now tell me, how did all my d...

grogusmacaron tarafından

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After an unfortunate accident knocks Cheryl out cold, she wakes to find the world is not as she remembers. Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 3

502 15 5
grogusmacaron tarafından


Trigger warning for bullying

Cheryl woke up with plenty of time to spare. She didn't know what to expect, but in true Blossom tradition she was determined to dress in a way that would make the best impression possible. The problem with that plan was the wardrobe she currently was rummaging through was sure to do the exact opposite.

How many band t-shirts can one person need? Who even are most of these?

She rolled her eyes and scoffed as she continued sliding the hangers along the metal rod, hoping something would be worthy of wearing to meet Toni. It felt like they were meeting for the first time, and in a sense they were. Cheryl had no idea if the two of them had crossed paths in this world, and in the event they hadn't she needed to present the absolute best version of herself.

Eventually she settled on a black long sleeve halter and the nicest pair of jeans she could find, which turned out to be the only pair without holes in them, fashionable or otherwise. She laid the pieces out on the bed before heading to her bathroom to shower.

She closed the bathroom door behind her and stared into the mirror. The redhead still was in disbelief by the reflection staring back at her.

"Left $5 on the counter for you to get lunch. Promise I'll stop by the mart on my way home and get some groceries," her uncle yelled from the other room.

Cheryl had no idea what she could possibly buy with only $5 but replied a thank you nonetheless.

"Anything special you'd like for dinner? I think they're running a sale on hot dogs."

She gagged at the suggestion and with the fakest enthusiasm she could muster responded, "Whatever you get will be fine. Thank you."

"Sure thing. Have a good day at school, Goose," Claud answered just before Cheryl heard the front door close behind him.

Did he just call me fowl?

She physically shook the thought from her head as she began to strip from her clothes to take a shower. As the redhead lifted the shirt over her head, she felt her fingers brush against something hard. Cheryl's head snapped down and her eyes grew wide as she saw the curved barbell piercing her navel.

Another one? How many of these do I have? Oh god... please no...

Hesitantly, she finished removing the top, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath to brace herself. Cheryl turned to face the mirror once again and slowly opened her eyes. A sigh of relief escaped her throat when she saw her breasts were free from any adornments.

Knowing she had one more place to check, she finished undressing and inspected between her thighs. "Oh thank God," she exhaled, grateful her alternate self hadn't gotten more adventurous than a belly ring.

Cheryl was still concerned, so to avoid any additional surprises she quickly looked over every inch of her pale skin in search for any tattoos. She was thankful to find none; the additional holes in her body were more than enough for her to deal with.

Wasting no more time, she got into the shower and adjusted the faucet. The water was much colder than she was used to due to the low-end water heater being used for the trailer. The redhead did her best to get in and out as quickly as possible and prayed she wouldn't catch a cold from the lack of hot water.

After finishing her shower, Cheryl wrapped herself in a dingy towel and retreated back to her bedroom to finish getting ready. Once she had dried her hair and changed into the outfit she had previously selected, she went searching for makeup. She was not happy with the selection she found.

"How is it possible for any version of me to not own one tube of red lipstick?" she asked aloud in a huff. Cheryl made due with what she had, opting for a more natural look than what she had woken up in the previous night. She needed to look as good as possible, and without access to her signature color, playing it safe felt like the best option.

"Cher? You almost ready?" she heard Jughead's voice call out from the living room. Her uncle must have left the door unlocked.

"Almost," Cheryl yelled back as she uncapped a tube of nude lipstick. "You can come in, just putting on some finishing touches."

"Want to take a few hits before we-" he stopped when he saw her and his face twisted in confusion. "Who are you and what did you do with Cheryl? You look like you're heading to an interview or something."

"Who would go to an interview in a halter top and jeans? You know what? Don't answer that," she responded before blotting her lips on a tissue before discarding it into the wastebin.

"Maybe, but where's the grunge? Where's the dark eyes and black lipstick? I haven't seen you without a flannel in basically a decade."

