Tomorrow, Today (COMPLETED)

By trashquility

52.8K 1.5K 326

Park Jinyoung has cancer and his friends help More

Feeling Unwell
Getting Ready
Lymph Nodes
Moving Out
First Cycle
The Help
Time Off
Hard Carry
Falling Stars
Set Back
Switch Button
Final Sprint

Hospitals Suck

2.3K 63 6
By trashquility

As predicted, Jinyoung really doesn't approve JB staying at the dorm, moreover taking him to the hospital. They are having huge fight first time Jinyoung opens his eyes. He really didn't remember how he got back to the dorm, all he can remember is falling asleep in the car. He woke up feeling crappy, and when he turned his head JB was there in his bed.
If Jinyoung doesn't fancy the idea of JB staying at his room, he's furious about the leader asks him for a check up.
"Ya, Im Jaebeom!", he shouts, "who on earth gave you the permission to take me to the hospital??".
"Don't talk to me like that, Jinyoung-ah!", JB talks back, his voice raised, "You passed out on me TWICE!"
"I said I was just tripping, hyung! Why don't you trust me??"
"Oh right, I would have just trusted you if you weren't spike a fever last night!"
Jinyoung doesn't know what to say, he really doesn't remember.
"What is it, Jinyoung? Cats got your tongue? I bet you don't remember because you were unconscious. I tried calling you several times, I was even ready to call an ambulance. Strangely, as soon as the fever came, it broke really fast and your body got really cold but you're sweating like crazy I had to change your clothes three times!"
Jinyoung curses, why does the fever keep coming back?
"Jinyoung-ah, please", JB says softly, he reaches to Jinyoung and stroke his head, "do this for your hyung? I won't ask anything else and if yout result come up good, I won't even bother you ever again. I promise".
JB shoots his best puppy eyes to Jinyoung, hoping that the younger man would agree to his proposal. JB knows Jinyoung always has a soft spot for him even when the handsome man is angry. JB seldomly uses his puppy eyes look, he hates acting cute. But if it works on Jinyoung he'd do just about anything.
Jinyoung sighs and that is how JB knows he's winning.
"Come on, let's get freshen up and go immediately. The car is waiting for us, we should get going as fast as we can before ssasaeng notice".
Jinyoung hates the idea, he hates the hospital, he hates needles, he even hates the smell of disinfectant because the smell feels haunting and lingers long after he leaves the hospital. But more than anything, he hates himself for not taking care of himself properly and how he manage to look weak in front of JB. He wouldn't let himself go with this, he will prove that he's okay and JB has to stay away from his business.

How is he holding up? Did he beat your ass already? Tell me if you're still alive.MT the cutest hyung.

JB chuckles reading Mark's message.

I'm still alive, sorry to disappoint you. Good thing is, we are going to hospital today. Wish us luck. JB
PS: he had fever last night but don't worry, he's as strong as a cow this morning.

In other apartment, Mark sighs in relieved. He couldn't sleep last night thinking that there might be something wrong with Jinyoung. He spent the night playing Fortnite to keep his mind away from his thoughts. He wants to go to the hospital to make sure Jinyoungie is alright, but he knows he would just make the atmosphere worsen. Jinyoungie already has his temper, him being obedient to follow JB's request is already a miracle, let alone letting one more person on his tail.
The other members are still unaware about the situation and Mark thinks things are better this way. No spilling out before the result comes up, they'll deal with what it is later. He just hopes that Jinyoung is okay. Mark reaches his laptop and play Fortnite again to keep the negative thoughts away.

