The Dead Officer's Truth OR F...

By SheHatesMee

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What happens when the person you thought to be dead from the past 2 years stands alive in front of you...? We... More

Introduction of characters
Part 1- The Well Deserved Sleep
Part 2- New Day. New Shocks
Part 3- Reality turned Nightmare.
Part 4- A new bond found.
Part 5- The untold past
Part 6-The revelation
Part 7- Waking Sleeping Beauty Up
Part 8-It's Time...
Part 9- Home Sweet Home.
Part 10- Peaceful Sleep
Part 11-Back To Work.
Part 12- Unpleasant First Meet
Part 13- Confrontation
Part 14- The Meeting
Part 15- The Escape
Part 16- Plan In Action
Part 17- Monsters From The Past
Part 18 - Friends?
Part 19- To New Beginnings
Part 20- Knock From The Past.
Part 21- The New Case
Part 22- The Trap
Part 23- Let's Propose Her
Part 24- Planning Plotting
Part 25 - The Rathores
Part 26- The Chief's Bride
Part 27 - You Sure?
Part 28 - The Patch Up Plan
Part 29 - The Surprise
Part 30 - Bad Day ?
Part 31 - The Big Brother
Part 32 - The Wait
Part 33 - Changes
Part 35 - The Hook Up Plan
Part 36 - The Bachelor /Bachelorette Party
Part 37 - Gauri Pooja
Part 38 - Distance
Part 39 - Let's Talk
Part 40 - Sangeet Time
Part 41 - Mehandi - l
Part 42 - Mehandi - ll
Part 43 - Haldi & Preps
Part 44 - The Wedding
Part 45 - The After Wedding
Part 46 - Decisions
Part 47 - The Aftermath
Part 48 - Normal ?
Part 49 - Plan B
Part 50 - New Beginnings New Home
Part 51 - An Awkward Start
Part 52 - A New Routine
Part 53 - Realization
Part 54 - Conversations

Part 34 - The Kapoors

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By SheHatesMee

Part 34

Those 2 persons move towards us making our hearts beat at an exceptionally irregular speed as we both step back. But before they can come near us, Dad comes in between us and them just like our protection wall shielding us from them.

" What the he are you both doing here!!?? "
Dad shouts at them in full anger mood.

" Nilesh..... "
I hear that man say as he looks at Dad with regret and nervousness in his eyes while his wife stands quietly with her eyes staring her feet.
" We are here to see our dear nieces..!!! Wwwe..... "

Before he could say anything more, Dad stops him there itself as he snaps back with anger still in his tone ;

" Don't you dare...!!!
You killed your nieces few days after your brother and sister in law died...
And theses 2 girls here are MY DAUGHTERS!!!!!!!
And I don't want selfish and greedy people like you even be near my daughters...

So get the hell out of my house..!!! "

" Please Nilesh....
We do regret our actions...
That's why we are here to apologize for them..!! "
The lady finally speaks as she looks at Dad with small tears threatening to fall from her eyes..

At this point, I start feeling scared.
This is a very cunning woman.
Years ago she did drama to the perfection and succeeded in taking me and Aayu away from Mom-Dad after the death of our real parents claiming that they will take complete care of us both since we are the last memories of their elder brother.
After what they had us go through during that 1 week we stayed with them....
It only left dark scars in our minds.

Hoping that it does not happen again, I start praying in my mind.

Please Dad please...
Don't fall for her tears...
You know she's doing drama..
Please don't let them come back in our lives...
Don't forget what they had done to your girls..
Please Dad...

And I can say that even Aayu is currently hoping for the same in her mind as she's equally disturbed and scared as me.

" O please Neeti....

Spare me that crap...

I already know how excellent actresses you are..
Infact you both are, so don't waste your energy and my time...

I'm NOT letting you both back in our lives, and you better get that straight..!!!!! "

Dad says in the most mocking yet seriously warning tone ever.

Turning towards Mom, she continues her drama with tears in her eyes.
And I've this very very strong feeling that those tears are only for show-off.

