Extremely naughty

By teverittt

167K 2.6K 7.6K

His wattpad account is @chachoo1 Rated M for later chapters. Marinette knows that she has to remain her somew... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 1

26.9K 308 573
By teverittt

AN: Although this is my first fanfic of Miraculous Ladybug, and my first fanfic on this site, I am not a stranger to writing fanfiction. This is set in their junior year of high school. I hope you all enjoy this story and leave a review on what you think.

Chapter 1

Marinette was not having a good day. In fact, her day started off horribly, by her waking up at 9:45 a.m. ...on a Monday...when she's supposed to be at school.

She screamed at her phone so loud when she saw the time. Why didn't Tikki wake me up? She thought to herself, looking for the kwami in question. Sure enough, there was Tikki, sleeping soundly on her tiny bed on Marinette's nightstand. Marinette violently shook the creature with her finger, which caused poor Tikki to fall out of her bed, glaring at the wide-eyed girl. When Tikki saw Marinette's face, her glare turned into a look of concern.

"Marinette, what's wrong?" Tikki asked, looking into Marinette's sea-blue eyes.

"Tikki, I'm late!" Marinette jumped out of bed, rushing to the closet. She threw her clothes onto her bed, and rushed down to the bathroom. Luckily, her parents were down in the bakery, so she wasn't going to be scolded for being late...again. Not now, anyway. She quickly brushed her teeth and took a very quick shower. She changed into her clothes, falling over while she was trying to her pants on.

Tikki was watching the flustered girl with an amused look on her face. She knew Marinette never was one with punctuality, but she didn't think it would be such a problem. Although, Marinette is usually late to school, she's never really late to class. Today was different though.

Marinette, oblivious to the kwami watching her, packed up her bag, and ran downstairs, Tikki close behind. She went to the counter, running around the island, grabbing an apple and a cookie. She quickly stuffed Tikki and the cookie in her purse, and bit into the apple, running out of the house.

She ignored Sabine's scolding as she ran out of the bakery and across the street. Several cars stopped and honked their horns in frustration as the girl ran towards the school. Finished with her apple, she threw it in the nearby garbage can and ran up the front steps and ran to the door of her class. She looked at her phone to see the time.

10:35 A.M.

Marinette knew she screwed up this time, feeling very skeptical and scared about what would happen if she walked into that class. She peered into the door window and looked around, watching everyone taking a test-


Marinette mentally scolded herself as she realized today was the big history exam. The fortunate part was that she had studied all night long. The unfortunate part was that she couldn't remember a single thing.

Her eyes wandered around the classroom, looking at the teacher grading some papers, over to a certain blonde boy who looked very concentrated as his brows furrowed at the test. Marinette couldn't help but sigh at the sight of Adrien Agreste, who was the best thing that happened to her since Alya and Tikki. She loved looking at those bright green orbs of his, and she always felt like she was drowning into them. His smile was as bright as the sun, and his laugh-

Marinette's thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and she almost fell face flat on the floor. She scrambled to stand up straight and looked at the bemused teacher, Marinette's face flushed with red out of embarrassment. The teacher sighed and brought two of her fingers to the bridge of her nose, pinching it.

"Marinette, it is one thing to come late to class. But peering into the classroom and ignoring the fact that students are trying to concentrate is something completely unacceptable." The teacher scolded.

Marinette flinched at her words. The teacher continued, "If Chloe hadn't pointed out that you were standing outside and was looking straight at Adrien," Marinette had turned beet red at this point, looking down at her shoes, "then I probably wouldn't have even noticed you at all. Now, go to your seat. You'll be taking the test from now until half of your lunch period."

Marinette didn't need to be told twice as she quickly walked to her seat and sat down, her head on the table. She couldn't help but notice that Chloe was looking at her with an evil facial expression, before she turned around to work on the test. Marinette groaned while Alya comforted her friend by rubbing her hand up and down her back.

When Marinette miserably finished her test and handed it in to the teacher, she went down to the courtyard to join Alya. Her friend eagerly waited for her arrival as she grabbed Marinette's hand and pulled her to their usual lunch table. Alya was beaming with joy, and Marinette couldn't help but chuckle at the excited teen.

"What are you so happy about, Alya?" Marinette asked.

Alya handed her phone to Marinette, explaining her happiness. "Look at this recent photo of Ladybug! Her hair is not in its usual pigtails, it's practically flowing in the wind. And Chat Noir certainly ain't complaining either." Alya zoomed in on the black cat's rather curious facial expression.

Marinette remembered this like it was yesterday, which it was. Her ribbons were destroyed in the akuma attack, so she had to leave her hair out, which somewhat annoyed her. Her obnoxious partner couldn't even work properly, as he kept staring at the girl with intense curiosity. Quickly shaking her head to rid of these thoughts, Marinette looked at Alya and sighed.

"You do know she only had her hair out because her ribbons were destroyed, right?"

"I know, but it's a once-in-a-lifetime oppurtunity to see this happen! I'm definitely posting this on the Ladyblog!"

