Believer [Peter Parker]

By sebxstixnstxn13

191K 4.8K 708

[Completed] "You make me a believer." Part of the Eclipse Series Plot by @hazholland Cover by @-voidlegends More

Part One
01 - Late Nights
02 - Pizza
03 - The Spark
04 - New Hero in Town
05 - The Chase
05 - Lies
07 - Contact
08 - Help
09 - Germany
10 - Battle Pt. 1
11 - Battle Pt. 2
12 - Back Home
13 - Tony Stark
14 - Adjustments
15 - Distance
Part Two
16 - Missouri
17 - Back Home
18 - New School Year
19 - Package
20 - Bank Robbery
21 - Discovery
22 - Liz's Party
23 - Arms Dealers
23 - The News
24 - Interrogation
25 - Staten Island Ferry
27 - Homecoming
28 - Vulture
29 - Captured
30 - Upstate
Part Three
31 - Field Trip
32 - Spaceship
33 - Central Park
34 - Outer Space
35 - On the Spaceship
36 - Guardians of the Galaxy
37 - Possibilities
39 - The Fight Pt 1
40 - The Fight Pt 2
41 - The Fight Pt. 3
42 - Time Stone
43 - The Snap
44 - Stranded
45 - Ship
Part Four
46 - Three Weeks Later
47 - Avengers Compound
48 - Five Years Later
49 - I Love You 3000
50 - Test Run
51 - Back in Time
52 - Time Stone
53 - Back to the Future
54 - The Battle Pt. 1
55 - The Battle Pt. 2
56 - Back Home
57 - Part of the Journey is the End
58 - Funeral
59 - Returning the Stones
60 - Endgame
Conclusion + Sequel
Thank You!
unfortunate news

38 - Mad Titan

1.3K 42 1
By sebxstixnstxn13

In the middle of this mess, Hannah was trying to get in contact with Dylan and Ella back on Earth. Every attempt she had failed.

"Are you okay?" Peter Parker asked her.

"I'm fine," she said, clearly stressed.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm trying to contact Dylan and Ella," she said. 

"How is it going?" he asked, getting hopeful.

"No luck," she said, disappointedly. "When we get back, we need to talk to Anthony. We need to get him to make this thing work when we're in outer space."

"Yeah," Peter agreed. "Why not ask Mr. Stark to do it?"

"Do you honestly think he'll do it?" Hannah asked, doubtfully. "I don't think he'll agree to do this."

"You're right," Peter agreed. "But I think it's -"

"Hold on," Hannah said, sensing something. Sensing danger. "Mr. Stark, Dr. Strange," she said, leaving Peter behind her and approaching the adults.

"Yeah?" Tony asked.

"He's coming," she said. "Thanos is coming. I'm sensing him."

"How -" Peter Quill began.

"Heightened sense," Hannah cut him off. "We need to get into position."

"Listen to the kid," Tony said. 

The Avengers and Guardians got into position, waiting for the Titan to appear. A large circle appears and a large, purple man walks through only to find the ship to be freshly destroyed.

"Oh, yeah, you're much more of a 'Thanos,'" Dr. Strange said, sitting on what seems to be a plaza steps once. Hannah sat right next to him. 

"I take it the Maw is dead," Thanos said. "This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission."

"You may regret that," Hannah said. "He brought you face - to - face with the Master of the Mystic Arts and the Spark."

"And where do you think he brought you both?" Thanos questioned.

Peter Quill crouched behind the wreckage with his weapon ready, behind Thanos. To his left, Peter Parker peeked from above and behind Dr. Strange and Hannah.

"Let me guess, your home?" Dr. Strange said. 

Thanos smiled, reminiscently. "It was. And it was beautiful."

Thanos curled his gauntleted fist and activated the Reality Stone to show Strange and Hannah Titan before it was destroyed.

There were green lawns, intact buildings, water-filled ponds, strolling citizens, the jack - like structures hovering and connected ground-based buildings with beams of energy.

"Titan was like most planets," Thanos said. "Too many mouths and not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution."

"Genocide," Hannah said.

"But at random," Thanos said, "dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman."

"I don't blame them," Hannah said quietly to Dr. Strange.

"And what I predicted came to pass," he continued. He realized his fist; the stone stops glowing and the illusion faded back into the true state of Titan.

"Congratulations. You're a prophet," Dr. Strange said, sarcastically.

"I'm a survivor," Thanos corrected.

"Who wants to murder trillions," Hannah said.

"With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers, and they would all cease to exist," Thanos said. "I call mercy."

"Then what?" Hannah stood up.

"I finally rest... and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe," Thanos said. "The hardest choices require the strongest wills."

Dr. Strange stood up as he summoned his Mandalas, entering a fighting pose. Hannah followed suit.

"I think... you'll find... our will... equal to yours," Dr. Strange said as he did that.

"Ours?" he repeated, not willing to believe that a teenager and a doctor will be able to defeat him.

Thanos looked up to see a chunk of wreckage with a large amount of electricity descending rapidly on him, too rapidly to react. It was being pushed by Tony. Thanos was subsequently crushed by it.

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