Volume 2

By SunbeamWaterlily

522 52 4

*completed* Here we go with round 2...me writing down my personal revelations and "aha!" moments to help enco... More

1. Frosting Covered Sins
2. Spiritual Seafoam
3. Dokimion
4. Called Then Equipped
5. Samson or Delilah?
6. God Works Hard
7. Mountain Climbing with God
8. Let God Bat For You
9. Be Chik-Fil-A
11. Gods Oil Keeps Flowing
12. Nap Through Storms
13. Foxes & Thorns
14. Accept Help or Rob Your Brother?
15. Compliment, Reject or Accept?
16. Accepting Gifts
17. What Kind Of Tree Are You?
18. Sacred Spaces
19. GA'AL
20. Are You Mary or Martha?
21. Spiritual Ligaments
22. Uneven Steps
23. Lost in Translation
24. Shabar
25. IS. WAS. YET.
26. Foxes & Thorns Part 2
27. Spiritual Junk Food
28. Joy Over Jealousy
29. Keep On Truckin
30. Placeholder
31. Joy = Strength
32. Update/Reader Check In
33. Spiritual Rock Cairns
34. Repurposed
35. Scars Tell Stories
36. Two Wolves, Heaven or Hell
37. Barley
38. Unity ≠ Uniformity
39. Unity > Division
40. Rubber Bands
In Conclusion..

10. Pride and Correction

11 2 0
By SunbeamWaterlily

There's a story in the Bible (Matthew 8:28-34, Mark 5:1-20, and Luke 8:26-33) about Jesus casting demons out of two men, and sending them into a herd of pigs, and sending the pigs off of a cliff. Poor pigs and poor pig farmer right? But sometimes our loss is someone else's gain...that's not where I'm going with this though. Immediately after Jesus had done this, the people of the town were kind of freaking out, understandably, but then they asked Jesus to leave.

I can't quite understand why the people begged Jesus to go away after they heard what he did with the demons and pigs. Were they just afraid of his power? Or were they ashamed and did not want to be judged?

It then makes me wonder how many times we shy away from God? Are we afraid of hardships or anything to do with God even though it may lead to something good? How many times do we turn away because we are ashamed of what we have done; as if he isn't a healer, a loving Father whose kind correction can help us become stronger?

We correct our own children, we get a correction from our earthly parents, why are we so afraid of receiving correction from our Heavenly Father? Mainly pride. Pride can ruin us...we should try and learn to ask for correction, and ask that we are able to respond appropriately to the corrections even though it may be uncomfortable. It's really for our own benefit.

I'll leave you with a few verses on the dangers of pride, why correction is good/why we should seek correction. 

Proverbs 16:18
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall

1 Corinthians 10:12
let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.

Hebrews 12:6
For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, & He scourges every son whom He receives.

Job 5:17
"Behold, how happy is the man whom God reproves, So do not despise the discipline of the Almighty

Proverbs 3:12
For whom the LORD loves He reproves, Even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights.

Proverbs 29:17
Correct your son, and he will give you comfort; He will also delight your soul.

Where in your life could you use correction?
I know for me it's pride for sure, I always want to think I'm doing great when I'm just doing average or less. So, asking God to humble me, to knock me down a few pegs is always quite the painful process! It's necessary though. I'd rather have God knock me on my butt than have Satan keep me focused on myself rather than God.

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