Newsies Imagines

By ScatterBrain52

382K 3.5K 2.3K

Newsies, I called them imagines, but I'm pretty sure they are Preferences... Jack, Davey, Kid Blink, Spot, Cr... More

How Yous Met
Yous First Date
He Opens Up
First Real Kiss
He Discovers One of Your Secrets
His Favorite Place to Kiss You
How He Annoys You
What About Him Turns You On
You steal his hat
You'll Be in My Heart
The Birth of Your First Child
His Job
Your Favorite Game to Play Together
You Two's Favorite Fairy Tale
Your Favorite Place to Kiss Him
His Favorite Color on You
First "I Love You"
The Night You Think You Conceived (PG-PG13)
How You Spend Memorial Day
Love Bites
How you sleep
Tag #2...
Tender Afections
Making Him Smile
His Phobia
Come Back to Bed...
Pregnacy Cravings
Prom? Prom. (1st Modern One)
How You Turn Him On
One Way He Makes You Smile
Your Favorite Place for Him to Put His Hands
How You Two Spend Christmas
A Precious Moment With Your Toddler
What You Usually Fight About
Weirdest Place He Has Given You A Hicky
Dear Theodosia
Tag number 4...
His favorite way for you to touch him
Your favorite way he touches you.
Please don't kill me but this is just me having been tagged!
Taged times 3
Weirdest place you've given him a hicky
Your favorite place he kisses you
Something he teaches you
How you tease him
Something Old, Something New...
Tagged yet again ^^
Wedding Moments
Murphey's Law
How he wakes you up
Multiple tags
You Give Him a Hicky
How he comforts you

One time he tries to impress you

5.1K 35 11
By ScatterBrain52

Holy freaking cow it's been a while! I just wanted to thank all of you for your continuous love and support!!!

So I know this is a long author's note and no one cares about them, (myself included) so if you don't want to read all of it, please read the bold. But I feel like this needs to be said. Newsies is the fandom I was apart of before I even knew what a fandom was. In 2012, I was introduced to fanfiction because of a comedy tv series from the 1960's called Hogan's Heroes. And from there, my love of fanfiction continues to grow to this day. I never in a million years would have foreseen over 100K reads on any story I'd written let alone this. It makes me want to cry thinking about it. Seriously guys.

I'm getting older, and I have to admit, my audience keeps seeming to get younger. I know I was only 13 when I started into the world of fanfiction, but for me, that's going on 7 years ago. Most of the people who read my stories anymore aren't even in high school yet, or are in high school. I'm officially a real live nurse, so thanks for making me feel old 😂!

Where I'm going with this is that I've just watched this fandom change, grow, evolve, and thrive and I think it's pretty fantastic! I know a lot of people "outgrow" this fandom as they get older, but I instead take the approach of letting them grow right along with me, so yeah.

I hate to admit that this is my last summer with publishing my fanfiction. Not because I've outgrown it, but because of a long story that if you want an answer to, send me a message. Since I also have life stuff going on besides wanting to finish Shattered Pieces and a story called Changing the Ballgame on, I can't promise there'll be much more to this book. But as for right now, I want to celebrate us as a fandom!

So without further ado, my first chapter in this collection in what seems like forever,

One time he tries to impress you


Jack is such a sweetheart when it comes to the small things in life. Being his other half seriously helps you appreciate the simple things in life more than you already did.

You challenge him to see the silver linings, the bigger picture. And he challenges you to zoom in and notice the details. It's a beautiful dynamic that makes you both better individuals.

If someone asked you how Jack impresses you each and every day, you'd be inclined to answer his compassion and his perspective on what makes life worth living.

If that same person asked you to name a time when you knew hands down that Jack was trying to impress you, the answer would have to be the time he bake you a birthday cake.

Reason being, he doesn't generally do so good in the kitchen, but somehow he managed to make an edible cake. It wasn't amazing by any means, but it was definitely something you could eat. Besides, it was the thought that counts.


There is very little about David Jacobs that isn't impressive, from the most innocent things to the least innocent things, that man is some kind of extraordinary being. Sure he's a bit of a rule follower, but the fact that he led a strike kind of negates that in your mind.

Sure he had countless flaws, some annoying you to no end, but he was the love of your life and no one could convince you that he wasn't the sweetest, most incredible person in your life.

You always knew he could sing, but he was fairly self conscious about singing in front of anyone, even you. And considering you'd been married for 2 years now, you would have thought some of that would have ebbed away, but you didn't let that upset you.

He knew that you were dying to hear him sing after Jack had let slip that he could, and so to impress you for your second wedding anniversary, he, with his face all red and adorable, sang the song that you had been singing when you first meet. If you said you didn't cry, you'd be lying. It was one of the most pure and sweet things ever, and he knew you really appreciated it. Needless to say, that night was incredible.

Kid Blink

Neither one of you were big on anything fancy. It just wasn't something you did. If it was date night, there wasn't a need to get all dolled up. You both knew that no amount of primping would change what the two of you felt for each other. Besides, he didn't have much and you didn't want to make him feel badly that just because someone with means had given you a home, you did have some money.

But one evening when the mayor had invited him over for dinner, a few weeks after the fight you'd had about marrying Blink, trying to impress the mayor, he'd borrowed a pair of 'churchgoing duds' from David and dressed up for the dinner. When he walked through the door, you thought you might faint.

He cleaned up not good, he cleaned up amazing! So, that night he not only impressed the mayor, but he impressed you too. He confided years later that had been part of his goal, which wasn't that huge of a shocker now that you think about it.


Spot wasn't very good with emotions that weren't extremes. That's just a fact that you accepted about him without question. He cared for you deeply and loved you with all of his heart and that's all the emotion you needed.