Please God.
Please don't let Mom fall for that.
I know Mom is very calm and forgiving but please don't let her fall again in the trap of this woman's fake tears as she did years ago.
I beg of you.

" Neelam...
At least..... "

" NOOOO.... "
Mom shouts without a single delay making us all turn towards her.
She does look angry,
Very angry to be more accurate..!!

And this is not a good sign...
Trust me...
I know my Mom..
She's the type of person who will not hesitate forgiving a person who did bad, very bad to her. That too with a smile.

But each and every time she's got angry, hell did break on the person in front of her.

" You don't deserve it...
You don't deserve any kind of chance after what you both did to my babies..!!

You both almost killed my daughters..

I will never forgive you for that..!!! "
Mom says with determination in her voice making me and Aayu breath now relieved that Mom is not gonna fall into her trap.

" I know what we had done and behaved that time was not good. Infact was very very bad..!!!

But trust us...
Now we are changed people.

We sincerely regret our actions..

When we came to know about Riya's death few years back, we were all devastated.
It made us realize our mistakes..!!

And when Abhay told us that Riya has not died but is still alive and also that Ayesha is getting married , made us realize how important these 2 are to us..!!

That's why we came here to see our nieces and apologize for our behavior....

After all they are our blood..!!!!!! "

" Don't you dare...!!!! "
Another voice shouts making us look towards it's source coming behind the couple's back.
It's Shubordh Uncle standing with his bag on the floor and disgust written all over his face as he looks at that couple while walking pass them entering the house and stopping them at the door itself ;

" Don't you dare claim your blood ties with Ayesha-Riya...

We can't waste our time and blood on something so insignificant.
Are your words only Neeti...!!!!

And as far as I remember, you agreed with your wife without a single seconds delay Harsh....!!!!

Didn't you....!!!??

You left without even turning back or even wondering what could have happened that day if Neelam hadn't have reached the goddamned hospital on time..!!!!

Riya-Ayesha are Neelam and Nilesh's Daughters........
They do not only carry their names, but they also have their blood running in their veins...!!!

So don't you ever dare exercise any kind of blood rights here.....!!!!! "

The ever smiling Shubordh Uncle also changed as soon as he spotted Harsh Kapoor and his high-class wife Neeti Kapoor.
To say these are my paternal Uncle and Aunt, the younger brother of my dead father.
After what theses 2 did to me and Aayu, it's best that they are kept away from us both.

" Even I apologize for my silence.. "
Another voice coming from behind Harsh and Neeti says.

These two had already made us all remember bitter memories, now who the hell is this 3rd one now!!???

I see Harsh and Neeti get on the sides as we all stand there shocked seeing that old lady folding her hands as she apologizes.

This can't be actually happening..
Am I actually dreaming or what!!??

The woman who never even accepted any of her mistake ever, is saying sorry that too with folded hands.

" Sumitra Aunty.....!!!???? "
Mom finally says after a long silence bringing us all to the present.

So it's not a dream..!!!
She's actually here...
Mrs Sumitra Kapoor...
My Dadi. (Paternal Grandma)

There she is.
She hasn't changed at all.
She still looks the same.
But has her behavior changed???
Has she finally accepted us!!??

I look at Mom at this time, I can say that even she is thinking same as me.
But as she continues, we look back at her ;

" Neelam Dear..
I know what happened in the past cannot be undone.
No matter how much they try to say, I know they will not be able to convince you of the fact that they have actually changed.
And even I am ashamed of the fact that I stayed quiet when they did all those bad things to theses 2 delicate girls.
But trust me they have been punished for this...!!!

Just see..
Even after soo many years of wedding and treatment, they could not be successful in having a child..

They had troubled these 2 innocent kids, that's why God didn't bless them with their own child.

It took time and they did understand that they were wrong..!!
And along with them, so did I realize my mistake.

That's why we are all here.

We really want to atone for our mistakes.

Please allow us to do so.
Please let us also be part of Ayesha's wedding..
Please don't leave us out of this..!!! "

She pleads with Mom-Dad with her hands folded.
At this point we are all completely shocked by her.

