I'm Here For You (Bakugou x V...

By Rainbend

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[Bakugou Katsuki x Villain!Reader] The last time Bakugou saw his childhood friend, (Full Name) was at the pla... More

Special: Halloween
Special: Christmas
Thank You!


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By Rainbend

"Just the final touches." The stylist mumbled as she applied the last swipe of lipstick to your bottom lip before taking a step back to admire her artwork. "And we're done! Why don't you take a look in the mirror and let me know what you think?"

She moved out of your way and packed up all her makeup items and hair tools that were scattered all over the surface of the vanity mirror, giving you the space to check yourself out.

You rose from the chair and carefully hitched up your wedding gown to avoid stepping on the skirt part lest you tripped and fell. It would be a disaster if you ended up injured or hospitalized on your big day due to your clumsiness.

Although you supposed it would make a funny story to tell your kids and grandkids in the future.

As you neared the full-length mirror, you hesitated slightly to have a look at the final result of being fully geared up in your wedding gown complete with the full makeup and hairdo.

'Is this the wedding nerves that Ochako-chan was talking about right before she walked down the aisle?' You thought to yourself as you flashed back to the day of hers and Midoriya's wedding where the brunette nearly vomited on her dress due to all the anxiety and nerves building up within her.

It was only thanks to Tsuyu and her calming words that prevented her breakfast from ruining her wedding dress.

A light chuckle escaped your lips when you remembered the panic looks on Yaoyorozu's and Jiro's faces as they fretted over Urakaka who had one hand covering her mouth while the other clutched her stomach tightly.

Looking back had calmed some of your nerves and you took a deep breath before exhaling slowly to quieten your racing heart, immediately feeling a whole lot better and ready to reveal your appearance.

You turned towards the mirror and the moment your eyes landed on your reflected figure, you lost it. Standing before you was a person who looked like she belonged in a Disney princess movie and if you believed hard enough, maybe you would start belting out an opera song about love and dreams.

Except this was a reality and you would probably sound like a dying whale if you were to start singing.

Nonetheless, you were still taken aback by your appearance and even you got to admit it was a sight to behold. The stylist had really outdone herself.

"I assume you like what you see?" The said person asked, drawing you out of your reverie.

Turning around so that you were facing the makeup artist, you answered with a grateful smile. "I love it, you're really amazing at your job. Thank you so much."

The stylist laughed lightly and waved away your praise. "I'm simply just doing my job, that's all."

You let out a laugh of your own before bidding her farewell as she left with her work luggage. Now that your full ensemble was complete, it was about time to call in your bridesmaids who you knew were probably dying with anticipation outside of the room where they had been waiting while you got your makeup and hair done.

Taking one last look at your appearance in the mirror, you headed over to the door, being mindful of your dress. As you neared the entrance of the room, you picked up on muffled voices and strained your ear to catch what your friends could be possibly conversing about.


Your face took on a baffled expression and stood there like a buffoon, trying to comprehend what you just heard. Did your friends seriously played "scissors-paper-stone" while waiting for you?! Just exactly how bored were they??!!

You decided it was not worth losing brain cells trying to figure your ex-classmates out. Even after all these years of knowing them, they were still as mysterious as the ingredients of the meatloaf your university canteen once served.

With that, you grabbed the handles of the door and pulled it opened to reveal your high school friends currently in an intense battle of "scissors-paper-stone".

"I left all of you for not more than two hours and this is what I came back to?"

Immediately, the game paused as all heads snapped up at the sound of your voice, surprised to see the soon-to-be bride standing by the doorway with both hands on her hips with brows raised in question.

Ashido opened her mouth to reply when all of a sudden her gaze landed on you and the words died on her tongue. In fact, she wasn't the only one with such a reaction to your appearance.

The rest of your bridesmaids felt their throats closed up as they stared at you with wide eyes and gaped mouths, soaking in every detail from the curled stray of hair strands that framed your face to the tiny sequins sewn in your dress that glittered in the light.

They had never seen you in such a light before since you weren't one to usually dolled up due to your line of work and life partner who doesn't give two shit about how his girlfriend looked on the outwards.

