The Story Remains the Same ~...

By jewelsTHEbatkid

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its about a girl named Hazel Cunningham shes from america, which means its gonna be written in americsaness a... More

The Story Remains the Same ~ A Led Zeppelin Story
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifthteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eightteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Authors Note....Sequel is Up

Chapter Twenty Two

435 13 4
By jewelsTHEbatkid

~Hazels P.O.V~


            For the life of me I couldn’t fall asleep. I guess it was from this one thing on my mind…‘Why would Jimmy try to do that?’

            I mean the way he said ‘I want you’ sent shivers down my spine. Cold shivers. Kinda like the ones you get out of the blue, yeah that kinda but it felt really good. Like ecstasy somewhat took over my body and I kinda liked it. It was a bit strange but felt really right. Was it something I was yearning for? Was I yearning for Jimmy? I couldn’t be, I just couldn’t, or maybe I was.

            After deciding and realizing that I was just over tired and I wasn’t yearning for Jimmy, I started to fall asleep. Too bad that there was a small knock on the door. Hopefully it wasn’t Jimmy. I sighed and got up carefully, I tend to pull a muscle when I get up to fast or get whiplash, and answered the door. Thank god it was only Lisa, I just can’t deal with him right now.

            “Yes” I asked her kinda annoyed.

            “Why is there a guy in your bed?”

            “Oh yeah…that’s Jimmy”

            “Why is he in your bed?”

            “He just needed a place to stay.” I lied to her “Don’t worry he’s going home tomorrow, it’s just for tonight.”

            “Oh alright” she sighed in a relief. “It’s not every day you see a random guy in your sister’s bed.”

            “Yup” I popped the ‘p’. “Now off to bed, we kinda have a busy day tomorrow.”

            With that she left my room without another word. Great now I can finally get to bed. I just hope I don’t have any more interruptions and get to go to bed. And wouldn’t you guess I was right.

~Next Day (Still Hazels P.O.V~


            I groaned knowing that was the alarm clock. I was still a bit tired but hey that’s what you get for waking up at five thirty in the morning after getting seven hours of sleep. I shut off the alarm clock and got out of Sarah’s bed. I made her bed quickly so that it looks like nobody slept in it when she comes home later. A small flashback of last night came back to me. I shook it off, smiling like an idiot, thinking that last night was pretty interesting.

            After I made her bed I shuffled out of her room rubbing my eyes and yawning like there was no tomorrow.  I was the only on up so I decided to make a cup of coffee so that there’s a pot ready when everyone’s awake.

            I set up the coffee and thought that I should take a shower while the coffee was being made. I quietly walked to my room not wanting to wake anyone. Once I was at my door I opened it a bit and walked in. I walked over to my closet and took out a white long sleeved light feeling dress shirt, a nice purple lilac kinda color skirt and undergarments from my dresser so I can change once I get out of the shower. I looked over and notice Jimmy slightly snoring. He had a small smile upon his sleeping face, probably having a really good dream. He looked just so peaceful and quiet sexy if you ask me and very adorable. I leaned into him and whispered in his ear, ‘I’m sorry I was a bitch, thank you so much for getting me this huge opportunity.’ And gently kissed his forehead.

            I left the room before I could wake Jimmy up. I headed towards the bathroom so that I could take a shower. The shower only took like fifteen minutes, which wasn’t that bad. After I dried off myself off, I gotten dressed for work. I put my wet hair back in a messy/neat bun and put on mascara and eyeliner on. I cleaned up my small mess and walked out of the bathroom and headed towards the kitchen. Once I got to the kitchen I poured myself a cup of coffee. I put in cream and about four scopes of sugar. Light and sweet just how I liked it. After I poured myself a cup of coffee I walked into the living room where I heard Lisa yawn.

            “Why good morning Lisa” I greeted her with a smile “How did you sleep?”

            “Pretty good, I guess.” She yawned/spoke. “Oh and good morning to you to.”

            “There’s coffee in the kitchen and I’ll make you something to eat after I wake up Jimmy, Okay?”

            “Mmmm” was all I got from Lisa as she laid back down.

            I sighed and left the living room. I took a nice well needed sip of my coffee. Coffee is like smoking a cigarette to me, though I only smoke when I’m stressed out. It was so delicious, sweet and so much better than smoking. I shuffled into my room to wake up Jimmy. I bet he has a hangover and I kinda hope it’s bad but then again I don’t wish that upon anybody.

            I quietly opened the door or I should say my door and walked in. I looked over towards were Jimmy was sleeping and only saw black hair and that was buried under pillows. He looked so cute I didn’t want to wake him. I put my cup down on my dresser. Then I walked over towards my desk and grabbed my camera that was sitting on top of it. I walked back towards were I was before. I snapped a quick photo of Jimmy.


            “SHHHS” I heard Jimmy mutter/ yelled underneath the pillows after I took the picture.

            “Aww Jimmy where’s your fun?”

            “Back with my drunkenness.”

            “Bummer” I chuckled putting my camera back on my desk “Come on get up, we have work to go to.”

            “I don’t really have to go” he mumbled getting up.

            “Oh yes you do” I spoke with happiness in my voice, like a ray of sunshine. “Come on I’ll make you something to eat and there’s someone I want you to meet.”

            “It better be the Queen” he spoke in a mumble tone while getting into the same clothes he had last night.

            “Eww don’t wear the same clothes as last night, here take these.” I handed him a black baggie long sleeved shirt and white pair of pants.

            “Um Hazel, I don’t think I can fit into your clothes”

            “Don’t be silly there my brothers, he left them here by mistake if you want you can keep them, they didn’t look good on him.”

            “Oh was all he said as he put on the clothes without any other question.

