The Arrangement | ✔️

Par Phunmito

9.2M 322K 53.8K

Kayla Andrews was living a simple life even as the daughter of one of the richest men in the society, she sti... Plus

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Author's Note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Bonus Chapter 1

Chapter 29

137K 5.4K 888
Par Phunmito

Two weeks.

Two weeks of me ignoring the only people I got to call family.

Two weeks of me not saying a word to Jason or seeing him even though we lived under the same roof.

Two weeks of me being a zombie in the office.

I was sure Teddy was on the verge of killing me already because I was just normal and that was something I wasn't on a good day.

I had gotten a PA, more like Teddy had gotten her for me because he was tired of me and so far I was sure she thought I was a horrible person.

I don't even think I remember her name.

After Kaylie left,I had turn back to my shell.

We had gone to the fair the next day and she had the time of her life. She was so active and I was glad she was acting like a five year old again although her words never left my head.

She cried so much when they were returning and I promised to visit her as soon as I could. She finally agreed to leave after making me pinky swear.

I was in my office sulking as usual when Sarah or I think that was her name came and told me I had a guest.

I told her to let whoever it was in but it was weird because I wasn't having any guests.

"Hey Kaybear." A voice said from my door and for a moment I wanted to jump up and run to hug him but I held it in.

"Hello Brandon." I said as formally as I could and I saw him cringe. I guess he wasn't used to hearing his name from my mouth.

"Can I come in? I come bearing gifts." He said raising his hands and that was when I noticed the box of Kit Kat's in his hands and my face involuntarily brightened.


I never said no to those.

We settled in an uncomfortable silence and when I was tired of seeing him adjust for the 100th time, I spoke up.

"What do you want Brandon?" I asked in a bored tone.

"I want you Kaybear." He said and his eyes widened when he realized the meaning of what he said.

"Not that kind of way, I just mean—oh fuck!" He sighed face palming himself and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Look Kay, I'm just here to apologize. It's been two weeks and it's been a shit two weeks, not just for me." He said and I chose to ignore who he was referring to.

"I miss you Kaybear. You have no idea how frustrating it has been to not have anyone to call to talk about how shit my date was and how much I'm enjoying the sex." He said with a wink.

"Wow Brandon. I'm glad that's the only reason you miss me for." I said rolling my eyes.

"Fine I suck at lying. I just miss you a lot. It's never the same without you. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about your father but it's just that Jason made me promise not to tell you and I know I should have as your friend but I didn't and I broke your trust but I promise to fix it even if it takes giving you a lifetime supply of Kit Kats to do that, I will. Just please forgive me and pick up my calls." He said with a sincere look in his eyes and I couldn't bring myself to say no.

I guess I would have done the same if I was in his shoes.

"Hand it over." I said referring to the chocolates and he gave me a wide smile before passing it to me which I gladly accepted.

"This is the biggest bribe ever plus you're the first person apologizing to me so I'll just have to accept." I said opening a pack and shoving it in my mouth in the most unladylike manner but I couldn't bring myself to care because it was at that moment I realized how hungry I was.

"Everyone has been trying to talk to you but you haven't been taking their calls."

"Exactly my point. They haven't tried to come see me. Plus no offence but how can someone like you be so jobless all the time? Who runs your company?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Thinking about it, Brandon was always around. Never at work but always everywhere and for someone who owned a big company, it made me have a lot of questions.

"I run my company from anywhere I am. Plus I hire people to do all the work. I just sit back and make sure they're not trying to wreck my company. I'm pretty badass." He said with a proud smirk which just caused me to laugh at him.

"Yeah sure," I drawled mockingly, "I'm sure you're badass with your flings too." I said rolling my eyes.

"Contrary to my initial statement,I haven't actually been whoring around like before. I haven't been with any girl for about two months now or so." He said with a serious face but I couldn't help but gasp in mock horror.

"Who are you and what have you done with my Brandy?" I asked with the most serious face I could muster while putting my hand on my chest to make the point but it didn't last long because of the bored stare he was giving me.

I suddenly burst out into a fit of laughter while clutching my stomach and before long, he joined and we just laughed.

I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard like that and at that moment I was glad he came.

"So what changed?" I asked after we had sobered down.

"I guess you changed me." He said.

"Me? How? " I asked in shock.

"You said I should stop blaming Jamie's death on myself and I soon realized that was what I had been doing all these while. I slept with various girls to forget just to go back to mourning her but I didn't realize that all I needed was closure and I finally got it. I didn't need to be with several girls anymore. I didn't see the need."

