I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!

By LoveLover

3.6M 49K 8.1K

Heaven is a 16 year old teenage girl. She runs away from home because of her parents who treat her like she i... More

Heaven *Chapter 1*
The Fight *Chapter 2*
Running Away and Then Kidnapping *Chapter 3*
My Kidnappers *Chapter 4*
My New Life *Chapter 5*
Punishment Sucks! *Chapter 6*
A Personal Maid *Chapter 7*
Near Death *Chapter 8*
Back to Work *Chapter 9*
Invite *Chapter 10*
Shopping *Chapter 11*
Pleasure *Chapter 12*
First Impressions *Chapter 13*
A Long Night *Chapter 14*
Drunken Kisses *Chapter 15*
Trouble *Chapter 16*
Not Again *Chapter 17*
Talking Things Out *Chapter 18
Snapping *Chapter 19*
Pick One *Chapter 21*
Girls Rule *Chapter 22*
A New Maid *Chapter 23*
Ransome *Chapter 24*
Escape *Chapter 25*
Couldn't Be a Cheater *Chapter 26*
Tears of... Joy ... *Chapter 27*
The Past Hurts *Chapter 28*
Amusement Park *Chapter 29*
Finally *Chapter 30*
Swimming *Chapter 31*
Complicated Lies *Chapter 32*
Getting Ready *Chapter 33*
Pool Party *Chapter 34*
Memo! Again!
Rough Times *Chapter 35*
Running Away... Again *Chapter 36*
Come Back *Chapter 37*
Being Back *Chapter 38*
Comfort *Chapter 39*
Kile Being Kile *Chapter 40*
Not Him Again *Chapter 41*
Horrible Decisions *Chapter 42*
Another Memo!
Mix Up *Chapter 43*
Another Try *Chapter 44*
Bowling Balls *Chapter 45*
Consert *Chapter 46*
Fighting = Leaving *Chapter 47*
Everything Changes *Chapter 48*
New Begginings*Chapter 49*
Comfortable People *Chapter 50*
The End *Chapter 51*

Getting It Out *Chapter 20*

65.8K 967 125
By LoveLover

I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!

By: LoveLover

Chapter 20

Getting It Out

There's a knock on my door and I lift my head. "Who is it?" I asked.


I sigh. "What do you need, Master?"

"I just want to talk to you. I don't get why you're so upset" he said through the door.

I groan. "You are so stupid! I don't want to talk to you!"

"Don't make me order you, Heaven" he threatened.

I glare at the door. Then I get up and open the door. Drew's standing there with his hands in his pockets like there's nothing wrong and we're just talking about casual things. It annoys me. A lot.

"What do you want, Sir?" I asked, forcing the Sir out.

"Why did you snap at me like that?" he asked.

"You don't get it! You act like you like me and sometimes you say it, but then I'm your maid and it's just... ugh! You'll never understand so what's the point in trying to explain it to you?"

"Wait. You're mad because you're my maid?" he asked.

"No! I'm upset because you treat me like your girlfriend and like your maid! I can't be both, Drew!!!" I screamed at him.

"Why not?"

I scream in frustration. "Typical guy! You want a girl who will make out with you and clean your room! Well guess what? I'm done with you! I'm your maid! From now on, if you want something from me you will have to order me to do it!! Got it?"

Drew still looks a little confused. "Okay" he said uncertainly.

I take a deep breath and then ask from between my teeth, "Is there anything else you need?"

"Umm... no?"

"Good!" I slam the door in his face. I go to the opposite side of the room and punch the wall. I scream and start to cry. I slide to the ground and put my face in my hands.

I hate this. I like Drew. But I'm not going to be his maid and his girlfriend. That's just stupid. This sucks!!

I hear footsteps coming toward me and I yell, "Go away, Drew!"

"It's not Drew" I heard Spencer say.

My head snaps up and there's Spencer, staring at me, on the floor, crying.

"Shit!" I wipe under my eyes and stand up. "Hi" I said while trying to smile.

"I'm not buying it, Sweetie" he said.

I sigh and my shoulders slump. "I guess I'm not a good actress."

Spencer smiles a little and then pulls me into a hug.

"Do you know what happened?" I asked.

"Everyone in the house heard. You were kind of loud" he told me.

I sigh. "Perfect."

"Don't worry about it. Everyone's going to try to help you and then you and Drew will work things out. You will see" he said.

"I thought you would want me to get over him and be with you" I said honestly.

He laughs but doesn't say anything.

I pull away from Spencer and smile. "Thanks, Spenc."

"No prob" he said with a small smile.

"I think I should get a little sleep" I told him.

"Awl! You're going to miss the sluts and the queen bee!" he said sarcastically.

"More of a reason to go to sleep now" I said.

He smiles. "Okay. Sleep well."


He walks out of my room and I go to the bed. I don't even bother getting changed. I crawl under the covers and fall asleep.

Drew's POV

I'm sitting in my room, confused. I still don't get why Heaven is so upset.

There's a knock on my door and then Lizzy walks in. "What was that about?" she asked me.

"What?" I asked her.

"Everyone heard you and Heaven. Are you stupid, Boy?" she asked me while sitting down next to me.

"I don't know why you guys keep saying that. I have no idea what I did wrong" I said.

"Wow. You are stupid!" she said while shaking her head. "I'll make this easy for you. You like Heaven. Heaven likes you. She's your maid. You both want her to be your girlfriend. She can't be both!! You have to pick one. That's what she is trying to tell you, Dumb Ass!"

"Oh. Shit."


