Spiderson and Irondad Oneshot...

By Galaxy_Emily

12.5K 411 151

I am in love with the Father/Son dynamic of Tony Stark and Peter Parker. Also basically the whole Super Famil... More

Mission Checklist
Theme Song Battle
Balloon Arch
Leftover Balloons
Red in His Ledger
Charity Case
PPPS - Midtown High Discord
The Plant

The Bully

1.2K 35 17
By Galaxy_Emily

My goodness I have been gone so long, I am so sorry. I have a lot of ideas for this book though so don't worry. Added to the fact I have so many drafts right now.


Peter Parker may be a super-human, web slinging hero, but he was not someone who would hurt a person that didn't commit a crime.

For this reason, Peter never fought back. And never fighting back, has some consequences. These consequences include coming home with ugly looking bruises and aching joints. He could mostly hide these with long sleeve jackets, and maybe a little makeup that YouTube taught him to apply. They were rarely on his face because his bullies weren't planning to be caught.

He never told anyone about this because what would they think? He was a hero for crying out loud! Peter had to make sure they didn't think of him as weak. They, being the Avengers. His not-so official family. They had taken him in after Aunt May had decided to move to California for a better job opportunity. Instead of making Peter move with her, and having Spider-Man abandon his city, the Avengers took him in.

In fact, the Avengers treated him as one of their own. And he was, if Tony Stark had anything to say about it, one of their own.

But back to the point, Peter was not going to tell them he was being bullied. He knew only bad things would stem from that. He could deal with a couple bullies, he dealt with heavily armed robbers almost every other day! So yes, he could deal with a few bullies. Or at least, that's what he thought.


It was a Friday, the best day of the week in Peter's opinion, and he was ready to go home. So, imagine his surprise when he realized Happy Hogan, his not-so happy personal driver was missing.

"Maybe traffic is bad?" Peter muttered to himself, as he sat down on the concrete and dug out his phone from his bag. It was only 20 minutes later, when he pulled himself out of his own personal phone session, did he realize Happy STILL hadn't shown up. He was debating what to do when he heard loud laughs coming from the front entrance of the school. He felt his heart momentarily skip a beat when he realized who the boisterous voices were coming from.

    Flash, and his posse.

    Peter's eyes danced around the empty schoolyard, looking for somewhere, anywhere, to go. But before he could find an escape Flash spotted him.

   "Parker!" He called as he strutted over to Peter, "Whats wrong? Did your 'family' forget you? Do you even have a family? I mean come one, your uncle DIED to get away from you."

   Peter lifted himself up off the ground, "Stop it Flash, you don't even know what you're talking about." He made it seem like his bully's comments didn't affect him, but on the inside, he could feel every word he said like it was a stab in his stomach.

   "Awww, what's wrong Parker?" Flash asked with a laugh, "Are you upset because you don't have parents to go crying to? I mean, you have an aunt. But she probably works all those cheap jobs just to get away from you." He said, not knowing May had moved to California.

  "Shut up, Flash. I mean it." Peter said as he prepared to walk off.

  "Where are you going? You don't GET to leave." Flash said angrily. Nodding his head to the boys behind him, he signaled for them to begin to attack Peter.

   And all Peter could do was take it. He didn't fight back.


     It was only 30 minutes after school was supposed to be let out, did Happy realize he should have picked Peter up. In his defense, a decathlon meeting was scheduled for that day, but got postponed, and he didn't remember to fix his schedule.

    So, with a scowl on his face, and curses being muttered under his breath, he quickly walked out to the garage and shuffled into his car. He would be lying if he said he didn't speed, possibly because he felt bad for being late to pick Peter up, but he would never admit to anything.

    He pulled into the school parking lot, in a manner that a Nascar driver would be jealous of. (Sorry to interrupt your nice and spicy reading mood right here. But I had to resist the urge to write, "He skrrrted into the school parking lot." But, I didn't think you guys would be proud of me for that. So, be thankful for my self control.)

   When he pulled in, it only took a few seconds for his brain to process what his eyes were seeing. At first, he couldn't believe it. But once his brain did process it, his demeanor changed. He slammed on his brakes, put the car in park, and was out of his car faster than you can say, "Avengers Assemble."

    He tore the boys off Peter quicker than Clint could fire an arrow. As soon as the bullies realized what had happened, they backed away and ran to their cars, hoping what they had just done wasn't reported to the school.

   Happy immediately helped Peter to his feet, and assessed his injuries. The superhero had a bloody nose and a split lip, but that was only what could be seen.

  "Come on," Happy said with a surprising tone of worry. He picked up Peter's bag and helped him to the car. Forcing him to sit in the passenger seat, which was an odd occurrence.

   The ride to the Avengers Tower was filled with Happy often looking over at Peter with a worry filled gaze, and Peter avoiding any and all eye contact.

   When they arrived at their destination Peter quickly got out of the vehicle, "Well, uh, thanks for the ride," he paused as he wiped at his nose with a few tissues he found in his bag, "See you tomorrow then."