"Consider this the new and vastly improved Cheryl." She collected her things and maneuvered around him and back into the bedroom. The redhead grabbed the backpack wedged between the bed and the desk and began going through its contents to make sure she had everything she needed for the day.

Jughead went to her closet and began shuffling through the clothes before pulling out a leather jacket and tossing it onto the bed next to where she was organizing her bag. "At least put that on; you're freaking me out."

Cheryl rolled her eyes and scoffed before grabbing the jacket and sliding her arms through the sleeves. "Happy now?"

"Eh," he shrugged. "Less creeped out I guess. Your face is weird."

"Well your everything is weird," she retorted. "Are we going to school or not?"

"I asked you if you wanted to take a few hits before we leave," the boy reminded her.

"You want to go to school high?"

"Yeah, we do every day. What's with you? I thought that shit would have worn off by now," he questioned, his expression changing to one of concern.

"Nothing is with me," she huffed. "I just would like to be sober for... nevermind... are we going or not?"

"Yeah... um..." he squinted at her, not believing the words he was hearing. "You driving?"

"I have a car? You mean I don't have to ride to school on the back of your motorcycle?"

"Actually," he grabbed a keyring off her desk, "I think it may be safer if I drive... until you're you again."

Cheryl scoffed, "Whatever. Let's just go." She pushed past him and didn't stop walking until she was outside.

"Guess I'm locking up too then?" Jughead yelled from the tiny porch as he locked the front door. He adjusted his messenger bag and walked down the steps until he was next to her. The boy smirked, looking between her and the parked cars lining the street in front of the trailer. "You can't remember which car is yours, can you?"

"Are you going to show me or not?"

"Cher, do we need to go to the hospital? I'm legitimately concerned," he pressed.

"Oh my God, no! I'm fine. Now can you unlock the stupid car so we can get to school. I have someo- something important waiting for me," the redhead huffed in annoyance.

He clicked the keyfob and walked over to a dark grey, 1992 Ford Tempo. Jughead opened the driver door, threw his bag over the seat into the back, and got in. After starting the engine, he rolled down the window and yelled back to Cheryl, "Are you coming or not?"

"That's my car? It's hideous! How is it even running?"

"You know damn well it just passed inspection two weeks ago when we renewed the plates. Actually," he paused thinking of her behavior since the previous night, "you probably don't... Just get in or instead of school I'm dragging your ass to Urgent Care for a headscan."

"Ugh, fine!" She reluctantly got in the car and was immediately hit with the stench of cigarettes. It took her breath away, and Cheryl began to cough uncontrollably.

"Geeze, you sick too?"

"The smell..."

"Ya well, I've been trying to tell you to quit for years. Maybe your body finally is too," he retorted as grabbed the cable hanging out of the cassette player and plugged it into his phone. "Driver picks the music. Hope you're in the mood for some NOFX."

As he scrolled through his playlists, Cheryl looked around the unfortunate excuse for a car. She couldn't get past the outdated upholstery, stained cloth interior, and archaic stereo system. It truly looked like something she would dream up in her worst nightmares.

"Ah, here we go," Jughead exclaimed as he found what he was looking for and tapped his phone with his thumb. Loud rock music began playing through the speakers, which Cheryl could only describe as noise. His head quickly nodded along to the beat as he pulled away from the curb and began the drive to Riverdale High.

Thirty minutes later they pulled into the familiar parking lot. Cheryl felt a strange sense of comfort when she saw the building. It was nice to see something she recognized, even if it was a something as monotonous as high school.

She wordlessly followed Jughead into the school and stood next to him awkwardly as he unlocked his locker and began sorting through his books. He glanced at her a few times, not sure why she was just standing there. After a few minutes it dawned on him.

"Yours is three down by the way, 328," he nodded his head to the side.

"Any chance you know my combination?" Cheryl asked him. She avoided his judgmental gaze, looking at her shoes with pursed lips.

"30-2-17," Jughead exhaled. "This is all really freaking me out. You know that right?"

