Always and Forever ~2

By Vampirediaries1996

227K 6K 1.2K

A dark prophecy follows Sofia Gilbert all the way to New Orleans where more danger awaits her. She was promis... More

New Orleans
Werewolf in the Quarter
Another Masquerade
Bayou Doctors
The Harvest
Unlinking Lessons
Memoirs and Sabotage
New Reign
Revenge Part 1
Revenge Part 2
Revenge Part 3
Afterlife or Hell
Moving On or Failing to Live
Sacrifice of Innocence
Love at First Sight
New Leaf
Wedding Bliss
Temporary Goodbyes and Rebirth
Nothing is Permanent
Keeping the Fight Alive
Here Comes Mother
Deciding Fate
Steps Back
Farm House Life
Trust Ceremony
I Hear Wedding Bells
Eva or Dahlia
Betrayal at Its Finest
No Hesitation
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold
Blissful Happiness
Lucien and the Sires
Seer's Lies or Truths
Hayley's Return
Parties and Bait
It's Just Getting Started
Ex's and Oh Shit
We Really Shouldn't Have Dinner Parties
Untold Truths and Lies
Baby Showers
Christmas Miracles
Getting Closer to Hell
Breaking Sire Bonds
It's Raining Enemies
Like Father Like?
Not Safe at Home
On the Run for Some Rum
Fighting a Beast
Heavy Heart
Start of the End
Bite from a Monster
Goodbye for Now
Missing You
Planning Life
Never Let Go
The Armory
A June Wedding
Surviving Hellfire
Here Comes Freedom
An Enemies Attempt at Revenge
Closer to the Heart
Sharing Memories
Let's Start with Forever
Possession and Kidnapping
Throwing a Party for Reading
Red Paint
The Ancestors
Twist of Fate
Hard Choices
Transferring Power
Not Gone Forever

To the Bayou and Back

3.5K 123 37
By Vampirediaries1996

Who would you like Sofia to become friends with or develop a good or bad relationship with in the future?

"I heard you were successful in mentoring young Davina." Klaus says as he sketches and I get ready for bed.

"She just needed some encouragement. She's just a girl like me, Klaus."

"I can assure you that there is no one like you my love." He smiles at me.

"She's a few years younger than me and...she's been through so much and has so much power. More than she can handle."

"You are nothing like her Sofia."

"But aren't I? My family has turned their back on me and people see me only for power. Even if we fell in love you too once said I would be a great addition because of my magic."

"I was a different man than I..."

"It's okay to admit you wanted to use me, Klaus. I understand but I also feel sorry for Davina and everything she is going through."

"And that is why I know you will be a great mother."

"Because I worry for others?"

"Because you have a heart of pure gold. You are the angle I have always wanted to save me." He leans over and kisses my hand.

"Davina unlinked Sophie from Hayley, but Nik...I fear we're not out of trouble."

"What do you mean?" I move into our bed and I just freeze thinking about the vision I had.

"Since coming into this town I've been seeing things."

"What kinds of things?"

"Lots of death and despair." I look at Klaus and his face falls. "I fear our child and our family we are trying to make will never be safe."

"I will protect you from any harm."

"And who will protect you?"

"I am immortal love. I cannot be killed nor do I fear anything." He says confidently but I know he's hiding behind the fear of being alone and no one loving him.

"I love you Nik but this town is filled with more darkness than Mystic Falls ever was. I thought we were going to travel the world and have adventures, but all it seems we have is worry for the safety of our child."

"Are you wanting to give up?" This question shocks me.


"I will protect our child but you deserve to live the life I promised you..."

"Klaus." I stop him and he looks at me with sadness in his eyes. "I'm not leaving you now or ever. I plan to do everything in my power to make our love last and passed down to our child. Together we can get through everything."

"Your optimism is inspiring my love."

"This town will be the death of us." I say as I scoot closer to him in our bed.

"I will never allow any harm to come to you." He kisses my forehead.

"We can't make such promises."

"Unlike most, I am a man who keeps my word."