Although they were impressed you were able to choose a wedding dress that best suit you. The dress you wore was sleeveless with the sweetheart neckline showing off a bit of your cleavage as the skirt part of the dress flair out in layers, cascading like waterfalls and pooling like still water on the ground.

If this was their reaction towards how you looked, they couldn't even begin to fathom how the groom's reaction would be like.

Noticing how not a single word was spoken from your bridesmaids as the silence dragged on longer, you were starting to worry for them. What about your outward appearance could have rendered them speechless like that?

You were still yourself underneath all these fancy getups. So, you couldn't understand the sort of reaction the other females were expressing.

"Ano," You began as your brows furrowed in concern. "Are all of you alright? It has been rather quiet for a while."

Yaoyorozu was the first to snap out of it, blinking her eyes as she came back to the present time. Upon seeing your worried expression, she hurried over towards you and took both your hands into her own – clasping tightly as though she didn't want to let you go.

Her usual gentle eyes were glossy with tears as she gave you a watery, but joyful smile. "(Name), you look beautiful."

(E/C) eyes widened slightly in surprise as you did not expect the compliment at all. You shifted your gaze to the rest of your bridesmaids who all wore similar expressions along with pride and joy reflected in their eyes, trying to hold back their tears.

Now it was your turn not to cry lest you ruin your makeup.

Sniffling, you joked to lighten the mood. "If I cry, I'm going to hold each and every of one responsible for ruining my makeup."

Laughter filled the room as the tears dissipated from everyone's eyes – leaving behind only the joyfulness behind their smiles.

Your smile was the biggest one out of all as your gaze, one-by-one, swept all across the faces of the people who had been your side as friends in high school and now as a family.

It had already been ten years since you first met them and yet you still counted them as the closest group of people in your heart despite having crossing paths with many others in the world.

Just then, the door leading to the back garden of the building where your wedding was being held pushed open to reveal a man with long, black hair with a few streaks of grey that fell to his shoulders in neat waves for once.

"What is taking you guys so long? Don't you know it's rude to keep your guests waiting?" He grumbled gruffly, the deep scar underneath his right eye adding to the menacing air around him.

Your face lit up in delight at the sight of your ex-high school homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota, also known as Eraserhead from his days of being a pro-hero. "Aizawa-sensei! You did come after all!"

"How can I not come when you kept pestering me non-stop like an annoying fly?" Aizawa rolled his eyes although the next few words were caught in the back of his throat when his gaze landed on your figure.

"What do you think?" You did a twirl to show off your dress.

Black eyes that usually lacked life softened as the black-haired male replied, "I can't believe the person I taught back then has grown so much."

His ex-students glanced at one another with amusement at the sight of the usually stoic man being so full of emotions today, trying their best not to laugh. However, Aizawa caught them and immediately sent them a glare to which they quickly looked away with innocence.

Meanwhile, you didn't even bother to hide the chuckles spilling from your lips.

Heaving a sigh, Aizawa mumbled about how even after all these years, his life was still being haunted by the very same group of young heroes who only brought trouble for him in their first year at U.A. High.

Despite all that he said, he was grateful that he had the chance to nurture and watched this special group of kids grew up to become the great heroes they were today.

Aizawa was brought out of his walk down memory lane when Tsuyu spoke up, reminding everyone that it was about time. As the bridesmaids rushed to grab their flowers bouquets and lined up in order as they had practised, Aizawa took a step closer towards you to help you with the wedding veil.

With gentle hands, he reached for the cloth and lifted it over your head to cover your face before stepping back once more, holding his hand out to you. The corners of his lips curled into a small smile as he asked, "Are you ready?"

Closing your eyes briefly, you inhaled and exhaled to slow your racing heart before opening them once more to reveal calmness reflecting in those (e/c) orbs. You accepted the black-haired male's hand, glancing up at him with a bright smile. "I'm ready."

Aizawa nodded his head and linked his arm with yours before both of you faced the door, preparing for the signal to start walking down the aisle.

