Puppets (Yandere Bill Cipher...

By KitKatMochiiii

28.3K 1.1K 453

(Y/n) (m/n) (l/n) along with Eliza (m/n) (l/n) were the daughters of renowned wizard, (f/n) (l/n), that being... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 23.5
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 Final I
Chapter 38 Final II

Chapter 11

690 25 9
By KitKatMochiiii

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

"Okay so, remind me again why we are going to the territory of the shadow people?" I asked Dipper as he studied the upside down map in confusion. We were navigating through the forest, and by we I mean, Dipper, Mabel, Sune, Abi and me.

Dipper told us earlier that only those who can protect themselves can come, I know I can, Sune can protect all of us, not just herself. Mabel and Dipper have their own way of fighting, and I don't think I'm going to ask them until the time comes. Abigor, well, he can't fight, but he can protect at least himself, with a stick, how? I am not sure, but he said, don't underestimate the strength of a simply stick.

Besides, his whining and pleading got too much so Dipper agreed to bring him with us.

"So, (y/n)" Mabel came beside me, a slight skip in her steps, her face was full of excited enthusiasm. "How are you feeling about this adventure?"

"I'm pretty excited, but worried. What about you Mabel? You seem enthusiastic for sure" I smiled at her as she squealed.

"Enthusiastic!? I'm downright excited for this! It's been a while since the Mystery Twins have done some adventure!" She shivered in dleught as she said that, amd skipped ahead of all of us.

"She's really happy" Sune muttered "makes me feel okay about going to a very dangerous place...."

"So Dipper, you still haven't answered my question yet" I asked him and he suddenly yelped and slipped, falling on the forest floor on his butt.

"Dippy Sauce! You okay!?" Mabel shouted from ahead.

"Yeah! I'm okay!" He shouted back as I rushed to his side and helped him up "ow, I think I broke my butt" he said, rubbing his butt as he slowly bent down to pick up the map "Wait, I was holding the map upside down all along!?" He exclaimed in disappointment and surprise.

"Hey, guys, look" Abigor was staring at where Dipper had slipped.

"What is it?" Sune jumped off my shoulder and got a look as we all bent down. There was a switch like slope, and on its bent side, machinery could be seen.

"Oh god no" Dipper muttered.

"What?" We turned to him.

"There is a alien spaceship underneath us, I suppose this is one of the secret hidden switches or something" he scratched his head, deep in thought.

"Cool" Abigor's eyes shined in excitement at the fact that he found out something new.

"Hey guys, what is this mushroom lever thingy that appeared out of nowhere?" Mabel said, and we all turned to her, only to see her hypnotized by the colourful mushroom.

"Mabel don't touch that!!!" But it was too late, Dipper had lunged at Mabel, Mabel had pushed the lever, and a hatch had opened, and they had both fallen down inside of it.

"Mabel! Dipper!" I shouted as Sune ran to it and peeked down the narrow hatch, joined by Abi and me.

"Mabel! Dipper!" Abigor shouted down the black hatch which had no light, until we saw one lit up deep down, shining like a single star in the dark sky.

"Are you guys okay!?" I asked them.

"We are fine, you two go on ahead, and (y/n), please capture the Hide Behind so that if we die! We die in peace!" Dipper shouted back at us and we heard a thwack.

"You shut your mouth Dipping Sauce! We ain't gonna die today!" Mabel shouted "The Mystery Twins won't die today!!!!" She sure sounded triggered. I faked a cough.

"I'll capture it for you.... if I can!" I shouted back "Just get out of the thing safely!"

"Don't worry! We will!" It was Mabel "and uhh.... Dipper... is sleeping right now.... so you guys go ahead!" I sweatdropped, realizing Mabel might have hit Dipper pretty hard.

"Ahem ahem, we should go" I looked at Abi and Sune, who nodded and we all stood up. I dusted off my clothes and turned to Abi.

"You've gone there, haven't you? Mind showing us the way?" I asked him and he shyly nodded before leading us down the path.

"You know (y/n), I still don't think I trust him" Sune said quietly so that only I could hear her and I sighed.

"Its okay Sune, no one ever said you have to trust him. All I want to do is help him, that's all" I told her and she nodded.

Author's P.O.V.:

Mabel looked around the small weird room they were in, it was mostly empty, but the cobwebs suggested otherwise, clearly the forest has also taken over the interior of the spaceship, and the spiders and other insects are exploiting it fully. Luckily, she was not afraid of spiders, so when one landed on her shoulder, she squealed so loudly that the spider jumped off, scared to death, making Mabel pout as she waited for her brother to wake up so that they could start moving.

While waiting, she spotted two spiders on her brother's shirt, and both were... mating. She crinkled up her nose in pure disgust.

"Ewwww...." then a mischievous glint took over her face "I wonder how Dipper will react to this" she spoke to herself until a memory came to her mind, a horrifying and terrifying one that helped her in the future afterwards, but was still traumatizing for her twelve year old brain. The time when she was in Dipper's body and waving as Dipper sat with her friends in her body. Gruncle Stan had brought her up to his office and opened up a book, talking about birds and bees and finishing with how babies are made. Mentally gagging, she jumped up in glee when her brother twitched a little, making the spiders run away, the male spider was wearing a shirt, the female one wearing a dress and they both had little children spiders in their hands.... legs?

