Cuts and Coffee - Isak Valter...

By Jaguary0013

15.9K 334 202

This story is about Isak Valtersen, who is a second year at the Hartvig Nissen Skole. He struggles with a lot... More

~ Emaciated ~
~ Star ~
~ Clarity ~
~ Decisions ~
~ Reveal ~
~ Even ~
~ Isak ~
~ Dancin' ~
~ F • R • I • E • N • D • S ~
~ What a Feeling ~
~ H o r n y ~
~ Hva? ~
~ Date night & Smooches ~
~ Like the old days ~
~ P R I D E ~
~ Nailpolish and deep kisses ~
~ Stuck in my brain again ~
~ H E R ~
~ Doctor's appointment & a sweet surprise ~
~ V O I D ~
~ Gratulerer med dagen, Isak! ~
~ Summer holidays ~
~ Scrambled eggs and a relaxing morning ~
~ Kids? ~

~ Blood ~

2K 33 23
By Jaguary0013

»My phone's dead
so don't text me.
Should've known you'd break my heart
right when you met me.«

It stung.
It stung so, so goddamn much every time he did it.
Carefully, Isak put the little blade back into the red box he took it from.
Inside of the box were some more blades, some bandaids and some plasters.
What did Isak do you might ask? Well, Isak Valtersen harmed himself.
"To forget everything", like he always said.

It's been a boring Friday afternoon and Isak didn't have anything else to do. He felt lost and sad again, so an idea flew into his mind.
He sat down on his bed, took one of the many blades out of the red box that he hid under his wardrobe and pulled up the sleeves of his grey hoodie.
The first cut that he had made wasn't that deep, so he tried to cut deeper.
And after a while, he succeeded.

Now Isak was sitting on his bed, legs dangling from the edge of the bed. The duvet hasn't been changed in quite a while, which wasn't that nice.
Isak's left arm was bleeding onto a pile of some pieces of toilet paper, that he had gotten out of his closet.
He kept toilet paper rolls in his closet, just in case he'd cut too deep.
The bleeding didn't seem to stop, so Isak decided to cover his arm up.
He put some clean pieces of toilet paper on the big wound, which was still open, wrapped a bandaid around it and threw the bloody pieces of toilet paper into the toilet. Carefully of course. He didn't want to clog up the toilet.

After Isak was done with cleaning up, he washed his slightly bloody hands and went back to his room.
While he was listening to some music on his phone, Isak noticed a bit of blood on the duvet.
"Damn, is my arm bleeding that much?", Isak mumbled, carefully pulling up the left sleeve of his hoodie.
And yes, the blood had made its way through the hoodie.
"Fy faen, now I have to wash that at night again", Isak said, groaning in pain and frustration.
But he didn't want to draw any attention to himself, so he laid back down on his bed and continued to relax.

The weekends usually weren't that boring, Isak usually spends his Friday nights at a party or something like that.
But tonight, he had let his friends go to a party without him.
While Isak was thinking about going to said party, his phone buzzed.
Chris: Halla! Wanna crash at my place? I've got coke! ;-)
Isak grinned. Chris always knew how to lift his mood.
Jonas had told Isak to tone it down with the coke, but Isak didn't listen. He couldn't listen.
He needed something to escape his world. Self-harming didn't always do it, so he had to find more ways.
Isak: Okay. I'll be there at 9 pm.
Isak looked at the clock on the wall. 8:45 pm.
Quickly the blonde boy gathered some things for the night before he left his room.

Out of breath, Isak arrived at Chris' place.
After a while, Chris opened the door, only wearing a pair of shorts and his black penetrator hoodie.
"Halla", Isak said, his voice was raspy from running so fast.
"Halla, Isak", Chris said, closing the door behind Isak.
"Wanna drink something?", Chris asked as he walked straight to the kitchen.
Isak nodded, too exhausted to answer.

With a beer in one and a joint in the other hand, the two boys sat down on the grey sofa.
Chris had turned up some music and both were chilling and enjoying the moment.
After they had finished their drinks, Chris asked: "Are you ready for the real action?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I am", Isak responded, getting out a clean razor blade that he had brought with him.
Chris got out a small bag with some coke and the two snorted a few lines.

About an hour later, some other guests had joined the two.
The house was full, but not too full. Not packed or anything.
The music was vibrating in Isak's chest and his head felt fuzzy.
Someone had brought some lean over and Isak didn't hesitate to drink two cups.
It tasted disgusting, but Isak took whatever made him forget about his problems for a few hours.

Later on, it was 11 pm, Isak was drunk. Like, completely drunk.
He had already puked four times, it was that bad.
But Isak shrugged it off, he drank some more lean and after a while he made out with Chris.
They had done that before, but only in a drunken state.
"Talk" by Salvatore Ganacci was playing in the background, the music had gotten a bit louder and Isak loved every minute of it.
Chris' tongue was down Isak's throat and Isak was almost choking on it.
Isak's hands were everywhere on Chris' body and the two were getting more and more worked up.
While Isak was undressing, Chris asked: "Do you want to go upstairs?"
Isak nodded and the two made their way upstairs.

Chris had a big bed with a comfy mattress, which Isak already knew.
His naked back hit the soft and clean duvet, Chris immediately pinned Isak down.
His slim fingers fumbled on Isak's belt, trying to open it.
After Isak helped out, the belt was open.
It didn't take too long for both of them to get undressed.
Chris knew about Isak harming himself, he had tried to stop him from doing it.
But sadly, Isak didn't listen. So it didn't bug Chris when he saw the bandaid, that was drenched in blood.

Chris went down on Isak.
Isak threw his head back, which caused him to get even dizzier than he already was.
"Ah, fy faen", Isak moaned, before he grabbed Chris' hair and pulled on it.
But before Isak could climax, Chris stopped.
While Isak whined, Chris put on a condom and pushed his length into Isak without stretching him.
They always had wanted to try that out, ever since they had started meeting up and sleeping with each other four months ago.

Isak's nails ran down on Chris' back, leaving red marks.
"Yes! Yes, that's the spot!", Isak screamed while Chris hit his sweet spot multiple times.
The music was still playing, so Isak figured he could be a little bit louder for once.
Chris moaned deeply, signaling Isak that his climax was near.
His hips began to shake and his breath got shaky, too. Chris' climax hit him like a truck.
Isak came shortly after, his length twitched like crazy.

Exhausted but happy the two laid next to each other.
Chris grinned. "That was wild", he said.
"Yeah, yeah. Very wild", Isak responded, before he got up to clean himself.
After that, he put his clothes back on.
"C'mon, let's go and drink some more booze", Isak said and Chris grinned.
"That's my boy", he said before he put his clothes back on as well.
Chris pressed a kiss on Isak's cheek before the two went back downstairs.

Gin Tonic, Vodka and other alcoholic beverages were downed by Isak that night.
He went at it with Chris again.
Isak needed it tonight. He needed to forget the pain, that didn't seem to leave his mind.
He needed to feel wanted, if not desired by somebody. That explained why he went at it with Chris again that night.
Isak stayed afterward. Another joint was enough to make him sleepy.

It was around 6 am in the morning when Isak left.
He took a shower at home, put on his pajamas and went back to sleep for one hour.
Since he suffered from insomnia, he couldn't sleep that well.
But after he took some sleeping pills, his eyelids got heavy and he drifted off to sleep.
(Wortcount: 1325 words)

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