Soon, someone from the other side opened the door and the pianist started playing, their skilful fingers dancing across the black and white keys as beautiful music filled the air.

Through your veil, you could see all the guests raising to their feet to welcome the bride and your bridesmaid took that as their cue to begin the walk down their aisle with Yayorozu and Jiro being the first pair.

Just right before it was time for the bride to make her grand entrance, you had a sudden urge to say something that been on your mind for the longest time to your high school teacher.

So with a voice no louder than a whisper, you said. "Thank you for doing this with me."

"How could I turn you down when you asked me to walk you down the aisle on your big day?" Aizawa answered monotonously before pausing for a few seconds as though there was more he wanted to say.

You waited patiently and when he opened his mouth to speak, it was the most heart-warming thing coming from him. "I should be the one thanking you for giving me this opportunity."

Without even looking at the black-haired man's face, you knew his eyes were glazed with unshed tears which brought a small smile to your face – squeezing his hand to comfort him.

After all, which parent wouldn't be happy for their kid who was going to get married. Despite Aizawa not being your biological father, he was the closest person that acted like one to you and had been there for you from high school till your big day.

Just then, the tune changed, and it was time for you to make an appearance to the crowd but more importantly, to your future husband who had been patiently waiting for you at the end of the aisle all this while.

As you stepped out into the afternoon rays with Aizawa leading you down the aisle and the thundering roars of claps ringing in your ears, you finally registered you were going to be married to Bakugou Katsuki.

And you couldn't wait for the solemniser to pronounce both of you husband and wife.


The current atmosphere was buzzing with excitement as the wedding guests waited for the wedding to start. Although, the same couldn't be said for the groom who was currently pacing back and forth at the aisle with a frown on his face.

Many people just took it as wedding nerves and some even approached Bakugou with words of encouragement in the hope of reassuring him that everything was going to be alright.

However, a few of his peers who had been the blonde's best friends since high school and now his best men at his own wedding knew better. In fact, they were currently having a discussion amongst themselves about his annoyed facial expression.

"Even after all these years, his facial expression never changes." Todoroki bluntly pointed out the obvious, earning a few chuckles from the rest.

"Well, Kacchan has been like this since I first met him in elementary school." Midoriya piped in, a nostalgic smile on his face as he remised his childhood days with the blonde.

Even though their relationship started out rocky, the symbol of peace would never exchange their friendship for anything else. Although, he was relieved that they were on better terms now and wouldn't need to fear for his life every time they crossed path.

Soon, the topic of their conversation switched to their teenager days – remembering all the adventures they had as a class. Meanwhile, a certain red-haired excused himself and made his way over towards the groom who was still pacing like a madman.

"Yo! What's with all the pacing about? Don't tell me you're feeling nervous about your big day?" Kirishima teased his best friend, his wide grin showing off his shark-like teeth.

His words caused Bakugou to stop in his tracks, whipping his head to face Kirishima with a snarl. "Who the f*ck say I'm nervous?! I'll kill that person!"

Amusement shone in Kirishima's eyes, completely unaffected by the blonde's threats since he used to be on the receiving end of it many years ago. "Then what got you so irritated? It's your wedding day after all. Save your scowling for another day."

"Why you..." Bakugou let out a growl, before resuming his pacing once more and looking a hundred times more annoyed than usual as he complained about his soon-to-be wife. "What's taking that dipshit so long?! It's just putting on a f*cking dress!"

The pro-hero, Red Riot, gave a very unimpressive stare at the blonde upon hearing the cause behind his irritation. "I won't be surprised if (Name)-chan decides to cancel the wedding here and now."

Bakugou snapped his head up, red orbs widened in surprise as he exclaimed. "What! Why?!"

Kirishima let out a sigh, feeling slightly sorry for his (h/c)-haired friend who was going to be stuck with this insensitive idiot for the rest of her life. "(Name)-chan has been your girlfriend for ten years and is about to be your wife for the rest of her life, yet you're still calling her 'dipshit'? If I'm her, I would have left you a long time ago."