Imagine how I feel.

"Sorry," she nodded, acknowledging the sentiment. "I know I've been acting weird. Thank you for being so worried about me."

"Hey," he put his hand on her shoulder, gripping it gently, "always. I'm never going to stop worrying about you, alright? Been you and me as long as I can remember. Whatever this is... it's not gonna change that."

Cheryl replied with a smile before walking over to the locker he indicated and entering the combination into her lock. It unlocked without issue and she began sorting through her books. She was grateful to see her alter ego kept a schedule taped to the door, as without it she'd have no idea where to go.

"No, I'm not coming by after school. I have cheerleading."

The moment Cheryl heard her voice a chill rushed through her body. She turned around and gasped when she saw her. It was not a Toni she recognized, but it was still undeniably her. Gone were the pink streaks she had come to know, instead the girl's hair was dyed blonde, ombréd near her natural brunette roots. The locks didn't have their normal wave, rather they had been flat ironed and laid perfectly straight against her back. She was wearing a leather mini skirt and a sheer white shirt with the sleeves rolled to cuffs above her elbow. Cheryl could see Toni's black bra through her shirt, but tried her best not to focus on it.

"Yes, I will see you Saturday," she replied into her cell phone. "I promise. Yes, I'll actually be there this time. Bye, Grandpa." Toni slid her phone into her bag, threw her hair over her shoulder, and opened the locker directly across the hall from Cheryl's.

The redhead was so focused on Toni she didn't notice Jughead had appeared next to her.

"Hey, I've got meet with a couple of the Serpents before first period. Meet up with you at lunch?"

Cheryl nodded, not bothering to give him a verbal response. All her attention was focused elsewhere, on the blonde haired girl rummaging through the locker on the other side of the hallway. She stood frozen, her mouth hung open. It was as if the mere presence of the girl sucked all the air from her body, and suddenly she was rendered speechless.

"Alright, you'll be good until then right?"

She nodded again, unable to form words. The response seemed to appease him, as Jughead nodded and took off down the hall.

Cheryl had no idea how long she had been staring, desperately trying to think of something to say. Would she need to introduce herself? The idea of Toni not knowing who she was terrified her. It had been she who broke the ice the first time, first in the bathroom and then at the movies. The redhead was so out of her element, but for her girl she would do anything. She inwardly laughed at how nervous she was, a far cry from the Bombshell persona she had been perfecting most of her life. Toni had been the one to break down her walls, and without her she was left feeling small and vulnerable.

The sound of a locker door closing started Cheryl from her thoughts. Toni turned around, immediately noticing she had an audience, "Excuse you?"

Toni's talking to you. Say something.

"Well? What are you staring at?"

Anything. Say anything, Cheryl.


A look of disgust flashed across the blonde haired girl's face, "What's your damage, freak?"

Oh. That's new.

Cheryl was petrified, a deer caught in headlights. She began to panic, her bottom lip trembling slightly. Toni began to walk towards her. For every step she took, the redhead took one backwards. It continued that way until Cheryl felt her back press up against the lockers, but Toni continued until there only inches between them.

"I asked, what's your damage, freak?" Toni repeated herself.

Given the Vans she was wearing and the heels the blonde had on, Cheryl found herself shorter than Toni for the first time. Even without the height discrepancy, she had never felt smaller than she did at that moment.

"Nothing," she forced out. "I'm sorry, TT."

Toni squinted slightly in a mix of confusion and annoyance, "What did you call me?"

Realizing her error, Cheryl immediately tried to back track. "I didn't. I... I'm sorry."

"In the future remember you don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't even breathe the same air as me without my permission. And most certainly do not call me that. Got it?"

Tears pooled in her eyes. This wasn't Toni. The girl before her was the farthest thing imaginable from the Toni Topaz she knew. If she was being honest with herself, Cheryl would say that this version of Toni was reminiscent of herself, the version she was before Toni.

"G-got it."

"Good morning, T," an approaching voice greeted gleefully. "Who's this?"

