09 - Germany

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Hannah landed in Germany. Clint Barton picked her up from the airport.

"Who's this guy?" Hannah asked referring to the unconscious man in the van as she got in.

"His name is Scott Lang," Clint responded. "He can turn into the size of an ant."

"Seriously?" she said. She tried to hold back laughter. "He can turn into the size of an ant?"

"I know, right?" Clint agreed. "Cap wants his help as well."

"How can a man that can turn into the size of an ant help?" Hannah asked she sat in the passenger seat next to Clint.

"I have no idea," Clint admitted. "But I guess we'll see how he can help."

"I guess so."

"What about you, Quill? What can you do?" Clint asked.

"I can control and manipulate electricity," she said. "And I can use outlets to disappear and reappear anywhere."

"That's how you disappeared that day," Clint realized. "You used your powers so I wouldn't get to you."

"Look, man, I just saw that I wasn't being followed, I thought I was going to get kidnapped or something," Hannah said. "Disappearing and reappearing in my house is the only thing I could think of."

"Dude, you have superpowers," Clint said. "You could've taken me on."

"Not without my suit," Hannah said.

"Why do you need your suit?"

"No one knows who's behind the mask of Spark," Hannah said. "I can't let any more people know what I do."

"How many people know?"

"My uncle, one of my friends, you, Captain America, and I'm pretty sure everyone who's helping him. Too many people."

Clint took a deep breath. "That's nothing compared to how many people know who I am."

"Yeah, because you willingly let people know who you are," Hannah said. "I'm not willing to let more people to know."

"By helping Cap, you're risking a lot," Clint told her.

"I know," she sighed. "I really hope I don't regret this."

"If we win, then you don't have to worry risking your identity," Clint said.

"If we lose, I'm risking it," Hannah said.

"Pretty much. Do you have your suit in there?"

"Yup, everything I need is in here," Hannah confirmed.


"Where are we going?"

"We're heading to the airport," Clint said, glancing at the teenager. "How old are you, by the way? You look too young to be doing this."

"I'm fifteen."

"Fifteen?" Clint repeated. "Geez, kid, enjoy your being a teenager while you still can. You'll regret it later. You're doing an adult's work."

"I knew what I was sacrificing when I started doing this," Hannah said. "I knew I will give up having a normal life for this."

"Why did you decide to do this?"

"I saw that there are people who need help and you and the rest of the Avengers aren't willing to help them because what they're going through isn't a big enough threat for you guys," Hannah explained. "I'm just looking out for the people who are dealing with criminals who are like Loki and those aliens."

"I am sensing there is more to the story then you're letting on," Clint said.

"I'm sorry, but the rest of the story isn't any of your business," Hannah said. "And I don't want to talk about it."

The rest of the car ride was silent. 

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