Aizawa Izuku


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this is just another dadzawa fanfic, I don't own BNHA, but I love love love love love love it!!!!!!!!! Izuku... More

cha 1: the fire
Cha 2: The night Before
Cha 3: adjusting to new life and quirk
Cha 4: Erasure Heads Reaction
Cha 5: Out the Window and Almight
Cha 6: The Exam and a new Power
Cha 7: the surprise and new quirk
Cha 8: Fear, Quirk Assessment, new friends
Cha 9: Combat Training
Cha 10: Coming To Terms
Cha 11: A promise between old friends
Cha 12: The successor
Cha 13: Declaration of War
Cha 14: Dads encouragement
Cha 15: USJ
Cha 16: Son of Erasure Head
Cha 17: Almight and Nomu
Cha 18: Crush
Cha 19: Cousins and Iida's help
Cha 20: Sports Festival
Cha 21: Cavalry Battle
Cha 22: one on one fights begin
Cha 23: Battle Continues
Cha 24: I can do it
Cha 25: Its your Damn Power
Cha 26: The Matches Continue
SPECIAL: Different Versions
Cha 27: Award ceremony and After
Cha 28: Hero Names
Cha 30: Gran Torino
Cha 31: Nomus, Stain and Revenge
Cha 32: Stain vs Deku
Cha 33: Aftermath
Cha 34: Back to school
Cha 35: Number Names
Cha 36: Exams from Hell
Cha 37: Teacher's little Helper
Cha 38: Mutual Enemies and Rivals
Cha 39: Unexpected
Cha 40: Secret Life Of Deku
Cha 41: Underground Meeting
Cha 42: New Classmate & Grocery shopping
Cha 43: Eri
Cha 44: Little sister
Cha 45: Dream
Cha 46: Villains Rising
Cha 47: Dad away from home
Cha 48: Pool Training
Cha 49: Summer Camp
A/N: Theory
Cha 50: Camp
Cha 51: What Kind Of Hell Did we Sign up For?!
Cha 52: Temporal Alliance

Cha 29: My mentors Teacher

10.5K 332 230

Izuku POV

After picking our names me and Uraraka approached Iida. I let Uraraka do the talking. Right now I could read his whole expression and I knew I wouldn't be able to control what I would say

We sat and were about to eat lunch when Uraraka began.

"Iida you can talk to us if something is bothering you" she said trying to get him to open up

"I'm okay really" he tried to reassure her

"Iida will talk to us when his ready" I told Uraraka. And got up.

She looked at me surprised. I knew she was thinking I would push harder

From experience I knew if you push harder your only pushing away more. One must learn how to look for help. Those were dad's words. And that's what dad did.

I left the two to themselves. I later saw Uraraka with the other girls.

I couldn't tell her about what I knew Iida was thinking. The look in his eyes, he was looking for revenge

I kept an eye on Iida that day

When the next class came Dad showed us results of these who had gotten requests for internships.

Surprisingly I got more than I thought I would. I mean after the fiasco with Todoroki I thought no one would want me.

We had to decide which agency we had to go to. I couldn't chose which one. As the day went by, I offered to walk Uraraka home. I had to explain my behaviour after all.

Thankfully she said it was okay

Iida had left without us. I sighed in annoyance.

Uraraka POV

Deku sighed looking annoyed. I noticed that he had been lurking around in the shadows lately. He always does that though. Usually to hide from Midnight or present Mic. Or Bakugou who was always looking for a fight with him.

Aizawa sensei did the same.

What I had meant was he was lurking in shadows around Iida. He was worried as well. I was taken a bit aback at how he was acting but then I remembered his story. He knew what Iida was going through.

But Iida was lucky. His brother was alive. Izuku's mom died. His mom and nice step dad.

I couldn't even imagine seeing any one I look up get hurt so badly let alone my parents.

I knew Deku will save him. Deku will save everyone

Because that's who he is.

We were about to go out when suddenly Almight appears in a weird position and steals Deku away from me...

I pouted and waited for him...

Just cause his Almight doesn't mean he still my Deku away from me...

"What!??!" I scream

People turn to me

My Deku? What am I thinking?

Nobody POV

Almight was proud that his successor got a lot of request. He was surprised that he had gotten more than he had expected.