   The only response Peter got was a quick, but firm, "No." Happy  got out of the car and led a worried Peter into the tower.

  "Hey, Pete! You're home late!" He heard Clint shout from the kitchen.

   Peter eyed the stairs which led to his room and debated making a run for it. But Happy soon caught on to his thoughts and blocked his path.

  Clint, once he received no answer, walked to the entrance to see what was wrong. He froze when he saw the state Peter was in. Before he could decide on something to say, Natasha walked in to greet Peter.

   "Peter? Who did that?" She asked with malice in her voice once she realized what the issue was.

   "Oh, I, well, you know......stairs." Peter said awkwardly, once again avoiding eye contact.

    He heard Happy let out a scoff, "Friday, can you get Tony and Steve down here?"

    "Of course, sir. They should only be a moment."

     True to the AI's word, it took less than a minute for both of the Avengers to arrive in the room.

    "What. The. Hell?" Tony asked once he saw Peter.

     "What happened, Peter? Are you okay?" Steve asked worryingly, as he rushed over to him.

     "I'm fine, just y'know...stuff happens." Peter shrugged, not liking the attention he was getting at the moment.

     Realizing they weren't going to get a straight answer from Peter, Tony turned to Happy and asked him to tell the story.

    After Happy had explained what had transpired, the adults in the room were livid. It was a good thing Bruce did not know what had happened, or there would be a Code Green.

   Peter was quickly taken under the motherly wing of Steve, and into the living room so he could get some proper assistance. Those tissues just weren't working out.

  As soon as the duo had walked out of earshot, Tony led the remaining people into the conference room, to discuss a plan.

  Two hours later, after the plan was decided, and Peter had made himself comfortable on the couch, the adults emerged. Peter looked at them suspiciously as Tony told him he would not be going to school for the next two days. Each of the adult Avengers waved off Peter's questions and protests until he was too tired to question them further.

    When Peter announced he was going to go to his room early, because of the days events, the adults decided it was time to put the first part of their plan in action.


   Taking two days off of school, Peter knew he would have to pay for it somehow. And this payment involved him telling every single Avenger all Flash had done against him. They were seated in the living room, Peter in the middle of the room on the couch. The stares of the Avengers made him feel uncomfortable, and he tried everything in his power to get out of the awkward situation he was in. But, nothing worked.

   As he retold all that he suffered through, the unspoken rage in the room was unbearable.  He finished telling his story after a little over an hour. And, as predicted, there was a Code Green. Bruce was mid-transformation before he made in to the safety of the Green Room.

   The Green Room, was a completely padded and non-destructible room made entirely for the Hulk. Natasha followed Bruce into the room and spent the rest of the day calming him down.

    Now that Part 2 of the plan was completed, it was time for Part 3, the final part.


    Principal Morita was shocked, to say the least, when it was brought to his attention that children of his school had been bullying another student.  Bullying was not something he would stand for.

   The Avengers had brought the issue to his attention when they had all shown up at Midtown, Peter Parker in tow. They had demanded a meeting with the principal, and had soon told him everything that those children did to Peter.

   The worst moment for Peter was when each of his bullies were called to the office. He had to face each of them as they were reprimanded and stared down by the Avengers. Every one of them had to give Peter an apology and he awkwardly accepted each one. Inside his head, Peter knew they were forced apologies. I mean, how hard could it be to fake apologize to someone, especially when you were being stared down by the Avengers.

  When Flash was called to the office. He was shocked, to say the least, when he realized Peter was sitting beside each member of the Avengers. He could only nod when he was told that he was suspended, for the rest of the school year along with each of his followers.

  He couldn't believe Peter was telling the truth about knowing the Avengers. It hadn't even caught up to him yet, that his future was ruined because of what he did to Peter.

   Once the meeting ended, the group of bustling superheroes travelled back to the tower for a celebratory night of board games and pizza. A nice ending, to eventful and stressed filled days.


   While the Avengers might have completed their plan. It was time for Plan B. Only two people knew of this plan, Clint and Natasha.

  After all, it was their own concoction.

   Once everyone had gone to bed, the two met outside the Avengers Tower. They traveled to each of the young boy's houses that had harmed Peter. The bullies were threatened by the two for hours it seemed. These threats were sure to stay in their minds for years. They would not be able to go anywhere without feeling watched.

   Flash received it the worst. In fact, years later, when he had grown up quite a bit. He still had a tendency to look up, inside the vents to make sure no assassins were waiting for him. And some days, he still had nightmares from the descriptive tales the two heroes had told him.


   Word Count: 2043 Words

   Yeet, so this is trash. I feel like it's okay in the beginning but it turned out horrible. I don't like it, at all. It just got super rushed because I wanted to finish it tonight and get it out. Because I already feel horrible about waiting so long to write.

  But yeah, here it is. Please comment! And vote.

   And hey, if you want to request something please do! It'll make me happy to do something you guys want.

   Until my next update!

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