53 - Back to the Future

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Everyone returned to 2023. They all looked at each other to see if they all recovered the stones.

"Did we get them all?" Bruce asked.

"You telling me this will actually work?" Rhodey asked.

"Someone is missing," Hannah said, realized. "Nat..."

Once this realization hit everyone, Bruce turned to Clint.

"Clint, where's Nat?" he asked.

The silence from Clint told everyone what they needed to know. The mission was complete, but they lost someone important to them. Bruce fell to his knees and pounded the floor in grief.


"All right," Rocket said. "The gloves ready. Question is, who's gonna snap their freaking fingers?"

The Avengers stood around the glove. Bruce, Tony and Rocket announces that the glove is ready, revealing it to everyone.

"I'll do it," Thor decided.

"Excuse me?" Scott asked.

"It's okay," Thor said.

"No, no, no," everyone held Thor back. "Whoa. Stop. Stop. Wait a sec. Hey, hey..."

"Wait, wait, wait, Thor, Judy wait," Steve said. "We haven't decided who's gonna put that on yet."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Thor said. "What, were you just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?"

"We should at least discuss it," Hannah said.

"Yeah, we should," Scott agreed.

"Look, us sitting here staring at that thing is not gonna bring everybody back," Thor said. "I'm the strongest Avenger, okay? So this responsibility falls upon me. It's my duty."

"It's not that..." Tony said.

Thor hushes everyone.

"It's... stop it! Just let me," he starts tearing up. "Just let me do it. Just let me do something good. Something great."

"Thor, please, don't do this," Hannah begged. "It's not that you're can't do it and that you're not the strongest. You're not in the condition to do this."

"What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?" Thor asked.

"Cheez whiz?" Rhodey suggested.

"Lightning," Thor said.

"Yeah," Tony said.

"Lightning won't help you, pal. It's gotta be me," Bruce said.

Thor let go of Tony, who was trying to stop him from doing anything he'll regret it.

"You saw what those stones did to Thanos," Bruce reminded everyone. "It almost killed him. None of you could survive."

"How do we know you will?" Steve asked.

"We don't," Bruce said. "But the radiation's mostly gamma," he took a good look at the gauntlet. "It's like... uh... I was made for this."

"Good to go, yeah?" Tony asked Bruce.

"Let's do it," Bruce said.

TONY: "You remember... everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago and just bringing them back to now, today," Tony reminded Bruce. "Don't change anything from the last five years."

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