What to do...!!??
What to say...!!??

None of us had any kind of idea.

" Nilesh....
I think we need to talk... "
Mom says minutes later breaking the silence in here.

Dad just looks at her and then says ;

" Shreeee.... "

" I'll be right here with Aayu and Rii, Uncle...!!! "
Shree says understanding Dad's meaning as Dad moves away from us exposing Aayu and me to those 3 notorious Kapoors.
Before they could get the chance to get near us as Dad moves, Shree comes in between them and us.

After Mom Dad goes in their room to clearly discuss about the present situation, Shree says ;

" Aayuuuu...
We should go and sit..!!!
We still have a long day awaiting us, it's better to relax a little..!!!

Right Baba!!?? "

Shree says as he tries to make the atmosphere less tensed and Shubordh Uncle replies ;

" You're right Shree..
C'mon inside girls.. "

He says as he leads us back to the living room.

By this time, Chotu, Savitri Aunty and Samraat also arrives.
Not to mention that seeing Harsh, Neeyi and Sumitra in our house got Savitri Aunty and Chotu worked up as well while Samraat looked lost with the happenings but remained silent.
Maybe even he understood that it's not the right time to ask anything.

Neelam - Nilesh Room

" Are you out of your mind Neelam..!!??? "
Nilesh half shouts at Neelam as the latter looks at him with an uncertain hope in her eyes while Nilesh continues ;
" After all what happened....!!! After all the bad things they did... You still wanna take them with us for Baby's wedding!!!!??? "
Nilesh exclaims all surprised at his wife.

" I know Nilesh, after everything that happened, everything they did, we should not even let them be near our daughters, but I'm not talking about Harsh and Neeti here..
I'm talking about Sumitra Aunty.!!!
For the first time ever, I've seen concern and care on her eyes for the girls...
Just because she didn't liked the fact that Jhanvi to become her daughter-in-law, despite her clear objections, she never cared for the girls as well.

Though Jhanvi didn't wanted to go against Sumitra Aunty's wishes, she married Mohit because not only she loved him a lot but also because it was Naman Uncle's last wish that he wants them married before he dies.

You and I, we both know how much Jhanvi wanted the girls to get the love and affection of both their Nani & Dadi...
Her entire life, my sister tried convincing that woman that she did not wanted to hurt her and not to punish her daughters for her actions, but Sumitra Aunty only ignored them all.

I'm not telling you that I trust them.
I still don't trust them, I will not trust them ever..

All I am saying is that to allow Sumitra Aunty to be part of Baby's wedding so that Jhanvi's soul can be at peace that finally her wish came true and that her mother-in-law finally accepted her daughters.

And it's not like we are going to let them be alone with the girls. Didn't you see how Shree and Shubordh reacted. One of us will always be with them, do there's no chance that they can hurt or harm our daughters at any time.

Please Nilesh, try to calm down and think about all this with a cool mind.. "

Neelam says as she tries to make her husband understand her point of view.

" Exactly....
That's what I'm saying...

How that woman changed her mind all of a sudden..!!??

Neelam, that woman is my best friend's mother..
I've known her ever since I was a child.
That's why I'm telling you that something is really wrong with her behavior..!!!

You know that Jhanvi wanted the girls to be close to their Dadi...
But do you know that Mohit wanted that woman away from the girl's..!!!

I don't really know why..
But he did tell me that there's something fishy with Sumitra Aunty, but before he could tell me what, he died.

I don't know what he was about to say, but all I know is that if he said that the girl's would be better off staying far from that woman means that they will be safe and happy away from her..!!!! "

" But Nilesh.... "

" NO NEELAM...!!!!! "
Nilesh now shouts loud.

" I don't want to know anything...
I don't want them to bring any bad luck to my daughters anymore..!!!

I don't even want them near them..!!
I said it before and I'm saying it again,
You are very forgiving and calm but I am not....
So don't keep any expectation from me concerning those people..!!! "

" And what about my sister!!??
What about her wishes... Her feelings..!!??