Cheryl glanced to Toni's side to see Veronica, concern painted on her face.

"Just some Southside scum," she smirked, sizing Cheryl up in the process.

Veronica gave Cheryl a sympathetic smile. "Aw, she doesn't seem so bad. Hi, I'm Veronica Lodge." The raven haired girl extended her hand to Cheryl. Upon receiving no response, she turned to Toni, "Did you have to go and traumatize the girl?"

Toni shrugged, clearly not caring. "Are we done here?" she asked Veronica, clearly exasperated with the situation. Not waiting for an answer, Toni turned and walked away.

With a huff, Veronica adjusted her purse strap and mouthed, "Sorry," before taking off after Toni.

What just happened? That's not Toni. That cannot be Toni.

"Cheryl?" a worried voice called out.

With glassy eyes, she looked up to see Ethel standing next to her.

"Are you okay?"

She shook her head as the tears broke free and cascaded down her cheeks.

Ethel gently placed her hand on Cheryl's shoulder, "Do you want me to get Jughead?"

Cheryl shook her head again.

"What about a hug?" Receiving a nod, Ethel pulled Cheryl in close and held her as she cried.

Four hours, three periods later Cheryl found herself walking mindlessly towards the cafeteria. Thankfully, Toni had not been in any of her morning classes. The redhead never thought she'd ever be thankful to spend time away from the girl, but she didn't think she could manage seeing her again so soon after their morning confrontation.

Her classes had gone by effortlessly. Apparently, in this reality she wasn't known for her mind, so the fact that she knew the answers when called on seemed to render her teachers speechless. Cheryl saw a few of her friends in her classes, but after the encounter with Toni she was too afraid to speak to any of them. Not knowing who else would be different, she opted for keeping her head down and not interacting with anyone unless necessary.

She paused outside the door, inhaled deeply, and strengthened her posture. She didn't know what was waiting for her behind the thick wood. Everyone in her year would be in there, since juniors and seniors shared the first lunch rotation.

God, pull yourself together Cheryl.

"Are you gonna open that?"

Cheryl looked over her shoulder to see Archie standing behind her waiting for her to open the door. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to be in the way," she says meekly as she stepped out of the way.

"No problem. Hey, you're Jughead's friend. Cheryl, right?" He asked.

"Hi, Archie. Yeah, that's me... even if it doesn't feel like it anymore."

"Yeah," he laughed. "I know what that's like. Here's to hoping you find yourself again. After you." The boy opened the door for Cheryl, then entered behind her. "Have a good lunch," he added before walking away.

Her eyes zoomed around the cafeteria, either searching for a friendly face or the one she needed to avoid. Thankfully, her eyes landed on Jughead rather than the latter. Cheryl sighed in relief before making her way over to him.

I'm actually happy to see Jughead. My life has never been so twisted.

"You buying lunch?" he asked as Cheryl approached the table.

The redhead flinched, immediately realizing she forgot to grab the money her uncle left for her. "I don't have... um I forgot... I mean," She stumbled over the words while fidgeting with her nail beds, careful not to pick at the skin.

He stood up, motioning Cheryl to follow, "Come on, Cher. I got you. Let's buy you something to eat, huh?"

"Thank you, Jughead." Her eyes glossed back over, but she did her best to hold her composure, not wanting to suffer a second public breakdown. "Wait, what about yours?"

"It'll be fine. I'm not above cold food. You need to eat." He looked back when she didn't start walking, "You coming?"

She followed him through the crowd of students until they reached the food line. Usually she turned her nose at the school's offerings, but after only eating an apple and ramen since the previous night, she was salivating at the selection.

"Don't worry about the cost; get whatever you want," he instructed.

Cheryl wasn't sure how Jughead had extra money to be paying for her food, or the weed he brought last night for that matter. The boy was looking out for her, and she was in no place to question him. She ended up with three chicken tenders, a generous portion of mashed potatoes, and a salad. It wasn't what she would typically have selected, but she wanted something hearty, not knowing if she'd be surviving on instant noodles another night.