"Preach brother!" I screamed like we were in a church and he just gave me a look that said I was crazy.

"I'm beginning to think those contain something more than chocolate. You're starting to lose it." He said referring to my Kit Kats.

"Oh shut up Brandy. You're just jealous that I get to eat them and you don't." I said taking another bite just to prove my point and he just shook his head.

"I'm actually thinking of settling down with a girl."

"You're getting married?!" I all but screamed in excitement.

"Calm down Spongebob." He said rolling his eyes, "I mean a relationship. I'm definitely not ready for marriage. It's too much commitment." He said looking off into space and let out a shiver like the thought scared him.

"Oh you idiot. Do you think a relationship doesn't need it too?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's not the same thing." He said with a shrug.

"You're so ignorant. Of course it's the same, you get into a relationship to get married. I thought you said you want to settle down. You can't settle down by dating different people. That's not different from what you did before."

He stared at me for a while like he was trying to process my words before he finally spoke up.

"I think I need to rethink this."

"Oh geez! You're just a hopeless case." I said face palming myself.

"Oh please, you love me like that." He said with a smug smile and for the first time ever, I couldn't argue with him.

We spoke for about an hour before he finally said he had to go back to work.

I guess he was responsible in his own twisted way.

We walked out of my office to his car in a comfortable silence and just as he was about to enter, he turned back to look at me with a serious expression.

"Kaybear, we're all sorry. Please speak to him. I have never seen him this devastated ever. Not even when Jamie died." He said voicing out my inner thoughts, "And Bella is miserable without you. She needs her best friend as much as you need yours. You can't avoid everyone forever. They're your family. Just talk to them, please." He said with a sad look.

"I'll try." I promised and I knew it wasn't going to be easy but I also knew so badly how much I missed them all.

"Thank you so much for coming Brandy. You know I love you right?" I asked with a small smile.

"Everytime. But don't worry, I love you too." He said and crushed me in a bear hug and I gave a relieved sigh in his warm embrace.

I hadn't been hugged in a while and everyone needed a hug every now and then.

"I'll see you around yeah?"


"Bye Kaybear." He said waving frantically from his car window.

"Bye Brandy." I said laughing at his childish behavior.

I got back to my office to find my phone screen lighted up and when I picked it up, I saw several missed calls from Cami and a text message that read,

I really need to talk to you. I know you're mad but please meet me at our place. I'm waiting for you.
Please May, I need you.

The last message struck my heart. No matter how mad we were at each other, when those words were used, it was always important.

I didn't think twice before grabbing my bag and walking towards the car where Nathan was diligently standing by.

This guy never rested.

I told him where I was heading to and different thoughts swirled through my head but I silently prayed my best friend was okay.

As soon as we got there, I got down and rushed inside to find her sitting at our regular spot and the sight of my best friend broke my heart.

She had bags under her eyes and her face looked swollen like she had been crying, her hair packed in a careless bun on her head and she was wearing sweats. Cami never wore sweats except she was going out for a jog and it was just two in the afternoon.

It was like she felt my presence because she looked up and at that moment, I knew I was going to kill whoever was responsible for her being like this.

I was at her side almost immediately, hugging her while she cried into my shoulders, the feeling of anger I had towards her long gone.

I had never seen her this devastated, except the time her father came back about two years ago after leaving her and her mum when she was just a little baby, that was the last time she had broken down so badly.

I looked around and saw that people were begging to stare at us because she was already crying like a child, wheezing and coughing and at that moment, I prayed for the safety of Dray's life that he wasn't the one that hurt her like this.

"Come on Cami, let's go home." I said raising her up as I led her to the car.

The drive home was quiet as she just sniffed all the way and when we finally got home, I led her to the living room where we sat down in silence as I just let her get a hold of herself.

"You good?" I asked her carefully when she had finally stopped crying and she just nodded.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" I asked again and she nodded.

"Is it Dray?" I asked and once again, she nodded.

Yep! He was dead!

"I'm–I'm pregnant." She said and silence took over and all. I could hear was the water crashing against the waves.

"May? Say something." She prodded after I was quiet for a while but I was at a loss for words.

"It's Dray's isn't it?" I asked and the look she gave me made me regret what I said immediately.

"Of course it's his. Have I been with anyone else except him?!" She all but shouted at me and I couldn't help the guilty look on my face.

"I'm sorry Cami, I'm just at a loss of words right now. How did it happen, when, where? Didn't you use protection? How could you be so stupid Cami?" I said with a frustrated look and I guess I made things worse because she suddenly started crying again.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry babe. Please stop crying. Just tell me what happened. You're not stupid, I promise." I said in a frenzy rubbing her back to reduce the sobs.