I sigh heavily. "How do I fix this?"

"Talk to her. Tell her that you either want her just as a maid or just as a girlfriend. I'm pretty sure it's the second option" she said.

"I really don't know what I want from her" I said.

Liz's eyes widen. "Excuse me! Did I hear you right?"

"I'm pretty sure you did."

"What the hell!? So you don't know if you want a nice girlfriend or a loyal maid? You're such a dick, Drew!" She stands up and starts to walk out of my room.

"Wait, Liz! That's not what I meant!"

"Then what did you mean?" she asked.

"I don't know if it would be good for Heaven and me if we were actually together" I explained.

"What do you mean?"

"She's human. I'm a vampire. One high up on the chain, by the way. I don't think people would be too happy" I told her.

"Who cares what other people think? The only people who matter are the people who love you and Heaven. I thought you would understand that" she said shaking her head in disappointment. She then walks out of my room.

I sigh. I don't know what to do now.

I hear the doorbell and groan. Just perfect. The three people I really don't want to see right now are here. Great.

I get up and go downstairs. Mom, Katie, and Ali are walking with Kile toward the dining room. Katie looks up at the stairs and smiles.

"Hi Drew. Nice to see you again" she said with a smirk.

I roll my eyes. "Hi Katie" I said to her.

"What? No hi for me?" Ali asked in a bitchy tone.

I'm never going to forgive my mother for bringing these two to my house. "Hi Ali."

She smiles like she just won something. I really just want to kill one of them.

"Drew, where's that maid of yours? I think she should apologize to the girls for her behavior at the party" Mom said.

"She will not be joining us" I told them.

"Well why not? I insist she apologize, Drew!" my mom said angrily.

"She's not going to apologize because she will not see you tonight" I said in an annoyed tone.

Mom picked up on my tone and pursed her lips. "Where is she?" she asked.


"I wish to speak with that stupid maid! Now where is she?" she almost yelled.

"She's not here. Now we should go to the dining room. Everyone is waiting for us" I said, walking toward the dining room. Everyone follows me, but Mom glances up the stairs first.

We take our seats right when the servants bring out the food. When, Maggie, an old servant who I like because of her sweetness, gives me my food, I stop her.

"Maggie? Do you know if my personal maid, Heaven, ate tonight?" I whispered to her.

She looks at me in confusion. "I thought she was eating with you" she whispered back.

I shake my head and she shrugs. Then she walks off and I just stare at my food. I don't want to eat if Heaven hasn't ate.

"Why havn't you touched your food, Drew?" Mom asked me.

"I don't feel like eating. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to bed now Mother" I said while standing up.

"But-" she starts to say, but I leave the room.

I go up the stairs, but pass the second floor. I head up to Heaven's room and knock on her door. "Heaven? Will you please let me in?"

I wait a while but nothing happens. I sigh and lean my head against the door. "I'm sorry" I said quietly.

The door opens and I almost fall threw the doorway.

"What did you just say?" Heaven asked. She's standing with the door in her hand, blocking the way in.

"Um... sorry?" I said uncertainly.

"For what?"

"Being a dumb ass and not seeing what you and everyone else were seeing" I told her.

"What is that?" she asked.

"That you can't be my maid and my girlfriend and I have to pick one."


"I don't know what to pick" I said truthfully.

She shakes her head sadly. "I just need an answer. If you don't give me an answer right now, then I will pick for you" she told me.

I don't say anything and she starts to cry. "Fine. Then I will be your-"

"Wait! Hold on a second. I just need to think a little" I said.

"What ever, Drew. I'm done with you. I'm your maid now. That's it! Now, Master, please leave me the fuck alone!" Then she slamed the door in my face.

I stand there, stunned. Again.

Lizzy's POV

Everyone in the dining room is silent. We all just heard another fight between Heaven and Drew.

I sigh and shake my head. I understand why Heaven is so upset. Drew is just so stupid! Why can't he just say that he wants her to be his girlfriend? Why is he being so stupid?

"Well... That was interesting" my aunt said.

"I'll say" Ali said with a smirk.

I see Katie holding back a laugh and I want to slap both of them. 

"I think you guys should go now" Jamie said.

"I want to know what's going on around here" Aunt Jacobs said.

"Heaven and Drew are just fighting" Max said.

"Well then he should punish her. Maids are not aloud to argue with their Master's. I say one of you take it into your hands and punish her yourself" Katie said.

"Shut up, you fucking bitch! No one is going to hurt Heaven unless Drew says so!" I yelled.

"Get out of my house. Now!" Jamie told them.

Aunt Jacobs purses her lips and then stands up. "Fine. Katie. Ali. Let's go."

They leave and when we hear the door close, we all let out a breath.

"Who's going to talk to Heaven and who's going to talk to Drew?" Jamie asked everyone.

"I'll talk to Heaven" Max told us.

"Okay. Anyone want to talk to Drew?" Jamie asked.

"I will" Spencer said.

"Okay. Everyone else, let's just watch a movie in the living room" Conner said.

Everyone nods their heads.

As everyone is leaving the room, I stop Jamie. "This isn't going to be an easy fix" I told her.

"I know. But you know Drew. He never makes anything easy" she said.

"What are we going to do? Poor Heaven likes him a lot" I said.

"Drew likes her a lot too."

"Then why is he doing this to Heaven?" I asked.

"I don't know" she said and then walked out of the room.

I sigh and then follow her.

I hope you liked this chapter! Please vote and leave comments. I like hearing what you guys think about my story. Okay thank you!

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