"Awweee" she waved them goodbye and they did the same before scuttling off as Dipper sat up. "Good morning bro bro."

"Mabel" he squinted his eyes in confusion, scanning around for any clues until he recalled "ah yes, we fell inside the spaceship" he rubbed the mid part of his eyebrows.

"You know brow, two spiders created baby spiders on your shirt" Mabel grinned as Dipper jumped to his feet, a horrified look on his face. He jumped around, scanning his body.

"Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew thats so disgusting!" He stopped when he tired himself out, still disgusted "I'm never going to wear this shirt ever again" he spoke with a 'done with it all' face.

"Oh no" close to Dipper's feet lied the small family, the older spiders close together, squashed when Dipper was jumping around, and the newborn babies facing the same fate. "Dipped you're so cruel, how could you do that!?" Mabel cried out for the once happy family that never got to see the kids grow up.

"What?" He turned to the spiders "Oh.... ouch."

"Cruel Dipper, you're so cruel" Mabel cried, pained at the twisted fate of the poor creatures as Dipper only rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, come on now, we need to leave this place" Dipper pulled his female twin by the back of her pink heart sweater and dragged her around the room, until he stopped with a thoughtful face.

"Hmmm... there should be a secret way out" Dipper looked around until Mabel spoke up again.

"Hey, what's this?" She pulled up a hatch, opening a entrance going deep into the spaceship.

"Woah, how did you find this?" Dipper was surprised.

"I was mourning for the spiders when I saw this weird popping out different coloured hatch on the floor" she jumped down.

"Mabel!" Dipper followed her.

"Down the rabbit hole we go!" Came Mabel's excited screams.


The (h/c) haired female peeked out from the midst of a heavy bush, joined by Sune. She pulled Abigor in the bush and closed his mouth when he was about to help, stopping him from entering the town like place, or alerting the shadow folks of their presence.

"Thanks" the blonde male sighed in relief as he whispered. The female only nodded.

"So, now what?" Sune asked.

"We look for the Hide Behind" the female let her orbs of (e/c) scan around the area.

"How will that help?" Sune muttered, half exasperated, half uninterested. "Whatever, I'm out" she jumped inside the female's backpack.

"Well, it seems we are the only ones who will actually fulfill Dipper's last wish" the female spoke and a small chuckle came from Abi.

"Are you okay?" She didn't took her eyes off the people, as she suddenly got a peek at the Hide Behind, but just as she did, Abigor laughed a bit louder. "Hey-" I turned to him and froze as he burst out laughing, as silently as he could. There, on his torso was a centipede, not just any centipede, but a centipede the size of a football, with its upper body trying to crawl up the blonde male. The female whisper-screamed and hit the insect with a bolt of lightning magic, turning the centipede to fried dust and the male to a burnt potato.

Behind them the leaves rustled and more centipedes smothered up, baring their teeth, which were covered in acid. Abigor and the female screamed as they jumped out of the bush, right into the village of the ones they were wanting to avoid, the shadow people. Their shadow like black bodies turned to the duo, their red beady eyes baring at them, watching their every movement. The youngsters, surrounded by monsters, gulped and inched closer to each other.

"Capta tham" the shadow people screamed and everyone lunged at the duo, including the centipedes, the duo screamed and started running as fast as they could.


"Unbelievable" Dipper spoke in amazement as Mabel gasped. In the room they entered, there were strange shaped beds, and skeletons on the beds. The room smelled like rotting flesh of fish, and was bigger than the previous rooms. Not just that, but there was also some sort of.... wet slime like things around the room, some on the floor, some dripping down from the ceiling, but it was all a disgusting shade of green.

"Wew, it smells like bad breath" Mabel said after sniffing, Dipper facepalmed.

"No one asked you to sniff it Mabel" Dipper said as Mabel skipped around. He examined one of the skeletons which had huge heads, small bodies, and huge eyeholes.

"Uhhh Dipper?" Mabel muttered out, looking towards her brother, he turned to her, tired of her random antics by now.

"What's it now?" He asked.

"I think someone is not glad that you stepped in his bedroom" Mabel pointed at Dipper, no, not at him, but something behind him. Turning white, Dipper turned around, and spotted a hairy monster bigger by ten times than Dipper. The teeth of the creature were big and dripping with green saliva that cover the room. The white eyes of the monster glared down at Mabel and Dipper.

"Uh oh" Dipper said and turned to Mabel as the monster growled and lunged them "Mabel run!" He grabbed his sister's hand and they both ran as fast as they could to the next room.


The female panted as she and her companion sat upon a high tree, below them, hundreds of shadow people and centipedes all together were looking for the two. The two were on a big and sturdy tree branch, and her bag was beside her, leaning on the tree. She gulped when she glanced down, then looked at the tired boy who was sweating and breathing heavily beside her. Her gaze softened as a soft smile took over her face.