He went to Aizawa to brag about how a fine successor he was. He had found the man scrolling through his son's request and found something

"I'm deciding where my kid is going" says Aizawa

Almight was just about jump him

He slumped and took a seat across the man clad in black.

"Shouldn't you let him make that choice" Almight asked him

"You know what these pros will do, they will treat like guests, I'm choosing cause Izuku needs training" Aizawa plainly replies

"I see then who would you chose" Almight asked taking a sip of his coffee that he had gotten earlier

"There's only one choice, you won't like it and neither won't he" Aizawa said turning the computer around for him to see

Almight sees the name

Spits out coffee

Coughs out blood

"Are you serious Aizawa-kun" Almight says turning buff and shaking man

"His the reason why your like this, so why not. And do you even know me. I'm always serious"

"You don't have to say it. I feel your students pain" Almight says looking for comfort in a gloomy corner

Time skip brought to you by a pouting Uraraka

Almight appears before Izuku and steals him away from a now pouting Ochaco.

In a empty hallway the two speak

"I'm proud of you my boy, for gaining many requests" Says Almight proudly

"Yeah but I can't chose. They are just going to treat me like some guest" says Izuku with a sigh

"So you knew" Almight says. He was expecting this

"Of course I knew. I'm the son of Eraser Head after all" he said with with a grin

"Being an underground hero doesn't garner you any fame but there's sure as hell a lot of information about all sorts of things involved"

"Underground heroes were best at collecting information. Many were thinkers not brawlers" but Izuku was both

"So I'm just waiting for dad to pick one out for me"

"You knew your father would chose one for you?" Almight asks now sounding surprised

"Why are you surprised at this. I am his son, of course I know my dad" Izuku replies with an unimpressed look

"Well I am here to give you an intro on who he chose" said Almight

He began to shake

Izuku began to get worried

"You see my boy, his a pro that I thought had retired along time ago"

Almight began to shake even more and he began to stutter pulled out out a slip of paper and handed it out to Izuku who was just about shake from the way his Mentor was acting

"Your words are true my boy. Underground heroes do know how dig up information. Your father found this man in the list of the many request that you have gotten. And placed him as your only choice"

"Did I not tell you that Aizawa found out about One for All on his own"

"Any way the man he recommended for you was once a teacher at U.A."

"Though only for One year. He was my homeroom teacher"

Almight was no shaking violently

"Move legs, move" he shouted at himself

Izuku had begun to fear for the worse as Almight began to mumble about him probably being a not good enough teacher and that's why he wants to train the boy

"Hey calm down Almight. He can't be worse then dad" Izuku says trying to cheer him up

"Oh his worse" Aizawa says from behind Izuku

"GYAHH!!!" Izuku screams jumping onto Almight who was also shocked to find the man there. Who was scared shitless at the same time.

"Dad please stop jumping out out from no where"

"Says the brat that sent Mic to the hospital" he retorts

"Oi you were involved too" Izuku retorts

"We're eating out today" he says and leads the way out

Izuku waves Almight goodbye and follows

Almight is left wondering about what happened to Yamada Hizashi



What are the Aizawa's afraid of

The Aizawa's were hard to scare

Present Mic didn't want to admit defeat to Midnight who said they were fearless

He tried everything



Midnight herself


All sorts of scary looking animals fail

Truly horrid Horror flicks


"How are you guys not afraid of this" he screams at them

"There was a bunch of Gore in there" he complains

"I've seen a whole lot of it in my line of work" Aizawa bluntly replies

"I saw my parents die and had that repeat in my head for years" Izuku bluntly replies

Mic gives up and admits defeat and decides to walk home

He immediately regrets everything. The movie was playing over and over in his head

He keeps on imaging something coming out from an alley and wrapping around him strangling him to death

Slowly cutting through his flesh until he was nothing but sushi as a black faceless figure looms over him watching him die

His nightmares a granted

Something wraps around him tightly, almost to tightly or that's what he thinks and a dark figure appears before him in the darkness looming over

Yamada has stopped working

He has gone into shock as foam begins to form in his mouth

May he rest in peace

Izuku panics and calls an ambulance. Aizawa is slapping the unconscious man trying to wake him up

They were just trying to get him to go back home. The idiot left his own house saying he was going home. He was at home

Yamada was banned from watching any horror movies and didn't know he had found the Aizawa's fear.

Their greatest fear is losing someone they cared about

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