The pair got in line to pay, ending up right behind Archie. The red haired boy glanced behind him and upon seeing her selection smiled. "Great minds," he said nodding to the chicken and potatoes on his own tray.

"Line's moving," Jughead said emotionlessly, his jaw twitching slightly.

"Right," Archie replied, his voice dropping. "See ya around."

"Come on," the raven haired boy instructed before taking off to a different cashier.

Cheryl glanced between the two boys, confusion across her face, before following Jughead so he could pay for her food. She brought the interaction up when they were back at their table.

"So, what happened back there?"

Jughead looked up, his mouth full of cheeseburger, "Hm?"

"You and Archie," she clarified. "I thought you were best friends?"

He finished chewing his food and wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his jean jacket. "Haven't been friends for over two years. It's hard to keep up with what you know and what you don't know... ya know?"

"Can you humor me and explain why?"

Jughead looked longingly across the cafeteria. Cheryl's gaze followed his to see Archie, Betty, Veronica, Josie, and Kevin sitting together, laughing at some sort of joke.

"Jughead?" she asked, pulling him out of his trance.

"He knew how much I liked her," he said absentmindedly. "He was giving me advice. I actually thought I had a shot too."

"What?" Cheryl looked back and saw Archie's arm slide around Betty's shoulder. He leaned over and kissed her cheek, causing the blonde's face to flush upon contact. "Archie's with Betty... but how?"

"The back to school dance sophomore year. Betty asked him, and he said yes. Swore they were just going as friends. That it didn't mean anything," he clenched his jaw and shook his head. "Then at school on Monday they were all of a sudden a thing."

"No, but the dance... that's the night he kissed Veronica?"

Jughead snapped his focus back to Cheryl, "What? No, Archie's never kissed Veronica."

"Yes, at the after party, during seven minutes in heaven. I distinctly remember because I-" she stopped herself, realizing she was the catalyst that caused that interaction to happen.

"I'm not sure what you're remembering, but there was no after party," he shook his head as he took another large bite from his burger.

"R-right, I'm not sure what I was thinking," she tried to backtrack. "So cousin Betty is why you two aren't friends anymore?"

"Cousin? You two are related?"

Am I even supposed to know that here?

"Oh... I don't think she knows. I wasn't supposed to ever say anything."

He squinted at her, trying to figure out what was going on with the redhead. "Sure, Cher. Secret's safe with me."

She nodded and stabbed at her potatoes with her fork. "I think I lost my appetite."

"You've barely eaten. Half your food's still there," he observed, partially eaten burger flying out of his mouth. "Sorry."

"Gross," she wiped off her shirt with the back of her hand. "Now I'm sure I've lost my appetite."

Cheryl stood from the table and grabbed her tray. She walked over to the trash can, not paying attention to her surroundings. As she turned the corner at the end of the row of tables, the redhead collided with someone. Luckily, all of her food stayed on the tray, but whoever she ran into didn't seem as lucky.

"Watch it," an annoyed voice snapped.

Of course. If I'm going to walk into someone, why wouldn't it be you?

She closed her eyes, emotions already getting the better of her, before turning to face Toni, "S-sorry. I... I wasn't watching where I was going."

"That's obvious," Toni responded, bending down to gather her things. When she stood up she noticed who caused her to drop her bag in the first place and scoffed. "You again, really?"

"I was just going to throw my trash away. I didn't mean to, I swear." Cheryl tried to ignore her, dumping her leftover food into the bin and placing the tray on the return above.

The blonde shoved past her and threw a soda can into the trash, "That was my intention too before someone knocked into me."

"I really am sorry," Cheryl reiterated.

Toni turned around to face her, "And I really don't care."

"Hey, babe," a girl with honey blonde hair walked up and wrapped her arm around Toni's waist. Cheryl couldn't place the girl, but something about her felt eerily familiar. She pulled Toni flush against herself before placing a kiss on her cheek. "You walking me to class or what?"