Do they not mean anything to you!!?? "

At this point, they both look at each other with pain in their eyes.
The thing that they both hate the most is happening..
They are having an argument about to turn in a fight.
Both of them are right at their places, they both know it. Yet both don't know how to resolve this matter.

Before any of them could say anything, the door opens and Chotu walks in as he closes the door behind him.

" Uncle Aunty Please don't fight...
Can't you see what those two are doing..
Making the 2 of you fight so that you fall weak and that they can again hurt Aayu and Riii so that you both suffer.

I know Nee Aunty that you want to fulfill Jhanvi Aunty's wish but Nil Uncle wants them away from Riii and Aayu..!!!

I think I've got the best solution... "

Chotu says trying to sort the situation as Neelam and Nilesh listen attentively to him and wait for him to continue with both having a
'WHAT SOLUTION ' expression on their faces.

" Neelam Aunty, you want them to attend the wedding and bless Aayu for her new life...!!???

While Nilesh Uncle, you want them away from Riya and Ayesha...!!!

Right!!??? "
Chotu says in a calm tone.

Both nod in a Yess and they say ;

" Hmmmmm..."

" Well I propose that we allow them to come with us at the wedding..

But we all know how hectic the wedding preparations are..
So we'll keep them busy in the arrangements.

In this way, they will attend the wedding as well as they will be away from Aayu and Riii..

Moreover with You, me, Shree and the others will be keeping an eye on them at all time, this way we'll ensure that nothing goes wrong..

And in case they try to act smart and do any kind of drama, we'll not spare them.

So what do you think!!??? "

At point, the couple look at each other half - convinced at Chotu's words.

" I'm fine with this.. "
Neelam says satisfied with Chotu's idea, while Nilesh seems to still have few doubts about it.

" But in case the situation gets out of hands, I'm talking control...!!! "
Nilesh says after reflection making Chotu and Neelam happy that at least he agreed to them though he was not completely convinced.

" Great then...

We should get going then, everyone are waiting for us downstairs... "

The Living Room
Ayesha POV

It's already been much time since Chotu went to Mom-Dad's room after hearing Dad shout.

I really want to go to them, and tell them not to fight because of us..
But I just couldn't find the courage because of their presence to get up from the sofa I'm still seated on.

Riya is seated just by my side while Shree is in front of the 2 of us blocking those people's view.

One of my hands is in the grip of Riya while Shree's holding the other one.

Just as Savitri Aunty brings water for us, we see Chotu along with Mom-Dad coming.

We all get up and look at them, waiting for any of them to speak.

" Uncle Aunty decided that you guys can be part of Aayu's wedding,.... "
Chotu starts saying.
As soon as we hear that, I start feeling cold out of fear.
I look at them as they smile happily.


You can't do this to me..
To us...

Before anything else could come in my mind, Chotu continues ;
" But.....
In case any of you makes any kind of trouble...
You will have to deal with Meeeee... !!"
Chotu says in a threatening manner with an angry look in eyes.

But if Mom-Dad agreed to this, they must have thought of something.
After all Princess and me are their world.
And they won't let anyone mess with their world..
This somehow is making me feel relaxed.
Knowing that my family is with me, with my sister, means more than the presence of those 3 persons.
I know..
Nothing will happen to me..
My family will not let them do anything bad to me like they had done.
And even Sameer and his family will be there.
There's definitely no chance of anything going wrong...


Nothing will go wrong.

" Let's get going...
As it is we are already late.! "
Dad says giving them a royal ignore as he comes near me and Riya, takes hold of our hands and heads out of the house as we follow him without a single word.

As we step out of the house, we see a SUV coming inside and stops just in front of us.

Sameer, Arjun, Maa Sa and Baba Saa get down quickly and rush to us.

" Is everything okay!!???
What happened!!???
I heard a scream and the phone got disconnected...!!!! "
Arjun asks concerned as he goes near Riya.

Bracing herself, I see my younger trying hard to not show her insecurities about what just happened to any of them.

If she can do this, so can I.

After all we are officers.
We can fall weak just like that.

" Yess Sirr..
Everything is okay..
It's just that Aayu shouted out of a sudden and I got so startled that the phone slipped out of my hands and broke....

