Peter Parker One-shots

By rowtro

1.4M 33.2K 18.3K

The title says it all, just a few random field trip one-shots made by yours truly. I may be putting a few not... More

The Unforgettable Field Trip
The Day He Came Back
School's canceled
Field trip to the compound (Part One)
Field Trip to the Compound (Part Two) (Completed)
Hearing Aids Part One
Hearing Aids Part Two
Hearing Aids (part three) (completed)
Misgendered (Part One)
Misgendered (Part Two) (Compleated)
Magazine cover
The Marks that are left
Quick AN
Holy F**king Shit!
Gordon Ramsey
Magic (part one of three parts)
Magic (Part Two)
Not an update but a question for my curiosity
The Beach
The Beach (Part Two)
Copying others writing
Im tired but don't want to sleep
Spider-Man: Far From Home!!!!!
Lets Rock this dance!
Pietro (Part Two)
Spidey MJ
Peter in wakanda
He Understands Me
Panic (completed)
Mr. President
So sorry!
Hibernation (completed)
Venom (completed)
Jonnys phone call (compleated)
Another AN
Gone Part Two (Compleated)
Gone (Part Three)
Hurt Part One
Hurt (Part two)
Hurt (Part Three)
Hurt (Part Four)
Neverland (Completed)
Class Reunion
TE (Trumatic experience) (completed)
Never Have I ever
Even Angels Have Problems
Air Force
Thank You!
Coming Home
The Rule About Coffee
No Phone's in Class
The video
Imma going to rant
Agent Parker
I really need help
How getting drunk got me a boyfriend
Family? (Part One)
Field Trip?
Staying in Wakanda
Staying in Wakanda part 2
Requests? (Closed)
Becoming an intern part two
Becoming Intern Part Three
I am so sorry
Peter Parker Funny Bits
Wakanda Outreach Center
I had a thought
Another Mr. President
Falling Apart
My hero Academia (falling apart part 2)
First chapter of Something More
A little Rant
Music Video
Subject 2364P or Hunting Spider
I'm Alive!
My phone was Stolen!
My hero academia 2
Kyoto Animation
Not Updating
Texts at Midnight
A Very Merry Christmas
First Day of High school!
Hi Y'all
The sun will shine on us again (Part One)
I know, another A/N
Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but Words Will Always Shatter Me
The story that lays over me
The letter
The Letter Part 2
First Son
What do you want?
Thanks for the support
The Start of a Friendship
I have good and bad news
Oh my god!
Intern Director
Last update

Becoming an intern (Part One)

8.4K 216 34
By rowtro

So, I see that a lot of people want the My Hero Academia oneshot so I will be rewriting it. Also, I am updating, yay me! Here is this chapter that is one of a two-part(?) series.

Where Peter Parker, there is no Spider-Man right now, gets a stark internship after one of the interns sees his science fair project. 


I'm excited! I've been granted an interview to be a stark intern and I would be the youngest intern ever if I was accepted. Another one of the interns at Stark Industry's saw my end of year science fair project and thought I would make a good intern.

I'm really surprised that I was offered it in the first place because I didn't even win the science fair ( something about it being to complicated to understand) but I still got offered a position.

"Peter! Are you ready?" Aunt May yells from the kitchen.

"Yup! Amoosst doone!" I yell back with my toothbrush in my hand.

I spit out the toothpaste in the sink and rinse my brush out while trying to tame my wild brown curls.

"You need to hurry up!" Aunt May yells and I run out of the bathroom while trying to tie my tie.

"Let me help," Aunt May says and finishes tying it for me.

I was wearing dress pants, a light blue button-down dress shirt, and black tie. I was told to dress up nicely so I grabbed the nicest thing I had.

"You should tuck in your shirt Aunt May says and I roll my eyes.

"It looks weird," I say and it's Aunt Mays turn to roll her eyes.

"Just remember to be safe," Aunt May says with a peck on my cheek.

"Will do," I say and walk into the kitchen to find a food pouch with something to tide me until lunchtime.

After a few mishaps while tinkering that may or may not have ended in small explosions because of spilled food, Aunt May and I decided that we needed a different way for me to eat while tinkering so after learning about food pouches for adults, we started pureeing my food and packaging it ourselves into squeeze pouches. There haven't been any mishaps since so it seemed to work.

I reach into the fridge and pull out five squeeze pouches of food and put them in my backpack. I also grab a bunch of high calories and protein bars. I turn around and Aunt May is smiling at me.

"You've got this, Pete. You are the smartest person I know," Aunt May says and I smile.

"Ok, yeah. I've got this," I say and jump up and down while shaking my hands.

"Now go, or you'll be late!" Aunt May says and gives me a small shove towards the door.

I pull on my nice shoes as I stumble out the door and run down the apartment stairs and down to the street. I take off running down the street and end up running out into the street. I hear a car honk and feel the tap of a bumper on my legs and I freeze when I see a very expensive car nearly hit me. I wave and take off running again.

It's ten minutes of running before I see Stark tower come into view. I grin as I look at the building in the morning light and hurry inside. Inside, the lobby is full of college-aged kids and I suddenly feel self-conscious. I was by far the youngest person in this building.

I wade through the crowd of people until I am at the front desk standing in front of a nice looking lady. I wait for about thirty seconds and she doesn't seem to notice me.

"Um, excuse me?" I ask and fight to keep a tremble out of my voice.

"Oh! Hello!" The woman says cheerfully and her voice sounds bubbly.