Somehow Hayley went missing from our home without anyone noticing. Klaus and I thought she was asleep when we got home but when we called for her she never showed. Panic sets in as I realize the woman carrying my child is gone and I have no idea where she could be. Klaus is fearing the worse that Marcel did something and took her. He and Elijah went to check but our fears only worsened as Marcel admitted to saying hi to Hayley at the house but he never laid a hand on her. For some reason, Klaus and Elijah believe him and now I'm frantically scarring over the house to get things together for a location spell on Hayley's whereabouts. I now fear she ran away with my child in her due to fear for her own life and I am terrified she will be harmed or not found and my child lost forever. Elijah drags the witch Sabine back to the house and I want to kill her for the dumb prophecy she has on my child.

"You're Sofia Gilbert." She smiles big at me.

"And you're the bitch you allowed the hit on my child."

"I only shared what I saw. I had no control over what other's did." She raises her hands up in surrender.

"Too bad I don't care." I go to lung at her but Elijah stops me.

"Sofia, we need her. Sabine knows more about this city than we do and if we are to find Hayley we need her knowledge. Since you can perform the locator spell without being detected Sabine will confirm where to look for Hayley."

"I'll still kill her." I don't take my eyes off her as I take a seat in front of the map. I take Klaus and my blood and drip it on the map and begin chanting allowing the blood to her location. "Found her." I say and we all look to the map confused. "I have no idea where she is." I say.

"She's in the backcountry." Sabine speaks up and points to where the trail stops. "Way out past Houma, deep in the Bayou."

"I don't suppose you could be more precise." Elijah jumps in.

"What's the matter Elijah, you worried a bit of splashing about in the bog might ruin your expensive shoes?"

"Says the man who wears two thousand dollar jackets." I fire at Klaus who isn't pleased but it earns me a smile from Elijah.

"As a matter of fact, after my recent confinement, I could use a decent stroll through the countryside."

"There are stories of exiled werewolves, encampments. If Hayley went out that far, chances are she went to find them." Sabine explains to us.

"Clearly, she hopes to make the acquaintance of more like herself. I suppose our company wasn't good enough for her." Klaus is enjoying this but I'm pissed.

"She is carrying our child and damnit she is coming back here whether she likes it or not!"

Klaus didn't want me to tag along but I told him he has no say in if I bring Hayley's ass back home with our child. He is not the only one who can do something for this family. I wish I had some supernatural ability that trecking through the woods was more durable but I will persist for my child's wellbeing. "We should head south towards the water." Elijah explains as Klaus and I follow close behind him.

"You seem quite determined to find the little wolf." I roll my eyes at Klaus' nickname for Hayley. He rarely calls her by her name and now gives her a nickname.

"If I am moving too fast for you, Niklaus, you're welcome to wait in the car. Do be certain to leave the windows down."

"Like hell, he will. Don't forget Elijah. Hayley is carrying our child, not yours. If anyone should be finding her to bring her back it's us!"

"I see I've touched a nerve with you brother." Klaus jokes and it only pisses me off more. "Perhaps that's why you've been barking order since your return. Hoping to impress Hayley by assuming the role of family patriarch."

"You want to insist on treating her, like a walking incubator, then that's your mistake."

"And yet you forget she is the surrogate for our child. She did not make this miracle baby that you care so much about. Never forget Elijah that child that is in her swollen belly is mine, not hers!" I'm in Elijah's face making sure he knows whose child is in danger here.

"Have you found her scent?" He calls out to Klaus. I look to him and his face falls.

"What is it?"

"I found someone else's." Klaus rushes to a car that is on the side of the woods and tears the door open. He rips out clothing and other items from it. "This vehicle reeks of someone I thought I was rid of..." Klaus looks me in the eyes. "Tyler Lockwood." I let out an annoyed breath as he tells me this. Shit, our life just got more complicated.

"I'm sorry am I missing something?" Elijah looks to us for answers. "Why would Niklaus' little hybrid sidekick from Mystic Falls have any interest in Hayley?"

"He wants revenge." Klaus says with his arms out wide. "For possibly going after his girl once or twice and putting her life in danger a few others." Elijah looks to me as I keep pacing.

"Why do I suspect this is the least of your offenses?"

"Because he did a lot worse than flirt with Caroline and bite her." I glare at Nik now as I'm pissed his many enemies are now possibly harming our unborn baby.

"Back when I had the means to sire hybrids, he was my first." I shiver thinking back to the night I saw Klaus again after being brought back to life. "Although I didn't give him much choice in the matter." Klaus hops onto the back of the car and pulls at a blanket to get a better scent. "He was loyal in the beginning, but he grew insubordinate..."

