Extremely naughty

By teverittt

167K 2.6K 7.6K

His wattpad account is @chachoo1 Rated M for later chapters. Marinette knows that she has to remain her somew... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

15K 220 1.5K
By teverittt

AN: Here comes the rated M....if you feel uncomfortable reading it, just stop reading at the part where Marinette confesses her love for Chat...because that's where the rated M starts...heh. I also suck at writing stuff like this, so bear with me.

Four days.

Four days have passed since Marinette had last seen Chat Noir. Not one akuma has attacked in this period of time, which made it even more unbearable that she hasn't seen her beloved black cat. Marinette sat in class, tapping her pencil on her notebook, looking frustrated that she hasn't seen this cat in a while. Tikki claimed that maybe he needed time to think about what happened, but so did Marinette. I mean, after all, she is two-timing Adrien.

Well, sort of...

Marinette stared at the back of the blonde's head in question. She loved Adrien more than she loved her life as Ladybug. She still couldn't believe that she let Chat get to her like that, intentional or not. That obnoxious black cat, who flirts every chance he gets and makes the most ridiculous cat puns the world has ever heard. Marinette can't believe she kissed him instead her sweet Adrien, who was respectful and lovable, and perfect in every way, shape, or form.

Tikki was right. She probably shouldn't have let that kitten get into her civilian and personal life. But like she said before, he was pretty intoxicating, and it didn't help the fact that the kiss they shared four days ago was truly an unforgettable moment in Marinette's life.

The bell rang and disrupted Marinette's thoughts. She sighed and put her books into her bag, as it was time for lunch. Marinette went down to her locker and removed her lunch from the top shelf of her locker. She went to the lunch room and ate in silence. Alya, who was only eating a glazed donut, skimmed through her phone, looking for pictures of the two heroes. Alya looked up when she saw how Marinette poke at her dumpling in the soup she was eating. As the concerned best friend she was, Alya tapped Marinette's shoulder, which made the blue-haired girl jump up a little from the unexpected touch.

"Mari, are you okay? You've seen down in the dumps lately. Did something happen?"

Marinette looked at her best friend, feeling guilty. She felt bad enough that she had to make her friend worry about her like that, but she also couldn't tell her that she's been waiting for a certain someone to come through her bedroom window and kiss her senseless...again.

Marinette shook her head, "It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

Nino and Adrien came by, setting their lunch on the table and taking their seats. "Mari, I know you. And whatever you're sad about, I'm sure you can tell me. You can tell all of us."

Marinette wore a sad smile on her face. "Well, um...I guess I'm just tired, you know? All these tests and stuff are overwhelming."

Alya and Nino seemed to buy it. "True that, dude," Nino said, eating his burger, "I'm really sick all of these tests. I feel like I've been failing half of them. I mean, we're juniors, yeah, but give us break."

Alya nodded, "Right. And plus, running the Ladyblog is so exhausting. Like, I haven't seen any action in the past few days! I literally have to skim through all these photos just to find something interesting. But no, they're all from last week!"

Marinette sighed and smiled. It seems she has thrown them off the track. But the one person she just couldn't look in the eye was the boy sitting across from her. She tried to be somewhat engaged in the conversation, but couldn't help but notice out of the corner of her eye that Adrien was staring right at her. She couldn't read his expression, but it looked like he was...sad? Confused? Concerned? She couldn't tell.

"How about you, Adrien? What's been bothering you lately?"

Marinette was shocked when she heard those words, because they came from her mouth. She then started to turn really red as Nino and Alya looked at her with the most amazed looks on their faces, even Adrien was surprised. Somehow, Marinette had managed to say that without stuttering, as though she felt confident enough to say those simple words.

Marinette shook her head, "Um, sorry. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to."

Adrien blinked twice and smiled. "Well, I feel really bad about something. I left someone in a really awkward situation, and I haven't talk to them since. I don't know if I ruined our relationship or not."

Marinette's mouth hung open a little. How weird, I'm practically going through the same thing. "Wow, what a coincidence. I'm actually going through the same thing myself." Shit, did I just say that out loud?

Alya stared at her friend with wide eyes. "Really, Mari? With who?"

It was at this moment where Marinette's face turned really, really red, as the memory from days ago dawned in her head. "Oh, n-no one."

"The color of your face says otherwise. Who is it? OH! Do I know them?"

Marinette hid her red face in her hands. "Um...sort of?"

"I KNEW IT! Is this person in our class?"

"Uh, well...I, er..."

"Is it Nathanael? Or Alix? Mylene?" Alya started listing names from the top of her head. "Wait, wait, don't tell me! You ran into Ladybug and said something stupid!"