"Um, I-uh I'm here to try for an internship?" I say and she smiles.

"What college or university are you from?" She asks and I shift.

"I'm ah, actually from Midtown high," I say and the girl seems surprised.

"Oh, well, I guess you will be in your group. The deadline for signing in just passed so you are the only high schooler," She says and I flush.

"No need to be embarrassed, you should feel quite proud of yourself. You don't get a letter of interview unless you impressed someone from Stark Industries," She says and hands me a badge.

I look down at it and see it had my age, name, photo, and a bar code. I clip it to the pocket in my shirt and smile at the woman.

"Thanks so much," I say and she beams.

"No need to thank me, good luck honey," She says and I walk away.

I end up sitting at a bench on the far side of the room. I end up looking at a large portrait of Tony Stark. I really wish I could have gotten to meet him. I kind of did. I saw him during the battle and even got to speak to him for a minute or two each time.

After the snap, Mrs. Stark decided to buy back the tower. It's where Iron man first started. It's where Mr. Stark started to change the world, it's where the two of them met. And thus began the new Stark Tower.

The top floors are the Stark's and a few of the employee's residents while the lower floors are labs. Mrs. Stark had even made the bottom three floors part of an outreach program for children, teens, and college students interested in science or even other paths but are unable to be able to pursue them on their own.

I hear something around me and I feel myself coming back into the world around me.

"Parker, Peter?" A voice calls out and I look up to see a youngish man in a lab coat with a clipboard. He has brown hair and could very easily be my twin, the only difference is that he has blue eyes while I had brown.

"Uh, hi," I say standing and shakes my trembling hand.

"There's no need to be nervous, I'm only going to be asking you a few questions. My name is Harley Stark," The man says and I swallow.

"Mr. Stark adopted you seven years before he died, he didn't tell the world about you to protect you. You also helped him with his suit," I say remembering looking into his SHIELD file.

"How did you-?" Harley started and I wave my hand.

"I hacked into SHIELD and Stark Industries. SI didn't have much on you but SHIELD does," I say and Harley ends up staring at me with his mouth open.

"I probably shouldn't have told you that, should I?" I ask and he laughs.

"It's fine. I mean, should probably won't think so but just don't hack into SI again," Harley says and I notice the lack of shield included in that statement.

"Ok, since it's just you, I'm going to be doing this myself in a smaller lab. Even if it's just you, you will have to go through the same testing and screening the others go through, including the physical and mental health screening. Can't have a crazy guy working for us," Harley says.

"Uh.........." I say floundering.

"It's fine, we can worry about that when you're hired," Harley says and I raise my eyebrows.

"You seem pretty sure that I'll be hired," I say and Harley smiles.

"I saw your science fair project, if your normal work is anything like that then you should have no problem for you," Harley says and I flush.

"I didn't even win," I say and Harley shrugs.

"You didn't win only because they didn't know slash understand about the science, we do. Your talents will be much appreciated here," Harley says.

I flush at his prise and then bite my lip. Get you head out of the clouds Peter. I mentally scold myself.

"Are you ok?" Harley asks and I nod.

"Just.........uh.........spaced out?" I stumble and Harley laughs.

"Don't worry, just don't space out in the lab. Last time an intern did that there was a pretty big mess to clean up," Harley says and I nod.

"So, what am I going to be doing?" I ask as Harley leads me towards the bank of elevators.

"Well, you will be tested in chemistry, biology, coding, engineering, and physics since you put all of those down on abilities you feel confident in," Harley says and I nod.

"I'm better at engineering, chemistry, and physics in that order," I say and Harley writes on his clipboard.

"Ok, well since you have a few fields you feel proficient in, we will give you all of those tests and see which one you score the highest on. Depending on the scores, you will be put in one of those departments. If you have high scores in multiple fields then you may split your time between them," Harley says and I smile.

"That seems like fun," I say and Harley laughs.

"It is. Even if I don't actually work a lot, I end up bouncing around departments to oversee things," Harley says and I smile.

"So, what kinds of tests?" I ask and Harley laughs.

We reach the elevators and enter one of then and Harley presses the button of the eighty-second floor.

"Well, for chemistry we will let you lose and let you make whatever you want along with you making certain mixtures and fixing work others have done. Also working on some formulas and maybe fixing some mistakes. For engineering, it will be pretty much the same along with the physics tests," Harley says and I sigh.

"What's wrong?" Harley asks and I look up at him with antelope in headlights look.

"Can I eat in that time?" I ask and Harley frowns.

"It will only be a few hours, did you eat this morning?" Harley asks and I nod.

"Yeah, I just have a problem where my body uses way too many calories and protein then it should so I have to eat a lot more than normal people, I have a really really high metabolism. I have to eat high calory snakes around every half an hour," I say and Harley frowns.

"I'm not sure we have that kind of food, I can have FRIDAY look around the city to see if we can order you something," Harley asks and I smile when hearing the worry in his voice.

"Oh, you don't need to do that. I brought plenty of my own snacks for this very reason," I say and Harley smiles.

"Then its totally fine if you need to take a break and eat something," Harley says and I smile as well.

The elevator door opens and it only takes me a moment for me to stop walking out of the elevator. The whole floor plan seems to be open with only glass separated by panes of glass. In the different sections, there are people buzzing around and each section are filled with high tech and very expensive equipment.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Harley says and I nod dumbly.

"Let's get you going on the first field," Harley says and I dumbly follow after him.

Even if I didn't get the internship, I was going to love playing with all these machines.

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