Fem!Purge Gang x Fem!Insane R...

By Nighttra

345K 9.8K 3.7K

Do I really need a description for this one? More

Stuff to Know
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 14

9.9K 319 97
By Nighttra

"What why do I have to be punished!? He started the whole thing!" I whimpered as Rose pulled me off the couch 

"But you didn't have to escalate it into a full on fight!" Emma yelled causing me to flinch 

I didn't say anything and she let out an angry huff.

"Take her back to her room. I don't want to see her for the rest of the night."

"Emma-" Amelia spoke up only for Emma to hold her hand up

"I don't want to hear it. Take her." Abby and Eva took my arms tightly and dragged me to my room

"This isn't fair! I didn't do anything wrong!" I growled as the girls opened my door

They tossed me into the room before shutting and locking the door. I let out a growl of anger and charged at the door punching it. The wood splintered under my punches but it stood strong. I let out a curse and gave up, holding my hand as I sat on the bed. 

"This is fucking bullshit. I was just defending myself but noooo. I have to be punished for something a stupid guest caused." I muttered throwing my hands in the air 

I flopped down on my bed as I curled up in a ball. I don't understand why Emma was so angry. He was the one that started this shit, and now she's angry at me for defending myself!? What the fuck!? Even Balalaika let me off of the hook! After I managed to blow off steam by cursing at the top of my lungs I decided to try and take a nap. Sadly after tossing and turning for about thirty minutes I couldn't go to sleep. I went to call for the girls when I heard voices outside.

"Maybe we should send her back. She isn't getting any better." Emma's muffled voice entered the room and I placed my ear against the door

"You can't do that Emma! It would shatter her! Make her worse than it already is. She doesn't want her only family she has left to give her up to the authorities." Ivy whispered 

My eyes widened as I stepped away from the door. T-They were thinking about turning me in? Do I annoy them so much that they just want to get rid of me?

Of course they do A new voice spoke in my head, Who would ever love someone as annoying as you? You always cause them problems. They're sick of dealing with you and your shit. 

I let out a small whimper as I clutched my head, "Get out."

Fuck no. This is my new home now. I'm not leaving. 

Ignoring the new person in my head I began to pack my things. I didn't want to stay here. Especially now that they're thinking on turning me in. It seems that I'm never truly worth a family. Once I had all my things I slung my bag over my shoulder and opened my convenient room window. The wind and cold smacked me in the face as I opened it. I looked at my room one last time before jumping out the window.


"Maybe you're right but this could be the only way to get her help. Give her back to the authorities so she can get better."

"Emma you can't say that in front of Y/N's room! She could be listening. Plus I thought you were against the law like the rest of us. Didn't your parents die because of cops? Why would you want to give up the person you love to them?"

Emma let out a sigh as she rubbed her temples.

"You're right. I shouldn't have been thinking about doing that."

I smiled in victory and turned to Y/N's door.

"Now let's go check on her." I knocked on the door but I received no response

Emma and I shared a look of worry as I knocked again. I took the keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door. I opened the door and my eyes widened to find Y/N's room empty. Emma walked over to the closest,

"Her clothes are gone."

A breeze hit me causing me to shiver. I looked over at the window and my eyes widened.



"She ran."


"She must've heard what you said!" I growled as she pushed me out of the way

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!!" She cursed grabbing her hair tightly

"Go tell the girls. Get them to look for her immediately."

I nodded and quickly ran down the stairs where the girls are waiting. Rose looked up at me and raised her eyebrow as she saw my panicked expression.

"What's wrong?"

"Y/N's missing. We need to look for her."

Everyone jumped up and began to search the house. A few seconds later I heard Abby shout,

"None of our cars are missing! She must've gone on foot!"

"Then we should be able to see her footprints. Everyone outside! Emma and I will contact Balalaika to see if she will help." Ava commanded and we were quick to follow her orders

It was night time so me and the girls grabbed some flashlights. We all grabbed a few jackets since it was pretty cold and windy outside. We split up into teams, with Abby, Mia, and Isabella with me. I led them over to Y/N's window and luckily we could see her footprints in the mud. We followed them all the way until the edge of the forest. I cursed under my breath and turned to Abby and Isabella.

"You two go back and tell the others. Bring the dirt bikes as well." They both nodded and ran back to the house

"It's suppose to drop below freezing tonight." Mia glanced at me, "We need to find her quick before hypothermia kicks in, or before Y/N tries to harm herself again."

"I know." I whispered

"So why did she run? She wouldn't away from us unless it was for a good reason."

"Promise me not to tell anyone okay?"


"When Boss and I went to check on Y/N she started saying something about turning Y/N in. Claiming that Y/N needed help and she wasn't getting any better. I talked her out of it but Y/N must've over heard and ran."

"Boss is so fucking stupid."

"I know." I chuckled as the others came back with dirt bikes

"Alright girls." Ava spoke up as Mia and I climbed on our dirt bikes, "Balalaika agreed to help us, so if Y/N makes it to the next town were covered. Now happy hunting! Let's bring our baby home!" She laughed before zooming off into the woods

"She forgot to turn on her headlight..." Lara muttered and Charl shook her head and took off after her

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