"Not really Ladybug..." Marinette muttered.

"If it's not Ladybug...Chat Noir?" Nino asked, now starting on his French fries.

Marinette jumped up at the mention of the black cat's name. Alya looked at her friend with curious eyes, and then pointed a finger at her. "It's Chat Noir, isn't it?!"


"Omg, it is! What happened between you two? Was it something interesting?"

Marinette could only stare at the girl with the most astonished look on her face. Alya had a smug grin and she leaned in, causing Marinette to lean back a little.

"Let me guess, you two shared a kiss?"

Now, not only was Marinette turning a darker shade of red, but Adrien was turning red as well. He started to cough hysterically. Nino looked at him, "Dude, you okay?"

"It's just..." he gulped, "Really hot in here."

"Oh here, you can have some of my water." Nino gave Adrien his water.

"Thanks, man."

"Mari, I'm going to say this once. Did you or did you not kiss Chat Noir?" Alya asked, staring Mari dead in the eyes.

"Um...no?" Marinette looked at her friend, hoping she'd buy it.

She didn't. "Mari..."

"IT WAS JUST A QUICK KISS!" Marinette blurted out loud. She quickly covered her mouth and looked around. The entire class stared at her with the most shocked looks on their faces.

Alya was just as surprised. "...W-what?"

"Fine, it was more than a quick kiss! We made out, okay?! I initiated it! Stop interrogating me! I feel bad about it!" Mari pulled her hair, feeling embarrassed about everything she just said.

The class could do nothing but stare. This was...news to them. Never had they heard anything like this before. Marinette, the shy, clumsy and quiet girl, made out with one of Paris's most beloved heroes, Chat Noir. They only expected this kind of stuff from Chloe. But never Marinette...

"My god, Mari! I was only joking around!" Alya claimed, putting her hands up.

"You...you what?!" Marinette was not only red of embarrassment, but out of anger too. "Alya! You know I don't do well under pressure, and that I squeal when I feel really guilty about it!"

"Why would you feel guilty about kissing Chat Noir? Half the girls in Paris want to kiss him! Why would you feel so bad about it?"

"Because..." Marinette froze. Why did she feel guilty? Was her affection for Adrien getting in the way of her feelings for Chat? She had to come up with something quick, even if it was a lie. "I feel guilty because...I'm jealous! I'm jealous...about his love for Ladybug!"

The class gasped. Adrien stared at her wide-eyed, his mouth hung agape. He definitely did not expect that to be coming out of Marinette's mouth. It had to be one of the weirdest things he's heard all year long.

Alya shook her head, "No, this doesn't make sense. You're jealous about his love for Ladybug? But...you barely know him!"

"Well, lately, I've started to get to know him a little better. I, uh, see him in an alleyway every night."

The class was intrigued. This is the best drama they've heard all year. Marinette looked at her phone. There was only eight minutes left in the lunch period. Marinette sighed. Why does this happen to me?

Marinette could practically hear Tikki say, "I told you so."

Chloe glared at the poor bluenette with her beady blue eyes. "Why the hell would Chat Noir want to kiss someone like you? Come on, I know he's a cat and all, but he clearly has bad taste in girls."

Marinette looked down at her hands, which were folded on her lap. She felt as if all her energy to argue with Chloe had left her. Instead, tears filled her eyes as she is now aware of the situation she was in. Now everyone in her class knew that she's been secretly seeing the black cat. A tear fell down her cheek, and she quickly wiped it away. Adrien saw this, and glared at the blonde who was walking towards them. He stood up, blocking Chloe for coming any closer.

"Chloe, that was completely uncalled for. You shouldn't be saying stuff like that to anyone."

Alya stood up next to him, Nino standing close behind. "Yeah, dude, back off." Nino said.

"And besides, I don't see you going around kissing hot guys in tight leather suits." Alya added.

Adrien almost blushed at this, but told his brain otherwise. "You should chill, Chloe. Maybe you're jealous because Chat Noir kissed a girl who isn't you."

Chloe, as well as the rest of the class, was taken back. Marinette, still with tears in her eyes, looked at the love of her life. Adrien felt a little out of character. He was never rude to anyone like that before. His stern, angry expression on his face faltered for a moment, before he sighed. "Just...leave Marinette alone."

Chloe stared at Adrien before she coughed and put her hands on her hips. "Fine, I'll leave her alone." She glared at Mari, before turning to go back to her table.

At that moment, the bell rang and everyone scurried off to class. Adrien and Marinette stayed behind, Mari still staring at the green-eyed beauty in front of her.

"Adrien..." Her voice was shaky. She was really about to cry.

He knelt down, his hands on her face. "It's okay, Marinette. You're alright."