She has a girlfriend. Toni has someone else.

Cheryl's heart shattered as she witnessed the girl kiss the cheek that was supposed to be reserved for her and her alone. Her stomach turned watching the girls sunkissed arm snake it's away around Toni's petite frame.

"Yeah, just dealing with some trash," Toni replied, her eyes locked on Cheryl's to make sure her message was received.

I'm the trash. Toni is calling me trash.

"Well, let's go. I think you've wasted enough time with the Southside rabble for one day," the taller blonde sneered.

The redhead did her best to not let them see her cry, but it became more difficult by the second. Her eyes burned as she forced herself to remain as composed as possible. The pain in her chest grew increasingly unbearable. It was all too much to process. Just when Cheryl believed it couldn't possibly get any worse, it did.

"Couldn't agree more, Heath."

Heath. As in...


Five years older and a new nose, but it's her.

Cheryl looked upon the girl in complete shock. Her first love, the girl she hadn't laid eyes on since the day her dreadful mother ripped her from her bed at Thornhill after they were caught with their lips connected and bodies intertwined. And they're together. Her first love and the love of her life... together. She felt like she was going to be sick.

Toni broke away from Heather's embrace and used both of her hands to lightly shove against the redhead's shoulders, causing Cheryl to stumble backwards against the wall more out of shock than force. "In case I haven't made myself clear, waif, when I said you can't talk to me without permission that went for my girlfriend too. Talk to her again, and I'll ensure the rest of your time at Riverdale High is torturous. I'm not sure why you've decided to make a pest of yourself all of a sudden when you've managed to fly under the radar, but let me assure you it was the wrong choice. So if you want to stay breathing, stay clear." She gave Cheryl another slight push against either shoulder before backing away and taking Heather's hand in hers. They walked away without glancing back at the trembling redhead.

The redhead looked around, noticing she had an audience. Without a second thought, she ran from the cafeteria, not stopping until she reached the girl's bathroom. Once inside, Cheryl collapsed onto the floor. She could feel the imminent panic attack was at a loss on how to combat it now that her anchor was the cause.

"Cher?" Jughead asked through the ajar door. "Um, can I come in there?"

"It-it's j-just m-me," she answered through sobs.

He opened the door and ran to her, kneeling on the ground next to her. "Breathe, alright?"

She nodded hastily. "Y-you s-saw?"

Jughead didn't answer; instead he pulled her into an embrace.

Of course he saw. Everyone had.

"Why don't we get you home?"

"B-but there's st-still ha-half the d-day l-left," she stuttered. Every word leaving her mouth felt like a challenge. Her anxiety was taking over despite how hard she struggled to keep it together.

"I'll get some Serpents to collect our assignments, alright? Let's get you out of here."

Cheryl allowed him to help her off the ground and out to the car. She didn't say anything the whole way back to Sunnyside. Her head laid against the window as she watched the streets of Riverdale pass by as tears silently streamed down her face.

Things were worse than she could have possibly imagined. Not only was she trapped in another reality without her brother, but in this one, she was without Toni as well. She needed to wake up soon, but Cheryl had no idea how... if it was even possible. For all she knew, she could be trapped in this hell forever.


I'm sorry for that okay? Don't give up on our girl yet. Things will get better as the story goes on.

To clear up a few potential questions:

• The leather jacket Cheryl wears is a plain leather jacket. It is not a Serpent jacket.

• Archie and Jughead were friends up until the dance. They didn't have the falling out they did prior to sophomore year in this reality.

• Archie was not hung up on Grundy when he and Betty went to the dance together. They also went alone, not as a group with Veronica.

• Hal never became the Black Hood.

• The Farm never came to Riverdale.

• Gryphons and Gargoyles (if it gets included) is just a game like Dungeons and Dragons. There are no suicide ascensions or tree monsters.

ATTN: If you like my fics please follow me on AO3. I am working on a collab choni fic that will exclusively be posted there titled "I didn't know how much I missed you (until I met you)."

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