"He wanted his freedom." I defend my childhood friend and ex. Tyler and I may not have ended everything on the best terms but I would never wish him dead. Torture on the other hand if any harm comes to my child is another thing. But he will live with the scars I will give him if that happens.

"Sofia he turned my other hybrids against me."

"Which you murdered!" I remind him of one of our darkest moments together.

"I couldn't have them not loyal to me." He smirks at this and I throw a rock at him which he dodges. "Tyler ran like a coward before I could finish him off."

"I warned him and begged him to run." I speak up and Klaus' face falls.

"You did what?"

"I was not going to allow you to kill him for wanting his freedom. Like I've told you before I had no idea about the sacrifices Hayley was apart of and using you for but I understood why Tyler and your hybrids wanted their freedom. I wasn't willing to sit back and let you kill him too." Klaus clenches his fist visibly upset.

"Why do I feel like you're going against me.'

"Shut up Klaus! This was months ago and we worked through it but I'm being honest in telling you I warned Tyler you were looking for him."

"And look where we are now love. He is somewhere in the Bayou holding our baby holder hostage."

"Because you killed his mother!" Elijah shakes his head at his brother.

"Really Niklaus?"

"He needed to be taught a lesson." He tries to justify.

"And what lesson will you be taught, Niklaus if he retaliates by harming Hayley?"

"So you do care about her. Well, go on, then. Have at it brother. Save her. Claim what spoils you can."

"Stop it both of you!" They look to me now. "I'm going out there and I will make Tyler pay for this. Unless you two want to keep bitching."


"Hayley! Don't make this harder than it has to be!" I hear Tyler's voice yelling. "Give up now...I'll end it quick.

"Funny I was thinking the opposite." Tyler stops dead as he hears me. He turns and before he can say anything I raise my hand and send him flying to a tree. His body impales into a branch and I keep him there.

"Nice setup love." Klaus claps and I roll my eyes. "I would have started smaller but I love your show for the theatrics."

"This is not you Sofia!" Tyler calls out. "You're better than this."

"Shut up!" I scream at both of them. I glare at Tyler who is struggling to get free. "You placed Hayley in harm's way."

"Why would you care? She should mean nothing to you!" He spits out and I tilt my head. He has no idea.

"Threatening a pregnant girl in order to exact revenge against me. I never expected you to sink so low. I admit I'm impressed." Klaus compliments him.

"I used to hang out with you. I guess something must have rubbed off."

"What do you think Caroline would say if she saw what you've become? Perhaps I'll ask her when I call her to tell her of your demise."

"You threw away your life for this dick?" Tyler says to me. "I thought I knew you Sofia, but I guess you never really know anyone."

"You know nothing about me!" I'm seething with anger now. I feel the ground start shaking. Klaus looks to me with worry in his eyes.

"Love I wou..." I twist my hand and his neck breaks. I tilt my head to Tyler who for the first time has fear in his eyes. "Let me show you want happens when you mess with me." I raise my hand and sticks and other sharp objects levitate and one by one impale themselves into his body. He cries out in pain as I remove them to only force them back in.

"What are you doing? Sofia stop this. Your friends and family back home wouldn't even recognize you." Tyler says this with blood gushing out of his mouth. I move closer to him.

"You have no idea who I am anymore."

"Why do you care so much about Hayley? She slept with Klaus and got pregnant with his baby!" I stop stabbing him and lock gazes with him.

"You think the baby is her's?" He looks at me confused.

"Of course it's hers."

"You're wrong again Tyler." I take one stick and raise it above his heart. I apply a little pressure as it causing him more excruciating pain. "The baby in Hayley's stomach is mine. It's the baby I made with Klaus and you put my baby in danger and for that, I can never forgive you." I push the stake further in watching as life leaves him.

"That's enough!" Klaus rips the stake from my hand and Tyler falls to the floor trying to catch his breath.

"What are you doing?" I look and Tyler is gone and I go running after him but Klaus stands in my way.

"You are not a killer!"

"You've killed people. He was harming our child!"

"This is not you Sofia. I know you are better than this."

"Why do I have to be the better person all the time? I wanted revenge and I almost had it!"

"And you could never live with yourself if you killed him!"

"You were willing to kill him."