Nothing wrong...!!
I'm sorry that you all got worked up because of that.!! "

Just then the rest comes out of the house.
As soon as Harsh, Neeti and Sumitra sees Sameer and his family, I see Harsh open his mouth to say something but only gets cut by Dad who says ;

" Anyways since everyone is here and so our respective transports, we should get going as we're already late. And we have a very long way to go...

Actually I was thinking something about the wedding which I have to discuss with you both, so don't you 2 come with us in the bus and let the girls go with the boys..!! "

Clearly not understanding the real reason why Dad is saying like that, my future Father in law happily agrees.

Thank God Dad did like this.
I don't think I'll be able to survive the journey to Rajisthan along with those people.

Within 15 minutes, all the luggage are put in the transport and the journey to Rajisthan starts.

3 Hours Later
Still on the way to Rajisthan

Arjun POV

It's been soo much time since the journey started and Riya and Ayesha are seated quietly at the backside while Sam is driving and I am sitting next to him in the co-passenger seat.

Though Sam and I tried our best to make them talk though regular talks and jokes, but it didn't really work.

When we tried asking them what was wrong, they both said that they have headache due to worrying about the wedding preps. And when we asked asked them about those 3 people who were at their place but as soon as they heard about that, they completely ignored us and tried changing the topic.

But my police mind is saying that that's not true.
There's something more behind their behavior.
Something major.

I look at Sam who has the same doubts in his eyes.

He raises his eye brows at me as if saying SHOULD I??

To which I nod and within few seconds, the car comes to a screeching halt as we all brace ourselves due to the impact.

As Riya Ayesha look at Sam in shock, Sam just gets out of the car and opens the back door and makes Ayesha get down as he takes hold of her hand and they both move towards the bench to the other side of the road.

I look back only to see Riya looking at me with a blank expression which quickly changes as small tears start forming in her eyes and she starts rubbing her hands against each other nervously.

Okay there's something seriously wrong now.
Ever since Riya has returned, I've seen her changed.
She's been stronger, braver, more confident, more focused and I've seen her much more determined.

The last time I saw this time of expression on her face was 2 and a half years ago when I found her in the bathroom under the shower.

But still I can sense a difference here.
That time there was guilt written all over her face but this time there's fear.

But why fear?
I mean like seriously when she was afraid to risk her life years ago then what the hell happened that made Riya scared..!!???

What happened all of a sudden now?
Why am I feeling so uncomfortable seeing her like that.!?

I get down and go to the back now taking Ayesha's place next to Riya.

Without any second thoughts, I hold Riya's shivering hands with 1 hand as she looks at me and tries to talk..

I see her lips open and part many times but not words come out.

It's better to patiently wait for her to speak rather than force her.

Finally after taking a deep breath, she's able to speak ;

" Thoses people are back again.... "

Is she talking about those 3 persons who were at her place when we arrived!!??

I think as Riya continues ;

" They... They are my Uncle Harsh, his wife Neeti and my Dadi Sumitra..

Years ago when... When Jhanvi Mom and Mohit Dad pas...... passed away in those riots..."

At this point I understand that whatever next Riya's about to say is not going to be very nice to the ears.

So preparing myself mentally, I wrap my other hand around her as I see the tears that she's being trying so hard to keep in her eyes finally escape making other tears roll as she continues talking ;

" Harsh uncle and Neeti aunty claimed mine and Aayu's legal custody as we still were adolescents saying that since.. Since we're the.. The last memories of their elder brother....
They would like to raise and cater for us as their own kids.

They especially Neeti aunty managed to convince everyone Neelam mom, Nilesh dad, Shubordh uncle and the rest along with the judge that we meant everything to them..!!!

So few days after the funeral, we... We shifted with them.

But the same day itself, they showed their true faces.
They had us to stay in the servant quarters.

We had to clean the house and do all the chores as well.
They had took away all means for us to communicate with Mom-Dad, Rudyyyyyy bhai and anyone else.

