza Royalty?" My mom asked coming out of the kitchen.

"Okay." She answered before getting up and rushing to the back.

"Whew!" Mya exhaled while getting off the floor. "This baby has too much energy and I know who she gets it from." She came and sat next to me."

"Oh yeah you know I got a bunch of energy." I wiggled my eyebrows causing her to push me.

"Anyway." My mom spoke up. "How was the trip?"

"Terrible at first." I said. "But we ended up in Miami. I've been to Miami a million times but this was the best trip. I met Mya parents, her mom want me to hit that but I ain't gone do it."

"You must not want your front two teeth? Your fans still gone love you when your all your fronts gone?" Mya asked.

"My fans love me through whatever."

"Yeah we'll see."

"Stop hating Mya!"

My mom laughed. "Well I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday Mya."

"Thank you, I really did." She responded. "Your son is amazing."

"I'm glad he's finally stepping up to the plate. I know you're what he needs Mya and from what it seems he knows that as well."

"I do." I said while laying my head in Mya's lap. "Love this girl." Reaching up I pinched her chin.

"Sooooo cute!" My mom squealed. I looked at her and smiled. I haven't seen her this excited about my relationship since Rihanna. She liked Kae but not that much. "So Chris, you text me the other day about you having to go on tour. Have you got the dates yet?"

"Naw, I gotta meet up with Ant and everybody tomorrow. I know they're trying to get me back overseas, I'm not really feeling that but I gotta do it. I'm thinking everything will kick of the middle of October."

Mya shifted under me. When I mention tour she gets uneasy, I'm not sure why.

"Okay....and how long will this tour be?"

"Hopefully not that long, I definitely want to be back before Christmas. And I'll make sure I get the week around thanksgiving off so that I can be here with everybody."

"The middle of October until December....that's a long time." Mya said.

"It's not baby...and hopefully you'll be with me at a few shows."

"Yeah Mya, I hope you're going." My mom said.

"With my store getting ready to open I'm not sure if I'll have the time. I'll try to make it to a few stops but I'm not going to make any promises."

"So Chris you're going to behave yourself, right?! Every time you go overseas you come back with something none of us wants here."

I groaned. "Ma don't do that. I can already tell Mya wanna panic every time I mention going on tour. I'm not gone do shit and I'm not bringing nobody back."

"Bringing who back?" Mya asked confused.

My mom gave her a look, causing Mya to look down at me with a stern look on her face. Sighing, I got up. Nobody got time for this. I don't know why my momma would put that shit in Mya's head.

"Ima go check on Royalty." I said while walking to the back. "Hey boo boo, what you doing?"

"Looking for something else me and Mya can play with."

I smiled. "You're going to wear Mya thin with all this playing."

"I like Mya! She's fun."

"She is fun. I'm glad you like her."

"Do you like her daddy?"

"I do, I like her a lot...and she likes me too, a lot."

"Good, don't make her mad, I want her to be our friend forever."

I chuckled. "I won't boo, I promise." Scooping Royalty up, I kissed her forehead. "Let's go see how long before our food gets here. I'm starving."


Mya Anderson
Later That Night - 12:34AM

Once Royalty left, I saw Chris's mood switch. I didn't want him running to his usual coping mechanism so I decided to have movie night. I went and got us a bunch of snacks and now we're chilling in his room.

"You know what baby, I don't want to watch movies. It'll be quiet and my mind will just start wondering and I don't want that." Chris said.

"Okay, what do you want to do then?"

"Let's just talk....I enjoyed our heart to hearts back in Miami."

"Same...okay, what's our first topic?"

"Who you slept with." He did that stupid grin.

"I guess you don't want to enjoy your night huh?"

"Why wouldn't I enjoy my night if we have this conversation? Am I going to find out that you've been lying this whole time?"

"Lying about what?"

"Who you slept with."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't know why you're so pressed about this!"

"I'm not pressed! I just wanna know. Now tell me who you fucked."

"AAAAARGH! You're so annoying."

"It's somebody I'm cool with ain't it?"

I picked at the thread on his comforter. "..........maybe."

"Who was it Mya?"