Marinette threw her arms around the boy and sobbed into his shoulder. Adrien wrapped his arms around her, his own eyes filling with tears. What have I done? I shouldn't be putting girls in situations like these. It's not right. He should've known something like this would have happened.

When Marinette stopped crying and her shaking was down to a minimum, he took out a clean tissue and wiped her tears away. She blushed. "Thanks...for standing up for me."

Adrien smiled softly at the girl. "Anything for you, Marinette." He stood up and offered his hand. Marinette took it and stood up. He grabbed his bag, her doing the same. "Shall we go to class?"

Marinette smiled. "Of course."

Marinette came out of the shower, her hair wrapped up in a towel. It was night time, so she threw on a tank top and a pair of boy shorts, since she didn't feel like putting on her usual pajamas tonight. Her parents currently weren't home, since they were in a different part of France for a baking convention. Marinette had the house all to herself. She took the towel off her head, and started to blow dry her hair, when she heard a knocking on her window. Marinette stiffened as she turned to the source of the noise.

There, at her window, was none other than Chat Noir.

Marinette didn't know what to do. The cat has clearly been on her mind for days now, but after what happened earlier today, she didn't know if she was ready to see him at all. She just stared at him and he stared back, not knowing what to do at this point. She wanted to open the window, but at the same time she was so upset with him that she wanted to leave him outside. Marinette sighed and walked over to the window, opening it, and turning her back on the black cat.

"Missed me, purrincess?" Chat grinned.

Marinette didn't answer. She sat down at her desk, with her back still turned to the cat.

Chat saw this, and frowned. He was not really expecting this, even after what happened at school today.

"Are you okay?"

Marinette only snorted in response, twirling her loose hair. This isn't good, Chat thought. He walked over to where Marinette could see him. Her arms folded, and she turned her head to her monitor.

"Princess, talk to me."

Marinette heard the sadness in his voice, and her eyes filled with tears again. She couldn't look at him. She was too upset to talk to him. Plus, what she even going to say? She couldn't think of anything she could tell him.

Chat sighed and got up, walking towards the window.


He stopped and he slowly turned around. Marinette got out of her chair and walked towards the cat. "You didn't come back."

He heard the anger in her voice and winced. "I know."

"I waited, and I waited, and you didn't come back. I thought I lost you." Her voice was quiet at that last part. Her head looked at the ground.

"Princess, you didn't lose me. I just needed to think-"

"And you didn't think I needed to think as well?!" She yelled. Chat's eyes widened. He has never heard Marinette yell.


"You didn't think I had to think about what I did? How I kissed you when I was aware of your feelings for Ladybug? How I feel like I'm two-timing the guy I've been in love with for as long as I can remember?! Chat, you're not the only one who needed time to think about what went down! I didn't even realize how much I fell for you until we kissed. I..." Marinette paused, trying to look for the right words to say. "I...think I'm in love with you." She looked confused, and then determined. "No...I do love you. I am so in love with you."

Chat heard all he needed to hear. He grabbed Marinette by the waist, pulling her close and kissed her passionately. Marinette immediately melted into the kiss. Her legs were wrapped around his torso and he walked towards the bed, laying Marinette on her back. Their kiss was fierce; it was something they've been longing for four days. Chat dominated the kiss; doing everything he could to make Marinette feel total bliss. Chat purred into their kiss, which only turned Marinette on even more.

Marinette wanted more than just another make out session. At least, that's how she felt. All of a sudden, she felt something...hard against her body. She moaned at this sensation, never having felt anything like this before. It was right on her sweet spot, and she knew she wanted it. But she tried to keep her sanity, loving the way Chat's kisses trailed down her jawline, onto her collarbone.

Then, his pesky fingers, those goddamn fingers found a way to the lining of her boy shorts, and he slowly pulled them down her legs until they were completely off.

Marinette gasped as she felt Chat's hand rubbing the inner part of her thigh. He was still kissing her neck, and Marinette could do nothing but moan and bite her lip, staring at the ceiling. Oh god, she wanted him. She wanted him so bad. His fingers then seized the rubbing for her thigh. She almost sighed of relief.

Until he started rubbing up and down her private.

"C-Chat! What are you-ooh~!" Marinette couldn't even finish her sentence because she knew she had died in Heaven. Or made it to Hell. Either way, she was somewhere that wasn't Earth. His hands were like magic, rubbing her vagina like there was no tomorrow. He even played around with her clit, knowing that he was going to get a loud moan from Marinette.

"Oh, Chat!" She said, her chest heaving up and down, out of control.