The blonde opened his mouth to refute but no words came out because he realized his best friend had a point. However, with his prideful nature, admitting defeat just wasn't his thing.

Instead, Bakugou turned his body away from Kirishima and with crossed arms, he muttered out a "Whatever". The red-haired simply grinned wider, evident glee written all over his face.

After that, they fell into a comfortable conversation – talking about anything and everything as they waited for the wedding to start.

Time skipped

As the first note of piano hit the air, the guests settled down and all conversations ceased as they turned their attention towards the back where standing behind the closed door was the bride.

Everything felt like a slow-mo as the door swung opened and the first pair of bridesmaids stepped out into the garden. Everyone's breath hitched as they took in the sight of some of Japan's top heroes who looked like they just stepped out of a fashion magazine – dressed in the finest pastel pink with bouquets of white roses held in their hands.

Before the bride could even make her grand entrance, all eyes were already fixated on the bridesmaids whom the bride called her closest friends, gliding down the red carpet in tune with the melodious sound of the piano in the air.

However, there was all but one whose attention was on himself and not what was going on around him.

From where he stood, Kirishima was able to see that his blonde best friend was nervous despite the blank expression on his face. Yet, if one looked closer, they would be able to see his inner emotions reflected clearly in his eyes.

Still, the red-haired couldn't help the amused smirk because it was not every day that he was able to witness Bakugou showing any other emotions besides arrogance and the scowl he always wore on his face.

Instead of doing anything about it, Kirishima kept quiet about it and turned his attention to the front once more. If anyone saw the too-bright grin on his face, they chalked it up as the male being happy for the blonde's special day.

'Why am I so nervous?!' Bakugou thought angrily to himself as his permanent scowl deepened while trying hard to maintain a blank face. 'It's just a f*cking wedding! I wasn't like that at the nerd's wedding!'

'You idiot! This isn't just a wedding, it's your wedding that's why you're nervous because you're about to be married to the love of your life!' The logical side of his brain argued, but Bakugou being Bakugou simply ignored that side of his brain.

However, before he had the chance to mull over this fact, the piano tune changed, and the sound of clapping drew him out of his inner thoughts. It was at this moment that all coherent thoughts left the blonde's mind as his jaw dropped with widened eyes conveying his shock and awe upon the sight before him.

At that moment, everything around Bakugou faded and his focus was solely on the person walking down the aisle. Before him was a figure clad in white, as pure as snow, emitting an aura of grace and beauty.

Even though her face was hidden by the wedding veil, he knew his soon-to-be wife was just as beautiful as the day they finally saw one another again amongst the debris covered in dust after long ten years of separation where he thought she was gone for good.

Bakugou Katsuki couldn't tear his eyes away from you, although it wasn't anything new because when his focus was not on something else, it would always be on you.

While the blonde was staring at you with a gobsmacked expression on his otherwise usual scowling face, you were thankful for the veil that was currently hiding your face from the public because then no one would be able to see the bright smile adorning your face – the corners of your lips stretched so wide that it hurt but you could care less about that fact.

Your heart sang with the music drifting from the grand piano, full with happiness and love as your gaze swept the crowd behind the veil – seeing so many familiar faces you had known throughout your life here to witness a momentous occasion in both yours and Bakugou's lives.

At the front rows seat on the right side of the aisle sat Bakugou's parents and his relatives. The usual proud look in Mitsuki's eyes had softened into one of adoration as she held in her tears, refusing to cry while her husband, Masaru was already sniffling into his handkerchief – not bothering to hide the fact that he was crying upon seeing his only son getting married to a fearless and beautiful girl who reminded him so much of his own wife.

Bakugou's mother gave you a nod when both your eyes met, a small smile adorning her face before turning her attention to her husband and gently admonishing him to get his act together. A light chuckle left your lips at the way how the blond-haired woman comforted the male, just exactly like how Bakugou did whenever you were upset.

With that, you turned your gaze towards the left where your side of your family sat or at least that would be the case if you had any blood-related family members attending your wedding. Instead, it was occupied by your ex-high school teachers from U.A High School.