"Post what on the Ladyblog?" A much more masculine voice asked.

Marinette nearly fell out of her seat as she looked at the blonde beauty in front of her, his golden locks tucked behind his ear as he looked at the phone curiously. Alya quickly told him about the fight yesterday and what happened with Ladybug's hair.

As if he needed to know what went down.

Adrien smiled at the picture, which made Marinette melt inside. "Ladybug does look really good with her hair out. She should do it more often," he said, oblivious to the blushing bluenette staring at him. Marinette, while it was somewhat indirect, took the compliment anyway. She failed to notice that another blonde was making her way towards the three friends.

"Adrien, there you are! I've been looking all over for you," Chloe said, grabbing Adrien's arm, much to his dismay. "What are you doing, hanging out with these two? Don't you have better things to do than stand here and watch these two losers speak nonsense all day?"

Mari glared at her enemy, Alya doing the same action. Adrien frowned, "Chloe that is no way to speak to my friends like that."

Chloe gasped dramatically. "Friends?! Oh, my dear Adrien, have they brainwashed you? Are you sick?" She touched his forehead, which was warm. "You don't seem too hot. Are you feeling okay?"

Marinette rolled her eyes at Chloe, "Please, Chloe. We're not brainwashing him. He was just curious about a picture of Ladybug." She even took Alya's phone and showed her the picture of the heroine.

Chloe rolled her eyes and held onto Adrien's arm even tighter. "Whatever. It's not like anyone cares about a change in her appearance. I think I can speak for all of Paris when I say that those stupid pigtails are ridiculous anyway." It was at this moment Chloe looked at Marinette's own pigtails and snickered. "I can also speak for all of Paris when I say they look even worse on you," she cackled like the evil witch she is.

Marinette twirled one of her pigtails, suddenly feeling self-conscious about them. Alya was just about to tell her off, when Adrien spoke up.

And his words took Marinette by surprise.

"I think Marinette looks adorable with those pigtails, Chloe." He said, pulling his arm away from Chloe's grasp. Marinette couldn't believe her ears. Did Adrien really compliment my pigtails? Did he really just compliment ME?! Mari looked at the boy, who only winked back at her. Her face turned pink, as she blushed furiously at the sweet boy. Alya gave Marinette a thumbs-up, which only made her blush even more.

Chloe was raging mad. She glared at Marinette, her icy-blue eyes piercing the brains of the other girl. "This isn't over." She flipped her hair and sashayed towards Sabrina, who looked like she was going to pee her pants by the look on Chloe's face. Marinette turned to Adrien, who only stared at Chloe. She tugged his shirt. He reverted his emerald orbs to her sapphire ones.

"T-t-thanks for d-defending m-m-m-me," she stammered, biting her lip while she mentally cursed herself.

"It's no problem, pri-Marinette," The boy said, his face having a little tint of pink. He almost bit his tongue when he realized what he was about to say. Nevertheless, Marinette failed to notice this slip-up as she dug her toe into the ground, tucking her hair behind her ear. Adrien smiled and leaned towards Marinette, shocking the poor girl. He whispered in her ear.

"And I wasn't lying when I said those pigtails make you look adorable."

Adrien then leaned back and parted ways with the girls just as the bell rang. He chuckled to himself when he heard Alya ask, "What did he tell you?" and "Marinette, you look like you're going to faint."

Chat Noir loved to patrol the city at night. It was the one of the only times he got to take a break from his shitty life and enjoy his freedom. He sat on a building, surveying all of Paris below him, enjoying the noises of cars honking and driving and music that moved through the streets. However, as beautiful as the scenery was, he was getting kind of bored. Without his lady to keep him company, he felt somewhat lonely despite Plagg still being able to communicate with him while he was Chat.

Chat Noir sighed as he ran his hand threw his messy silk hair. He didn't want to go home to his horrible, dull life, but he didn't want to be bored either. Chat Noir decided he would pay someone a visit.

That someone just happened to live above a bakery.

So Chat jumped from building to building, trying to remember the route to the girl's house, when he spotted the girl herself, on the balcony of her home, staring at the night sky. He smirked, watching as the girl was lost in the stars, apparently enjoying the view. Chat changed his route a bit, making sure she couldn't see him coming towards her home. He jumped onto her roof as quietly as possible, watching the girl marvel at the beauty of Paris.

"It's a purrfect night for stargazing, huh?"

Marinette nearly jumped out her skin when she heard the black cat speak. She swiveled her head towards the boy, who now jumped down from the roof, onto her balcony. He expected her to be all wide-eyed and excited at the sight of him, but instead, she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"What are you doing here, kitty?" Marinette asked, unamused.

"What? Can't a knight visit his princess?" Chat said, a smirk forming on his face.

"Shouldn't you be watching over Paris?" Marinette said, knowing very well that it was his night to patrol.

"I did already. I got bored. So I decided to check on my beloved princess." He said, grabbing Marinette's hand and kissing it.