"W-what are you thinking?" The boy asked her, not sure if he liked the look on her face.

"You're so precious Abigor, please don't ever change, okay?" She gave him a small warm hug and a closed eye smile, making the boy wonder what was wrong, but he found out soon after when the female dropped herself down the tree. The short moment so quickly, so many things happening in less than a second that no one had enough time to realize what happened. The female fell down, the male reached out for her but couldn't grab her as the female fell into the swarm of the shadow people and centipedes. A flurry of emotion passed through his golden orbs.

She dropped herself so that the people would take her and forget about him, self sacrifice, something he thought only existed in movies.

No one loved him, no one had ever loved him so much to sacrifice their life for him, and he never loved anyone enough to feel anything for their loss, but now, that wasn't the case at all, right now, a person who had saved him just gave up her life to save him once again, and he did nothing. Pain, desperation and sorrow passed through his eyes as cheers bellowed out from the dark creatures. His voice was caught in his throat as tears welled up in his eyes, years of loneliness collecting up in one single moment, what mattered was he couldn't, he didn't help her.


"Ah!" Dipper fell on his face, the creature was behind him, Mabel jumped to his aid.

"What happened?!" She exclaimed, panting.

"My... my leg" he grunted in pain as he sat up, carefully and examined his let calf, torn because of being cut by some sharp edge. The creature roared behind them. Mabel's eyes hardened as she picked Dipper up who screamed and started running.

"What are you doing Mabel!?" Dipper exclaimed.

"Saving us!" She shouted back, expertly moving through the pillars.

"Don't! You might end up dead too! Just leave me here and run! I don't want to slow you down?" Dipper told her, tearing up.

"Shut up Dippy Sauce! We are family! And in families, no one gets left behind!" She ran even faster, ignoring the numbing feeling in her legs.


The male stared down at the cheerful crowd of the shadow people and centipedes underneath him as he stood upon a branh, a stick, sharpened at the top was in his hands, a determined expression on his face and millions of thoughts running in his head.

Under his feet was the female, tied up on another stick and being cooked alive, and unconscious over fire. With the female's bag on his back, the grip on the stick tightening, he jumped down right in front of the female, on a shadow people cutting into the flesh of her leg.

Twisting the stick in his hands, he defended the female, glaring at the horde.


Mabel stared at the cliff over her.

"If we want to get out, we need to climb that!" Dipper told her. She bit her lower lip and placed Dipper down. Pulling out her crossbow, she hit the beast in the eyes several times to get some time. Quickly turning around she pulled her hookshot out, her feet aching. Pulling her bag over her shoulders, she grabbed Dipper's hand, and aimed at the upper part of the cliff, and released the hook shot. Soon they were pulled up, and Mabel used to momentum to launch Dipper up, as he screamed, but landed safely.

At this point her legs were too tired to keep up, or to be able to climb up, but as she slipped, a sturdy hand grabbed hers and when she looked up, she was greeted by a smiling face,

"No one gets left behind Mabel" he said and pulled her up, only for them to be confronted by two huge spheres. "Okay okay, I know how to deal with this one, don't move, and calm down."

"I believe you Dipper" she smiled at him, and looked at the sphere, calm, soon enough, the spheres left them alone, and the twins plopped on the metal floor, tired more than anything. Dipper started working on his injured feet as Mabel ran around.

"Dipper, I found stairs!" Mabel came behind him.

"Yep, it's the way out" Dipper spoke bluntly.

"Let's go up" Mabel spoke up, determined to get out. Together, they climbed up the stairs, and reached the hatch, but when they ocuhed on it, it didn't open, until suddenly...


The male smiled at the female as she woke up, slightly groggy.

"Abi? I'm alive? Wow.... I dreamt of being cooked alive, and having those people cut into my flesh to cook me better" the female looked at her feet only to notice the wound wrapped in bandages "oh..."

"I'm so glad you're okay" Abigor grabbed her hand, clearly relieved that she was alive and well. She smiled.

"Of course I am, thanks for saving me" she smiled sheepishly.

"Why didn't you use you're magic to send them off?" He frowned at her.

"I'm a witch Abi, not a demon, my magic won't work on them... I think?" she sighed and leant on a boulder, only to fall back when it slipped back. But her fall was stopped by the arms of Abi which pulled her into a sitting position.

"Thanks" she looked behind her and noticed a hatch. They opened the hatch, and out jumped Mabel and Dipper, both in no better condition than them.

"What happened to you guys?" The female exclaimed.

"A long.... story" Dipper breathed the fresh air.

"What about you two?" Mabel looked at them.

"Same" Abigor answered.

Mabel was covered in cobwebs, blood, bruises, and her feet were swollen. Dipper was hurt, and in the same state as Mabel, awfully dirty.

The female was covered in cuts, which were much larger on her feet from where a knife had been pulled out when Abigor saw it, and some other cuts on her body. Abigor was also dirty and bruised, but better than the others.

A yawn came from the female's bag as Sune popped out, stretched and then paused when she looked at the others.

"What... happened to you guys?" She asked as others shared a look of mutual understanding.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Thank you all for being so nice.

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