01 - Late Nights

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The death of Meredith Quill has greatly affected the Quill family. The family only expected to lose one family member, which was Meredith. The family never thought that they'd lose Meredith's son, Peter Quill. He ran out after witnessing his mother night and he was never seen again. The family assumed that he had died. They ended up holding a funeral for both Meredith and Peter. 

Hannah Quill has always wondered what happened to Peter. She grew up being told that her cousin has died, but something inside her told her it's not true. What happened, she has no idea. All she can do is just go along with what her family had told her. 

Hannah sat on top of a building, wrapping her arm with gauze. Countless nights, she had to bandage herself up. It's rare where she doesn't get hurt and gets a good nights sleep. She's used to it. She sighed as she placed tape at the end.

Once she finished bandaging her arm, she looked up, taking in the view she had. Her phone began to ring. She took out her phone.

"Hey, Uncle Luke," she said.

"Hannah? Where the hell are you?" Luke asked.

"I'm, um, at the library," Hannah lied. "I'm about to finish up studying."

"You seem to be at the library a lot," Luke said.

"Yeah, I really care about my grades, Uncle Luke," Hannah said. "I'm in high school now I have to keep my grades up."

"Well, just come home," Luke said. "I'm getting worried."

"Alright, I'm on my way," Hannahs said. 


Hannah stood up on the roof. She took one last view of the city before leaving. She went down the stairs that led up to the roof. As she went down, she took off her black jacket and turned inside out. Lucky for her, regardless if it's inside out or not, it still looked like an ordinary jacket. It made everything so much easier. She took off the black mask off of her face and hid it in her jacket. 

She entered the first door she saw as she was going down. 

"Hey, kid, you aren't supposed to be here," a man said.

"Yeah, I know," she said. 

She ignored the man and walked past him. The man called after her but she didn't listen to him. Hannah quickly glanced down to see an outlet. The man watched her be there for one second and disappear the next.


Hannah suddenly appeared in a coffee shop. A few people looked at her, confused about how she appeared suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The rest just ignored her. 

She left the coffee shop rushing to get home. Her uncle Luke knew how long it takes from the library to the house. He would get suspicious if she took longer than usual. The coffee shop she appeared at, it was a few minutes away from the library. 

It took around seven minutes to get home from the coffee shop.

"Why do you smell like coffee?" Luke asked when Hannah got home.

"Oh, um, I had coffee while studying," she lied. 

Luke stared at her for a moment.

"Dinner is ready," he said.

"Great, I'm hungry," Hannah smiled.

The duo sat down at the dining table to eat dinner together, which rarely ever happened. 

"Are you okay?" Luke asked his niece.

"Hmm?" Hannah looked up at her uncle. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"Are you sure?" he asked. "You don't seem okay. You're always coming home late and hurt. And you seem distant."

"Uncle Luke, I'm okay," Hannah lied. "I swear."

"You know what I think will make you feel better?" Luke asked.


"Movie night," he smiled.


"Yeah," Luke nodded. "Your choice."

"Star Wars?"

Luke smiled.


"I always thought you looked like Luke Skywalker," Hannah said.

"Yeah, I know," he agreed.

After dinner, Luke and Hannah cleaned up the dining table and started to watch the movie.

"It's almost twelve o clock," Luke said as the movie was ending. "I need you to get to bed, you have school tomorrow."

"Yeah, alright."

As Hannah walked to the door, Luke asked, "By the way, where's your backpack?"

"Oh, um, I think I forgot it at the library," Hannah lied.

"Sure, you did," Luke said.

Hannah had the suspicion that her uncle might know her secret. If he did, then how the hell did he let her continue?


Hi, everything. I am rewriting Believer. I didn't like many parts of how it turned out so I'm rewriting it and hoping I like how it turned out better.

This plot belongs to @hazholland. 

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