They had literally made that house a prison for us.
Nor we were allowed to go outside neither we are allowed to talk to anyone else.
When we tried opposing them or questioning them about why they were so strict, they....
They would only answer...
Answer in.. In form of slaps and whips.

The most surprising thing was that Sumitra Dadi watched everything happen as a mere mute spectacular.
She did not stop them even once.

It took...
It took us a while to understand their true intentions behind claiming our legal custody..

They were never interested in us nor our late parents...
All they cared about was the insurance money that our guardian was supposed to get after our parent's death and they wanted the property that Dad had bequeath to Aayu and me. "


What kind of people are they.!??
Who does something like that to his own nieces dealing with the loss of their parents..!!!!!

Her sweet voice now holds a lot of pain in it to the extent that each and every of her said words is causing cold chills to run up and down my spine.

I feel anger and disgust empowering all my senses as Riya talks about who those people are and what they've done.

I can't believe that the girl whom I thought is carefree, immature and happy going has been soo much in her life years.

I tighten my grip on Riya's hand understanding the pain she must have gone through at that time.

" Soooo..!!???
Soo how did you both get away from them!!?? "
I ask her patiently with her eyes still looking at our hands.

" We didn't get away by ourselves..
We were taken away from them..
Rudy bhai took us away..!!! "
Riya says as she finally looks at me in my eyes and continues ;

" Don't know if it was our good luck or bad luck that day..!!!

After having taken bath with cold water for consecutive days in winter, Aayu felt sick. Also I was still in shock of losing my parents, so I wasn't completely in my senses.

And that day, I don't know how I slipped and fell off the stairs.

I was badly injured.

Aayu was super scared seeing me like that as I lost conscious...

She tried her best to pick me but....
Her own body was weak....

She pleaded with those people to help us out but they turned deaf ears to her.

I stayed on that floor with Aayu next to me for don't know how much time.!!! "

Then she rests her head on my chest and she cries, I can see that she's having a flashback of that day playing in front of her eyes.

Soon my shirt gets wet as her tears roll down unstoppablely.
I just caress her hairs to try to calm her with the hand around her as she lifts her hands with my other hand still in hers and brings it near her cheeks and continues after a small pause ;

" And when I opened my eyes, I was in the hospital.

With Aayu lying on the bed next to mine, and Rudy bhai sitting between the two of us...!!! "

Same Time
On The Other Side Of The Road

Sameer POV

" That day Rudy Bhai arrived on time and saved both of us.

He had came to ensure whether we were fine or not.
He said that for many days he was having this feeling that something is wrong. That we are not alright..!!

May be because he had accepted us as his sisters from the depths of his heart, that's why without any words or any kind of communication he could feel that we were in danger.

He took us to the hospital and got our treatment started. But Riya had lost much blood, and she needed blood, I was too weak to give her blood and Rudy's blood group wasn't as same as Princess.

But.. Neeti aunty..... And.. Har... Harsh Uncle shared the same blood group...!!
So we requested....
Actually we begged them to give our sister blood but they left the hospital saying they m can't waste their time and blood on something so insignificant.

From being the most important memories of their elder brother, we became the most insignificant persons in their lives with a single week.!!

It was our good luck that Neelam Mom and Nilesh Dad reached the hospital on time and saved Princess.. "

Ayesha says as she cries still in my hug.

I can express how I am feeling after having listened who those strangers were and what they had done to my Ayesha and Riya.

Each time Ayesha is saying all the atrocities that they had done on Ayesha and Riya, I can feel my blood boiling.
I can't wait to get my hands on them.

" That's why you seemed to be so scared of them at your place!!?? But why did uncle aunty let them come to Rajisthan for the wedding!!??? "
I ask all concerned about her fear.

Scene Shift

Riya POV

" No sir....
I am not scared of her... "
I say as I lift my head and look in Arjun Sir's eyes making me sit face to face with him.

And continue as Arjun Sir looks at me with care and concern in his eyes ;

" Neither Ayesha is...!!!
It's not them we are scared of..!!!

It's just that we are scared of being separated from our parents one more time..!!!