She pulled away, a small smile on her face. "Your princess is fine, thank you very much." Just then, a wind blew and it made Marinette chilly. She shivered as it passed by, leaving Chat with a grin on his face. Marinette was confused, until he swept her off her feet, much to her alarm. He opened the door to her room and carried her inside. He finally put her down and she pouted.

"Stupid cat. I could have come in on my own."

"Yes, but I felt as though I needed to bring you in myself." He said. He looked around Marinette's room, taking in all the pink. While it wasn't as big as his own room, he couldn't help but marvel at the sight of the small bedroom. He walked towards her desk and noticed pictures of himself as Adrien posing for the camera. He took one down as the memory of the photo in his hands came back to him.

"And, who's this?" He asked, although he already knew the answer.

Marinette turned a light pink, as she grabbed the picture from Chat's hand and placed it back on the wall. "That's Adrien Agreste. He is only the most perfect human being I have ever laid my eyes on."

Chat Noir gasped, and put a hand over his chest. "Even more purrfect than me?"

Marinette couldn't help but chuckle. "Yes you silly kitty."

"Me-owch, that hurts like a ton of bricks." He pretended to be fainting, and fell into Marinette's couch. "Oh, woe is me. My princess doesn't believe I'm perfect!"

Marinette rolled her eyes in amusement, sitting on her bed, twisting her pigtail as she remembered a certain memory from today.

"He called me adorable, you know. I didn't think he found me adorable at all. I always thought he found me klutzy and kind of a goofball." Her eyes were closed for a moment, as she spoke again. "I can't even form a complete sentence around him. He makes me feel so weak and I can't even speak to him without blurting something stupid." She looked at Chat, his fiery green eyes staring at her with such curiosity. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking about him to you."

For once, Chat was speechless. To be honest, he always thought Marinette was afraid of him, when all this time she had a crush on him. While he was somewhat taken back, he couldn't help but feel sad. He didn't want anyone falling for boring old Adrien. To him, Adrien was the mask whereas Chat Noir was the real him. He only stayed with this façade because his father wouldn't approve of Adrien disrespecting and bringing shame to the family name. He knew people falling for him as Chat would be somewhat impossible, especially since he quickly disappears after an akuma attack. He had always hoped that his lady would one day fall for him, regardless of whether she knew who he was or not. But she was always uninterested which only made him feel hopeless and sad.

Chat Noir looked at the girl in front of him, who was staring back at him with a confused look on her face. He realized that she might have said something, but failed to notice while he was thinking.

"Kitty," she said, her eyes filled with concern, "Are you okay?"

Chat Noir blinked, then nodded his head. "I was kind of lost in my thoughts, sorry."

Marinette made a fake gasp as she walked over and sat next to Chat, who was still lying on her couch. "Chat Noir, thinking about something? My god, it's a miracle."

He stuck his tongue out at her and flipped her off, which only made her giggle. "Yeah, yeah, well, I'm full of surprises." His cocky grin came back as he sat up and leaned close to the girl, their faces inches apart.

Marinette's pupils dilated, but nevertheless, she kept her cool appearance. She pushed the boy away with a finger to the nose, and shook it in his face. "Watch it, kitty. I need my personal space. I can't have you invading it."

Chat only shrugged. "Don't worry. Pretty soon, all you will want is me invading your purrsonal space. I leave the kind of effect on girls." He ran his fingers through his hair.

"In your dreams, Chat."

"No, my princess, in your dreams," he said, running two fingers up her arm. She shuddered at his touch, but her facial expression didn't falter. She yawned, reaching over to grab her phone to check the time.

12:09 A.M.

Marinette looked at the black cat, grabbed his hand, and pulled him towards the nearest window.

"Sorry kitty, as much as I would love to chat," He grinned at her pun, whereas she mentally scolded herself, "I have school in the morning, and I wouldn't want to be late again."

"Seems reasonable. But before I go, can I have a farewell kiss, my princess?" He said, leaning in again, their faces only centimeters apart. Marinette could feel his breath warming her face. She looked into those big green eyes of his, and shook her head.

Chat Noir sighed as he leaned back, "Rejection is so cruel. Oh well. 'Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow'."

Marinette looked at the silly cat, "Was that Shakespeare?"

Chat grinned, "If I say yes, will you kiss me?"

She laughed, "Silly cat, go away!"

Chat gave a two finger salute as his legs dangled from the window, "Oh well, can't say I didn't try."

And like that, he was gone, jumping from rooftop to rooftop until he was out of her sight.

Marinette sighed as she went to her bed and crawled under her covers. Tikki watched the girl as she hovered over her.

"You know, it's dangerous for him to come in here. You two could get into a lot of trouble."

Marinette buried her head into her pillow. "I know."

Tikki raised an eyebrow, "Do you, now?"

Marinette sighed, "The thing is...I want him to come back. I want my silly kitty."

Tikki was in shock. "Mari, are you falling for him?"

"Pfft, as if. Still," She looked at the kwami, "I don't want him to leave."

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