08 - Help

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"Wh - what? H - how?" Hannah asked, trying to wrap her around the fact that Captain America is in her living room. He knows where she lives. "How the hell do you know where I live? And - and how did you find me?"

"I've seen all the videos about the Spark on YouTube," he explained. "And Clint Barton was able to track you down and find you."

"Who - who was following me? Was it Hawkeye?"

"Yeah, it was him," Steve confirmed.

"What - what do you want from me?"

"I need your help."

"Y - you need my help?" Hannah asked, surprised. "My help?"

"Yes," Steve nodded.

"Why me? Out of all the people out there with powers, you want me to help?" Hannah said. "Shit," she sat down on the couch.

Steve raised his eyebrows at Hannah when she said shit.


"You're, what, fourteen, fifteen years old, and you curse?" Steve asked.

"Everyone my age swears," Hannah defending herself. "Everyone does it. What's the problem with it?"

"Never mind," he said. Steve explained briefly what is happening. After he finished explaining it he said, "I need your help. Are you willing to help?"

Something told her that it's a terrible idea to help him, but she didn't listen to her guts. 

"Yes, I'll help you," Hannah said.

"You will?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "Where will the fight be?"

"Germany," he said.

"Germany?" she repeated, her eyes widening. 

"Yeah," he confirmed.

"Huh," she said. "Didn't expect that."

"Yeah, I should've mentioned that earlier.

"You should've," she agreed. 

"Are you going to change your mind?"

"No," she shook her head. "I'm still going to help."

"Really? Great!"

"What am I going to tell my uncle, though?" Hannah asked. "He might not let me go to Germany for no reason."

"Don't worry, Clint stopped by your uncle's work and made up a story to why you need to come to Germany," Steve assured him.

"So, you assumed I was going to agree to help?"

"Yeah," Steve nodded.

"And by the way, my uncle knows that I'm the Spark," Hannah informed the former soldier. "He figured it out."

"Oh," Steve said. "Didn't know that."

Steve left shortly and Luke came home a few minutes after Steve left.

"The weirdest thing happened while I was at work," Luke said.

"Yeah, I know what happened," Hannah told her uncle. "One of the Avengers came to your work and told you that I have to go to Germany."

"Yeah," Luke said. "How did you know?"

"Captain America showed up and said he needs my help," Hannahs said. "Well, he needs the Spark's help, not Hannah."

"When that Hawkeye told me some bullshit story, I kind of figured that the Avengers might need to help your help in Germany," Luke said.

Hannah nodded.

"Are you seriously helping them? They're pretty strong together," Luke said.

"Yeah, I'm going to help," Hannah said. "And from what Captain America told me, the Avengers are having a disagreement and I'm taking Cap's side."

"Huh. Well, good luck."

"You're not coming with me?"

"I have work," Luke said. "I can't go."

"Oh," Hannah said, disappointedly. "Wait, you're seriously letting me go to Germany to help Captain America?"

"Yeah," Luke nodded. "Look, I care about your education, but there are bigger things than school. Whatever you're going to do is dangerous and you can get into big trouble for this, I'm not going to lie, but I'm hoping that I won't regret this."

Hannah took a deep breath.

"I really hope I won't regret this either."

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