The sight of the old symbol of peace crying into Nemuri's, the famous Midnight hero, shoulders was amusing to you, yet heart-warming knowing that despite not having your own biological family here to witness a huge milestone in your life, you would never trade the current family made up of odd but loving people.

(E/C) eyes only sparkled with traces of pure joy when Nezu, the ever-white smiling creature gave you a tiny paw wave, still the same as you remembered him as from your teenage years.

So absorbed in your guests, you didn't realize you had already reached the end of the red carpet where Bakugou stood waiting for you. Lifting your head, you watched as he stretched a hand out towards you with a rare smile usually reserved only for you.

However, what had you catching your breath as your heart threatened to break out of your chest was the undying devotion and love he had for you reflected in those ruby orbs that in your opinion was the world's rarest treasure ever to exist.

"You better take good care of her for the rest of your life, Bakugou."

You were brought back to the present once more when you heard the underlying threat in Aizawa's otherwise monotonous voice. Bakugou nodded his head sternly, for once taking the words of his ex-teacher seriously.

"I will."

Satisfied with the blonde's answer, Aizawa turned towards you once more and release your arm before taking your right hand into his larger ones. His usual tired eyes shone with unshed tears, betraying his inner emotions as he squeezed your hand as though to convey a message before handing it over to Bakugou.

"Thank you for everything." You whispered, smiling at the man who had not only be your mentor but like a father figure to you for the past ten years.

The black-haired man nodded his head and gave one last encouraging squeeze before releasing your hand, making his way towards his seat next to All Might.

Once Aizawa had settled down, you gaze drifted towards the blonde who was gazing at you with the softest smile ever. (E/C) orbs widened slightly as your heart skipped a beat at that sight, thinking to yourself that no matter how many times Bakugou looked at you like that, it would always cause your breath to hitch and your heart to race.

"Are you ready to do this?" Bakugou asked, his voice barely above a whisper for those words were only meant for your ears to hear. "Are you ready to spend your life with me till your very last breath?"

"Yes." You replied without hesitation, just like how you did when the blonde proposed to you a few months back and also on the day he asked you to become his friend.

Who knew when Bakugou asked you to be his first friend at the age of five, he would also ask for your hand in marriage at the age of 25?

Shifting his hand so that both your fingers were intertwined, the two of you turned your attention to the front where the solemniser was waiting patiently to start the ceremony.

With a swift nod from Bakugou, the solemniser cleared his throat to get the audience's attention where all small chatters died down as he began the marriage vows.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathering here today to unite this man Bakugou Katsuki and this woman (Full Name) in the bonds of matrimony."

Then he turned to address Bakugou first. "Do you, Bakugou Katsuki, take this woman, (Full Name) to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

Even though your eyes were hidden behind a veil, Bakugou could see those shining (e/c) orbs clearly as he gazed tenderly into them like nothing else matter but the woman standing before him.

"Yes, I do," Bakugou replied in a loud and firm voice.

You had to hold back the tears lest you ruined your make up as the solemniser asked you the same question and you answered with absolute sureness – your gaze never leaving Bakugou.

There was a small smile on the solemniser's face as he called forth for the rings, his heart filled with warmth at being able to unite another man and woman who clearly loved each other with their whole beings.

Kirishima, the best man, stepped forth with a pillow on which two rings sat – glinting in the afternoon rays of the sun. Pride and joy glimmered in glossy eyes filled with unshed tears as Bakugou gave his best friend since high school a grateful smile, accepting the smaller ring out of the two.

His gaze swept to yours and with a gentleness opposite of his known brash personality, he took your left hand and slid the wedding ring onto your ring finger where two other rings – the promise ring he gave when he confessed his love and the engagement ring when he proposed – sat.

Underneath the sunlight, you saw how the tiny flecks in those red orbs came alive as they shone with pure love and adoration. You found yourself unable to tear your eyes away as Bakugou lifted his hand that still held onto yours to his lips in a butterfly kiss before saying his vow to you.

"I'm going to keep this short because I don't do sappy words." The blonde smirked which earned him a light punch to the arm while you glared playfully at him and laughter coming from the audience.

