Against the world

By StephenJ7

49.8K 657 706

This story takes place after the events of falling for Becky Lynch. To avoid any spoilers please read that st... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter Twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
The end💚

Chapter twenty eight

815 11 16
By StephenJ7

Stephen stood at the top of the entrance ramp soaking in every last second of the crowd before he had to go through the curtain. He eventually bowed to the crowd and thanked them. As he walked through the curtain he was immediately sent backwards by someone's fist as he held on to his jaw his eyes connected with triple h's and both men began walking towards one another before a crowd of security and wrestlers got between both men separating them and stopping them from causing anymore damage to one another or anyone or anything else around them both.
"Yeah another cheap shot hunter that's all you and your little lap dog are good for"
Stephen said as he pointed towards Finn who was standing off to the side not taking part in the hostilities.
"I'm sick and tired of you Taylor you're not supposed to be here"
He smirked at his words.
"Don't you worry hunter I'll reveal my ace in the hole tomorrow night."
Becky suddenly appeared and tried her best to fight through the crowd and get to Stephen when a struggle ensued again and and she was knocked to the ground.
He screamed as he rushed to her side along with Finn he looked up at Finn and wanted to scream at him to leave them both alone but now wasn't the time Becky and the baby were more important. Becky groaned and clenched her teeth as she felt a slight pain before she finally opened her eyes and looked up at her husband and former friend and was reminded of when things were normal.
"I'm okay"
She said as she signaled for the two of them to help her up.

Both men grabbed an arm each as they helped carry her to an empty locker room where they placed her on the couch so she could get her bearings again. Stephen immediately got into Finns face and raised his fist.
"Stephen don't please now is not the time"
He turned to her and gave her a sympathetic smile before staring at him again and lowering his fist.
"Get the hell out of here"
"Stephen listen-"
"No you listen"
He said as he cut him off.
"You ruined it all for that"
He placed his hand on top of the title that was on Finns shoulder.
"I would've gave you a shot anytime anywhere any place any time zone Finn. But you threw family away for greed."
He stopped speaking abruptly as his speech became broken. Finn slowly approached him until Stephen put his hand out to stop him again.
"Please just go Finn"
He hesitated for a moment as he looked at Becky who tried her best to give him a sympathetic look but struggled to do so after everything they'd been through.
He nodded in response to his words before taking leave and closing the door behind them. Stephen was instantly snapped out of his daze when he heard Becky wincing in pain behind him he immediately rushed over to her and sat down beside her and placed a gentle hand on her stomach.
"Are you two okay ?"
He asked as Becky looked at the concerned expression that was now placed on his face. She gave a weak smile back to try and reassure him.
"We are okay we are a family of fighters aren't we little one"
She said talking to her tiny bump.
He smiled gently at the sight of her speaking to the little one growing inside of her.
"We should probably get you checked out Becky just to be safe"
She didn't reply to him she just continued smiling at the bump.
Again no response.
"Daddy is a big worrier little one. That's something you'll have to get used to as you get older"
She said whilst giggling.
"Becky Cmon this is serious. You were stubborn about getting checked about your broken face this time it concerns more than just you it concerns me and our child"
She was now staring blankly in front of her she wasn't being stubborn she was just scared in case something had happened to there baby and he could sense that. The tears eventually came as she immediately collapsed into his arms. There was no words for a while as he consoled and comforted her whilst rubbing her back and occasionally kissing at her head trying his best to calm her down.
"I'm really scared love. I don't want to lose our baby"
"It'll be okay becks like you said little fighter just like momma and daddy"
She fought back the tears and released a smile as she agreed with him. After a few moments the couple packed up there things and headed straight towards there car and to the nearest hospital hand in hand being each other's support system.

The next night Stephen arrived alone at raw pushing his case along as he greeted people passing by with a friendly smile.
He eventually stopped outside a locker room and headed in where bayley,Sasha and Seth were inside and immediately turned to him as soon as he walked in they'd been awaiting the news since last night but both he and Becky had been silent since leaving the arena.
Seth asked hopefully of good news. Stephen immediately walked towards the trio with a blank expression on his face before he collapsed into Sasha and bayleys arms who sat him down and consoled him.

"It just really scared me guys this adventure has barely begun and it almost ended instantly. It would've broke us if we lost the baby like that"
Bayley placed a comforting hand on his back as Sasha wrapped her arms around him.
"But like you and Becky have been saying you've got a little fighter in there and it's parents are the toughest SOB's I have ever met it'll be okay just keep doing your job and protect her"
He nodded. She was right he had to make sure no harm came to her that was his job now as a father and a husband protect his family.

Later in the night triple h and Finn stood in the ring halfway through there promo.
"And now let me address last nights controversy. Unfortunately Stephen Taylor"
The crowd went wild at the mention of his name.
"Yeah cheer all you want the fact of the matter is he was still suspended so he's not your royal rumble winner he's not going to mania to face Finn he's going back home to sit his ass on his couch with his wife and unborn child"
Once he had finished the arena lights went out and the arena was pitch black just like the rumble last night. Once they came back on the crowd erupted as Stephen stood on the entrance ramp with a microphone in hand and his usual cheeky smile on his face. He locked eyes with Finn but they weren't the same concerned eyes that he had last night during Becky's troubles. No they had changed to a cold hard stare he was firmly in character.
"Firstly hunter don't ever mention my wife or unborn child's name ever again or so help me god I'll finally finish of your failing career once and for all"
The crowd cheered as triple stood in the ring laughing sarcastically.
"Secondly yeah you suspended me but you see you're not the only one with power around here. Now before I reveal my ace in hole I want to say a few words to your little lap dog there"
The crowd laughed as Finn stepped forward and both men's eyes never left the others it was if no one else was in that arena with them.
"Now Finn no matter what happens tonight triple h can take my shot away he can do whatever but I want you to know no matter what happens me and you we are on a collision course and I'm not going to stop until you and Kratos there are lying flat on your back and I have my hand raised with the title around my waist"
Triple h laughed in response to Stephens words.
"You know that's cute Stephen really really cute. But like you said I'll be taking that title shot away from you"
"That brings me to my next point hunter my ace in the hole. You're not the only one with power around here"
Stephen smirked as triple h and Finn stood confused until the crowd went wild at the sound of Shane McMahon's music. And out he came running up and down the ramp with his signature dance. He shook Stephens hand and took the microphone.
"Hello hunter. You've been throwing your weight around these last few months thinking you own the place but the truth is you don't. The name on the papers isn't levesque. It's McMahon hunter. I brought back Stephen Taylor because myself and these fans here believe that he is best for business"
The crowd cheered as they started chanting best for business which only made triple h madder.
"You know what they say all is fair in love and war hunter."
"Family warfare"
Shane dropped his microphone and looked on at triple h and Finns confused at Shane's last comment. But Shane and Stephen didn't care as shane raised Stephens hand in victory.

They had won the first battle but the war was only just beginning in wwe.

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