Trapped in His Web

By Universal_Love97

199 2 0

Peter Parker was a normal high school student, except for being Spider-man, looking for a part-time job. Find... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 1

32 1 0
By Universal_Love97

"Eleanor. Are you sure you want to do this? You don't have to baby girl."

"Don't worry dad. I'll be alright. I have the watch so no one will know or even try to guess who I am, and the only person who could possibly know would be Stark. I'm sure I could get him to keep his mouth shut. He might be able to help even..."

"But. Ellie- "

"I'm the only one who can do this. I'm not a child anymore. I can do this. Please believe in me."

"I do baby girl. Good luck."

Smiling, she kissed her father's cheek. "Thank you." Pressing a few buttons on the watch, Eleanor's appearance changed and she stepped through the portal.


Finally, things were going right in my life! I got into the college I wanted, got my own place, and I've been kicking butt left and right as Spider-Man. The only problem was that I was jobless now. Long story short, I almost punched my boss. Can't keep my apartment without a job. Luckily, I had enough money saved up to cover the first two months' rent plus some food. It's been almost a month, though.... And I was getting desperate. I think I'd take any job about now. Maybe even stripping. I am flexible. Sighing out, I walked down the street until a few sheets of paper smacked me in the face derailing my train of thought and almost sending me to the ground. Some Spidey sense this was. "What the...? Detaching them from my face, I looked them over. "Wow. These look important."

"Wait! Come back here you stupid papers! God dammit!"

Looking, I saw a girl with black hair with some blonde stripes here and there a few years older than me, chasing after the rest of the papers. Using some of my Spidey skills I quickly gathered them up and landed in front of her. "I believe these are yours." Offering her a small smile, I handed them over.

She looked a bit surprised and... happy to see me? "Oh! Thank you!" Taking them, she smiled shyly. "Mr. Stark would have killed me."

"Mr. Stark? As in Tony Stark? You work for Tony Stark?" I didn't even try to hide my shock and jealousy.

"Yes. Well, I work for the Avengers. I just run errands. It's a lot harder since our last guy quit. Said it was too hard and really stressful."

"Does that mean there's an opening?"

"Yes. Part-time. Full time if they like you. Would you maybe be interested?"

"Yes! You would not believe how much I need a job. And working there would be a dream come true."

"Then right this way... um... I'm sorry but, what's your name?"

"Peter. Peter Parker."

"Eleanor but you can call me Ellie. Follow me please."

Smiling, I followed her to the tower. I was so excited that I could hardly contain myself. Once at the tower, I looked around the lobby. It was simple, yet elegant. Totally Tony Stark. Getting on the elevator with Ellie, it started to move on its own.

"Welcome Miss. Ellie and guest. What floor?" Looking up, I smiled at the amazing A.I. that spoke.

"Hello JARVIS. Floor five please and thank you."

"Shall I tell Mr. Stark of your return?"

"No. Let's make it a surprise. I'm sure he's very busy right now." Her smile was a bit playful as we stepped off the elevator, into what looked like a waiting room. "He hates it when I don't update him. It's funny to watch him throw small hissy fits. Stay here." Doing as she said, I watched her go through a door and come out a few minutes later with a red-haired woman.

"Are you sure he can handle it here?"

"Positive. Trust me, Ms. Potts, he'll be a great addition to the team, I can feel it. Plus, he's the one." I smiled fondly at the praise I was getting but it fell as I heard the last part. What did she mean the one?

"Alright, I'll meet him and have JARVIS send me the information I need on him." Seeing her come over, I began to get nervous. Holding out her hand to me, she gave me a polite smile. "Virginia Potts."

Taking her hand, I gave her a nervous smile back. "Peter Parker."

"Tell me about yourself, Mr. Parker."

"I'm a 17-year-old senior in high school and have always wanted a chance to work with Mr. Stark and am very desperate for a job. I'm top in my classes and a very hard worker."

"It says here that you've worked with Reed Richards for about a year and have been accepted into Empire State University upon graduation." She said looking at a tablet that I assumed had my personal files on it. "Impressive... I take it you'll be starting school this fall. So until then, how would you like to work at the tower full time with small tasks myself or Ellie assign to you until Mr. Stark looks over all of your files and we can go from there?"

"Really? That would be great. Thank you so much." Peter couldn't keep the smile off his face. "You can't imagine how grateful I am."

"You start tomorrow morning at 8:30. Ellie will show you around and get you set up before you leave today." With that, Ms. Potts turned and left, going back to her work.

"You got the job just like that. I had a feeling you would." Something was up. What she had said to Ms. Potts, the way she just said that... something was up and I needed to figure out what.

"Thank you so much. I owe you big time." I'll just have to wait until the right time to find out.

"Come on. Let's get you into the system and meet some heroes." And with that, I was working at the Avengers Tower, where the biggest adventure of my life was about to begin.


"So, he's really the one?" Natasha asked sitting on the table.

"Yes. So, you need to keep him safe. Please promise you'll protect him."

"Don't worry Eleanor, we got this," Clint said jumping down from the vents. "What's so important about this kid anyways?"

"I can't tell you. Now keep an eye on him."

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