He let out a few deep chuckles of his own before continuing. "We have known each other since we were kids and even before I was aware of it, my heart had already belonged to you. However, before our story could even begin, you were stolen from me and that was the day the light in my heart went out."

You could hear the pain in Bakugou's voice and knew that day still haunted him, his heart and soul never fully healed even after all these years. Bringing your other hand up to his face, you cradled his cheek – your thumb brushing softly against his skin in silent comfort.

Eyelids fluttered shut as the blonde leaned into your touch. No words were needed between the two of you for your actions spoke louder.

'I'm here now and I'll never leave you. There's no need for you to be afraid anymore, Katsuki.' For every stroke of your thumb was a word of assurance and love.

'I know. Thank you for coming back to me.' With every intake of a steady breath from his lips was gratefulness for returning to his side.

A few seconds passed before Bakugou felt calm enough to carry on. This time, his eyes never left yours as they gazed upon your soul through sparkling (e/c) orbs.

"I won't speak of the past because you're now here with me and that's all that matters. Instead, I want to treasure the second chance that fate has given me – to be there for you, to cherish you but most importantly, to love you for a lifetime till the end of time. That's my vow to you on this day as we declared our love in front of our family and friends."

"Oh, Katsuki. That's the loveliest thing I've ever heard coming from you." You whispered, unable to fight against the tears that were now trailing down your cheeks. "And now look what you've done. Making me cry which ruined my makeup on my special day."

"I don't really care if you wear makeup or not. You still look ugly as ever." Bakugou shrugged as though he was simply stating a fact.

"Bakugou Katsuki! Hero or no, I'll strangle you to death with my vines right here and now!" You threatened, sounding very much like how you did back when you were a villain.

There were chocks of laughter and tears from the audience at the situation. It wouldn't exactly feel right if the two of you didn't make your guests cry their eyeballs out one moment and laughing their assess off the next.

Thankfully, your threat remained as a threat and Bakugou lived another day to see through his own wedding.

With a childish huff at the blonde's childish antics, it was your turn to say your marriage vow. You accepted the ring from Kirishima and just like Bakugou, you took his left hand into yours and slid on the ring which rested snug and tight on his finger.

Unlike your lover who was able to start off his speech with confidence, you were the exact opposite. The words that you had been practising was suddenly stuck in your throat, refusing to come out no matter how hard you tried to force it out.

The blonde must have sensed your nerves because you felt slender fingers intertwining with yours as he gave your hand a tight squeeze. You lifted your head to meet Bakugou's stare, a slight hint of fear of messing this up reflected in your eyes.

A small smile flitted onto the blonde's face, the corners of his eyes crinkling as his mouth moved with no sound, but you caught what he was saying and any traces of nerves you had faded.

Returning a smile of your own, you squeezed his hand that held yours in silent thanks.

(E/C) eyes sparkled a brilliant hue in the afternoon sun and your face lit up a pinkish tint, feeling a little embarrassed and shy as words meant for tumbled out of your lips.

"I don't even know where to begin because we've through so much in this life together as rivals, friends and even lovers which to be honest, I still can't believe I chose you even though you're always threatening to blast my ass." You chuckled only to roll your eyes upon seeing the smugness written all over said person's face.

"However," You continued with softened eyes. "You've been the one consistent presence in my life. You never gave up on me, fighting with all the spirit you had within you. For that reason, I'm able to stand here today with my best friend who's about to become my husband and nothing in this world can ever make up for it."

Ruby red swam with unshed tears and you were able to see your reflection clear in them. The smile on your face grew bigger as you raised both your still clutched hands to your chest, right above where your heart rested.

"I know it'll take a lifetime for me to make up it to you. Those times I've hurt you, worried you and worst, broken your heart once. Yet, I know you don't care for you've forgiven me a long time ago because that's just who you are – a kind-hearted soul that burns as bright as the sun."

A burst of laughter escaped your lips at the red tinting Bakugou's ears, causing his infamous scowl to make a short appearance. Pressing his hand into your chest so that Bakugou could feel the beating of your heart, you finished your vow with a timeless promise to your soulmate.