            After Jimmy got dressed we left my room, and I didn’t forget my cup of coffee like I usually do. While I was in there I applied a little bit of cherry red lip gloss and grabbed a pair of black flats that went really well with the outfit. Lisa was in the bathroom probably getting ready. So while Lisa was in the bathroom I’ll make her breakfast.

            I walked into the kitchen with Jimmy right behind me, I had grabbed two Advil’s and gave it to him with a glass of water. After that I went into the cabinet and grabbed a pan. I walked to the fridge and got out four eggs, a stick of butter, and a bottle of ketchup.

            “Do you like scrambled eggs?” I asked Jimmy, “Cause that’s all I’m making”

            “That’s fine” he mumbled into the table cause he had, what looks like it, a bad hangover.

            “Alright Mr. Mumble Pants” I joked that he chuckled at and so did I.

            I walked over towards the stove where the pan was sitting on and dropped the eggs and butter on the counter next to the stove. I left the ketchup on the table near Jimmy. I grabbed two plates, a bowl, three forks, a knife and a spatula. I cracked open two of the eggs into the bowl and mixed it up. I started up the pan on the high setting so that it would warm up faster.  I added a piece of butter, like the amount you get when you start to butter bread, and buttered up the pan. After I had did that, I poured the scrambled egg yolk into the pan and started to cook the egg. It didn’t take that long maybe five to seven minutes. I put the scrambled eggs onto a plate and put it in front of Jimmy with a fork.

            “Godre le vova.” I told him to enjoy your food in Italian.  

            “What langue is that?”

            “Italian” I answered quickly before taking a sip of my coffee.

            I started to make Lisa’s breakfast and remembered something. “Oh shit I need to get my camera.”


            “Okay so don’t freak out or anything but my sisters like a huge Yardbird fan and a Led Zeppelin fan and when she sees you she’s gonna freak.” I said walking towards my room.

            “Hmm two people seem to like the Yardbirds” I heard Jimmy joke but really didn’t care.

            When I walked into my bed room I quickly made my bed. Jimmy’s clothes were on the ground, which kinda irritated me, and I thought I should pick them up and fold em. I grabbed his shirt and folded it and put on my desk chair. I grabbed his pants and folded them up. I heard something drop on the floor and I just thought it was a pick. I finished folding his pants and put them on the chair and bent down to pick up the pick. To my surprise there wasn’t a pick but a small baggie of white stuff. ‘Really Jimmy’ was all I could think about. Yeah I know, I smoke pot…so did everyone but coke was pretty bad. Great now he’s doing drugs. I wonder what else he’s been doing. You know what scratch that, I didn’t even want to know. I picked up the baggie and put it back in his pants pocket, like nothing didn’t happen. I grabbed my camera just not caring anymore.

            I got back into the kitchen, where Jimmy was just finishing up his eggs. I couldn’t even look at him. I put my camera on the table where I was sitting and started to make Lisa’s eggs.

            “Lisa, breakfast. Hurry before it gets cold” I yelled for Lisa while putting her plate down. “Okay” I heard Lisa yell back.

            I sat down on my chair while holding my camera, I kinda looked like that loner kid sitting alone in the A.V club, and just staring into space. ‘Why would he be doing drugs?’ just kept going through my mind. I guess Jimmy notice I wasn’t myself and started to talk.

            “Hey babe what’s wrong?” he asked a bit questionable.

            “Oh nothing just thinking about what kinda of guitar I want to buy tonight, that’s all.” I lied putting on a fake smile. “Nothing to worry about love.”

            “Alright” he said with a small sigh.

            “Hey Haze, is this okay to wear?” Lisa asked while walking into the kitchen looking down at her homemade Velvet Underground shirt I made for her and a pair of shorts and my copy of Lord of the Rings book one, I had just finished it the other day two.

            “Yeah that’s fine, you’re still a kid so you don’t really have to get all dressed up unlike myself.” I told her truthfully.

            She let out a sigh of relief. She just loves to do that a lot. Not that I’m complaining or anything, I just thought it was adorable. She lifted her head after looking down at her outfit and glanced towards me and then to Jimmy. She just stood there all starsturck like. I took a picture of her and got up and moved behind her so I had a glance of Jimmy and took another picture. She was kinda stuck like that for a while. It was like that time I took her to Max’s Kansas City right before a Velvet Underground concert and me being friends with Lou Reed, he came over to say hi and she just stared at Lou Reed like she is with Jimmy.

            “Jimmy Page” Lisa sutured his name, Lisa has a terrible suture that comes out when she’s nervous, over excited or really tired.  

            “Yes, and you must be Lisa. Your sister has spoken about you numerous of times.” He said real nicely “It’s nice to see you.”

            “Hazel… why is Jimmy Page, ex guitarist for the Yardbirds and guitarist for Led Zeppelin, sitting at the table?”

            “Well you remember how I was dating a guy name Jimmy who was a guitarist.” I asked and she shook her head still paying attention to Jimmy like a hawk. “Well that’s the guy Jimmy.”

            “No fucking way Haze, you’re a lucky girl, so many girls would kill to date him. I know my friend Lori would be really jealous of you dating him.” She said really fast kinda freaking out.

            “Yup… no fucking way” I reassure her looking at Jimmy “Now eat I don’t want to be late.”

            Lisa quickly ate her eggs and put the plate in the sink. Lisa went and put on a pair of Converse and waited by the door. Jimmy grabbed his clothes from my room. Lastly, I grabbed a travel mug (AN::// I don’t really know if they had travel mugs back in ’69 so let’s pretend here) a made myself another cup of coffee. After I had made my second cup of coffee, we all headed out the door and towards the studio. I closed and locked the door and all of us headed towards the studio. The last full day of work hopefully isn’t going to be a drag. 

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