After all what happened..
All that they did to us, Neelam Mom and Nilesh Dad challenged their claim for our custody and claimed it.
After doing all their research, the court decided that our custody will go to Neelam Mom and Nilesh Dad.

And the day our legal custody was transferred from the Kapoors to the Mukherjees, Harsh uncle and Neeti aunty accused Neelam Mom and Nilesh Dad for being manipulators.

And threatened that one day they'll take their revenge from us all.
That they will go to any extent to make our lives miserable.!!
That they will ruin us.!!

All these years Dad and Shubordh Uncle tried their best to keep them away from us which successfully did.

But after when we saw them out of a sudden at our doorstep, all those bad memories overpowered us and our thinking that we both freaked out..

Their presence is making us uncomfortable..

I know it's also making Mom Dad uncomfortable as well, but if they've decided to bring them along with us, I'm 100% sure that they must have some reason. "

I say with full trust on the couple who raised me and showered me with unconditional love all these years.

" Okay...
I'm sure you're right about uncle aunty... But are you sure you're okay Riya..!!??
I'm really concerned about you..!!! "
Arjun Sir says as he cups my face and wipes my tears away.

And the moment he does that, all my senses go numb as our faces are inches away as the closeness between us makes the air complicated..

Yes complicated..!!

Because I don't know how to react as I get lost in his deep brown eyes full of many feelings.

We stay like that till we hear a familiar voice say ;

" Guysssssss.....

Shall we go..!!?? "

But we don't really move, then a hand comes on my shoulder bringing me back to the reality as I look at the owner of those hands.

Moving away from each other, we look at the front only to see Sameer Bhai on the driver seat and Aayu on the co-passenger.

Looking at Aayu, I can say that even she has cried out all the tension that was inside her.
That's why she seems to be more free now.

" Are you okay!!?? "
We ask each other at the same time.
And then smile knowing the answer.

Looks like just like I talked about all this to Arjun Sir, she also talked about all this to Sam Bhai..

" I think we should get going, we're already late and Dadi sa will kill us all if we reach even more late.!!!

And Riya..
Don't you worry..

No one will be able to even to harm you in your brother's home...!! "
Sam Bhai says as he winks at me in the mirror trying to assure me.

" And Ayesha don't you also worry..

With a devar (brother-in-law) along your side, no one will dare to even dare think do any thing wrong to you..!! "

Arjun Sir says as he places his hand on Aayu's shoulder.

And we hit the road back to our destination.
The only problem is that Arjun Sir is seated just besides me pretending as if nothing wrong happened.
But the closeness that prevailed between us before Aayu and Sam Bhai returned.

But how to tell him that
Damn you man..
You're literally high jacking my senses with your presence.
I'm supposed to stay away from you and you're all behind him ever since we've become friends.

Many Hours Later
Rathore Mansion

It's been few minutes that everyone except Ariya and SaSha reached the mansion.
Since it's near 2 am in the night, everyone decided to get some rest and decide to get the formal introductions in the morning.

Shree, Chotu and Samraat decided to share the same room.

Samraat POV

God man..
What a tiring day it has been.

Here I am in the washroom, I've already changed my clothes and preparing to go to bed now.
I can't believe uncle and aunt allowed those people to be part of this wedding after all that they did.

When Shree and Chotu told me who Harsh and Neeti are and what they've done, I was completely blown away.

Even I was on the wrong path before, but what they've done, there's no way that I would have forgiven them.

" WHAT....!!!! "

I hear Shree and Chotu shout loud.
I rush out of the washroom to the room only to see them both seated on the sofas with a shock expression as they stare the screen of Shree's laptop.

That's all guys.

I'm done this earlier than expected..
That too more than freaking 5000 words..

Yaaa even I can't believe that..

Upcoming Next is SaSha's wedding ceremonies ands it's preps.

Also I'm speeding up things here.
Many twists and turns are awaiting us all ahead.

ARIYIANS stay assured.
Loads of moments are coming to compensate for the delay.

Hope you'll like it.

Do tell me how this part is.

Thanks once again.

Lots of Love

Do vote and comment.

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