"And I've killed villages for the fun of it. You have no blood on your hands. I will not let my wrong doings be the reason you fall from grace."

"Stop making me out to be this pure individual!" I scream at him. "I wanted to kill him!"

"And it would haunt you!"

"You don't get to decide what I do in life! This is not what this relationship is!"

"No, but I will not let you go to the darkness if I can go there for you!"

"Let me feel this anger and pain. Let me live." I beg him.

"I love you too much Sofia to allow you to harm yourself. Our child needs one honorable parent and we both know that won't be me." Tyler is nowhere in sight and Klaus holds out his hand for me. I reluctantly take it and follow him as he searches for Hayley.


We make our way to this abandoned looking cabin where a dead body is lying at the porch steps. What we notice shocks us. The body is not of just anybody. In fact, this guy was a hybrid which should be impossible. Not long after Hayley walks up to us with Elijah by her side. "There you are. I see you found our wandering stray." Klaus says to them. "Perhaps she could shed some light on the situation. This..." Klaus kicks the dead hybrids body down. "Would appear to be the body of a hybrid."

"His name was Dwayne." Hayley speaks up not looking at me.

"Will whoever he was. I didn't sire him. Any idea how that's possible?" Klaus asks her.

"As if you didn't know." Elijah holds her back from lunging at Klaus.

"Ah...aren't you two fast friends? Well, come on then. What horrible accusation have you conspired to levy against me?"

"Tyler Lockwood brought Hayley here to test a theory. That the blood your child could be used to sire hybrids. He claims that Klaus knew this all along. You intended to use this knowledge to build an army." I can see Klaus and he's hurt by his brother's words.

"And of course, you assume it's true. I mean why else would I show any interest in my flesh and blood? Heartbroken little crybaby points his finger at me, and my own brother falls in line. Eager to believe it. How quickly you assume the worst, especially when it comes from her." Klaus glares at Hayley and I can't understand why she is getting in the middle of this.

"Oh, spare me your indignation. When have you ever demonstrated any kind of concern towards Hayley or her child."
"Oh, hold it right there you bastard!" I step forward now. "How dare you ever call my baby hers!"

"It was merely a slip of words..."

"Shut up Elijah. I almost thought you were good but this...That is my child! Mine that was ripped from me!" I raise my hand and fling Elijah back. "Don't you ever think she means anything to us!" I glare at Hayley. "And how dare you get in the middle of all this. You know nothing about Klaus."

"So you believe he isn't wanting this child just to make more hybrids?"

"Why does it concern you? You're just carrying our child you're not going to raise it!"

"So you two doubt my intentions." Klaus comes over and reaches for my hand. "Well, I can't say I'm surprised. Standing beside the noble Elijah. How can I be anything but the lesser brother? A liar, a manipulator. A bastard?" My heart breaks hearing this. He still thinks so low of himself. Klaus leads us closer to Elijah who still hasn't said a word. "That's all I am to you, isn't it? And to Rebekah and judging by the way, Hayley hangs on your every word, it's clear she feels the same way. No doubt our child will, as well."

"We've said all that needs to be said, brother." Klaus interrupts me and I fear he's going to do something drastic. "I'll play the role I've been given." He goes to turn away but vamp speeds and bites Elijah's neck.

"Agh!" He screams out in pain and Hayley covers her mouth in horror.

"You two enjoy each other's company. You'll have much to bond over, once the hallucinations and dementia set in." Klaus smirks. "Consider that bite my parting gift to you both." Klaus takes my hand and I follow him back to the car.


"You're silent my love."

"Someone I've grown up with and even was in love with once tried to harm our baby. Your brother and our surrogate believe our child is nothing more to you than a way to make hybrids." I turn to look at him on the driver's side.

"Everyone's seen me as a failure all my life and...our child will see me as nothing different."

"You're wrong."


"No, listen. You have your flaws. Your impulsive, paranoid, anger issues but you're full of life and love. You're not perfect Klaus but none of us all. Our child will love you and I know you will love our baby. Together we cannot fail." I connect our hands and hold them close. "I thought about killing Tyler today and you stopped me to save me from becoming a murderer. Someone who is willing to do that isn't horrible."

"What am I then?"

"You're human." 

What is your favorite Klaus moment? Can be from The Vampire Diaries or The Originals.

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