The hospital is still pretty quiet this morning. Only few patients and nurses are in sight. It's a pretty rare scene for one of the biggest hospital in Seoul. It's the hopsital all JYP artists and trainees go for medical check up so they are already familiar. They usually go through the back door to avoid media or ssasaeng, and the privacy of the hospital is excellent. JB feels relieved when he sees Manager Noona already waits for them at the entrance.
"The doctors are waiting, you can just go to the lab on the 3rd floor. I'll watch around to make sure everything's clear", Manager noona says.
"Thanks noona", JB bows. As instructed, they head to the 3rd floor. Both JB and Jinyoung are wearing mask and long coat. It's just the inevitable of being idol, you can't go anywhere freely.
They walk on a rush and in silent, which JB doesn't like. Jinyoung didn't say a word in the car either. He even put his earphone on. Not that he's complaining though, being able to bring Jinyoung to do check up alone is such a miracle. So JB decide to play along with Jinyoung's card.
Jinyoung is indeed feeling pissed, but deep down, he knows he is feeling more scared. He doesn't say it, but he feels grateful that JB is here. Only his presence can calm him down. Jinyoung has this urge to hold JB's hands and just lay in his lap right now, he wants to cuddle anywhere but this crappy hospital.
At the 3rd floor, they're heading to the lab and a female doctor is waiting for them.
"Mr. Park Jinyoung, we already waited for you and have everything ready. Let's get you dressed first and we'll do the check up. Please follow me", the doctor says, "Oh and Mr. Im, I'm afraid you cannot go with us. Your manager already informed us that Mr Park will come here with you. We've already prepared a private waiting room, Nurse Choi will show you the way".
JB turns around and there's a petite nurse greeting him, "good morning Mr. Im, please follow me".
Wow, this hospital is really something, JB mutters to himself.
Just before Jinyoung leaves, he looks at JB in the eyes. JB sees a scared little boy pleading for a rescue and JB's heart crumpled. They are wearing mask, but JB knows for sure how Jinyoung's expression is. He knows Jinyoung maybe still mad at him, but he also know Jinyoung needs him because he's terrified. JB takes of his mask so Jinyoung can see him smiling.
Gwenchana, Jinyoung-ah. Hyung isnt't going anywhere. Hyung will be here by your side. Maybe Hyung can not hold your hands, but Hyung is here. Fighting, Jinyoung-ah.
JB can only see Jinyoung's back as he walks away. Even from the back, JB can feel that Jinyoung is scared. He's never good with hospital, he hates being touched by people he does not familiar with, and on top of that, he hates needles. JB feels guilt lingers in his heart, but he has to do it either way.
The petite nurse guides JB to a private room near the lab. It's just a small room, white walled of course, with sofas and small coffee table. Snacks and beverages are arranged in the corner. JB's eyes lit when he sees a small book shelf in the other corner. He has never been to this kind of room in the hospital before, he doesn't know this kind of facility exist.
"Miss Kim asked me to tell you that you can call her if you need anything", the petite nurse says, "bathroom is available in this area so don't worry. And you can always grab some snacks and drinks while you are waiting. We will inform you if the check up is done".
After saying thank you and give a bow  to the nurse, JB wanders around the room. He thinks of making coffee and reads something. He can't take his mind off the thoughts of Jinyoung going for check ups alone though.
He reaches for his cellphone to browse some news and checking his SNS.
"Morning, Ahgases", he speaks, "how about I give you all morning shout".
While JB is in the room giving heart spree for the Ahgases, Jinyoung sits in the lab alone, he even has his private room for check up. Which is partially good because he won't have to worry about being recognized. But it only makes his fear grows. The room is very quiet and white, only him waiting for the doctor and some medical equipments he usually sees on tv.
The previous doctor, introduced herself as dr. Kang, walks in with another doctor slightly older than him and a nurse.
"Ah you are ready, let's start the checkup. This is my coleague, dr Lee and nurse Tak. We'll be performing some test, just stay calm it's only routine procedure. It will be fast and you'll get the result very quickly".
Jinyoung nods. Dr Kang explains the procedure to Jinyoung briefly, Jinyoung doesn't want to hear any of it so he just goes on. They took blood sample out of him, vials to vials. It's like they plan to suck every drop of blood in his body. He has to urinate, priks, and prods everywhere. The doctors order him to take of his top for phisycal check up, Jinyoung feel uncomfortable at all. He hates other people see his bare body. Jinyoung wants nothing but to close his eyes and pretend that he's on the stage performing with the boys.
"Mr Park Jinyoung, does this hurt?", dr Lee asks while examining the area on his side.
"What is?", Jinyoung asks.
"You have a lump in your armpit, have you notice or feeling anything strange?", the doctor asks.
"Lump? No.. I, I don't really notice, it doesn't hurt at all".
"Here", the doctor prods him softly, "can you feel it? It's really subtle, but you can feel it's there".
Dr Lee turns his head to dr Kang and asks her to move closer to check.
"Mr. Park, have you experienced some unusual symptoms lately? Like fever, night sweating, cough, wightloss?", dr. Lee asks him.
"Yes", Jinyoung admits, "no coughing though".
"How about your appetite?".
"Nothing abnormal", Jinyoung answers.
I just have to push myself to eat harder than usual, he adds in his head.
"The fever, does it stays for a long period or come and go?".
"Come and go".
Jinyoung is really curious about why they're interested in his armpit.
"Do you notice other lumps like this anywhere?", dr. Lee asks again.
"Not that i know of, I wouldn't know I have a lump if you hadn't told me".
Jinyoung has to endure more proding after that and when the doctor said they're going to be thourough, they really do. Jinyoung feels naked in this situation, and he's indeed naked at some point, because they even check his genital. The result better be good so he can boast it to JB later on. Gosh he feels angrier to JB for this humiliating molestation.
Jinyoung doesn't know how long he has to endure the torture and he sure doesn't know how long this will take. He just lying there, obeying what the doctor's order.
"Ok Mr Park, I think we're almost done here", Jinyoung's heart almost burst in joy, "Let's proceed to next test. We're going to do MRI, CT scan and you can have a break after that, we already prepared you and Mr Im lunch. And we'll do another blood test and treadmill".
Fuckin' great, Jinyoung curse. Jinyoung doesn't care if this hospital is big and private and expensive. Hospital sucks.
JB feeling suprised when Jinyoung suddenly appears in the room. It's been four solid hours of waiting and JB is starting to feel anxious.
"Oh Jinyoung-ah, are you done?", he asks.
Jinyoung shakes his head, "not yet".
Seems like Jinyoung is still mad, JB thinks. The atmosphere becomes a bit awkward.
Nurse Choi comes to the room bringing food for them, JB has to admit it's pretty good for hospital meal. Manager noona comes several times to the room, but she's busy making sure the situation is media and fans free. Jinyoung, on the other hand, doesn't have any appetite at all. He just sits down, playing his food with his spoon.
"Jinyoung-ah, eat your food, don't play with it", JB scolds.
"Hyung", Jinyoung finally say a word and JB feels his heart flutters hearing him speaking, "sorry".
"What are you saying? Just eat already".
"Sorry for snapping at you this morning".
JB stops munching, "Oh... no, no problem".
"Thanks for being here", Jinyoung says, his face looks like he's about to burst in tears.
JB holds himself from wanting to hug Jinyoung that exact moment, "don't mention about it. Just eat your lunch, you still have to do more tests, alright?".
Jinyoung smiles a bit and starts eating.
"Don't think too much, Jinyoung-ah. Just do what you need to do and it's all be finished in no time".
Jinyoung nods. He's really grateful to have a leader like Im Jaebeom.

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