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Hannah got home from the airport.

"Hey, Ha- what's wrong?" Luke asked, instantly noticed how panicked Hannah was.

"I screwed up," Hannah said. "I screwed up real bad."

"Okay, okay, what happened?" Luke said. "Sit down and tell me."

"S - so, the Avengers had this huge disagreement over the Accords," Hannah said. "And I sided with Cap, who's against the Accords and almost everyone who sided with him got captured. Thaddeus Ross, the guy from the news, I think he might know that I'm the Spark and I have no idea what to do. I'm going to get into serious trouble, Luke, I don't know what to do."

"We'll figure something out, Hannah," Luke assured her. "I promise. Call Anthony. Tell him to come over. We need to tell him."

Hannah nodded. She texted Anthony to come over as soon as possible.


"Okay, what happened?" Anthony asked Hannah. "How urgent is this?"

Hannah explained everything to Anthony. There were countless things she forgot to tell her uncle and she's just remembering now.

"Shit," Anthony said.

"Watch your language, kid," Luke said to Anthony.

"Sorry," Anthony apologized.

"What do you think we should do? I suggested that Hannah doesn't go out as the Spark got a while."

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Anthony said.

"They might come," Hannah said. "If they do and search the house, they can't find the suit."

"Okay, we can hide it in my house," Anthony said.

"No, no, no," Hannah said. "They might figure out that you were helping. We - we should hide it at the Outlet. They don't know about it."

"G - good idea," Luke said.

"I'll take it there," Hannah said.

"No, no, no," Luke said. "They probably already know that you're the Spark. I'll take it."

"No," Anthony said. "You're her uncle. You're probably the first person they'll talk to after Hannah. Let me take the suit. They might not know she and I are friends. Let me do it."

"Hannah?" Luke said. 

"Yeah, Anthony should take the suit," Hannah said. 

"Alright," Luke said.

"Where's the suit?" Anthony asked.

"It's in the bag," she said.

"This one?" Anthony said, picking up the duffle bag.

"Yeah," she nodded.

There was a knock on the door. 

Luke gave Hannah a confused look before he opened the door. It was Natasha Romanoff.

"You're - you're - you're Black Widow," Anthony stuttered.

"Yeah, I know," she said. She turned her attention to Luke. "Hi, I'm Natasha Romanoff. I need to see Hannah."

"She's in there," Luke pointed behind her.

"Hey," Hannah said.

Luke moved out of the way to let her in.

"Here's your duffle bag," she said.

"What happened to everyone?" Hannah asked.

"Almost everyone got captured," she said. "You're the only one who was able to escape. They're looking for you."

"Do - do they know I'm the Spark?"

"Yeah, the FBI does know," she confirmed.

"Oh, man," she said, sitting on the couch. 

"You're only a minor," Natasha said. "And where's your suit?"

"In the bag," she said, pointing towards Anthony.

"Give it to me," Natasha said. 

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to give it to you," Anthony said.

"Look, they'll probably find it, I doubt they'll look for the suits if it's with me," Natasha said. "Give it to me."


"She's probably right," Hannah agreed with Natasha said.

"What sort of punishments will Hannah face when they show up, assuming they'll show up?" Luke asked. "She's just a kid. She screwed up."

"Yeah, I did," Hannah agreed. "Wait," she stood up, "what about Spider-Man? He was there?"

"Well, he sided with Tony Stark," Natasha said. "I think that he won't face any punishments. Since you sided with Cap..."

"I'm the one who's getting in trouble," Hannah sighed, sitting back down on the couch. 

"I talked to Tony," Natasha said. "He's going to try to get you out of this."


"He'll stop by later today," Natasha said.

"How does he -" Luke began to ask, "never mind."

"I better head off now," Natasha said. "Give me the duffle bag."

"Hannah, should we really give up the suit?" Anthony asked Hannah. 

"Anthony, just give her the suit," Hannah said, standing up from the suit once again. "It'll be fine."

"Fine," Anthony sighed, giving Natasha the duffle bag.

"Thank you," Natasha said. Natasha pulled out a card. "Here's my number," Natasha gave Hannah the card, "Call or text me whenever you need help."

"Alright, thank you," Hannah took the card. 

Natasha said goodbye and left the house.

"And Anthony, remember, we have a second suit," Hannah reminded her friend. 

"Oh, right," Anthony said. "Where is it? I can take that to the Outlet?"

"It's up in my room," Hannah said. "And, no, I changed my mind, we're not going to hide it in the outlet."

"Where will we hide it then?" Luke asked. 

"I've got an idea," Hannah said. 

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