"You've been always here for me ever since we were kids and now as we share our life together as one, it's my turn to be there for you no matter what till the end of time. That's my marriage vow to you."

Reverence and devotion were written in those mesmerising red orbs as they refused to look anywhere else and you knew that you made the right decision in spending the rest of your life with Bakugou.

Because where else were you going to find someone else who would look at you like that?

With the exchanging of the rings, it was now time for the solemniser to pronounce the two of you as husband and wife. In a loud voice that rang throughout the garden, the solemniser declared, "By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!"

Bakugou didn't have to be told twice as he lifted the wedding veil which had been hiding your beauty from him ever since the start of the ceremony.

"Hi," You greeted your new husband with a shy smile when both your eyes finally met for real this time.

The corners of Bakugou's mouth was quirked into a playful smirk as he answered, "Is it finally time for me to claim my prize?"

Rolling your eyes, you murmured beneath your breath. "This is what I've to deal with every day for the rest of my life. Unbelievable."

The smirk on Bakugou's face merely just widened which earned him a glare coming from his wife.

Trust the both of you to fall back onto the bickering nature you two always had ongoing even in a serious occasion such as your wedding day.

You and Bakugou were startled out of the staring competition when someone from the audience shouted for both of you to hurry up and kiss already. Next thing you know, Bakugou being Bakugou was screaming back.

"Shut the f*ck up! Don't tell me what to do!"

"Katsuki! What are you, still a kid?! Screaming in front of so many people! Do you have no shame at all?!" Mitsuki rose to her feet and if it wasn't for her husband holding her back, the blonde would be lying on the ground with blood flowing out of his head.

Of course, the idiot also known as your husband decided to fight fire with fire despite knowing it would only make things worst. "Shut up, old hag!"

"Who you calling an old hag?! I'm your mother! Show some respect!"

The wedding guests watched the duo who were arguing back and forth in a shouting match with blank expressions. It was a common sight so by now, many of them were used to it and usually ignored whoever Bakugou was screaming at.

A tired sigh escaped your lips at the scene in front of you, filled with disbelief at the fact that your husband and mother-in-law were fighting like kids at your very own wedding.

From your peripherical view, you noticed the frightened look on the solemniser's face as he stared in horror at the scene before him. This was probably his first time seeing such a scene at an important event.

The corners of your lips quirked up into an amused smile at that thought.

Deciding to save the poor man who looked like he was going to faint at any given moment, you grabbed Bakugou by the arm and forcefully turned so that he was facing you.

Surprise momentarily flashed across the blonde's face at the unexpected action before narrowing into a scowl once he realized it was you who did.

"What do you think you're doing—"

"Oh, just shut up for once will you?" You cut Bakugou off and with an eye roll, you grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him forward to meet your lips in a heated kiss.

The audience erupted into loud cheers at the sight of the newlyweds finally kissing, officially sealing their marriage. Hollers could be heard coming from your ex-male classmates while the females were holding in their tears in fears of ruining their makeup that they spent hours on.

Although, that couldn't be said for Uraraka who was bawling her eyes out at the sight of two of her friends getting married.

A smirk was dancing on your lips when you released Bakugou who was blushing a crimson red at being caught off guard, red orbs glaring at you as he growled lowly so only you could hear him.

"I'm going to kill you, dipshit."

(E/C) eyes glowed with glee as you tiptoed, being mindful of your dress, and placed a chaste kiss on his lips before pulling back with a wink. "The feeling's mutual, Katsuki."

You let out an amused chuckle at the sight of his permanent scowl making its way to his face and in that every moment, love and happiness for the man who had always been there for you since day one swelled in your heart.

Now, it was your turn to do the same.

You stepped into Bakugou's personal space who immediately wound an arm around your waist. Tilting your head so both of you were seeing eye to eye, with the brightest grin ever, you made the same promise with Bakugou – the very same one he made all those years ago.

"Bakugou Katsuki, from today here on out, I'm here for you no matter what."

~ The End ~

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