Chat stopped kissing her neck and trailed his nose down to her private. He took a whiff of her. Vanilla, he thought. And then, his tongue quickly submerged into her core. God, she's wet. And really tight. He licked around the walls of her private; his tongue was swirling around in a circle. He found her clit once again and started licking the very tip of it. Marinette moaned again, lifting her hand and putting it on top of Chat's head, forcing him to go deeper.

And so he did, licking and sucking in a way that Marinette could not describe. For someone who has never done this before, he seemed to be pretty experienced. Marinette was up to her climax, but tried to hold it in. By the way her body started twitching, Chat realized what she was doing and grinned, planting a kiss right on top of her flower. He went back up and kissed Marinette, his tongue in her mouth so that she could taste herself. She didn't want to brag, but she tasted pretty good.

While he was still kissing her, his hand went up her shirt and squeezed her breast. Marinette parted from the kiss quickly, to let out a small gasp and a moan. Chat lifted up her shirt, revealing her small but plump breasts. Her nipples were really pink and hard. He flicked at her nipple, making her shudder at his touch. Chat looked up at Marinette who could only stare back. He grinned.

"Kitty needs his milk."

Marinette, had she not been as horny as she was at that moment, would've thrown the black cat off the bed. But all she did was lift his head up and kiss him, much to his amusement. He pulled away, and went straight to work. He licked one nipple, while he grasped the other boob in his hand, massaging it. Marinette moaned his name, and once again, she felt his erection against her private. God, was he stalling? She wanted him in her so bad, which was the only thought in her head.

"Chat..." she moaned, trying to find the right words, "Do you...have protection?"

Chat seized his magic and looked up, Marinette's blue eyes shining as bright as stars. He nodded, pulling out only one packaged condom from his pocket. Marinette questioned why the boy had a condom on him, but shook her head and sat up. She ripped open the packaging, as Chat took off the belt around his waist and zipped his zipper down (Marinette didn't think he had a zipper. His suit is so dark she couldn't tell.), revealing black boxers. In one swift motion, he pulled off the pants, boots, and boxers, revealing toned legs and a very large...

Oh, my.

Marinette gulped at the size of Chat's member. Boy, was that thing huge. She has never seen anything like it before, and it drove her mad. She quickly put the condom over his cock, making sure it was fixed properly. Chat pushed her down onto the bed, and kissed her senseless. He held his member in his hand, which was throbbing like crazy. Chat never felt so horny in his life. He decided to tease Marinette, putting the tip of his cock on the lips of her vagina, moving it up and down. Marinette moaned and closed her eyes, biting her lip, but she was unhappy with what he was doing. He saw her frustration and smirked, finally penetrating the impatient girl. She gasped as he entered, and she felt a bit of blood run down from her vagina, staining her bed sheets.

Great, now she had to do laundry.

This, however, turned Chat on so much. He started to move inside of her, very slowly. Marinette's eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"Oh, Chat~!" Marinette was finally satisfied that she was getting what she wanted.

He started to move a little faster, and the bed started to creak. But they both didn't care. In and out, in and out, the bed started to creak even louder. Marinette's moans turned into small screams of pleasure. Her brain was going crazy, and she didn't want it to stop.

"Faster, harder!" She craved for his dick to pound her like there was no tomorrow.

"Your...wish is my command...p-princess!" Chat was breathless, and he started to go a bit faster, and his balls slammed against her ass. Marinette grabbed her pillow and screamed her head off in pleasure.

They were both on the verge of climaxing, and Marinette didn't seem to care this time.

"C-Chat! I'm gonna..." And she sighed as her actions spoke for her. White fluids left her body and onto his cock. Her breath was heavy, and her chest was heaving up and down. She felt better, a lot better actually. Chat stopped thrusting, and collapsed on top of the girl, breathless and pretty exhausted. He looked at the girl, who has small beads of sweat running down her face, but she also looked back. He smiled and kissed her, her brain losing the very small train of thought that she started to regain.

"Princess, I love you, too. I'm head over paws for you." He smiled at his pun, and for the first time ever she smiled back. His miraculous beeped. Chat looked at his ring. One dot left. How did that even happen?

"Uh, oh. I'd love to chat, but I'd better run. They might notice I've been missing." He took off the condom and threw it in the trash. He quickly put on his clothes and walked towards the window. Marinette had put on a robe, and walked to Chat, his legs dangling out the window. He turned around and gave Marinette a kiss on the lips, one that she wouldn't be able to get out of her mind for hours, along with everything else that just happened. He gave her a two finger salute, and jumped out of the window. Marinette watched him, as he left her sight.

I wonder how mad Tikki is right now...

AN: I am so sorry, I have no idea what I'm doing. Oh look, a corner. I will go and question my life in it.

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