Griever Girl

By I_am_Awesome007

570K 14.9K 3.1K

Amy Heart was like the others, she was forced into the maze tests, but there was something very off about her... More

A Builder?
Meant to be a Runner
You Have to be Kidding Me
What's Wrong With Him?
You Can't
Into the Maze
That Morning
They Don't Care?
Brake Down and then Being Rebuilt
What Do You Mean I'm A Test?
Getting Back To Normal
Can Someone Tell Me (A/N)
Property of WICKED
What I Need To Do
Seeing The Boys Again - 1
Seeing The Boys Again - 2
Building The Grievers
Adam and Blob
I'm Done With You
Meeting Emily Crown and Under Control
Let's Go
Breaking Free?
How To Save A Life (A/N)
What's Going On?
I Forgive You
Sup Gally
Are You Jealous?
You Have To Be Kidding Me, Right?
This SUCKS (a/n)
Pulling The Trigger
My Name Is Dagger
There Is No Such Thing As SafeHaven
A Broken Past


44.4K 981 552
By I_am_Awesome007

I woke up at the feeling of my surroundings moving, I looked around and I realized that I was stuck in a small metal cage like elevator that was moving up. I took time to understand the situation, I understood that my name was Amy Heart and I was about 15 years old but other then that, I didn't know anything about myself.

The cage abruptly stopped and a loud hissing sound was released from the gears, I looked around and saw that I was surrounded supplies, food, clothes, and other random things. The doors opened and I was quickly blinded by a bright light I rubbed my eyes and when I become used to the light I saw that a group of boys were looking down at me, some were smiling and others looked like they were about to piss themselves.

I stood up and rubbed my eyes again thinking this was all some kind of messed up dream. "What's wrong" I heard someone yell. The voice was deep and obviously male, "why has no one helped up the newbie?"

I stood froze, I had questions running through my head. Why are they looking at me like that? Where are the other girls? Are there no other girls? and then my last thought, the one I acted on I need to get out of here.

I looked and through the group of boys, behind them I saw a wall, the wall was contained other than an open door, I need to go there, I thought.

They pulled me out and without a second though I broke away and ran as fast as my legs could take me to the open hole in the wall.

"Wow, look at her go" I could here them say behind me.

"Maybe she has what it takes to be a Runner" another said in awe obviously watching me.

That's when one finally caught on, I could here the panic in his voice as he quickly said "I think she may be one step ahead, she's running to the maze."

I heard people start running after me but I was too fast, even without the generous head start they gave me I doubt they would've caught up.

I got to the door and was about to run through when I heard someone yell "let her go, no one stop her."

I froze, my legs refused to move any further as I looked past the threshold of the gate. It wasn't what the guy said, trust me, that made me want to run further in but it was the lay out, for some reason, I felt like I was connected to what they called the maze. I was about to take another step forward when I was shoved to the ground. Someone pined me down. I looked up to see it was the one who said that I could be a runner. "What were you thinking?" He hissed through clenched teeth.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out, I just stared blankly at the man who tackled me. "You weren't thinking were you, you can't go out into the maze."

I finally mustered some strength and shoved him off of me. I turned back to the maze, all I was thinking right now was, I need to leave, I need to get away. I took a deep breath and ran into the maze. Almost right as I ran into the maze, there was a loud roar and the gates started closing. I turned and looked back seeing the boy who tackled me was running after me, before I could react, he grabbed my arm and dragged me out barely making it out before the doors closed with a loud click.

"You're a dumbass" he mumbled panting.

I looked at him, why did he care so much, why did he save me? I thought staring at him.

"Before you ran like an idiot, we were going to introduce ourselves" the leader said looking at me "my name's Alby, this is Newt" he said gesturing to his right where a boy who was slightly taller than him stood his dirty blond hair falling near his shoulders, "and the one who saved your ass is Minho, what's your name?"

I didn't say anything, I just looked up at him and tilted my head to the side "can't you talk" the one apparently called Minho asked looking at me.

I raised an eyebrow "of course I can talk, I'm not stupid" I snapped.

They all jumped back obviously not prepared for my sudden outburst. Minho scratched the back of his neck "well you didn't say anything, I just assumed."

My eyes softened and I let out a sigh, "no, it's okay, I might have over reacted."

"So, do you know your name?" Newt asked regaining his composure before the leader Alby.

I thought for a second and nodded "Dagger."

"What?" They all asked in unison.

"Dagger" I stated bluntly, I didn't completely trust them yet so I wasn't going to tell them my real name.

"Why do they call you Dagger?"

I smirked "I'm so happy you asked that Minho, do you have a knife?"

He glanced at Alby who just nodded, he handed me a knife that he pulled from his hip. I smiled turning around and looking at the knife in my hands, getting a feel of what it was like before throwing it hard into a nearby tree. They stared at me in awe seeing how deep it went into the back, then Alby walked closer to me placing his hand on my shoulder "okay Dagger, welcome to the Glade."

Thanks for reading

Edited 7/29/15

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