Deep down, Spot wanted to show you that he was capable of more than that though. So he tried to impress you by smiling with you and trying to understand why you were so excited by seeing a butterfly. He pointed out flowers that he thought you might think were pretty when you went to the market together. He tried to be vulnerable with you when he wasn't being pushed to be by outside forces.

And that more than impressed you. There has never been a word created to describe how loved that made you feel.


To some people, flowers may seem cheesy, but when you've never been given flowers before, the though is over romanticized in your brain. You didn't expect to get flowers, fresh flowers were for people who had more money than just barely enough to survive.

You never once voiced how much you loved the smell of fresh flowers, never even mentioned that you liked the thought of receiving some. But somehow, maybe you weren't discrete enough with you glances, though it didn't matter why, one evening when Mush was picking you up, in front of him, grasped with both hands, was a bouquet of daisies and snapdragons.

Needless to say, you squealed, tacked him with a hug, and kissed him square on the mouth. When the thought had entered his mind to try and impress you with flowers, he'd never dreamed it'd end so well!

Poor Crutchy had been getting ragged at his office because everyone couldn't believe a 'sweet kid' like him could possibly have a wife and kid waiting for him at home.

For one, why did people keep thinking he was a kid? He was well into his 20's and he had 3 kids of his own thank you very much. For two, he didn't act like a kid. For three, he was very good at his job and focused too. And the list went on and on in his head.

But that set his wheels turning in his brain. He wanted to use his frustration at idiots to thank you for loving a 'sweet kid.' Besides unexpected gestures were what kept the flame of romance stoked.

So in determination to impress you, he spent a week planning. Your sister asked to watch the kids, that should have been you first clue that something was up. But you allowed her to take them for the evening and when you came back from dropping them off, dressed in his best clothes, Crutchy was waiting for you, as was dinner, with soft music playing from a phonograph that he must have borrowed from someone. The evening was very sweet, romantic, and completely unexpected. You couldn't have been happier.


Friday evening was always a time to relax and unwind. Except on an off occasion that the neighbors had to change the Saturday night pinochle game to Friday night for whatever reason, they had nothing going on and you liked it that way. Friday night was for sitting in rocking chairs and relaxing. That or have extra time for activities primarily requiring a bed.

So when Race suggested going out for a drive in the buggy, you were definitely shocked. But you easily agreed. So as you talked and drove, you were slightly curious what all this was about, but you didn't ask. When the buggy stopped, you looked slightly surprised.

He told you to look, and when you did, you saw nothing but wildflowers as far as the eye could see. You just gazed out at the sight with awe. The wildflowers and a masterpiece of a sunset painted across the sky with its pinks, reds, oranges, and purples took your breath away. Race just sat there beside you with a smirk on his face as he watched you admire creation.


Boots had a deep appreciation for the stars and the vast night sky that only could be truly appreciated from the rooftops. He gained a lot of knowledge about the night sky from his grandmother before she had passed away.

Now no one knew about this, but Boots thought it would be a fun date idea and potentially a way to impress you to go stargazing. So one night, after picking you up from your shift, he took you up on the roof of one of the tallest buildings you could find, taking you up via the fire escape.

The two of you laid on the roof, your head resting on his chest as he pointed out various constellations. He would then make up a crazy story about it and then ask you to make one up. So you spent the next several hours swapping bizarre stories about what you saw in the night sky. It was probably one of your dearest memories that you hope to never forget.

So the circus was in town and Specs wanted to take you. He wanted to find some way to make it extra special though, something that would impress you to no end. So he asked one of his buddies who'd taken his girl a few nights previous what all they had at the circus. He figured that way he could make his master plan in advance instead of making it up as he went.

With a plan in place, he asked if you could go, and when you said yes, he got tickets. The two of you had lots of fun, but you could tell he was leading up to something. And that's when you went to see the exotic wild animals. He regaled you with what they were, cool facts about them, and where they were from. It was super interesting and he told you all of it in such a funny way that you never stopped giggling.

It was easily the best part of the entire circus! Although, coming in close second was the air acrobatics, it was terrifyingly daring and you loved watching it!


Both you and Skittery had fun exploring the traveling market that rolled into the town your hotel was in Wisconsin 4 times a year. Unfortunately the entire weekend the merchants were there this last time, the baby had a bad cough and you refused to take your daughter out until she got over the cough.

Skittery needed a few things from one vender, and you needed some spices only available when the market came to town, so you sent your husband out even though you were sad you wouldn't be able to go.

When he came back he had a hint of a blush on his cheeks and you gave him a funny look. He showed you a new treat that apparent was all the rage on college campuses and was starting to spread. It was a sweet soft delicious desert with chopped nuts and cranberries that Skittery told you was called fudge and you were instantly hooked!

Skittery was pleased that you enjoyed it. Slightly too pleased with himself. It was absolutely adorable, although you'd never tell him that.


Even though Bumlets knew how to cook and was actually really good at it, with work, he rarely had time to. You didn't mind that though because when he did, it was worth the wait!

What you didn't know was that he could bake too. He'd been wanting to surprise you with something for a while, because he knew you wouldn't be expecting it. But when he stumbled across a recipe in The Sun, his plan was set.

Early one Sunday morning before you even thought about stirring, let alone getting out of bed, he snuck out and set to work. When you finally woke up it was to the most delightful smell ever! Bumlets brought in a plate of small round treats rolled in cinnamon and sugar.

He informed you that they were called donuts and you shared them while still in bed. They were heavenly! You made him swear to tell you how to make them, because you were now hooked on them! You both took turns making them almost every Sunday after that.

So there it is folks! Hope you enjoyed!

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