"Well obviously it was Jordan Clarkson."'

"Lame and I don't fuck with him. Who's the other person?"

Exhaling I ran my fingers through my hair. "Okay, I'll give you a hint.....he was born in Virginia, just like you." I chewed on my nails and stared at him trying to figure it out. "He's has two brothers, his mother is named after a month."

Chris sat up then looked at me. "Aw Naw."

"It was once like 3 years ago!"

"Not my bro Tremaine!"

"I mean it's Trey Songz I would've been dumb to say no."

"That's shit is fucked up! I gotta see this nigga and when I do, he probably thinking about my girl pussy. That's foul man."

"Chris you're overreacting seriously. It was way before you, he probably done had millions of bitches since then. Let it go."

"I ain't letting shit go dawg!"

Rolling my eyes I laid down. "You're doing the absolute most. If I asked you if fucked one of my friends, what would you have said."

"I would've said I probably did knowing me. I done been around the block a few times. You know I'm a recovering hoe."

"And so am I! But if you would've told me that I wouldn't get mad or be extra like you're being."

"Did you use a condom cause that nigga trifling. He fuck porn stars and shit. I don't go that far. Might've had stripper or two but I ain't fucking no porn star."

"Of course we used a condom and I should be using one with your ass too!"

"Hell naw, not happening. I know you done had your fair share of niggas but that pussy have a death grip on my dick every time. You did that coochie rejuvenation shit?"

"Chris I haven't fucked as many men as you think. I'm only 26! I lost my virginity when I was 17. Out of those 9 years I've been with like 10 guys."

"That's a lot."

"How many bitches have you fucked?"

"Shiiiiiit....I don't even know."

"That's pitiful. You're disgusting."

"Right back at ya."

"Ugh, Good night."

"Bet not dream about Trey."

"I might, his dick game is amazing."

Next thing I know my head jerked back. I grabbed his hand that had a tight grip on my hair. "You wanna die tonight?!"

"Nigga if you don't let me the fuck go!"

"Don't play with me like that Mya."

"Bitch let me go!"

He let go of me. I quickly sat up and looked at him. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I yelled.

"Hell yeah I am! Don't brag about a nigga to me, bitch is you dumb?"

"You didn't have to grab my hair it was a joke!" I got out of bed. "I should beat your ass."

"Whatever, you can leave."

"Now I gotta get out, after you just pulled my hair?"


" problem." I rushed over to my clothes and started putting them on. Once I was dressed and had my stuff SNACKS INCLUDED, I headed downstairs and started to order me an Uber.

Just as I was about to finish up my request my phone was taken out my hand. I looked up at Chris.

"Come back upstairs Mya." He said.

"No...I'm good."

"Baby I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. My feelings got the best of me. Knowing my bro had what's mine is bothering me, I'm not gone lie to you."

"That doesn't give you a reason to pull my hair though! What if I snatched your weave out!"

He smirked. "You always gotta talk about my weave."

"Go back upstairs."

"Okay but you're coming with me."

"I'm not."

Next thing I know he's picking me up and carrying me upstairs. I hate being tiny sometimes. When he sat me on the bed, he pulled my pants back off, then he hovered over me. "I'm sorry."

"I know you are."

"Mya come on don't do this to me. I did too much, you know I'm a little psycho."


"Baby....please. I don't handle being jealous well."

"Jealous of what?! I'm yours! I slept with him three years ago. Fucked one time and was done. I don't want him, he doesn't want me. Stop thinking crazy shit Chris."

He sighed. "You're right, you're mine and I'm just protective of what's mine, it causes me to do crazy shit. I'm really sorry baby."

I just stared up at him. So many flaws in such an amazing man.

"I'm going to bed."

He nodded while stepping back from me. I went and climbed under the comforter. Chris pulled his shirt off then did the same.

I turned my back to face him. His hand eventually laid on my waist and he planted a soft kiss on my shoulder that made me relax. "I love you Mya."

"I love you too Chris."

Chris moves away from me and I eventually heard his phone unlock.

Maybe I'm just tripping but I just feel like this whole moment is just the start of more mess...take us back to Miami!

I told you LA is bad luck.

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