19 - Package

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Hannah arrived at the school and on the television around the school, Betty Brant and Jason Ionello were reporting the school news. 

"Rise and shine, Midtown Science and Technology," Betty said.

"Students, don't forget about your homecoming tickets," Jason said. "Do you have a date for homecoming?"

"Thanks, Jason," Betty said, "but I already have a date."

"Okay," Jason said.

"Yeah," Betty said.

They both sat awkwardly on the television. Jason rolled his eyes. 

"Good morning," Midtown High's principal, Principal Morita said.

A boy flew a drone around the crowded hallway as Hannah passed her principal. She moved out of the way as her principal grabbed the drone out of the air. He turned to the boy who was flying it.

"Damn it," he said. "You, in my office right now."

The boy followed the principal to the office. Other students were carrying around elaborate science projects in the hallways. 

Hannah got to her locker and unlocked it. She took out some of her textbooks.

"Hey, Hannah," she heard Peter Parker greet her. 

She looked behind her. Peter was standing behind her with Ned Leeds at his side.

"Hey, guys," she said. She turned her head back to the locker.

"We're going to build a LEGO Death Star after school," Ned said. "Wanna help us with it?"

"Yeah, sure," she agreed. "But you guys have to help me with Chemistry," she said.

She closed her locker and turned around. 

"Yeah, we'll help," Peter said. "Right, Ned?"

"Obviously," Ned said. "You're our friend, why wouldn't we help you?"

"What time do you guys wanna work on it?"

"Um, probably around five or six," Peter said. "I have work."

"Alright, cool," she said.

"You'll be free by then, right?" Ned asked.

"Yeah, I will," she said.

"Great!" Ned smiled. 

"Come by my apartment," Peter said. "We'll work on the homework and LEGO Death Star at my apartment."

Hannah nodded.

"Okay," Ned said.

"I'll see you guys in class later," Hannah said. "I gotta talk to Anthony."

"You always seem to hang out with him," Peter pointed out.

"Yeah," Ned agreed. "How come?"

"Do you like him better than us?" Peter raised his eyebrows at her. "We've been friends with you a lot longer."

"It has nothing to do with me liking Anthony better than you guys," Hannah assured Peter. 

"Then what is it?" Peter asked.

"I'm sorry, but it's been Anthony and me," Hannah said.

"So you're keeping secrets from us?" Ned said.

"Uh - uh, um, guys, I would love to tell you guys, but I can't," Hannah said. "I'm really sorry."

"Why can't you?"

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