You're right. I'm stupid. We were so into it and he said he didn't want to use a condom so I told him I would take the morning after pill but it didn't work and now I'm knocked up." She said amidst her sobs.

As much as I didn't want to know about her and my brother's sex life, I knew I had to listen to her.

"What did Dray do?" I asked her again.

"I started feeling sick and I missed my period so I took the test and it was positive. I went to the hospital again and did another test and the doctor confirmed so I told Dray and he totally flipped. He said he wasn't ready to be a father and all that and he left the house. He hasn't been back in two days now and he isn't picking my calls. I can't get rid of this baby May, I can't." She said crying hardly and my heart broke for her.

"You're not getting rid of the baby Cami, I promise you. Dray is going to man up and be responsible."

"I don't want to force him into anything."

"This isn't an act of force Cami, its his responsibility and the sooner he accepts it, the better." I said telling her sternly.

"I can't lose him May, I love him but I also love this baby I'm just getting to know."

"You're not losing anybody." I told her as I hugged her tightly and just let her cry.

I was going to kill Dray.

Scrap that.

I would murder him and make it look like a suicide.

"Why don't you freshen up and I'll make you something to eat. You're supposed to eat healthy aren't you?" I asked her with a small smile and she returned it with a nod.

"Now go on up, I'll have something prepared for you when you get back down." I said, getting up with her as I walked to the kitchen and she walked to my room.

I was making plans on how to kill my brother while I made lunch for her.

He promised me he would never hurt her and that was exactly what he was doing. If he knew he was going to do that, he should have stayed the hell away from her.

She had been through a lot already.

I remember when she saw her dad for the first time. She was so mad and she cried for a whole week and even missed school, it almost affected her grades for graduation.

She had always thought she wasn't good enough and that was why he left her, so when he came back she was pissed more at herself than at him.

I already hated Andy before I even knew him so it was hard for him to get me on his side to help convince his daughter that he loved her but when I finally got past it, it wasn't an easy task.

It took about a year for her to finally get back to a cordial relationship with her father and now she was better than ever. She loved him like no other.

Dray better not be getting towards that stage with her because I was definitely not helping him get out of it.

"I'm done." A small voice said behind me and I turned to look at my best friend with a smile.

"Now I know why you looked so different on Thanksgiving, it seems like you've added a bit of weight." I said with a smirk.

"Are you trying to say I'm fat?" She said with a look of horror on her face.

"Of course not. Jeez Cami! You take pregnancy hormones to another level of crazy." I said playfully rolling my eyes at her.

"Wait till you get there." She said softly.

"Not gonna happen babe." I said shaking my head at her and she just gave me a strange look that I chose to ignore.

"Now sit your ass down and eat something. I plan on keeping my niece or nephew very healthy thank you." I said passing the plate of spaghetti and mixed vegetable sauce to her and I have a sigh of relief when she didn't reject it.

I sat down and watched her as she ate and I could tell she was uncomfortable but I couldn't bring myself to care.

If Dray thought I was going to watch him hurt her then boy was he wrong.

I love him but I don't love her any less than I love him. I would kill for my best friend and that was the truth.

When she was done, she dropped her plates in the sink and we moved to the living room where we were both staring at the TV but lost in our own world. After a while, I noticed her head was dropping and when I turned to look at her, I realized she was dozing off so I stood up from the sofa and helped her adjust her legs so it was fully stretched then I went upstairs and used a blanket to cover her.

Once I was sure she was comfortable,I switched off the TV and grabbed my keys.

I had sent Nathan home early so I had to drive myself.

The opening of the door caused me to turn around and for the first time in two weeks, I saw Jason.

He gave me a confused stare when he saw Cami on the chair and I was sure he was surprised to meet me at home or to even meet me at all.

We started walking together and he gave me a confused stare as he saw me coming towards him.

"Hi." He said nervously when we stopped in front of each other.

"Please take care of Cami. I'll be back." I said totally ignoring his greeting and moved to the side to walk towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I heard him ask but I chose to ignore him.

One at a time.

I had Dray to deal with now.

I walked out of the door and closed it behind me.

Brandon was right,

Jason looked like hell.

Two updates in a day!! I hope you all are happy because I know I am. I promise the next update won't take so long.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to click on the little star at the bottom of your screen and leave your comments(as positive as possible please)but constructive criticism is allowed.💋💋💋💋💋

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