babygirl:carl gallagher

Por luvxovo

608K 6.7K 7.2K

Angel has lived right next to the Gallagher's her whole life. She lives with a fucked up mom and dad. Her dad... Más

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36

chapter 12

14.4K 182 171
Por luvxovo

-Carl's pov:

My vision was blurry I couldn't really see anything all I saw was red white and blue lights as I looked to see where Angel was it went black.



As I opened my eyes and found myself in a hospital room and wires connected into a machine and got up really fast as Fiona pushes me back down.

"Where's Angel!?" I said. "Don't worry the doctors are doing surg-.." she said as I saw a tear coming down for her cheek. "What happened!" I said angrily my heart was racing so fast. As the doctor was on the other side of the room. "I'm sorry Mr. Gallagher for your loss.." she said as I got up really fast. "What is it?? There something wrong with Angel!??" I said all panicking. "Ms. Eslora and your baby didn't make it... I'm so sorry for your guys.." I popped out my eyes and look at Fi. She cry's as she hugs me.

I felt nothing.

Cold hearted.

No words.

I couldn't believe it.

Angel was pregnant.

With my baby.


As the doctors got me all ready to go home as they were finishing up with Angel. Then doctor came up to me.

"I'm about to go tell Ms. Eslora about her passing for the child.." she says as she looks at me I shake my head and follow her into the room.

I saw Angel putting on her sweater as she looks at me and smiles and rubs towards me with a big tight hug.

"Thank god your ok!" She says as she kisses me I smiled as a tear came down. "What's wrong baby?" She says. "I tried holding my tears back as I turned around to the doctor. "Ms. Eslora.." She says. "Yes?" "I'm so sorry for your loss.." she says as she looks at her as Angel gives her a confused look. "I'm sorry?" Angel says. "You were pregnant.." I said. She looks at me and looked lost and confused, her tears came bursting out. As I hold her tight.


-Angel's pov:

I was pregnant..

My tears came down. As I kept thinking about what the doctor just told me.

I could've have a little one.

I crashed into Carl's arms as I cried away.


When we got home I didn't say a word. I went upstairs into Carl's room and laid down and didn't feel anything.


It's been a couple of weeks since the accident, I try not to think about that I was pregnant that much cause then I have a whole break down about it.

I went downstairs and watched tv while everyone was eating breakfast. Lip came a sat by me.

"How are you doing?" He says. I close my eyes and take a deep breath everything replays in my mind about that night. I felt like I had a ball in my throat as I was about to speak. "I'm good." I said with a smile. He smiles, "want to go to the movies?" He said, I smiled I was down to get something off my mind. "Can I go?" Carl says. I shake my head. As I went upstairs and got ready.


As we arrived at the movies. We were deciding on what movie to watch. I really wanted to watch the endgame, Carl and Lip agreed on it as we bought the tickets and went inside the theater.

We picked our seats as Lip had gotten a phone call.

"Hey sorry guys I actually have to skip the movie I'm sorry! Tell me everything that happens!" He says as he leaves. I sit down as Carl sits next to me.


As the movie was over me and Carl headed walking home. As he looks at me and we stop. I look at him.

"What's wrong?" I said, "I just keep thinking about what happened.." he says as his voice cracks a little. "Baby.. it's fine we're fine!" I say as one of my tears fall down. "What if I died and you and the baby didn't.. or what if we never went to that party the baby wouldn't have died.." he says as a tears falls down from him. As my tears can crashing down. "No! Baby no you did nothing wrong nothing was your fault.. ok... I love you.. I know you would have took care of the baby with me so much. I know that you would be there for me you did nothing wrong babe." I hold his hands as I wipe a tear off his face.  "Let's go home" I said a smiled.


We went home a chilled the day was all us. As we watched Netflix and fell asleep.


Hey luvs🖤 sorry for the short ass chapter!! But stay tuned for more coming up! Hope y'all enjoyed! Please keep up with me and my crappy ass schedule! Comment if there's anything that I misspelled! I love you 3000 yall🖤!

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